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This just shows he is an empty suit. What is sad, is he didn’t even know. This shows how out of touch he is about what is going on immediately around him and makes you wonder what else he is missing in HIS administration.

The other thing I noticed is that Conservatives are the only ones who are catching this. If Bush had done this, it would be all over the MSM. After saying that, I just realized Bush wouldn’t have done this. He would have noticed it wasn’t his speech.


as you repeat these things, these misfires in obama’s brilliance to his fans they get defensive, they say he has so much on his plate that he possibly can’t be expected to be perfect. umm, why not? the left expected bush to be perfect (a perfect dumbass), and if he even paused they were sure he was retarded. being president isn’t easy for the best prepared man, but when you go into the job with zero in executive experience and never having a real job there are going to be these types of mistakes, and i love to point them out. this also shows that obama has a far to heavy reliance on the teleprompter and isn’t bright enough to talk his way out of a paper bag. bush said what he felt, he found his own way to say what he wanted, obama is just trying to remember what he is supposed to be saying for all his puppetmasters.

We we already know that uhhhh that well, he uhhhhh is just lost without his uhhhh teleprompter.
Now, it seems that he is uhhhhhh a mindless drone by doing this.

I’m no Bush cheerleader and had issues with some choices, the left painted him out to be “the head chimp in charge” If the same is done for Obama, racism will be shouted!

“The other thing I noticed is that Conservatives are the only ones who are catching this…”
I am sure that they are not the ONLY ones catching it. The rest of the MSM is giving yet another pass to their lord and god … Obama. There will be many passes given to him over the next four years. The MSM will only turn on him when a good majority do or something REALLY scandalous hits and can sell papers/air time.

The MSM won’t turn on him unless he turns on them. Hell, they are
working together to push Obama’s and the dem’s agenda.
They bury the unfavorable news on their behalf

I’d also like to stress the fact that this mishap occurred during the SECOND of two identical speeches Obama gave. You would think that after doing it right the first time he might have had the sense to see that the wrong words were on his teleprompter screen.

I’ll give the Irish Prime Minister a pass here as he may not be as accustomed to using a teleprompter every time he opens his mouth.

Stay classy San Diego!

I’m waiting for Obama to start saying “Nook – yuh – luhr.” Then what is the MSM going to do? Lobby Merriam-Webster to have the preferred pronunciation changed?

Jeff V

Obama starring in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure!

Powerline picked up my 3 AM video:


Seems some other folks are getting in on the action too with teleprompter vids:

“They say that uh, uh, ah, uh….”

Teleprompther in Chief:

And Rush Limbaugh has this:


Important Questions for President Obama’s Teleprompter

“Teleprompter, in your opinion, how is President Obama doing so far? Did he convey the level of anger you hopped for regarding what you told him to say about AIG? Teleprompter, is the president ever argumentative with you, or is he compliant with your instructions? Teleprompter, have you ever thought about helping Secretary Geithner, or do you work for just one person? Teleprompter, how are you and the First Lady getting along? Are you dating anybody, teleprompter? Mac or PC? There’s a rumor, teleprompter, that you send out a small shock to the president when he mispronounces words or mangles phrases you tell him to say, or that you can even make him cough. Is that true?

“Teleprompter, in private, is Joe Biden as buffoonish in private as he is in public? Tell us. We want to know. How does it feel, teleprompter, to be the First Teleprompter for an American president? You’re the First Teleprompte, capital F! First Teleprompter. Teleprompter, as a consumer of electricity, how do you feel about cap and trade? Do you feel threatened and endangered? Teleprompter, do you listen to talk radio? Would you consider yourself a Dittohead? When did you first meet Barack Obama, teleprompter? Are you paid with taxpayer money, and if so, did you have to fill out Obama’s questionnaire before you were hired as First Teleprompter? And teleprompter, what are your plans post-presidency? Will you retire to Silicon Valley, or will you tell Obama what to say when he’s giving speeches at a million dollars per year after his presidency? And finally, teleprompter, are you nervous about President Obama appearing with The Chin on The Tonight Show without you?”

No word of White House reaction to Rush’s latest jibe but we expect one soon since the kiddies that run that freak show apparently have nothing better to do!

I simply cannot believe that the voice in his ear didn’t catch on and correct his mistake immediately! What’s he paying these people for anyway?

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

My favorite TelePrompTer video.

I’ve posted this before but it’s good enough to share again.

Roll the tape:

I think the MSM is already beginning to turn on Obama’s propagandist (Press Secretary) Gibbs.