I think the candidate that can articulate the core American beliefs of freedom and limited government is the candidate that should win. We need another great communicator! Here are the ideas we need communicated: http://salesianity.blogspot.com/2009/03/video-overview-of-america.html
15 years ago
Call me “old fashioned”, but I prefer to get through the upcoming 2010 mid term elections before worrying about 2012.
I don’t think whose turn it is should come into play when choosing a candidate. That said, I still think Romney would have been and still is the best choice. I’m all for a Romney/Palin dynamite ticket.
AF Sarge (Ret)
15 years ago
@Lightbringer: I agree too. Let’s do small steps, then worry about the big one. Keep it in the back of your mind, stay focused, but let’s get through 2010 first.
Hey Mike, read the link above, and saw one of the commenters in the article said they didn’t know how Palin could survive, one on one with BO. I would think that as bad as she was smeared, lied about, and “vetted” by the MSM and BO, that there wouldn’t be a whole lot more that they could possibly dig up/lie about. If she holds her own as Gov of AK, and keeps the conservative torch lit, I think she would fair pretty well, don’t you? Of course all the candidates with “R’s” behind their name were pretty much smeared during the primaries, and we ended up with a candidate that the MSM picked for the Republican party, something that these next elections we need to make sure doesn’t happen again!
Where’s Duncan Hunter? Haven’t heard much about him lately.
15 years ago
no love for huck…
15 years ago
Palin will never be able to shake the perception that she is an idiot. She’s not a viable candidate, no matter how much I love her.
15 years ago
I just want to get through to 2010. Then I’ll think about the Presidency.
luva the scissors
15 years ago
i really like jindal, and i love palin, it would be great to see them far. all we can do is hope that the people in this nation wake up and say no to socialism.
Jindal was probably the most viable candidate up until recently… now I can’t call it.
15 years ago
“*What do you think about nominating a candidate in 2012 based on the old GOP idea that it’s his or her turn?”
We could end up with another RINO…That senario would be a repeat of the McCain Obama run.
2012 will be all about capturing the vote of the unemployed… IMO we will need a candidate who understands running a business economically for profit not loss and a running mate who can talk to the average American not making wild pie in the sky promises but offering solutions.
Romney/Palin ?
15 years ago
Mitt/Palin – 2012 with:
Newt – Sec State
Gen Patraeus – Sec Defense
… just for starters
Let’s take back the Senate in 2010!!! Get rid of Specter and get any other conservative in his place! We need people of integrity, intelligence and common sense. Put in those who can and will do the job! The, please God – get Nancy off the podium and put her back in the box!
Bill C
15 years ago
The CPAC straw poll really is just a sampling of what the east coast and “able to afford the trip” crowd think. NOT what the core of the conservative movement think.
“@Lightbringer: I agree it’s way too early but CPAC did one so I thought I would.” [answering his “”Call me “old fashioned”, but I prefer to get through the upcoming 2010 mid term elections before worrying about 2012.]
YES! And if we wait till the last minute, nothing will happen. We have to start now, because the MSM will not only supress our message, it will magnify the Dem’s slanders of us. They have ACORN, and we have . . . ? It’s way past time to organize.
They want to undo the Constitution, and make Americans submit to a “one world” govenment, based on socialist pipe dreams, and fascist micromanagement of all our lives. If we do nothing, it will happen.
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
The results shown in FA’s straw poll are much more accurate than the one at CPAC, in my opinion. Thanks, Mike.
I think that before we put forth a front runner, or think about the 2012 elections, we nee to look at next years elections. There are many governorships, and local elections going on next year. By the time 2010 comes around we will probably have a better idea who would be a good candidate. I do like Jindal and Palin, but do I think that they should be presidential candidates???? We shall see. The next presidential campaign will not start for awhile, maybe next month with Obama still in campaign mode though.
Tom N
15 years ago
Sarah Palin is the only one in the conservative movement that can beat Obama in 2012.
She saved the Republican Party in the last election. Without her McCain would of only gotten 25 % of the vote.
I can’t believe that CPAC voted her as third. Where the heck were their minds.
@Tom N: Yes and everyone said that McCain was the only one to beat the Messiah also. It is not good to project people way beforehand. I agree i like Palin a lot and is a great person for the Conservative cause, but to say she is the only one to beat Obama 4 years before an election is absurd i think on its face. I do agree w/o her, McCain would have gotten killed by a lot more. But does that meas she is the only one to beat OPbama???
Look at what big expectations that the Left have put on Obama. He was the Lightbringer, the one that would lower the oceans (well, Pbama said that himself) but now look, he has tanked the economy and has alienated most of those that voted for him, except ACORN and other cronies.
