The Obama fans may look sour – but those protesting seem happy.
Are some Republicans gleeful seeing their country go down the toilet because a Democrat is in the Oval office? Funny how news here is broadcasted when the Dow Jones was going down but not so vocal when it goes up.
15 years ago
GaffaUK, Let us know when the DOW gets to 14,900, the unemployment rate down to 4.5% adn millions get their wealth and retirement funds back, then we’ll try and help the basta** show some progress. Until then he’s still in the outhouse hole. O’Dumbo is truly like a Fart, loud, makes some feel good but it’s only hot air. I had to go out today, what world leader did the dumbest man in America insult today.
luva the scissors
15 years ago
the obama supporters look sour because they are probably nasty tempered divorcees who can’t get a boyfried. love all of the smile. favorite sign is the keep the change sign. hope you had a good time mike, wold be cool to have been at one of these.
Indigo Red left a great comment at the home planet.
He suggests that the Obama protesters left a “6” off their sign.
The sign of Obama?
I wish I had thought of that at the time. I would love to see their faces…
Thomas B.
15 years ago
Funny how liberals claim that it’s patriotic to dissent during the Bush years, but when Obama is in WH, it is treason to dissent. No doubt Obama will seek to pass laws to squelch free speech.
Dave Noble
15 years ago
It’s just as much a valid exercise of the First Amendment to protest Obama as it was to protest Bush.
Not only do you have your own America, now you have a whole planet? Cool!
Yes, Obama is the Beast. And the Whore of Babylon is riding shotgun. According to John Haggee that would be the Roman Catholic Church. But wait a minute, that can’t be right.
They don’t even want the President to speak at the Notre Dame graduation.
Hubby is from Savannah, GA. We still have family there. I just love those South Carolinians for their protest. WTG! I gave my mother-in-law the information on the Savannah Tea Party. She more than likely will join. I found out she has protested before! So glad to see the happy faces. I will ignore the sour faces!
15 years ago
So…who’s the sock puppet? You would think that if someone was going to spend the time making one, they would spend the time coming up with an intelligent comment.
@Lightbringer: It’s flattering that these sock puppets care enough to mock me. Clearly I am doing something right when the Alinskyites attack.
John ryan
15 years ago
Mike when I looked at your site and followed the link to all the photos taken that day and posted on photobucket. I saw one that looked like at least 3 times as many Obama supporters here is that link. Oh and Mike none of those 5 in the pic here seem to be in the one showing 15 supporters so probably there were at least 20 Obama supporters there. Maybe there were more but that is all that can be seen in YOUR posted pictures. Perhaps you might like to reestimate the numbers present on both sides ????
15 years ago
I cannot wait to report on the protest Tea Party in West Chester! From the repsonses I alone am receiving, we should number in the hundreds!
@John ryan: The same sour bunch appeared in several photographs. There may have been one or two from that group not in that photograph. Like votes in an election, you are merely counting them TWICE.
As usual, you miss the point in a vain attempt to play “gotcha.”
You really should have learned your lesson by now.
Mike's Dumbmerica
15 years ago
Funny how this sour bunch claims they represent “66%” of Americans and yet nearly 200 turn out to protest Obama and only this sorry handful show up to support their socialist savior!
Maybe because their guy got elected president and is about to put people like you into re-education camps where you belong. Why should masses of people come to counterprotest a bunch of losers who like getting teabagged? Knock yourselves out, teabaggers!
@Mike’s Dumbmerica: Let’s leave asswipe’s comment above up there shall we? Usually we delete the fruit fly but he makes an interesting threat:
“their guy got elected president and is about to put people like you into re-education camps where you belong.”
All throughout the Bush years these same hate filled lefties with more bile than brains claimed Bush was Hitler and that they feared we would put them all in concentration camps before Bush was through.
And yet their guy is acting more and more like a dictator. Some even comparing Obama’s early actions to Hugo Chavez.
Now, threats to imprison political opponents.
Have these people no shame?
Clearly they do not.
Now, crawl back under your rock idiot. Further comments will be deleted.
Hard Right
15 years ago
Hey troll boy, I’d like to see the obomination try that.
Fit fit
15 years ago
The anti-Sanford rally was four times the size of your sad little tea party.
@Fit fit: You mean in a city that has a hundred times the population of Bluffton they could only get out a crowd 4 times as large?
That says it all right there don’t you think?
