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“Only in America can an admitted Anarchist, terrorist bomber, Socialist and communist sympathizer become one of the nation’s foremost educational leaders in curriculum development, from pre-school to post graduate, to teaching teachers,” Thompson says. “Bill Ayers’ influence can’t be overstated, as the vice president of ‘curriculum development’ for the American Educational Research Association, the largest organization of its kind comprising over 25,000 professors and researchers.”

No problem with a commie freak telling us what and how our children should be tought? No propagandizing our kids? Yeah, Riiiiiight! More like, no freedom of speach for those who oppose the Left’s Socialist agenda.

The Left is trying to subvert Civilized society by deception and stealth, and Conservatives are accused of whining, and our honest complaints are being equated with their (Leftists, not appeasers) falsehoods? This is why I respond harshely. Not because we differ with them on what should be done, but because they are dishonest. And when people like GaffaUK equate “both sides” (where have I heard THAT before?!) implying that we are supposed to fight lies with smiles, intimidation with submission, I get impatient with their (the appeasers) ignorance.


You’re making up that Leftists aren’t, in general, dishonest hacks with a political agenda to push rather than pursuit of learning, as described here

Not true. I haven’t claimed either way whether Leftists are dishonest hacks or not. I only asked you to give me some examples where a journalism school has barred an applicant because of their conservative views. Which I am still waiting for.

I have never mentioned whether I believe ‘everything is just fine in academic institutions in the West’. If you believe I think that then you are making things up and avoiding facts.

As for my views – yes when I write on here because I am debating with those who are more to the right of me – then yes my views will seem more to the left because there are more to the left than their views. If I was on a socialist forum then no doubt I would be seen as a rabid right-winger. Not just for my views but also what bits I choose to debate with them. As for the next UK election – I wondering whether to vote Tory or Liberal. The tories under Dave Cameron now have their best leader then have had since Thatcher. And I would love to see the unelected Gordon Brown get booted out.

…that’s a perfect example of making something up. Most on the Right would be perfectly happy if the media went back to reporting facts instead of rendering opinions and complicated nuanced word portraits of their own fantasies.

Come now – how bias is that? lol. Get a grip. There are perfectly decent people all across the political spectrum. Some may be considered misguided but political views are not facts they are opinions. Most views, I believe, cannot be proved 100%. As for the BBC – well that’s an old political football which has been criticised by both the left and right numerous times. The right sees the BBC full of lefty journalists and no doubt I would imagine there probably is a left bias BUT the left also sees the BBC as conservative in it’s outlook and presentation. Which is also probably true. At the end of the day you see what you choose to see.

Personally I like interpretation. Why shouldn’t journalists/commentators give an opinion? Fortunately I can hear an opinion and still be able to come to my own opinion as there are lots of media sources. And the BBC often has people from both sides of any debate on their news programs.


I only asked you to give me some examples where a journalism school has barred an applicant because of their conservative views. Which I am still waiting for.

just how weak are you in the upper story?

Didn’t you see my yonason: ?
If you are conservative, don’t bother applying. If you aren’t they will try to warp your young mind to being a Lefty. If they can’t, they will toss you out, because resistance is futile.

I’m not going to hold my breath till you “get it.”


I shall ‘try’ not to get into the gutter and use the same lame insults you seem to enjoy throwing around….

So I asked

I only asked you to give me some examples where a journalism school has barred an applicant because of their conservative views. Which I am still waiting for.

You gave me this…


An article about a book written by an ex-communist who rants against the dangers of 100 (not 101 – despite the fact his book is called “The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America” this dummy can’t count it seems).

It isn’t about journalist schools but a rant against so called lefty professors across colleges. And even then there is no mention of kids being refused in because of their conservative views- let only any evidence of such.

You talk about only wanting FACTS but a lot of this is interpretation, bias and opinion. lol

If you want a counterclaim try reading this…


I’m not claiming that there has never has been an incident that a student has ever been denied entrance into a JOURNALIST school because of their conservative views.

I just asked you to give me FACTUAL EVIDENCE of such an occurence. Unfortunately your muddled upstairs seems to think that means giving evidence that some other people besides yourself believes that there are professors out there who have left-leaning views.

lol c’mon – try keeping up Yonason. Remember – give me the FACTS;)

@GaffaUK: Media Matters is a subsidary of the George Soros network and as such has no validity as a source.

