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When the people get hungry they’ll figure out who spent the money. Glad I’m not related to anyone in congress. People in the country who haven’t raised a garden in years are plowing the fields in preparation to feed their own families. O’Dumbo may disarm us but there will always be pitchforks and axes. Glad I put 4 deer in the freezer this winter and have plenty of firewood and coal to heat and cook with. Just put a stove in one of the fireplaces. Half a dozen homes now pollute more than a power plant.

hope electricity doesnt go out for those deer.

Maybe you ought to have salted & jerked them.

This, just to get us through until October 1.

In addition to this spending, here’s some of the rest of their crazed spending:


$850 billion
$350 interest = $1,175 trillion


$32.3 billion to last 4 years


$1,287 billion, dem portion of responsibility

On tap:

$634 billion expected to top $1 trillion for Obama’s Healthcare plan

$22 billion more for Chrysler, don’t know what the rest will be asking for

$275 billion for Mortgage Plan

$750 billion more for banks

All this is deficit spending plus interest.

Can’t remember all we’ve been threatened with and I think I’ve left another another bill out that passed earlier. All this with a bill of $36 trillion coming down the pike for the 77 million baby boomers medicare bill, social security, etc., etc.

I’m sure there will be expensive additional Obama campaign promises shoved through within the next few months on top of another pork ridden budget for 2010.

Two weeks ago John Lott calculated the spending would cost every taxpayer over $60,000. Hate to think of what the cost is now or what it will be before they are done with their spending spree

When the people get hungry they’ll figure out who spent the money

Speaking as someone who pays his mortgage, has a spouse who has been out of work since Thanksgiving, and since neither of us can find decent jobs beyond McDonald’s….I can say w absolute certainty that seeing all these trillions of dollars being spent …pisses me off right now. And it will continue to piss me off for the next 2 years.

QUESTION: since every time Obama speaks, the stock market crashes, how many trillions have been lost in crashes that coincide w his speeches on the economy?

There is one good thing…Republicans can retake the house and Senate in 2010 based on little more than the promise to cut trillions from the next budget. All these pork projects make future budget cutting easy.

@Scott Malensek: “All these pork projects make future budget cutting easy.”

Au contraire mon ami! Every one of these budget busters make it all the more likely that spending from here on out will be higher and higher built upon this foundation of pork lard.

You only need to recall GOP efforts to trim the rate of increase in some programs for FUTURE spending were called “draconian” cuts by the Dems who promptly trotted out examples from the victim class du jour who phonied up scare stories about how their lives would be ruined if they didn’t get the full increase in program x, y or z.

Every single one of these ridiculous earmarks has a Democrat voter attached to it. We sure don’t want the people who remove tattoos or check for pig manure to be out of work once the initial funds dry up.

Got to keep those people happy so they’ll keep sending in their contributions to Obama and the Dems for 2010 and 2012.

Obama lied-My 401K died!

Missy, you are good now at adding interest to debt… brava! Now add that to the $5 Trillion we accumulated from George Bush. So when you speak of a spending spree… lets truly be bi- partisan and remember the good ole days when Pres Bush was spending money like it was going out of style. For the record, NEITHER is acceptable, but we must not act like one group of politicians is any less prone to borrow money (which in effect is a tax on future generations).

removed by author

@Missy: Don’t encourage him. I’m not going to allow this thread to degenerate into another of his Bush bashes.

@Mike’s America:

Much appreciated.

Here comes another $5 billion for a possible $6.5 billion for Pakistan. Billion here, billion there…..



You are correct; when Bush left, the National Debt (not the deficit) was $5+ trilion. As a Senator, Obama voted (or abstained from voting) to allow the deficit to grow under Bush. NO single president acts alone, and NO president and his administration increase the deficit or debt by themselves. The cooperation of Congress is required to really screw the American public (especially the taxpayers). However, Obama is preaching fiscal responsibility at a time when fiscal responsibility is of paramount importance, BUT his actions speak otherwise. Many of the spending increases and even tax cuts are likely to retard the country’s economic recovery, and this is according to the governments own accounting office! What is the average citizen to think when the President acts against the best advice of the advisors who are supposed to ensure that the government makes the best economic decisions? If the President wants to show that he intends to conserve spending so that only the necessary projects (i.e., no pork or earmarks) are funded, why doesn’t he listen to the advice of fiscally conservative economists? There is no way that government will be successful in ensuring that only responsible homeowners and truly needy agri-businesses get the aid he has secured, and so far there have been no signs whatsoever that Obama has any specific plans for holding corporate execs fiscally responsible for mis-spending bailout funds. He’s had five weeks already to announce even the slightest plans to investigate abuses of any corporate banking execs, yet Zip. Zilch. Nada. The American taxpayer already mistrusts the way Congress handles funds, and yet Obama wants to drastically increase the amount of money that slips through Congress’s fingers?

So what’s the story, the real story? The answer is glaringly simple: Obama is hell bent on expanding government control of the health, banking, end energy sectors of the economy, along with paying back the individuals and institutions that won him the election, including especially those of his financial supporters whose abundant financial support made him realize that his best shot at being elected required him to back out of his pledge to stick to the same public campaign funding limits that he and John McCain agreed to. In fact, Obama took a lot of pride (obviously false pride, by now) in supporting and pushing through meaningful campaign reform. He himself said that campaign reform was crucial too removing the influence of special interests from elections, yet once he smelled the enormous loot available to him he just couldn’t show enough restraint to stick to his agreement.