Beware of placing too much expectation so long before a campaign has even began.
This far ahead of the elections is a waste of time in trying to figure out who should be the candidate. George W was the head of the pack also, and look at what that did to the Conservative Cause.
It is way too early in the game for a favorite. there are many other elections in the meantime. We need to look at school board candidates, dog catchers, state representatives, governors, then let the Presidential race begin.
That is the est thing that I learned at CPAC, it is not just about Presidential candidates, it is about Conservatives in your backyard, the local school board members. We need to change the minds between now and 2012, and get more people locally, in state legislatures and then onto nationwide races.
stix1972:This far ahead of the elections is a waste of time in trying to figure out who should be the candidate. George W was the head of the pack also, and look at what that did to the Conservative Cause.
@lmao:“No one who would vote for Sarah Palin should be allowed to have children.”
If a Republican had said anything remotely similar about a Democrat they would be arrested for hate crimes.
Amazing how truly bigoted, intolerant and ignorant some Dems are.
15 years ago
I saw Jindal talking on a clip on The Daily Show – and he just seemed a bit stiff and well…creepy – the well he glazed into the camera. I know it’s the daily show blah blah – and they can pick and choose what videos to show like any TV show – but I think if you are going to take on Obama you are gonna to need charisma as well as principles and Palin has charisma and principles. Maybe she’s too far to the right – but when the Dems picked wet fish like Gore & Kerry then were defeated by Bush – who had appeal to enough Americans to get him through. Same with Romney – boring. And as Mike says – I don’t have a vote – but just a view from a distance.
Dixie Dawg
15 years ago
Personally, I think most politicians, Republican or Democrat, have sold out to the corporate interests and to the globalist elite. That being said, I believe Mike Huckabee would probably be the most viable candidate for the position. Congressman Ron Paul actually functions with more common sense about government matters; however, he wouldn’t stand a “snowball’s chance in Georgia” with a run for the White House. The man has the necessary courage to reveal the political corruption that is taking place and he wouldn’t be welcome.
While Governor Sarah Palin may be a nice person and a conservative political candidate, she is not qualified for the Oval Office and neither was Barack Obama. She does not have, as she proved during several interviews, to have a sense of understanding regarding foreign policy. Her lack of foreign policy experience and her tiresome rhetoric would disqualify her from the running in my humble opinion. Oh yes, she sounds good and looks good to the electorate, but if you listen to her speak, she doesn’t have a whole lot to say. It’s the typical conservative jargon that people want to hear wrapped up in a cute and perky package.
Americans have become completely dysfunctional when it comes to choosing a viable political candidate in either party. They believe anything they are told and will vote based on celebrity vibe as opposed to educated research. This is why Obama was elected. Americans don’t want a President – they want a rock star……
You are kidding, right? I guess the reason you think Sarah Palin doesn’t have “a whole lot to say” is because you are a Ron Paul supporter. Nice try, though.
Palin is up to an almost 3 to 1 lead over Romney who is in second. I guess there are not a lot of other readers who would agree with @Dixie Dawg:
15 years ago
I agree 2010 is extremely important! Until the Dems are voted out of power, any Republican presidental candidate will have an uphill battle and if/when they win, will be rowing up river without a paddle and a hole in the bottom of the boat.
Sarah Palin is one smart lady, except she listened to the McCain handlers and was not herself. She was told what to say, when to say it, who NOT to speak to, what to wear, how to act. The real Sarah did shine through enough that there was overwhelming numbers at every stop! She energized America!
There is currently a four year plan in place to smear her, continue all of the obscene gossip and unfounded ‘truths’. We all know this. We all need to combat this crap whenever it is seen.
Alaska is operating in the black. This is due wholly to Sarah’s skillful handling of the problems she found when she entered the Governor’s mansion. With the price of oil dropping, our fiscal reserves are going to drop, but Sarah has put money away to get us through any tough times we might have. I have to wonder how many states have such great luck?
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
[That is the est thing that I learned at CPAC, it is not just about Presidential candidates, it is about Conservatives in your backyard, the local school board members. We need to change the minds between now and 2012, and get more people locally, in state legislatures and then onto nationwide races.]
I totally agree with you, stix, and submit to you that perhaps a focus locally as well as preparations for the 2012 election can be worked on simultaneously. During the 2008 campaign, my county had LOTS of errors just in the voter data base alone, which was very frustrating to say the least. This kind of thing takes time to correct, and I’m stepping up to the plate to help in whatever ways I can. At the same time, YES, get involved in school boards, city council, etc.!! We have to get out there and implement positive, conservative ideas, giving information to those who otherwise might be ill-informed on the real issues.
