The Left’s Hypocrisy Over Obama’s Special Olympic Jab


Compare this:

To this:

Boy, we dodged a bullet eh? /sarc

And if you check out the lefty blogs you get the gambit. From saying “hey, Bush was just as bad,” to calling the outrage a “bunch of pc whiners!” You heard that right….a lefty complaining about PC. Then there are those who say “get over it,” he is a “off-the-cuff type person.” My favorite has to be Alan Colmes actually asking if people were offended by jokes from Bush during the White House Correspondents Dinner. Yeah, the venue where jokes of every kind, offensive and non-offensive, are expected.

Nope, no hypocrisy here.

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There is no point in pointing out the hypocrisy on the left. In fact, it can’t even be correctly called “hypocrisy” any more. It is beyond hypocrisy. It is the delusional belief in their own infallibility, that whatever they do is correct because it is them – the left – that is doing it.

Sarah’s clear joy as a mom and love for her children, is just how I feel about my five children.

My daughter with Down’s is now 19. She is amazing! She is tenacious and sensible. Here’s an example of something she ‘s got down pat that evidently the Wheelin’ Dealin’ Money Bags and Sugah-Daddies on The Hill don’t have figured out yet.

She goes to the store with say ten bucks. She picks out a book or something to buy. She never once attempts to spend more than she has. She carefully looks over whatever book she is wanting to get until she finds the price. She doesn’t come begging me for more money, and she doesn’t try to pay with Monopoly money either.

She sings in an annual “Idol” competition here and has flourished. And yes, she bowls!!! She may not get the highest score, and she may not yet have broke a hundred. But she is a good sport and doesn’t call others names like Mr. Obama does. I taught my kids from toddlers on how unattractive “sour grapes” are.

If left to only my emotions, I guess I could cry to hear The President for how he diminished the special abilities of the angels that walk among us. But I’d rather release my emotions crying watching Sarah with her Trig, that touched my heart and I know that same experience.

Don’t watch these videos back to back….it will bring a tear to your eye’s with the love Palin has for her child juxtaposed against the off the cuff (poor) attempt at humor.

What the h*ll is the leader of the free world going on a talk show for? This is just depressing.

Gov.Palin shows a deep seated love of life….UhBamUh shows his contempt.
Without his “little buddy” sidekick the teleprompter he exposes the empty-suit he is.

Liberals? Hypocrisy? Gasp! *snark*

There is no point in pointing out the hypocrisy on the left.

To be fair, maybe they just don’t know the definition of “hypocrisy.” Hey, given some of the really stupid things the left has pulled before and lately, that is a definite possibility.

Does anyone think the President, no matter what you think of him otherwise, intended to make fun of those Hattie Mae rightly calls “the angels who walk among us?” The President was making fun of himself.

Let’s be honest. When someone says for example “I must have been blind” does anyone think the speaker is making fun of the visually impaired?

There are plenty of things to criticize President Obama for. This is not one of them. And further, it’s an attempt to make political hay by invoking the plight of those “angels.” Hattie, if you were offended by the President’s comment, although I do not speak for him, I am sorry for any pain you may have been caused.

God bless Sarah Palin and Trig and God Bless Hattie and her daugther.

If you really care about those angels, you can show it best by contributing to the Special Olympics or volunteering to help out at a Special Olympics event.

@Dave Noble: Funny how Dave trys to make the case that this “joke” is no big deal then attempts to accuse me of making a similar joke in my statement on Geithner-Gibbs-Obama incompetence.

The only joke here Dave is YOU!

Dave, as to whether or not the words from Obama hurt me…NOPE. I have learned a long time ago by now to keep a relaxed mental attitude.

But please be real. He was not making fun of himself so much as grinning from ear to ear, thinking he was cute, all 129 points cute. Our cute pop president,feigning self-depracation. :rolleyes:

And the fact is, the left wants to hold the right to a higher standard, but when their cute pop Prez lacks the social graces let alone maturity to speak like a leader, the left wants to say, “No big deal.”

Til Obama trades “The Beast” for a short bus, he ain’t sorry.

And the worst part of this whole thing? He is on Leno and promoting his image as cute and cool, when our country, our present circumstances beg for true leadership.

Now I am not saying anything personally about gay people. But you know what? If he had said his bowling score is so gay, guess what might have put the left folk flat on their butts?!?

@Dave Noble: so dave, if i asked all the obama voters if they want watermelon and fried chicken for a banquet, it that racist? i think it shows the ever evolving bad taste of obama. he is ignorant, arrogant and selfish. i hope the backlash slaps him hard. i can call him “retarded” because he is, he is morally retarded!

So that’s what it’s about, ultimately.

Not about the special folks, but about how much you hate Obama.

You can find that here any day on any post and any thread. You don’t need this subject to trigger it.

Hattie, again, God bless you and you and your daughter, but there is a boatload of politicization going on here that doesn’t have a bit to do with special folks.

Again if anyone wants to do something for special folks, go do something for the Special Olympics. This thread isn’t about them, it’s about Obama.