And as for discrimination and intimidation of conservatives I can personally attest to that.

There was a professor in the Political Science dept. where I majored who openly derided Republicans in a very personal way and that included me. When I dropped his course he tried to punish me for doing so.

Apparently he was disappointed he didn’t have the opportunity to ruin my grade point average.

I doubt you have EVER experienced such discrimination against yourself at an insitution of higher learning as your views are more in line with what is demanded by the ruling elite.

Yonason’s point is absolutely valid and yours is not.


Ahhh, you are reading MediaMatters. No WONDER you’re thinking is so confused. Thanks for clearing that up.

Thanks, Mike. I’ve seen stories by others, some of which are bookmarked on my other computer, but what I’ve provided here should be sufficient to get thoughtful open minded people to dig deeper. If they don’t get the point from that, no amount of reasoning with them or supplying them with facts will help. They’ll just have to have some life changing event in their own lives ( to be mugged by reality) as were Ron Silver, and Evan Sayet, before they’ll wake up.

@Mike’s America:

Gaffa says“An article about a book written by an ex-communist who rants against the dangers of 100 (not 101 – despite the fact his book is called “The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America” this dummy can’t count it seems).”

Horowits says” I don’t “name names,” as I am accused of doing by my leftwing antagonists, nor is The Professors a “list.” It is a 450-page book and 112,000-word text. More than 100 professors are profiled not by way of identifying 101 individuals but by way of providing a collective profile of a radical cohort on university faculties that has corrupted higher education from coast to coast.

. . . .

Actually my book has 104 if you count Churchill, Cornel West, Susan Rosenberg and Nancy Rabinowitz. None of these has a formal profile so I counted them as one.”

Gaffa’s attack was a klassik Lefty propaganda technique. In fact, he does that so well, not just here but in many of his posts, …you don’t suppose Gaffa writes for MediaMatters, do you? He certainly has all the necessary “skills.”

@yonason: Gaffa has a habit of citing disreputable left wing propaganda sheets as sources. Nothing new here.

But I have found that once confronted with irrefutable truth he can open his mind just enough to acknowledge it. Either that or he slinks away and sulks elsewhere and we won’t hear from him for a while.

Mike, you have a habit of citing your own blog as a source…

@Fit fit: Exactly. Posts which contain a wealth of repuatable sources as well as my own unique analysis and research.

Thanks for noticing.

Gaffa has been a on and off visitor to my page over the years. He knows quality.

@Fit fit:

Somebody give Fit a tissue. His brain is leaking again.


SEE ALSO EVAN SAYET’S NEW PRESENTATION, where he explains why everything the postmodern Liberal Leftist knows is wrong.
“They [Leftist professors] can’t get fired no matter how bad they are at their job. That isolates them from the need to be smart. It isolates from the need to be right. It isolates from the need to be good. And these are things that allow somebody to hold on to their childish, foolish, and quite just plainly spoken, idiotic mentality that is modern liberalism”

@yonason: I’ll embed that video for Gaffa’s convenience

Even Gaffa must be aware of the hostility such radical professors would direct at any conservatives who happen to be stuck in their classes.

Thanks, Mike. Have a great weekend!

Oh, and a little back on topic. Nixon would never have participated in the destruction that the Democrats are engaged in.
I hate to say it, but we are in for some VERY serious trouble ahead.

@yonason: You too Yonason. Thanks for digging up so many goodies on this and other threads.

Actually, I rather liked Nixon’s foreign policy and did see him in person on two occasions. It was the left who demonized him and that’s why it strikes me as odd that they don’t see the parallels to Obama.

Mike – it is somewhat childish to throw out any source not for what it contains but because who is written by. To have an open mind you need to look at all sources – you don’t have to agree with them. Anyway in that spirit I shall dismiss all your sources as invalid.

So which journalist school did you go to Mike? Check my question to Yonason again. I asked for evidence where a student was denied ENTRY into a JOURNALIST school because of their conservative views. I didn’t ask for an example where a student decides to DROP OUT of a POLITICAL SCIENCE dept.

