He is nationalizing private industry, it’s called socialism, folks. Why is everyone so surprised and dumbfounded about his actions and statements? When are we stopping him, removing him from the power to do these things? Will we just sit back and close our eyes, and hum away?
15 years ago
Makes me glad we drive Ford/Lincoln vehicles.
I hope Ford can Stay away from asking for any kind of bailout in the future.
I know that one of the reasons is they secured a huge credit line a couple of years ago which is why they haven’t been begging for bailout money at this time.
But I don’t want to see the gov’t. being able to dictate to GM or Chrysler.
That just has disaster written all over it, IMO.
15 years ago
You mean a bunch of washington insiders know how to run the auto industry better than those inside the industry?
So should everyone bring their cars to the Rose Garden to be serviced by Mr. Goodwrench Obama?
BTW if George W. Bush or Sarah Palin had misspelled warranty as ‘warrantee’ the Pres and the talk shows would be lambasting them for months.
Not a big deal, but Obama didn’t mispell “warrantee,” Reuters did. Obama’s remarks were oral. Reuters printed a transcript. If you look at the Reuters article, you see that in the heading they spell “warranty” correctly and then spell it incorrectly in the text below.
15 years ago
The task force noted, for instance, that GM earns a “disproportionate share of its profits from high-margin trucks and SUVs and is thus vulnerable to energy cost-driven shifts in consumer demand.” Moreover, according to the summary, “absent the successful introduction of a number of new-generation nameplates,” GM is “more vulnerable” to heightened fuel-efficiency standards.
@MrObson: Nanny State Technocrats have been trying to force the auto companies to make and sell only the cars THEY think Americans should have. Freedom of choice, which only seems to apply when libs want abortions, is being tossed aside.
Why don’t the Nannies just tell us all to ride bicycles and take the bus. You know they want to.
Meanwhile, they’ll be safe and comfortable in their bullet proof SUV’s and limos.
Got this one form twitter
Successful government car companies http://tinyurl.com/cwsyz3
He is nationalizing private industry, it’s called socialism, folks. Why is everyone so surprised and dumbfounded about his actions and statements? When are we stopping him, removing him from the power to do these things? Will we just sit back and close our eyes, and hum away?
Makes me glad we drive Ford/Lincoln vehicles.
I hope Ford can Stay away from asking for any kind of bailout in the future.
I know that one of the reasons is they secured a huge credit line a couple of years ago which is why they haven’t been begging for bailout money at this time.
But I don’t want to see the gov’t. being able to dictate to GM or Chrysler.
That just has disaster written all over it, IMO.
You mean a bunch of washington insiders know how to run the auto industry better than those inside the industry?
That’s audacity.
@olderone: We do need to do more than bitch about this:
Has anybody done a scholarly caluclation of the half-life of an Obama promise>
my not-scholarly estimat is about 14 seconds at stand conditions.
@Larry Sheldon:
They were calling him a repeat offender this morning on local radio due to unbroken promises.
The people who can’t even run their own bank, running a car company?
Should I laugh or cry?
So should everyone bring their cars to the Rose Garden to be serviced by Mr. Goodwrench Obama?
BTW if George W. Bush or Sarah Palin had misspelled warranty as ‘warrantee’ the Pres and the talk shows would be lambasting them for months.
Sorry, that should read ‘Press’ not ‘Pres’.
Not a big deal, but Obama didn’t mispell “warrantee,” Reuters did. Obama’s remarks were oral. Reuters printed a transcript. If you look at the Reuters article, you see that in the heading they spell “warranty” correctly and then spell it incorrectly in the text below.
so the task force, in its inifinite wisdom, declared that gm stop producing these profitable vehicles, thereby eliminating any chance for gm.
@MrObson: Nanny State Technocrats have been trying to force the auto companies to make and sell only the cars THEY think Americans should have. Freedom of choice, which only seems to apply when libs want abortions, is being tossed aside.
Why don’t the Nannies just tell us all to ride bicycles and take the bus. You know they want to.
Meanwhile, they’ll be safe and comfortable in their bullet proof SUV’s and limos.