@SoCal Chris:
I am trying my hardest, but I live in one of the mostcorrupt counties in Illinois. I tihnk Cook countymight be worse. But wegot more votingthat areregisteredevery year. We have the dead and dogs voting every year.
I am trying my hardest to get conservatives on the ballots. See if they are on the ballot as Republican they have already lost, they have to be on the ballot as independent. I know a few in the area that I am going to try my hardest to get elected here.
The sad part is a lot of people here are actually Conservative in the way theylive and act, but think Conservatives are knuckle dragging Neaderthals becausetheir parents voted Democratic and so dod their Grandparents, so they have to make excuses to vote for Leftists. So they demonize people on the Right.
Obama is a Democrat, so he can do no wrong to them
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
I relate to what you are saying, stix, and people’s pride is a tough nut to crack. As well as media misconceptions out there about conservatives. All I know is that the more we can inform folks about the issues that hit close to home (and their pocketbooks) then who knows that when they go to the privacy of the voting booth they might vote conservative? They’d be called “closet conservatives”. But, seriously, the bottom line is their vote, and then afterwards they can tell their left-leaning parents, grandparents, and next door neighbor, whatever they choose! 😉
@SoCal Chris: That is the whole reason I started blogging. To inform people about what conservatism is and the misconceptions of us Conservatives.
I have been doing to for about 10 years now. And after going to the GOP Convention, Samsphere, Defend the American Dream Summit, and now CPAC, I have learned of more ways to get the message across and to get more people involved.
And from this blog I got to meet Skye at the Convention and CPAC.
And another thing on Conservatives,we are not a monolithic group. We all have different ideas on policy,but the majority of the time we will agree with the core values of Limited Government, Strong Defense and Personal Freedom.
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
I agree about the blogging, too. I know it does make a big impact as well. I’d like to be a lot more informed than I am, but I share what I can.
That is great that you went to CPAC, as well as the GOP Convention, and the others as well. I would have loved to be at all of those, especially to have heard Sarah Palin give her speech.
“…but the majority of the time we will agree with the core values of Limited Government, Strong Defense and Personal Freedom.” Exactly right!
@SoCal Chris: You forgot to say I also met the lovely Skye. And Palin’s speech was great. I also saw here in St Louis after the VP debates.
But my blog is not as popular as Flopping Aces here, but I know I get the point across. Since I moved my url I am getting a thousand hits a day,but before it was closer to 5-7000 hits and more on good days. But I am still getting my point across. And I also post at 3 other blogs and a few others occasionally
You guys are both aware of Skye’s example. She started going to these rallies on her own and soon built a network of likeminded souls in her home state. They are now working on the local and county level to get conservatives elected and standing for election themselves.
@Mike’s America:
Yes I got to meet her Sheepdogs and PACC members at CPAC. Very good group of people. She has inspired them to do something. I am trying to do that here in St Clair County also.
SoCal Chris
15 years ago
@stix1972: Sorry! I am glad you were able to meet Skye, too! I’ll bet it was a really special time for sure.
Makes me think I need to get out of Dodge more often go to some of these great events!
But if you write a blog and want to go to these things, most of the time they accept most people. CPAC was a little crowded on Blogger’s Row, so I got a Media Pass instead, hehe.
Also try and join some of the Conservative and Libertarian groups. I joined Sam Adams Alliance, Americans For Prosperity, and a few others. I got to go to Chicago, DC twice and Minneapolis for free for the most part.
@stix1972: Don’t be too disappointed if you don’t achieve the results that Skye, Sheepdogs and PACC do. That’s a pretty extraordinary group of people and they are quite exceptional.
But they do provide an example.
I’ll tell you one of my own stories if you don’t mind:
In 1984 I was back in my hometown of Bowling Green Ohio after graduting earlier from a college near Columbus (where I put my name on the ballot for a seat on the county GOP’s Central Committee and won). I took a table down to the Bowling Green State University student union and set it up to register students to vote and form a College Republican group.
It was amazing how quickly talented and motivated students approached me and asked to get involved. We quickly became one of the largest groups in the country and were rewarded with a visit to the campus by President Reagan.
Just look at all the genuine enthusiasm there is out there by people who want to join the tea party protests. We’re no longer beholden to President Bush or John McCain and conservatives are free to be themselves.
I can imagine you felt that feeling at CPAC. I could sense it just by watching on CSpan.
@Mike’s America: Yes it was truly amazing. the place was packed and there was much enthusiasm.
Yes Skye is doing a tremendous job in Philly. She even got Joe the Plumber to interview here at CPAC about it when were at the Tea Party for PJmedia TV. And it was shown on the big screens I think at some of the events.
