There is no need for shame when the media is in your pocket.
Leonard Gump
15 years ago
Hey it’s Democrat arithmetic! The mongrel says he visited 57 states during the campaign and says that’s not all of them. He welcomes Spanish-literate people to the White House Cinco de Mayo celebration by referring to is as “Five of Four” and nobody is getting a clue.
Only the Democrats are shameless enough to accuse Bush of cutting funding for stem cell research when he funded stem cell research at levels greater than even the Klintons. But because he didn’t write a blank check the Democrats claim it was a funding cut. And nobody got a clue.
This tax-evading adminstration is just an extension of the Chicago mob. Only the skin color has changed from the days of the “Untouchables.” These days the “Untouchables” are this guy and his krew.
15 years ago
His words might carry some moral authority had not virtually his entire cabinet and most of his other appointees been themselves Tax Cheats. (Which makes you wonder what The Won is hiding. . . . .) Talk about “fine for me but not for thee!”
15 years ago
I am sooooo totally disgusted by this morally bankrupt adminstration that I can barely hold a coherent thought. We’ve elected corruption and they have the bit in their teeth. Nothing will be allowed to get in their way – not laws, not the Constitution, not common deceny!
Old Trooper
15 years ago
A lecture from Obama is like watching the neighbors dog crap on my lawn.
I don’t hate the dog. But if his owner, Soros was holding the leash, 12 gauge 00 buckshot default would solve that issue. No tea served.
@Fit fit: Nit Wit! Where have you been hiding? Do you mind staying on topic for a change?
@Tricky Dick: It’s only an obligation, or as Biden said, our patriotic duty, for those who pay to support the socialist redistribution scheme of the left.
There was a similar scheme in Stalin’s time and if you weren’t patriotic enough you got sent to the Gulags.
He’s lecturing us about paying taxes with Tim “The Tax Cheat” Geithner?
I’m inspired. Heh. Or not.
LOL! What a POS this POTUS is.
There is no need for shame when the media is in your pocket.
Hey it’s Democrat arithmetic! The mongrel says he visited 57 states during the campaign and says that’s not all of them. He welcomes Spanish-literate people to the White House Cinco de Mayo celebration by referring to is as “Five of Four” and nobody is getting a clue.
Only the Democrats are shameless enough to accuse Bush of cutting funding for stem cell research when he funded stem cell research at levels greater than even the Klintons. But because he didn’t write a blank check the Democrats claim it was a funding cut. And nobody got a clue.
This tax-evading adminstration is just an extension of the Chicago mob. Only the skin color has changed from the days of the “Untouchables.” These days the “Untouchables” are this guy and his krew.
His words might carry some moral authority had not virtually his entire cabinet and most of his other appointees been themselves Tax Cheats. (Which makes you wonder what The Won is hiding. . . . .) Talk about “fine for me but not for thee!”
I am sooooo totally disgusted by this morally bankrupt adminstration that I can barely hold a coherent thought. We’ve elected corruption and they have the bit in their teeth. Nothing will be allowed to get in their way – not laws, not the Constitution, not common deceny!
A lecture from Obama is like watching the neighbors dog crap on my lawn.
I don’t hate the dog. But if his owner, Soros was holding the leash, 12 gauge 00 buckshot default would solve that issue. No tea served.
I totally dig the sneer, too.
Everybody loves irony
It’s an obligation of citizenship? If that’s the case, why let 70% of the citizen get away without paying anything at all. Stupid political hack.
@Fit fit: Nit Wit! Where have you been hiding? Do you mind staying on topic for a change?
@Tricky Dick: It’s only an obligation, or as Biden said, our patriotic duty, for those who pay to support the socialist redistribution scheme of the left.
There was a similar scheme in Stalin’s time and if you weren’t patriotic enough you got sent to the Gulags.
ick… a Huffpo link. I feel the need for a bath.
OK Mike. Expect a bill for the spewed coffee.
@Mark Harvey (aka Snooper): Sorry Snooper. Next coffee is on me.