I don’t think my views are in the line with institutions of higher learning. Firstly because lecturers etc have a range of different views. I can’t say for US education – but in the UK, in my experience of higher education beyond from the age of 16 to 24 – there were no examples of lecturers trying to impose or even air their political views to the class. But I didn’t take a journalism or political degree. I remember once having a 5 min one to one conversation with an art teacher who did turn out to be communist when I asked. I think it’s the only open communist I have ever known. Anyway within that 5 mins I criticised communism as being unworkable and tyrannical. I didn’t get expelled. I also remember near the end the head of art sneering at my decision to onto a Graphic Design degree as opposed to Fine Art. I guess that’s because Graphics is more ‘commercial’.

Actually my book has 104 if you count Churchill, Cornel West, Susan Rosenberg and Nancy Rabinowitz. None of these has a formal profile so I counted them as one.”

Since when did4=1. Lol – very Orwellian


But I have found that once confronted with irrefutable truth he can open his mind just enough to acknowledge it. Either that or he slinks away and sulks elsewhere and we won’t hear from him for a while.

Ah the man who apparently prefers FACTS. Still waiting for that example of the ireefutable truth….

Let’s remind you and Mike again.

1) I have not stated that there is not a bias in education towards the left.

2) I have only asked for evidence where a student applying to get into a JOURNALIST school has been denied because of their CONSERVATIVE views.

3) And I haven’t even said that hasn’t happened. Only asked Yonason to give an example….

Is this hard to understand or do you both have to run away and head over to vague generalities. lol



But I have found that once confronted with irrefutable truth he can open his mind just enough to acknowledge it. Either that or he slinks away and sulks elsewhere and we won’t hear from him for a while.

Ah the man who apparently prefers FACTS. Still waiting for that example of the ireefutable truth….

Uh, that was Mike’s quote, Gaffer, not mine. And the one you appear to be attributing to him was mine. Typical Lefty tactic – accuse someone of something someone else said, and attack them for it.

Also, a point I didn’t address before was your assertion that I claimed that Conservatives were denied admission to colleges. I never made that assertion. Flunking someone for not towing the Leftist line is NOT the same as not admitting them in the first place.

When you first accused me of it, I responded that “If you are conservative, don’t bother applying.”, inplying that was the message their treatment of conservative ideas sent. It was the closest illustration I could find to what you wanted to see, and was only implying that if they did get in, the outcome wouldn’t be a good one. But that was not in defense of what I previously “said;” how could it be, when I never said it? So, again, we have yet another example of your twisting meanings to suit what you want to attack, a trait VERY characteristic of the generic Lefty. Thanks for the illustration.

A third example… the quote you attributed to Mike, which was actually my quoting Horowitz.

Actually my book has 104 if you count Churchill, Cornel West, Susan Rosenberg and Nancy Rabinowitz. None of these has a formal profile so I counted them as one.”

Since when did4=1. Lol – very Orwellian

He made quite clear that was to be taken figuratively, not literally. Thanks for showing what a concrete thinker you are. It ‘splains a LOT!



You’re making up that Leftists aren’t, in general, dishonest hacks with a political agenda to push rather than pursuit of learning, as described here

Not true. I haven’t claimed either way whether Leftists are dishonest hacks OR NOT.

In other words, you are making up that they aren’t by not acknowledging that they are as has been demonstrated ad nauseum. Thanks for the admission. (It’s like pretending the “Paleostinkians” aren’t evil ghouls by not admitting they are.)

Let’s summarize. Gaffer misattributes quotes, makes things up (uses ‘straw men’), is a concrete thinker, and pretends that ignoring facts isn’t denying them. With such overwhelming evidence, I can only conclude he is a ………., or at least at the edge of the event horizon of the black hole of Leftism.


I don’t know, but to tell ya the truth, I really do believe that the Democrats have everything under control.

Gaffer says … “Mike – it is somewhat childish to throw out any source not for what it contains but because who is written by.”

No, it isn’t childish, because once a person has been shown to be a liar (or grossly in error most of the time), it is foolish to waste your time on him any more. The burden of regaining credibility is on him, and I have no obligation to treat the next bogus claim he makes as potentially credible. To treat him with respect is what would be childish, and incredibly foolish. But that’s the kind of leftist crap that’s being taught our children today, which is why they can’t see people like Obama for the frauds they are.

Speaking of which, I’ll be bookmarking this comment, and the exchanges on this page for future reference to save time in addressing any more of your inanity.