We also got to talk to Saul Anzius (spelling???) and got kicked out of an event because we were talking too loud.
Also got to talk to Scappleface and Vodka Pundit, Captain Ed, Mary Katherine Ham and a few others.
As far as I’m concerned the straw poll is pointless.
I think that conservatives need to get their priorities in order. Instead of talking about “who” they should consider as their personal choice of candidate to run in 2012, they need to get their sh** together and focus on why they have lost so much support, and what is required to get America’s voters excited enough to select Republicans in future elections. I believe some here need to clear the MSM-think propaganda and/or last election campaign supporter biases out of their heads and start thinking about what the Republican party will need to do to fix the mess Obama and the Democrats are going to put us in. Looking at the economy and the “spend our way out” mentality I see very little that will stop us from heading into a deeper recession or even a depression. You also need to come up with plans that the MSM will have trouble arguing with. (Considering most of them are running interference for the Democrats.)
The GOP needs a winning plan, not the “same old same old.” Look, I vote republican 9-time out of 10 or more, but I’m getting fed-up with the 90’s Republican-elite’s positions. If you go with what Rush Limbaugh wants, you are going to lose. I don’t care if that pisses some of you off or not, that’s the way it is. Returning the “George Bush tax cuts” isn’t going to gain you any more votes than you would already be getting. Even if every wealthy American in the nation voted Conservative, those votes are vastly outnumbered by the lower class voters that Democrats pander to with their social spending. Remember that it is middle class votes that you need to win.
In 2002 the middle class voted to give the Republicans a chance to put America on the right track with the their continual promise of lower taxes and lower government. BUT most of all, because Americans were still rightfully, angry about 9-11. The Republicans and Bush seemed to have a clear plan, while some Democrats actually had the nerve to claim that America was to blame. (Not to mention that generally, Republican are much better at managing wars than Democrats.)
So what happened? Bush and the Republicans went out of favor big-time for a lot of reasons: Bush did not catch Osama Bin Ladin & although we got Saddam, the Iraq war stretched on and on while the anti-war MSM did their best to treat it like they did Vietnam all over again. The Republican controlled Congress did little to decrease the size of government, the only taxes they seemed to want to cut were capital gains and inheritance taxes, neither of which has much (if any) affect on the typical middle class family. Many Republicans got as addicted as Democrats to pork and deficit spending. Factories continued to close, good paying Jobs were lost in the continual conversion to a “service economy.” Small town America declined. Illegal immigration exponentially while Bush and the Republicans refused to control the borders, apparently because some capitalists like cheap labor more than national security. Even though better than 80% of the public wanted the borders secured, their wishes are ignored. (Sure the Democrats were against closing the borders also, but they weren’t in charge.)
I like McCain, but he was a poor choice because he did not have enough conservative support, and many of the moderates were fooled by the MSM into thinking Obama and the other Dems were also “moderates”. I think that his support for the bail-out & for immigration (ahem) “reform” hurt his campaign badly. Aside from his being a “free-trader” there was little to tie him to the Conservative side of the party. The only thing that almost turned the tide was his selection of Palin, which clearly worried the MSM so badly that they dropped all pretense of objectivity to go after her. Had she been given enough time to prepare before being tossed to the media lions, she might have bested them. Hell Obama, Biden and McCain had over a year of preparation and look how badly they performed those times when they too were placed in the hot seat.
Incidentally, Palin is neither an idiot or unqualified, and those Republicans who insist on continually spouting such MSM propaganda are doing their own party a disservice. The middle class liked her and she put fear in the hearts of the liberal elite. It would be much wiser to help her prepare better for future battles, than to continue disrespecting her for minor past mistakes.
If Republicans will not put aside their own petty internal-party bickering, America will suffer for it. Work to build a united front now, and kick ass later.
@ditto: I agree with much of what you said but not “the straw poll is pointless.”
I found it very informative. I was surprised, and pleased, that the readers here overwhelmingly support Sarah Palin.
That doesn’t mean they will still feel that way in 2012 but it was interesting.
15 years ago
@ Mike
I was actually referring to the CPAC’s straw poll. I should have made that clear. It is pointless because it doesn’t take into effect that Republicans need more than just the Conservatives to win elections.
As for a FA reader poll, Count me as a supporter for Palin, and for many things Ron Paul, and Huckabee have to say. Romney is too tied to this decade’s Republican leadership’s’ “business as usual.”
I think the candidate that can articulate the core American beliefs of freedom and limited government is the candidate that should win. We need another great communicator! Here are the ideas we need communicated: http://salesianity.blogspot.com/2009/03/video-overview-of-america.html
Call me “old fashioned”, but I prefer to get through the upcoming 2010 mid term elections before worrying about 2012.
