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There is something seriously wrong with you. I’d say there’s a special place in Hell for you, but it’s obvious you have no soul. If you had any shame, you’d feel it now for sure.

My special place in hell is right here on Earth, under progressive rule, and sharing the planet with losers like you, blackjack.


Hopefully not for long, you stupid profanity edited by Mata.

I see, blackjack. You can wander over and accuse Gadfly of racism, but assume a superior moral intellect here by your wishes for my demise? Chutzpah, loser.

Nor did you note that Cary came after me personally when none of my original post had anything to do with ill-wishes for his father’s death a year ago. But then, reality has no place in your progressive world, eh?

I repeat, my special hell is sharing the planet with people like you. And congrats for making the moderation filter…


Sheesh Mata, methinks the shelves must be a bit empty of Preparation H. How did we manage to pick up such a character?


See what happens when I spend my Saturday doing my Spring Cleaning and forget to take out the trash?

Glad to see the altnernate sanitation crew was standing by.

To Mata:

I could care less how much government raises from tobacco taxes. The point is the tobacco companies making addicts out of teenagers and then killing them. This is pure evil. I’d love to lose ever single dollar of tobacco tax money and live in a smoke free company.

With respect to someone who said that he/she had a relative with COPD who never smoked; this is vanishingly rare. Nothing has been researched as much as smoking and health. Smoking is — far and away — the number one cause of premature morbidity and death. And it all starts with making drug addicts of teenagers. it is evil personified.

With respect to someone who said he ran a store and he can assure me that high prices don’t keep teenagers from smoking — he is dead wrong. This has also been well studied. High prices for tobacco dramatically reduce the number of teenagers who become addicted to cigarettes.

With respect to this “free choice” business (“I choose not to smoke. I choose to wear seat belts.”). You just don’t get it. It’s not a free choice when you are are drug addict. It is as hard to quit smoking as it is to quit cocaine. The name of the game is to make drug addicts of teenagers. If a person hasn’t become a tobacco addict by age 19, the odds are great that the person never will become a tobacco addict. So the tobacco companies make addicts of teenagers and tobacco taxes are the mortal enemy of the tobacco companies.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA


Above a news story about the effect of tobacco taxes on teenage smoking.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA


If you are concerned that much about smoking then why not advocate banning it altogether? Why should adults have to pay more and more tax on such things as tobacco & alcohol – because those under age – may use it? Those under 18 shouldn’t be buying it in the first place! If existing laws were better enforced then there would be less teenage smoking and drinking.

The way I see this, the smokers are being wholly persecuted by the anti-smoking lobby. They have been painted with a scarlett letter, by others who want to force their choices and moralities on the smoker. Many non-smokers jump on the bandwagon because it doesn’t affect them or because it is the “P.C.” thing to do. They are targeting a select group of what they consider sinners, who do lack the political power and influence to fight back for their rights.

Today it’s the smokers who are being ganged up on. Who will it be tomorrow. Will you only speak out when it is your own ox being gored?

To the far left radicals:

When they make law against smokers, you will not speak out, you are not a smoker.
When they make laws against SUVs, you will not speak, you do not like SUVs.
When they make laws against classic cars, you will not speak, you do not own a classic car.
When they make laws against truckers, you will not speak, you are not a trucker.
When they make laws against fast-food, you will not speak, you do not eat fast-food.
When they make laws against drinkers, you will not speak, you are not a drinker.
When they make laws against the tax-protests, you will not speak, you are not a tax-protester.
When they make laws against meat eaters, you will not speak, you do not eat meat.
When they make laws against the religious, you will not speak, you are not a religious.
When they make laws against gun owners, you will not speak, you do not own guns.
When they make laws against the rich, you will not speak, because you are not rich.
When they make laws against the Libertarians, you will not speak, you are not Libertarian.
When they make laws against the Republicans, you will not speak, you are not a Republican.
When they make laws against the moderate Democrats, you will not speak, you are not a moderate Democrat.
When they make laws against the homeless, you will not speak, because you are not homeless.
When they make laws against the capitalist, you will not speak, because you are not a capitalist.
When they make laws against our Constitution, you will not speak, you do not support the Constitution.
When they make laws against your nation, you will not speak, you are a globalist.
When they make laws against you, there will be no one left to speak out for you.

(Ditto’s version.)

@ditto: Good list Ditto.

I would just add: When they make laws against breathing, what will libs do then?