Victor Davis Hanson writes about Obama’s constant apologies for those who came before him….from slavery (Europe never engaged in that practice right?), to the genocide of Indians, to nuke’s, to torture….all to get the adoration he so desires, and what else he should apologize for:
A modest suggestion: from now on, every president who wishes to go abroad and review all his lesser citizens’ collective past and present sins, with accompanying apologies — to applause from foreigners — must first, in the spirit of New Testament atonement, review his own regrettable transgressions. It would go something like this:
“Today we witness a global financial meltdown — a result of a dangerous nexus between lax politicians and unethical high finance. I know this well, and wish to apologize for taking thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the now-bankrupt AIG financial firm, which sought to escape proper regulation by offering campaign contributions to politicians like myself, who unilaterally renounced the three-decade tradition of public campaign finance.”
~~~“Racism is an insidious pathology that reaches even into the pulpit; it is a human sin that no one race has a monopoly on. I am well aware of the havoc it causes the innocent — after failing to say “No! Stop!” to my own Rev. Wright as he caricatured in my church whites, Jews, Italians, and almost anyone else who does not look like himself and our congregation. Likewise, class prejudice and stereotyping are often at the heart of much of the world’s problems; I too have engaged in such hurtful condemnations when just recently I labeled, in blanket fashion, the working class of rural Pennsylvania as xenophobes, fundamentalists, and nativists.”
“We need to adopt a new attitude toward the mentally and physically challenged; too often we flippantly make fun of the disabled, as I did, when I unthinkingly made a joke in front of a national television audience at the expense of those who participate in the Special Olympics.”
“Now turning to my country’s own regrettable past, let me begin with an apology for its . . .”
Of course to a narcissist like Obama….these apologies will never be uttered.

See author page
I’m not sure, but I think it would be a sign of the Apocalypse if we were to hear truth come from the mouth of a politician.
Hanson is always right on, that was perfect. Extremely doubtful that Obama would find fault in anything he ever said or did, there will always be an excuse or someone else to blame. He points fingers even when it isn’t necessary, quite a focused blame someone, anyone, kind of guy.
Krauthammer did a good job on him yesterday:
Hanson’s piece is a nice piece of polemics. But if he’s serious that the President should personally apologize for his own failings, as well as pastor’s failings, and the failings of every Democrat, then his suggestion doesn’t get through the partisan silliness filter.
The President represents this nation, he doesn’t represent himself, his pastor, or every Democrat.
If Hanson is saying the President shouldn’t admit our nation has made mistakes in the recent past, I disagree, but that’s a different matter.
And he apologized for the “Special Olympics” comment, but that won’t stop conservative commentators flike Hanson from cravenly milking that one for all it’s worth. BTW, I realize the President is held to a higher standard. But all the conservative bloggers who are up in arms about that comment should purge the terms “libtard,” “idiot, ” “useful idiot,” and “moron” from their diction, because they all refer to someone of below average intelligence.
What Obama SHOULD apologize for:
His party’s blockade of Bush Administration calls for MORE (that’s right, you heard that correctly: MORE) regulation of Fannie and Freddie as far back as the fall of 2003. See if this doesn’t make you pop a forehead vein:
Yes, I know, it comes from a conservative website, and the reporting is done by Fox News. Nonetheless, which party continued to push Fannie and Freddie off the cliff, and who tried to stem the tide of the housing market collapse? EVERYONE who believes that the Republicans were responsible for the collapsed housing market ought to be required to research the problem, and this video should be mandatory viewing.
To the MSM: Shame on you, you spineless, finger-pointing, blame-shifting bastards!
Jeff V
P.S. Of course, this video doesn’t explain all of the factors that led to the housing market collapse, but it should serve to answer those Bush critics who claim that the administration didn’t try hard enough to put regulatory barriers in place.
He should apologize for the stupid, toothless, rednecks on the right who buy the corporate fear-mongering lies and vote against their own best interests.