How come Rudy Giuliani wasn’t represented?
@GaffaUK: Concious choice on my part Gaffa. He screwed his followers in SC and he doesn’t stand a chance of being nominated after that.
Besides, your vote doesn’t count.@Lightbringer: I agree it’s way too early but CPAC did one so I thought I would.
I don’t think whose turn it is should come into play when choosing a candidate. That said, I still think Romney would have been and still is the best choice. I’m all for a Romney/Palin dynamite ticket.
@Lightbringer: I agree too. Let’s do small steps, then worry about the big one. Keep it in the back of your mind, stay focused, but let’s get through 2010 first.
Hey Mike, read the link above, and saw one of the commenters in the article said they didn’t know how Palin could survive, one on one with BO. I would think that as bad as she was smeared, lied about, and “vetted” by the MSM and BO, that there wouldn’t be a whole lot more that they could possibly dig up/lie about. If she holds her own as Gov of AK, and keeps the conservative torch lit, I think she would fair pretty well, don’t you? Of course all the candidates with “R’s” behind their name were pretty much smeared during the primaries, and we ended up with a candidate that the MSM picked for the Republican party, something that these next elections we need to make sure doesn’t happen again!
Where’s Duncan Hunter? Haven’t heard much about him lately.
no love for huck…
Palin will never be able to shake the perception that she is an idiot. She’s not a viable candidate, no matter how much I love her.
I just want to get through to 2010. Then I’ll think about the Presidency.
i really like jindal, and i love palin, it would be great to see them far. all we can do is hope that the people in this nation wake up and say no to socialism.
Jindal was probably the most viable candidate up until recently… now I can’t call it.
“*What do you think about nominating a candidate in 2012 based on the old GOP idea that it’s his or her turn?”
We could end up with another RINO…That senario would be a repeat of the McCain Obama run.
2012 will be all about capturing the vote of the unemployed… IMO we will need a candidate who understands running a business economically for profit not loss and a running mate who can talk to the average American not making wild pie in the sky promises but offering solutions.
Romney/Palin ?
Mitt/Palin – 2012 with:
Newt – Sec State
Gen Patraeus – Sec Defense
… just for starters
Let’s take back the Senate in 2010!!! Get rid of Specter and get any other conservative in his place! We need people of integrity, intelligence and common sense. Put in those who can and will do the job! The, please God – get Nancy off the podium and put her back in the box!
The CPAC straw poll really is just a sampling of what the east coast and “able to afford the trip” crowd think. NOT what the core of the conservative movement think.
@Mike’s America:
“@Lightbringer: I agree it’s way too early but CPAC did one so I thought I would.” [answering his “”Call me “old fashioned”, but I prefer to get through the upcoming 2010 mid term elections before worrying about 2012.]
YES! And if we wait till the last minute, nothing will happen. We have to start now, because the MSM will not only supress our message, it will magnify the Dem’s slanders of us. They have ACORN, and we have . . . ? It’s way past time to organize.
Know your enemy…
They want to undo the Constitution, and make Americans submit to a “one world” govenment, based on socialist pipe dreams, and fascist micromanagement of all our lives. If we do nothing, it will happen.
The results shown in FA’s straw poll are much more accurate than the one at CPAC, in my opinion. Thanks, Mike.
I’ll say more on this later…
I think that before we put forth a front runner, or think about the 2012 elections, we nee to look at next years elections. There are many governorships, and local elections going on next year. By the time 2010 comes around we will probably have a better idea who would be a good candidate. I do like Jindal and Palin, but do I think that they should be presidential candidates???? We shall see. The next presidential campaign will not start for awhile, maybe next month with Obama still in campaign mode though.
Sarah Palin is the only one in the conservative movement that can beat Obama in 2012.
She saved the Republican Party in the last election. Without her McCain would of only gotten 25 % of the vote.
I can’t believe that CPAC voted her as third. Where the heck were their minds.
@Tom N: Yes and everyone said that McCain was the only one to beat the Messiah also. It is not good to project people way beforehand. I agree i like Palin a lot and is a great person for the Conservative cause, but to say she is the only one to beat Obama 4 years before an election is absurd i think on its face. I do agree w/o her, McCain would have gotten killed by a lot more. But does that meas she is the only one to beat OPbama???
Look at what big expectations that the Left have put on Obama. He was the Lightbringer, the one that would lower the oceans (well, Pbama said that himself) but now look, he has tanked the economy and has alienated most of those that voted for him, except ACORN and other cronies.