15 years ago
Taking into consideration that one protest was union goon rent-a-mob not wanting to miss out of that wad of stimulus money from the government vs a grass roots effort attempting to bring attention to the burden of taxation being imposed on this nation’s citizens, sadly, you win on that Fit fit.
You got to be as dumb as a post to have voted for Obama.
The Obama fans may look sour – but those protesting seem happy.
Are some Republicans gleeful seeing their country go down the toilet because a Democrat is in the Oval office? Funny how news here is broadcasted when the Dow Jones was going down but not so vocal when it goes up.
GaffaUK, Let us know when the DOW gets to 14,900, the unemployment rate down to 4.5% adn millions get their wealth and retirement funds back, then we’ll try and help the basta** show some progress. Until then he’s still in the outhouse hole. O’Dumbo is truly like a Fart, loud, makes some feel good but it’s only hot air. I had to go out today, what world leader did the dumbest man in America insult today.
the obama supporters look sour because they are probably nasty tempered divorcees who can’t get a boyfried. love all of the smile. favorite sign is the keep the change sign. hope you had a good time mike, wold be cool to have been at one of these.
Indigo Red left a great comment at the home planet.
He suggests that the Obama protesters left a “6” off their sign.
The sign of Obama?
I wish I had thought of that at the time. I would love to see their faces…
Funny how liberals claim that it’s patriotic to dissent during the Bush years, but when Obama is in WH, it is treason to dissent. No doubt Obama will seek to pass laws to squelch free speech.
It’s just as much a valid exercise of the First Amendment to protest Obama as it was to protest Bush.
Not only do you have your own America, now you have a whole planet? Cool!
Yes, Obama is the Beast. And the Whore of Babylon is riding shotgun. According to John Haggee that would be the Roman Catholic Church. But wait a minute, that can’t be right.
They don’t even want the President to speak at the Notre Dame graduation.
Hubby is from Savannah, GA. We still have family there. I just love those South Carolinians for their protest. WTG! I gave my mother-in-law the information on the Savannah Tea Party. She more than likely will join. I found out she has protested before! So glad to see the happy faces. I will ignore the sour faces!
So…who’s the sock puppet? You would think that if someone was going to spend the time making one, they would spend the time coming up with an intelligent comment.
@Lightbringer: It’s flattering that these sock puppets care enough to mock me. Clearly I am doing something right when the Alinskyites attack.
Mike when I looked at your site and followed the link to all the photos taken that day and posted on photobucket. I saw one that looked like at least 3 times as many Obama supporters here is that link. Oh and Mike none of those 5 in the pic here seem to be in the one showing 15 supporters so probably there were at least 20 Obama supporters there. Maybe there were more but that is all that can be seen in YOUR posted pictures. Perhaps you might like to reestimate the numbers present on both sides ????
I cannot wait to report on the protest Tea Party in West Chester! From the repsonses I alone am receiving, we should number in the hundreds!
@John ryan: The same sour bunch appeared in several photographs. There may have been one or two from that group not in that photograph. Like votes in an election, you are merely counting them TWICE.
As usual, you miss the point in a vain attempt to play “gotcha.”
You really should have learned your lesson by now.
Maybe because their guy got elected president and is about to put people like you into re-education camps where you belong. Why should masses of people come to counterprotest a bunch of losers who like getting teabagged? Knock yourselves out, teabaggers!
@Mike’s Dumbmerica: Let’s leave asswipe’s comment above up there shall we? Usually we delete the fruit fly but he makes an interesting threat:
“their guy got elected president and is about to put people like you into re-education camps where you belong.”
All throughout the Bush years these same hate filled lefties with more bile than brains claimed Bush was Hitler and that they feared we would put them all in concentration camps before Bush was through.
And yet their guy is acting more and more like a dictator. Some even comparing Obama’s early actions to Hugo Chavez.
Now, threats to imprison political opponents.
Have these people no shame?
Clearly they do not.
Now, crawl back under your rock idiot. Further comments will be deleted.
Hey troll boy, I’d like to see the obomination try that.
The anti-Sanford rally was four times the size of your sad little tea party.
@Fit fit: You mean in a city that has a hundred times the population of Bluffton they could only get out a crowd 4 times as large?
That says it all right there don’t you think?
Taking into consideration that one protest was union goon rent-a-mob not wanting to miss out of that wad of stimulus money from the government vs a grass roots effort attempting to bring attention to the burden of taxation being imposed on this nation’s citizens, sadly, you win on that Fit fit.
@Mike’s America:
Let’s see what kind of crowds the April 15th events bring out.