NOTE – The Left has no problem with the argument that a source has to be thrown out because they are “Right Wing” implying that they aren’t reliable. And that would be fine, IF they weren’t. Unfortunately, the Right Wing are, on average, far more reliable than the Left, which is invariably wrong about everything.

@GaffaUK: Gaffa, if you don’t know the difference between Media Matters and a news organization which exhibits at least the pretense of objectivity there is no helping you.

And if you are unable to acknowledge the active bias and discrimination against conservatives in many fields, but particularly in academia you are beyond hope.

I may have to re-evalute my statement above which gives you the benefit of the doubt.


Gaffa, if you don’t know the difference between Media Matters and a news organization which exhibits at least the pretense of objectivity there is no helping you.

Of course Mike – you would never post a link to a site that was bias would you? Lol. So you are criticizing me for linking to site that you consider bias. Er…do you consider David Horowitz unbias? Or doesn’t that count?

Secondly the Media Matters raised an interesting point – over 50% of these ‘dangerous’ professors relate to activities only outside the classroom. So in a country of free speech and democracy – you aren’t allowed to be political outside the classroom?

As for asking me I acknowledge active bias and discrimination against conservatives in academia – I am not going to acknowledge that as I haven’t studied at a US university and nor have I seen arguments from both sides to know either way. I would ‘imagine’ that in universities that overall for the few that are political there would probably be more on the left than the right. But as for discrimination against journalist students who are being flunked out by their professors because of the conservative views – I am skeptical that this is a significant issue.

🙁 @GaffaUK : (<=CLICK ME) 🙁
…if it hasn’t, already.

“Of course Mike – you would never post a link to a site that was bias [sic] would you?”

One might think that the way he demands examples from us for things we didn’t assert, that he might actually give one or two for something he did? (I won’t hold my breath waiting) (falling into his childish trap of addressing peripheral arguments)

Gotta watch out what you say to children, Mike. They’ll deliberately miss your point and twist it in their own defense in ways that sound logical based on the wording, but have nothing to do with the actual point you were trying to make.

Of course, as is implied in his defense, he isn’t familiar with American universities. And, of course, since the Brits have none of that nonsense in their universities, he obviously couldn’t know what we are talking about….
…or not.

@GaffaUK: You seem to think Media Matters has the same objectivity of a hard news site. And please point to where I used David Horowitz’s page in the same manner.

You really don’t get it do you?

I guess you are too comfortable with your prejudices and that video game mentality of yours.

I take back what I said about your objectivity above.


I don’t think that Media Matters has the same objectivity of a hard news site. Where did I claim that? However I think it along with many other subjective sources is a legit source to link to as a counterclaim to plainly right-wing bias book.

Oh – can you please let me know which sites are objective? And are you going to start to only use objective sites from now on? lol

@GaffaUK: You’re losing it Gaffa. Go back to video games.


I thought you were a better debater and more civil than that Mike. I’m happy to answer your questions. Why can’t you answer some of mine?

@GaffaUK: You’re not debating Gaffa. You’re time wasting. And I have better things to do.

You really need to admit that the bias against conservatives is REAL.

Either that or crawl back into the fantasy world where your prejudices become reality.


Of course I am debating. Unfortunately you seem to be upset because I’m not agreeing with you on every point. And like you, no doubt, I have prejudices – who doesn’t? If you take the UK press for instance you will see a bias against the left. Back in the US in the fifties there was a whole witchunt against lefties – which is incredibly stupid when it flies right in the face of freedom of speech. In academia – as I have said above, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was found (by a more objective person than Horowitz) that lecturers tend to be more on the left. So if that was proven to be true – what do you propose? Shall we also check other areas to see if there is a right-wing bias? Do you want Government to get involved and have a fairness doctrine? The main problem with university students today I believe is not that they are being indcotrinated by their Commie Professors but that most people are apathetic. Maybe it was different in the 60s but since the 80s it seems to be – that most young people are turned off by politics. Haven’t you found that?


@Let me repeat.: Gaffer misattributes quotes, makes things up (uses ’straw men’), is a concrete thinker, and pretends that ignoring facts isn’t denying them. And that’s just for starters.

And now he’s posturing (making nice) for Mike, trying to entice him to like him again. Will he succeed? I for one have no interest in enabling him in what would revert to the usual mentally abusive style relationship.