Beware of placing too much expectation so long before a campaign has even began.
This far ahead of the elections is a waste of time in trying to figure out who should be the candidate. George W was the head of the pack also, and look at what that did to the Conservative Cause.
It is way too early in the game for a favorite. there are many other elections in the meantime. We need to look at school board candidates, dog catchers, state representatives, governors, then let the Presidential race begin.
That is the est thing that I learned at CPAC, it is not just about Presidential candidates, it is about Conservatives in your backyard, the local school board members. We need to change the minds between now and 2012, and get more people locally, in state legislatures and then onto nationwide races.
What did George W do to the Conservative Cause?
@lmao:“No one who would vote for Sarah Palin should be allowed to have children.”
If a Republican had said anything remotely similar about a Democrat they would be arrested for hate crimes.
Amazing how truly bigoted, intolerant and ignorant some Dems are.
I saw Jindal talking on a clip on The Daily Show – and he just seemed a bit stiff and well…creepy – the well he glazed into the camera. I know it’s the daily show blah blah – and they can pick and choose what videos to show like any TV show – but I think if you are going to take on Obama you are gonna to need charisma as well as principles and Palin has charisma and principles. Maybe she’s too far to the right – but when the Dems picked wet fish like Gore & Kerry then were defeated by Bush – who had appeal to enough Americans to get him through. Same with Romney – boring. And as Mike says – I don’t have a vote – but just a view from a distance.
Personally, I think most politicians, Republican or Democrat, have sold out to the corporate interests and to the globalist elite. That being said, I believe Mike Huckabee would probably be the most viable candidate for the position. Congressman Ron Paul actually functions with more common sense about government matters; however, he wouldn’t stand a “snowball’s chance in Georgia” with a run for the White House. The man has the necessary courage to reveal the political corruption that is taking place and he wouldn’t be welcome.
While Governor Sarah Palin may be a nice person and a conservative political candidate, she is not qualified for the Oval Office and neither was Barack Obama. She does not have, as she proved during several interviews, to have a sense of understanding regarding foreign policy. Her lack of foreign policy experience and her tiresome rhetoric would disqualify her from the running in my humble opinion. Oh yes, she sounds good and looks good to the electorate, but if you listen to her speak, she doesn’t have a whole lot to say. It’s the typical conservative jargon that people want to hear wrapped up in a cute and perky package.
Americans have become completely dysfunctional when it comes to choosing a viable political candidate in either party. They believe anything they are told and will vote based on celebrity vibe as opposed to educated research. This is why Obama was elected. Americans don’t want a President – they want a rock star……
@Dixie Dawg:
You are kidding, right? I guess the reason you think Sarah Palin doesn’t have “a whole lot to say” is because you are a Ron Paul supporter. Nice try, though.
Palin is up to an almost 3 to 1 lead over Romney who is in second. I guess there are not a lot of other readers who would agree with @Dixie Dawg:
I agree 2010 is extremely important! Until the Dems are voted out of power, any Republican presidental candidate will have an uphill battle and if/when they win, will be rowing up river without a paddle and a hole in the bottom of the boat.
Sarah Palin is one smart lady, except she listened to the McCain handlers and was not herself. She was told what to say, when to say it, who NOT to speak to, what to wear, how to act. The real Sarah did shine through enough that there was overwhelming numbers at every stop! She energized America!
There is currently a four year plan in place to smear her, continue all of the obscene gossip and unfounded ‘truths’. We all know this. We all need to combat this crap whenever it is seen.
Alaska is operating in the black. This is due wholly to Sarah’s skillful handling of the problems she found when she entered the Governor’s mansion. With the price of oil dropping, our fiscal reserves are going to drop, but Sarah has put money away to get us through any tough times we might have. I have to wonder how many states have such great luck?
[That is the est thing that I learned at CPAC, it is not just about Presidential candidates, it is about Conservatives in your backyard, the local school board members. We need to change the minds between now and 2012, and get more people locally, in state legislatures and then onto nationwide races.]
I totally agree with you, stix, and submit to you that perhaps a focus locally as well as preparations for the 2012 election can be worked on simultaneously. During the 2008 campaign, my county had LOTS of errors just in the voter data base alone, which was very frustrating to say the least. This kind of thing takes time to correct, and I’m stepping up to the plate to help in whatever ways I can. At the same time, YES, get involved in school boards, city council, etc.!! We have to get out there and implement positive, conservative ideas, giving information to those who otherwise might be ill-informed on the real issues.
@SoCal Chris:
I am trying my hardest, but I live in one of the mostcorrupt counties in Illinois. I tihnk Cook countymight be worse. But wegot more votingthat areregisteredevery year. We have the dead and dogs voting every year.