Just go look at the thread on the MLK bust if you want to see a whole lot uglier than watermelon and fried chicken.


Since you are being characteristically stubborn about this, you implied that Robert Gibbs with his stuttering seemed like he was special.

Dave Noble: So that’s what it’s about, ultimately.

Not about the special folks, but about how much you hate Obama.

You can find that here any day on any post and any thread. You don’t need this subject to trigger it.

Well lookie here… one of our token Flopping Aces BDS icons accusing us of ODS? LOL

Does it get under your skin, Dave? Do you find it frustrating that people have an irrational hatred that interferes with sane politics? Doesn’t it frustrate the tar out of you??

Welcome to the alternative universe, Mr. Noble. We’ve had eight years of it from the likes of you and compadres. It matters not that the charge you level isn’t true… at least as far as I’m personally concerned. I don’t give Obama a second thought as a person who I would know. I do despise his domestic agenda, but I’m okay on his Iraq and Afghanistan policy thus far.

But oh, you have made me smile today! Thank you. There is a sweetness to life afterall… watching you writhing in annoyance. :0)

BTW, if I were you, I wouldn’t be pointing any fingers at anyone for less than tolerant behavior. Our archives are vast, and your presence in them, plentiful. Please don’t hold yourself up as the bastion of fairness and light.

On the Leno comment, I’m with you, Curt. I’ve not put in my 2 cents since it doesn’t bother me a bit. Obama’s pretty much like most pols and pundits… a humorless nerd and geek. It was, IMHO, just his clumsy attempt at humor.

But you know Dave Noble. He has had this habit – since I first appeared here on FA – on prounouncing blanket judgments of everyone on the forum and the authors if he doesn’t like a few comments on a thread. According to him, we’re supposed to be the comment police at all times. I wish I could count the times he came in with DNC talking points merely to accuse us of GOP talking points. LOL

Ah yes… now that we know he’s bothered by what he perceives as ODS, we just may have to have fun with it.

DAVE, SERIOUSLY I THINK YOU SHOULD PACK YOUR BAGS AND MOVE IN WITH OBAMA. i think that he is tasteless and an ignorant, arrogant person who thinks he can say and do whatever he pleases to whomever he pleases. i have a friend who has bi-racial children, one of them is special needs. she is terribly offended by his use of his 12% blackness as a crutch, she was outraged by the special olympics remark. she thinks he needs to be impeached, could be taking it a bit to far, but her outrage at much of his behavior is real and warrented. he claims to be sensitive to nasty remarks because of his race, well which race are we talking about, i guess he also has a bit of irish in him also so he really just need to know he is a mutt liket he rest of us.

I see that Dave Noble stopped by and put forth an extremely lame attempt to defend the indefensible.

Somehow I’m not surprised.

I don’t hold myself up as anything. And this isn’t about me.

What bothered me on this thread was the meretricious use of special needs children as a pretext.


How insincere of you to start the MLK bust thread, do nothing to stop the ugliness displayed on it, and then swoop in at the last minute, after the damage was done.

How “insincere”? ‘scuse me, Dave Noble? Am I the mother hen of everyone here? I gave it some time for everyone to straighten their act out. I stepped in when it became nothing but a spitting match between a few warring factions.

And now it’s my fault for posting a news story.

Blow it out your ear.

@Dave Noble said: “this isn’t about me.”

You had me fooled.

Now, back to topic.

Sarah Palin responds to Obie:

“I was shocked to learn of the comment made by President Obama about Special Olympics,” Governor Palin said. “This was a degrading remark about our world’s most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world.

“These athletes overcome more challenges, discrimination and adversity than most of us ever will. By the way, these athletes can outperform many of us and we should be proud of them. I hope President Obama’s comments do not reflect how he truly feels about the special needs community.”

Dave told us the other day that his skin was as thick as a Tyrannosaurus Rex.


Well, Aye.. you have to consider Dave’s reading disability. He thought it was all about a “meretricious use of special needs children”, when the thread and comments have plainly been about the hypocrisy of the left. Funny he didn’t consider the DNC use of the New Orleans Katrina residents “meretricious” when they decided to use that to accuse Bush of hating the black population there.

But those blinded by hatred rarely can look at themselves in the mirror and see an honest reflection.

The mere sight of Obama fills me with disgust and loathing.
For such a conman and incompetant to sit in the office of POTUS, is an absurdity that sadly only reflects the foolishness and gullibility of the people who voted for him.
Everyday we see more and more proof of his utter incompetance.
Already we all know he is a crazed socialist idealogue, even Warren Buffet, Cramer all get it.
But what many still don’t get is that Obama’s IQ is lower than that of a chimpanzee. Yes, he can talk, yes he can con gullible and not-so-smart people. But when it comes to managing complex and uncertain geopolitical matters or bringing back the economy, gentlemen, you just chose someone who is too small for the job.
Obama is a dumbass, if you haven’t noticed by now.
I can say with all honesty that GWB looks like a genius compared to this dumbass, incompetant present POTUS.