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You need ot work on that. You could use some articulate conservative spokespeople.

I can’t believe I watched an MSNBC clip.

Love that man’s use of language.

Larry Sheldon: Love that man’s use of language.

… and all without a telepromper, eh Larry?

I’ve heard this guy twice now and I’m quite impressed. We don’t have a well spoken and credible opposition right now in the US, but hopefully someone will emerge and start speaking plainly and connect with the masses who aren’t paying attention to the government driving off the cliff in a Thunderbird…

Actually we do have at least one–her name is Sarah Palin.

And we need to raise the Plumbers and the Builders, and….. and make sre they have a place to stand.

Yeah–I commented somewhere the first time I saw the “devalued” clip that he didn’t use a TelePrompter

He really is good.

I’m still chuckling about his “blinking mole” bit.

I’m not sure but I think In England that is a pun.

Larry, you can take Hannan’s blinking mole comment on face value, it’s quite funny as is, especially if you have see Mervyn King whom he is referring too. Mr. King usually says very little, and the recent meeting with Lizzie about the state of the economy(aka, we are broke Mam), billed quaintly as ‘King meets Queen’ in the MSM was a far far louder signal from the men in the grey suits to Gordon that any speech in parliament could have been. Lizzie acts and looks mostly like a ceremonial tourist attraction, but, fact is, she can put a stop to the Labour government at anytime, that is, she holds the constitutional equivalent to the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch, just that her version is nuclear.

On the rest, I’m really sorry, but, we’re keeping Hannan to ourselves as the one remaining specimen of a proper politician (the last blueprint, lol), but, we’d be happy to lend him to you guys sometimes, but not too often 😀

That said, the sad thing is that he is also in a minority in the Conservative party — they changed into a less rabid version of the Labour party in the past few years in order to lose the ‘nasty Tory’ label, so, electing Cameron means to put another Tony Blair type guy in. So, don’t get your hopes up, the professional politician caste who don’t care about politics but about their nice jobs, junkets and bribes will prevail either way.

Book tip: The Triumph of the Political Classes

I think the same thing is true in the US and in modern democracies anywhere, alas.

We have a number of leaders here that are every bit as articulate, clear and sophisticated. The “Purists” tear them down for tiny or imagined slights and the “Republicannibals” evicerate them for everything for not being “moderate” enough to appeal to the so called middle.

We Do need that guy on this side of the pond !

I did suspect that the 2 hosts on msnbc were referring to Bush, not Obama, when they spoke of our gov’t. spending too much.

I have a friend in England I’ve been emailing with since 2001.
She and her husband Despise PM Brown.
When I mentioned him being slighted by Obama when he visited here, she said Brown was probably too dense to notice he’d been slighted !
Oh my.


That said, the sad thing is that he is also in a minority in the Conservative party — they changed into a less rabid version of the Labour party in the past few years in order to lose the ‘nasty Tory’ label, so, electing Cameron means to put another Tony Blair type guy in. So, don’t get your hopes up, the professional politician caste who don’t care about politics but about their nice jobs, junkets and bribes will prevail either way.

The Tories have been a bad joke and an unelectable shambles from 1990 to 2005. Major was fortunate to win in 1992 (fortunate in that the alternative in Kinnock was notably worst) and he was a poor PM. After that the leaders – Hague (who won back a net 1 seat back! And we still have the pound), IDS – didn’t even get to have a go, and Michael Howard’s poor decision to concentrate overly on immigration. Lurching to the right after Major was a mistake – the right didn’t have a leader with the calibre of Thatcher – with the possible exception of Portillo at one time. Basically the Tories hardly landed any punches on Labour for over a decade when they were sent in the wilderness.

Cameron has better leadership qualities and is more appealing to voters than any other leader since Thatcher – and is far better than the dullard and incompetent Brown. Labour had to move to the middle to get away from the Trotsky end of their party – they had to modernise. Similarly it has taken the Tories over a decade to finally understand they too had to move into the centre. You can win elections if you are not a centerist BUT you better be convincing.