I am trying my hardest to get conservatives on the ballots. See if they are on the ballot as Republican they have already lost, they have to be on the ballot as independent. I know a few in the area that I am going to try my hardest to get elected here.
!!Fred Thompson on the radio right now at: http://fredthompsonshow.com/
stix, it does sound like you have your hands full there! Thank you for all your efforts! I’d vote for you if I lived there! 🙂
@SoCal Chris: Yes i live in Democrat Hell.
The sad part is a lot of people here are actually Conservative in the way theylive and act, but think Conservatives are knuckle dragging Neaderthals becausetheir parents voted Democratic and so dod their Grandparents, so they have to make excuses to vote for Leftists. So they demonize people on the Right.
Obama is a Democrat, so he can do no wrong to them
I relate to what you are saying, stix, and people’s pride is a tough nut to crack. As well as media misconceptions out there about conservatives. All I know is that the more we can inform folks about the issues that hit close to home (and their pocketbooks) then who knows that when they go to the privacy of the voting booth they might vote conservative? They’d be called “closet conservatives”. But, seriously, the bottom line is their vote, and then afterwards they can tell their left-leaning parents, grandparents, and next door neighbor, whatever they choose! 😉
@SoCal Chris: That is the whole reason I started blogging. To inform people about what conservatism is and the misconceptions of us Conservatives.
I have been doing to for about 10 years now. And after going to the GOP Convention, Samsphere, Defend the American Dream Summit, and now CPAC, I have learned of more ways to get the message across and to get more people involved.
And from this blog I got to meet Skye at the Convention and CPAC.
And another thing on Conservatives,we are not a monolithic group. We all have different ideas on policy,but the majority of the time we will agree with the core values of Limited Government, Strong Defense and Personal Freedom.
I agree about the blogging, too. I know it does make a big impact as well. I’d like to be a lot more informed than I am, but I share what I can.
That is great that you went to CPAC, as well as the GOP Convention, and the others as well. I would have loved to be at all of those, especially to have heard Sarah Palin give her speech.
“…but the majority of the time we will agree with the core values of Limited Government, Strong Defense and Personal Freedom.” Exactly right!
@SoCal Chris: You forgot to say I also met the lovely Skye. And Palin’s speech was great. I also saw here in St Louis after the VP debates.
But my blog is not as popular as Flopping Aces here, but I know I get the point across. Since I moved my url I am getting a thousand hits a day,but before it was closer to 5-7000 hits and more on good days. But I am still getting my point across. And I also post at 3 other blogs and a few others occasionally
@SoCal Chris:
You guys are both aware of Skye’s example. She started going to these rallies on her own and soon built a network of likeminded souls in her home state. They are now working on the local and county level to get conservatives elected and standing for election themselves.
One person can make a difference.
@Mike’s America:
Yes I got to meet her Sheepdogs and PACC members at CPAC. Very good group of people. She has inspired them to do something. I am trying to do that here in St Clair County also.
@stix1972: Sorry! I am glad you were able to meet Skye, too! I’ll bet it was a really special time for sure.
Makes me think I need to get out of Dodge more often go to some of these great events!
Congrats on your blog, stix. That’s really great!
@SoCal Chris: Just kidding on that, sort of.
But if you write a blog and want to go to these things, most of the time they accept most people. CPAC was a little crowded on Blogger’s Row, so I got a Media Pass instead, hehe.
Also try and join some of the Conservative and Libertarian groups. I joined Sam Adams Alliance, Americans For Prosperity, and a few others. I got to go to Chicago, DC twice and Minneapolis for free for the most part.
@stix1972: Don’t be too disappointed if you don’t achieve the results that Skye, Sheepdogs and PACC do. That’s a pretty extraordinary group of people and they are quite exceptional.
But they do provide an example.
I’ll tell you one of my own stories if you don’t mind:
In 1984 I was back in my hometown of Bowling Green Ohio after graduting earlier from a college near Columbus (where I put my name on the ballot for a seat on the county GOP’s Central Committee and won). I took a table down to the Bowling Green State University student union and set it up to register students to vote and form a College Republican group.
It was amazing how quickly talented and motivated students approached me and asked to get involved. We quickly became one of the largest groups in the country and were rewarded with a visit to the campus by President Reagan.
Just look at all the genuine enthusiasm there is out there by people who want to join the tea party protests. We’re no longer beholden to President Bush or John McCain and conservatives are free to be themselves.
I can imagine you felt that feeling at CPAC. I could sense it just by watching on CSpan.
@Mike’s America: Yes it was truly amazing. the place was packed and there was much enthusiasm.
