no big surprise here… the flood lights were off.. the room lights were off…
it looked like the TV and maybe a computer was on…
is that okay with you MIKE??
another one of your BS stories
Hard Right
15 years ago
Typical CRAP. Don’t address the issue or the other facts involved. Pick
a minor one and act as though it’s proof gore isn’t a hypocrite…like CRAP.
I’ve known what scum PETA is for a few years now thanks to that site.
Penn and Teller did a BS! show on PETA and it is clear it’s
typical leftist operating procedure. Claim to be for something and use
it as a bludgeon against the opposition. They don’t truly believe in it.
It’s just another way to grab power and money.
I clearly stated that the main floodlights on the house were off. Don’t you read CRAP?
And yes, the lights in the house were dimmed so that the observer could clearly see the flicker of the big plasma TV’s from the street. How much more energy was wasted with that?
But you cannot deny that these photos show the landscape lights ON:
Thousands of watts wasted so Al Gore can light up his trees!
Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its general intent. Therefore, a organization ran by Liberals to save animals kills them make perfect sense in their twisted universe.
If liberals are your enemies you ought to know your enemies better:
“Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its general intent. Therefore, a organization ran by Liberals to save animals kills them make perfect sense in their twisted universe.”
That kind of simplistic demonization prevents you from making a cogent critique of liberal policies.
Even Hamas and Hezbollah do some good.
Time Traveller
15 years ago
Aye Aye – the use of the word “Liberal” is different in the USA than other western democracies.
Politically some Conservative Parties are called The Liberals when they are in a 2 party system against The Labor party for example.
Just adding to general understanding 🙂
15 years ago
I like to think about this report as a “reverse Alinsky.” His rule (for radicals) number 4 was something about making your opponent live up to its principles.
@ Dave Noble. Simplistic, yes. Liberals are simple. Demonization, no. It is the truth.
Please name a Liberal program, ideology, policy, etc that generates its general intent.
Here is a list that does NOT:
Liberal Education does not educate
Abortion kills and lacks choice for the child
Economic policies kill Capitalism and traps lower income families in their class
Welfare does not help the poor. It traps them in poverty
New Society programs did not help communities. It destroyed families, communities and society.
Affirmative action does not help minorities. It creates unqualified students and employees that did not earn nor handle. Look at drop out rates in colleges and foreclosures rates.
Art programs that create crucifixes in urine that is not art
Liberal diplomacy that empowers our enemies, not challenges them
Liberal energy policy is not helpful. It drives costs up and limits resources.
Liberal labor policy does not aid the worker. Unions cost jobs by driving up labor costs.
Raising the minimum wage did not help anyone. It cost jobs and harmed employers.
I could go on, but I think I made my simple, evil point.
this web site tells a different story than what your web site came up with on that night…
no big surprise here… the flood lights were off.. the room lights were off…
it looked like the TV and maybe a computer was on…
is that okay with you MIKE??
another one of your BS stories
Typical CRAP. Don’t address the issue or the other facts involved. Pick
a minor one and act as though it’s proof gore isn’t a hypocrite…like CRAP.
I’ve known what scum PETA is for a few years now thanks to that site.
Penn and Teller did a BS! show on PETA and it is clear it’s
typical leftist operating procedure. Claim to be for something and use
it as a bludgeon against the opposition. They don’t truly believe in it.
It’s just another way to grab power and money.
@Real American Patriot: WRONG AGAIN.
I clearly stated that the main floodlights on the house were off. Don’t you read CRAP?
And yes, the lights in the house were dimmed so that the observer could clearly see the flicker of the big plasma TV’s from the street. How much more energy was wasted with that?
But you cannot deny that these photos show the landscape lights ON:
Thousands of watts wasted so Al Gore can light up his trees!
Is that clear enough for you CRAP???
I guess if you are still feeling defensive over the FACT that Al Gore uses 20 TIMES THE ELECTRICITY OF THE AVERAGE AMERICAN you resort to your tactics.
@Real American Patriot:
Sorry Sky55110, your source doesn’t say what you claim it does.
What am I gonna believe? The photographs of Algore’s home or an Internet myrmidon?
Yeah, that’s not a difficult choice.
Another FAIL for you.
Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its general intent. Therefore, a organization ran by Liberals to save animals kills them make perfect sense in their twisted universe.
A good video to check out about PETA’s hypocrisy
If liberals are your enemies you ought to know your enemies better:
“Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its general intent. Therefore, a organization ran by Liberals to save animals kills them make perfect sense in their twisted universe.”
That kind of simplistic demonization prevents you from making a cogent critique of liberal policies.
Even Hamas and Hezbollah do some good.
Aye Aye – the use of the word “Liberal” is different in the USA than other western democracies.
Politically some Conservative Parties are called The Liberals when they are in a 2 party system against The Labor party for example.
Just adding to general understanding 🙂
I like to think about this report as a “reverse Alinsky.” His rule (for radicals) number 4 was something about making your opponent live up to its principles.
@Dave Noble said: “Even Hamas and Hezbollah do some good.”
Yeah, and Hitler made the trains run on time in Germany too.
You’re twisted Dave!
@ Dave Noble. Simplistic, yes. Liberals are simple. Demonization, no. It is the truth.
Please name a Liberal program, ideology, policy, etc that generates its general intent.
Here is a list that does NOT:
Liberal Education does not educate
Abortion kills and lacks choice for the child
Economic policies kill Capitalism and traps lower income families in their class
Welfare does not help the poor. It traps them in poverty
New Society programs did not help communities. It destroyed families, communities and society.
Affirmative action does not help minorities. It creates unqualified students and employees that did not earn nor handle. Look at drop out rates in colleges and foreclosures rates.
Art programs that create crucifixes in urine that is not art
Liberal diplomacy that empowers our enemies, not challenges them
Liberal energy policy is not helpful. It drives costs up and limits resources.
Liberal labor policy does not aid the worker. Unions cost jobs by driving up labor costs.
Raising the minimum wage did not help anyone. It cost jobs and harmed employers.
I could go on, but I think I made my simple, evil point.
@11B40: Just think of me as the Anti-Alinksy.
In every way, shape, manner and form.