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Well, when the Democrats want Cazrs for everything, that leaves the rest of us as serfs.

FOX just had someone from Judicial Watch on that said her trip to view the Iowa floods cost $87,000. That’s from DC to Iowa, imagine the cost to go back and forth from DC to CA as frequently as she has. All this on top of all the foreign trips. Do we have to ask if she’s worth it?

when I look at the PDFs for each month I see about 20 or so names that have received aircraft. Usually one belongs to Pelosi.

Ford Motor Company has a Fokker 70 regional jet for sale. 😉

You guys act like Congressional junkets never occurred before 2006 if it was such a scandal it should have been taken care of when Republicans had the power to curtail it, say from 2000-2006

@John ryan: Of course congressional junkets have occurred before. But the point here is that the abuse now is way worse.

Whining about the Republicans seems who were not nearly as bad seems like the perfect enabling tactic.

Why is it that you people get caught with your hand in the cookie jar on whatever it is, earmarks or junket abuse, or ethics, or…or…or…or… and the first thing you do is say “Oh yeah, well the Republicans did it too?”

Don’t you have ANY shame at all?

Since we’ve spent all that money securing our commercial airlines, the original reason for Speakers using military planes should be over for both parties. Going back and forth to her home in California is an unnecessary expense, put her back on commercial, end of abuse.

Mike can you point to any hard data that show’s that this is “way worse” ? or is this just way worse because another party is doing it ? Would you prefer to see Pelosi who is #3 in line to be POTUS flying standbye to return from San Francisco to D.C. ? I find it interesting to see in the email that #3 wants to know who else is using these planes ? How many does the military have anyway ? 20 ? CODELs have been around for a long long time, they are not going away anytime soon.

@John ryan: Are you saying I am wrong? If so, PROVE IT!

I have already shown you the documents which attest to the fact that Pelosi and friends have stretched our Executive jet capacity to it’s limit.

If you have a link showing how GOPrs have done the same thing then post it.

Either that or stop enabling the REAL abusers here.

This Pelosi reminds me that euro queen of old, Marie Attoniette, she of the let-them-eat-cake quote. Since Pelosi despises the military, she will make use of them in the rudest and most disrespectful way possible, giving them trouble and abusing her privileges to the max.

I saw Pelosi on your cable news she was complaining about something Bush did, and she truly reminded me of one of those worn-out crack-addicted prostitutes you see on COPS or some other american reality police show, complaining their customer didn’t pay them or their pimp was mistreating them.

Well Mike if you are saying I am wrong then PROVE IT. Prove that this is as YOU have said “way worse” What I do know is that Pelosi herself uses one of these planes to fly home about once per month, the former Speaker flew home on a Gulfstream 4 times as often used to fly home about 4 times as often. Also Pelosi as never used the largest plane for domestic travel .http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Story?id=7057198&page=2
Mike you only embarrass yourself when you cut and paste from sources like Judicial Watch
Mike the Republican Party is not doing well at this point in history, this type of slur does not help at all

@John ryan: Please point out to me where I say in the post above that Pelosi was taking the big plane for trips to her district?

She DID take the big plane on domestic travel for congressional to funerals and such. You would know that if you had bothered to review the documents Judicial Watch posted online.

You’re embarrasing yourself by copying and pasting links to weak stories from ABC whose reporters obviously didn’t spend the time reviewing the documents that I have.

You’re lame as usual John Ryan. And you are an enabler for the abuse by Pelosi and company to continue.

Perhaps John Ryan should go back and read the related articles provided in his link.

My questions, are we to believe that since the madame was seated as Speaker, she has never flown on anything other than military aircraft? No private vacations? What does she safely fly on then?

Judical Watch sure has a nice way of words. When referring to the former Republican’s use of a Gulfstream, it suddenly morphs into a “commuter jet” Strangely when a Gulfstream is used by Pelosi it becomes extravagant. If you can not show some hard facts such as the total dollar amount spent under Pelosi and Hastert (who of course had to take an early retirement for HIS role in scandals) then your wispy debate will be ignored by me and probably everyone else
The smears just no longer work Americans don’t believe them better go back to teh Certificate of Live Birth”

@John ryan: Why don’t you try and provide some FACTS to back up YOUR assertions rather than simply dismiss the clear documentation provided here to prove mine.

You don’t have a leg to stand on.

You know it and I know it.

Total dollar amount spent is apples and oranges.

Hastert used military transport for 5 years and 3 months. Pelosi has had it for 2 years, 2 months. Hastert traveled about 1200 miles round trip, Pelosi flies about 4884 miles round trip, over four times the distance.

The plane Hastert used C-20 which costs around $15,000 per mile(per CAGW). If and when Pelosi uses the C-32, it’s cost is $22,000 per mile(per linked article). Certainly wouldn’t take her long to surpass total dollar cost of flying Hastert, she may already have, you can do the math.

Pelosi’s predecessor, Rep. Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., used a C-20, the military version of the Gulf Stream 3 business jet, a twin-engine turbo-fan aircraft that seats 12 passengers with a crew of five.

Air Force spokeswoman Lt. Col Cathy Reardon tells ABC News that when Hastert used the plane, “it was himself, and he usually had one to three staff members and two security staff — members of the Capitol police force. His wife would sometimes fly, and he reimbursed the government for everyone,” paying the government for the cost of a commercial flight to the same place. Hastert’s office did not return a call for comment.


John Ryan –

The big hypocrisy here is complaining when a CEO flies in a private plane then turning around and doing it on the tax payer dime. I’m so tired of being lectured by hypocritical democrats.

Here’s another example of liberal hypocrisy:

I didn’t realize that the year my eldest turned 17 that I lost the child tax credit so I didn’t adjust my withholdings. I ended up owing more on April 15th than I had planned. I was slapped with a penalty. That’s an honest mistake on taxes – but I was punished – Geitner, Rangel et al bilked the government out of thousands of dollars – but when they’re caught – no penalties.

Democrats are always crying about how working people need to pay more – and now we’re finding out that they’re cheating – and only pay what’s owed and interest, no penalties? That’s hypocrisy! How many “honest mistakes” do these people get to make before we demand a change?

How many times have we been lectured on what private planes do to the environment? Is it only the working class that’s supposed to change?

As far as I’m concerned, Pelosi can pay her own way back home and she should be forced to drive a Prius.

I’m so tired of the hypocrisy of the left I could spit.