Yes Skye is doing a tremendous job in Philly. She even got Joe the Plumber to interview here at CPAC about it when were at the Tea Party for PJmedia TV. And it was shown on the big screens I think at some of the events.
We also got to talk to Saul Anzius (spelling???) and got kicked out of an event because we were talking too loud.
Also got to talk to Scappleface and Vodka Pundit, Captain Ed, Mary Katherine Ham and a few others.
@Mike’s America:
Now we just need one more person…
As far as I’m concerned the straw poll is pointless.
I think that conservatives need to get their priorities in order. Instead of talking about “who” they should consider as their personal choice of candidate to run in 2012, they need to get their sh** together and focus on why they have lost so much support, and what is required to get America’s voters excited enough to select Republicans in future elections. I believe some here need to clear the MSM-think propaganda and/or last election campaign supporter biases out of their heads and start thinking about what the Republican party will need to do to fix the mess Obama and the Democrats are going to put us in. Looking at the economy and the “spend our way out” mentality I see very little that will stop us from heading into a deeper recession or even a depression. You also need to come up with plans that the MSM will have trouble arguing with. (Considering most of them are running interference for the Democrats.)
The GOP needs a winning plan, not the “same old same old.” Look, I vote republican 9-time out of 10 or more, but I’m getting fed-up with the 90’s Republican-elite’s positions. If you go with what Rush Limbaugh wants, you are going to lose. I don’t care if that pisses some of you off or not, that’s the way it is. Returning the “George Bush tax cuts” isn’t going to gain you any more votes than you would already be getting. Even if every wealthy American in the nation voted Conservative, those votes are vastly outnumbered by the lower class voters that Democrats pander to with their social spending. Remember that it is middle class votes that you need to win.
In 2002 the middle class voted to give the Republicans a chance to put America on the right track with the their continual promise of lower taxes and lower government. BUT most of all, because Americans were still rightfully, angry about 9-11. The Republicans and Bush seemed to have a clear plan, while some Democrats actually had the nerve to claim that America was to blame. (Not to mention that generally, Republican are much better at managing wars than Democrats.)
So what happened? Bush and the Republicans went out of favor big-time for a lot of reasons: Bush did not catch Osama Bin Ladin & although we got Saddam, the Iraq war stretched on and on while the anti-war MSM did their best to treat it like they did Vietnam all over again. The Republican controlled Congress did little to decrease the size of government, the only taxes they seemed to want to cut were capital gains and inheritance taxes, neither of which has much (if any) affect on the typical middle class family. Many Republicans got as addicted as Democrats to pork and deficit spending. Factories continued to close, good paying Jobs were lost in the continual conversion to a “service economy.” Small town America declined. Illegal immigration exponentially while Bush and the Republicans refused to control the borders, apparently because some capitalists like cheap labor more than national security. Even though better than 80% of the public wanted the borders secured, their wishes are ignored. (Sure the Democrats were against closing the borders also, but they weren’t in charge.)
I like McCain, but he was a poor choice because he did not have enough conservative support, and many of the moderates were fooled by the MSM into thinking Obama and the other Dems were also “moderates”. I think that his support for the bail-out & for immigration (ahem) “reform” hurt his campaign badly. Aside from his being a “free-trader” there was little to tie him to the Conservative side of the party. The only thing that almost turned the tide was his selection of Palin, which clearly worried the MSM so badly that they dropped all pretense of objectivity to go after her. Had she been given enough time to prepare before being tossed to the media lions, she might have bested them. Hell Obama, Biden and McCain had over a year of preparation and look how badly they performed those times when they too were placed in the hot seat.
Incidentally, Palin is neither an idiot or unqualified, and those Republicans who insist on continually spouting such MSM propaganda are doing their own party a disservice. The middle class liked her and she put fear in the hearts of the liberal elite. It would be much wiser to help her prepare better for future battles, than to continue disrespecting her for minor past mistakes.
If Republicans will not put aside their own petty internal-party bickering, America will suffer for it. Work to build a united front now, and kick ass later.
@ditto: I agree with much of what you said but not “the straw poll is pointless.”
I found it very informative. I was surprised, and pleased, that the readers here overwhelmingly support Sarah Palin.
That doesn’t mean they will still feel that way in 2012 but it was interesting.
@ Mike
I was actually referring to the CPAC’s straw poll. I should have made that clear. It is pointless because it doesn’t take into effect that Republicans need more than just the Conservatives to win elections.
As for a FA reader poll, Count me as a supporter for Palin, and for many things Ron Paul, and Huckabee have to say. Romney is too tied to this decade’s Republican leadership’s’ “business as usual.”