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What hardship, the jive talk has made him rich.

how true it is, i will be stealing this video, every one needs to see it.

I saw this the other day – this video is scarier than any horror movie I have seen. The guy decidedly does not have what it takes to lead our country.

this guy is unbelievable. hard to believe he is the president of the united states. sissy acting fool.very embarrasing watching him make a fool of himself. scary, scary, that he is president.

You wonder what drug the ACTING president was on.

Just embarrassing to Americans. Isn’t that what the left liked to say about Bush when it was no such thing.

This is normal behavior for Obama, I’m just surprised people didn’t realize it before hand. This guy is pathetic and dangerous. When this country suffers another attack, we will have all you lesson teachers that voted for this fool to thank. There is a time and place for lessons, our National security and financial stability is not among them.

The real fright is that 60 minutes is not a live show, and if necesary can be edited. I’m not saying that the One would mandate such a thing, or that 60 minutes would be willing to edit to his benefit, like most left leaning productions would.
But, if this is what we were allowed to watch, what else might be in the interview? Was it more of the same or was he more serious about the state of his presidency?

What I don’t understand is why anyone still watches 60 Mintues. They are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. 60 Minutes (along with CBS News, ABC News, NBC News…the so-called “news” media of the left) haven’t yet told the people of this nation the truth about our economy…about how the Fed is monetizing the national debt…about how the Chinese and the Japanese who hold $1.2 Trillion in treasury bills are not likely to sit by and watch those treasury bills be devalued as the Fed buys T-bills from the US Treasury Department. 60 Minutes hasn’t told the people of this nation that the government has only three ways in which it can raise money. 1) taxes 2.)borrow the money by selling T-bills and 3.) printing the money. 60 Minutes has not reported to the American people that the enormous spending plans of the Obama Administration and the corrupt Democrat Congress cannot be financed by taxing the people. Nor have they reported that the Chinese and the Japanese are no longer buying our T-bills enough to finance our government’s plans. 60 Minutes has not reported that the only recourse that our goverment has is either default on its debts (i.e. refuse to pay back the money it borrowed when it sold its T-bills) or else it must print the money. It has, at least for now, chosen to print up new money to pay for the new goverment spending. It has chosen to devalue the dollars that you and I currently hold. This is the most significant economic development of this decade…perhaps since World War II. Yet 60 Minutes has been silent and failed to inform the American people. Isn’t it time that you stopped watching 60 Minutes and turned on the real news? The real news is reported by Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck on Foxnews. The real news is reported by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and ….dare I say it.?!?…Flopping Aces.

R. P. Reitz

I thought it was really special that our president could go on TV and laugh at our problems. That’s nice! The man has no clue what he’s doing, therefore he must laugh instead of giving real answers. I wish I could say I can’t believe the free pass the media is giving him, but it’s just business as usual with them. I don’t expect any responsible journalism anymore. But lets just face it – if Bush had gone on TV and laughed and spoke the way Obama did, we’d be hearing a very different tune from the media right now. That’s for sure.

He seemed gleeful about stealing so much money. Wow. And he looked stoned. Drug testing seems in order.

What a bunch of whining hogwash. The people who believe this have had their standards lowered so much from the previous eight years that they can’t understand a person who can really deliver a talk without murdering the English language and making a fool of himself in front of the country and as in the previous administration, the world. As for LimPbaugh, O’reilly and Hannity, they wouldn’t know real, not made up news, if if bit them in the a–. After all their own boss Mr Murdock stated “We are not a FACT FINDING organization”. LimPbaugh(viagra helps this) says that anyone using drugs should be in jail. How did he escape??? I guess the same way the previous three “Leaders”?? got out of the military. Oh well the left has other problems of their own, like trying to find a leader of the party. Lord knows they sure need one.

a person who can really deliver a talk without murdering the English language and making a fool of himself in front of the country

You mean this guy:

or maybe you mean this guy:

or this one:

He shore duz talk purty.


Thanks for playing though.