So we see the same irresponsible, money-hungry power-grabbing corrupt politician that he promised not to be. It is disgusting, and speaks volumes about his real ambitions. Rest assured that Obama will increase the tax burden on the middle class or leave one hell of a drastically enlarged national debt for generations to come.

I have never been fond of deficit spending by ANY president, but Obama takes the cake (and apparently wants to eat it and keep it, too!)

Jeff V

@ruaqtpi2: As I have said before, if by magic all Democrats in the House and Senate had magically disappeared during Bush’s term in office we would likely have seen a dramatic drop in spending.

Funny how the people who claim BUSH=HITLER are now complaining that Bush wasn’t a dictator who ran roughshod over the big spending Democrats.

ruaqtpi2: So what’s the story, the real story? The answer is glaringly simple: Obama is hell bent on expanding government control of the health, banking, end energy sectors of the economy, along with paying back the individuals and institutions that won him the election,

He actually ran on a platform that indicated he would expand government’s role in healthcare and energy. He won so I figured he would do those things (along with the $288 Billion Tax cut).

Generally we agree, the president does not act alone. BUT, the president (whoever it is at the time) wields the greatest influence, especially when his party is in charge. Pres Bush had his opportunity and had much power when he ran up the $5 Trillion debt, and that was before the wheels fell off the economy. Now we have Pres Obama and the Dems who will spend according to their Keynesian philosophy to “rescue the economy” which of course Pres Bush & Company were pouring trillions into from the Fed, and the $750 Billion bailout.

It has to be done. 9000

ok, i’m going to give you guys this one. i realize that earmarks are just the way washington work, but i think obama should do something about it.

@james manning: James, I feel your pain. Obama has broken so many promises that you must be discouraged….

So, add this to his pile of broken promises.

President Obama, who took a no-earmark pledge on the campaign trail, is listed as one of dozens of cosponsors of a $7.7 million set-aside in the fiscal 2009 omnibus spending bill passed by the House on Wednesday.

Not to worry boys and girls:

On Thursday, Rob Blumenthal, a spokesman for the Senate Appropriations Committee said the one earmark in the bill that carries Obama’s name will be edited. The committee will attribute that earmark to other senators on the list of that provision’s supporters, but not Obama.


mike, there is no pain about it because i don’t think anyone expects a president to keep every promise because that’s the nature of politics. i just believe that for the past 8 years we have dug such a deep hole that there is just no way to think this thing will get turned around.

as for earmarks, do you actually believe that of those 9000 earmarks that there are none put in by the GOP? lets be real, all of these guys have their hand in the cookie jar. now what i do like is that he is putting a high priority on energy, education and health care. these are areas that really need funding and changes.

besides, this budget will change once the house and senate get their hands on it.

also, if you take out the money for the recovery act, the increase is 8.32% Transportation has the biggest increase but i do believe that is a good investment because it is critical for commerce. if i’m not mistaken, the size of government increased more under bush than any other time since the great depression. and how many jobs did that get us?

@james manning: “besides, this budget will change once the house and senate get their hands on it.”

James, you might have noticed that once the House and Senate get a hold of a budget they usually INCREASE it.

Name one Bush budget that went to congress and was passed with lower spending?

As for GOP earmarks? Why not… those are the rules YOU DEMS WROTE.

The House GOP leadership requested a spending freeze with NO earmarks. All Pelosi had to do was agree.

Who is the big spender here James?


Hate to break up this constant Democratic mantra of blaming Bush and the Republican party for the whole 5-Trillion in deficits during his Presidency, but the fact do not support such a conclusion.

The Republicans were but marginally “in control” of Congress for only two of Bush’s 8 years. The 5-Trillion deficit was not created only in those two years. The other 6 years that Bush was in office, it was the Democrats who were in control of both houses of Congress.

We all know how these appropriation bills work, so stop pretending you don’t. The President submits the bill through both houses of Congress, who in turn tack on what ever additional spending they want added. then comes the horse trading. After that, the bill passes through Congress again until voted on, then it goes to the President to sign or veto.

The 5-Trillion of spending during his presidency is the fault of Bush & BOTH parties. The fact that he signed the bill does not absolve Democrats of their own responsibility. Get over it.

@ Mike”Every single one of these ridiculous earmarks has a Democrat voter attached to it.”

Sorry Mike but in fairness, Republicans are also responsible for some of the pork in the massive omnibus spending bill. It was Obama and the Democrat’s stimulus bill that the Republicans (sans 3) were locked out on.

ditto, you’re thinking backwards today. The GOP held both chambers since the 1994 midterms, and thruout the first six years of the Bush’s admin… with the exception of one year when Jeff Jeffords changed his “R” to an “I” in 2001. He changed it back in 2002.

It was in 2006 midterms where the Dems gained possession of both chambers.

Both parties held “barely” majority status, however.

With the 2008 elections, “barely” is a word no longer appearing in the balance of powers dictionary.

@ditto: Republicans who took earmarks were simply acting under rules dictated by the Democrat majority.

However, I am pleased that a number of GOP House members have refused earmarks. I can’t find the list, so if anyone has it, please post the names.

I know that House Minority Leader Boehner has been at the forefront of the fight against earmarks going back to at least 2008 when he put forward another plan to stop pork spending.


Every effort along these lines has been shot down by Pelosi and friends.

The bottom line is that Democrats are 100% responsible for the current system and have stood in the way of reforms.

I was running off what I thought I;d remembered. Looking into it again Mata, your count is not quite technically correct either:

For 6 years of Bush’s term, the Republicans controlled the House, for 2 Democrats held control.
For 4 years the Republican’s controlled the Senate, for the other 4 the Democrats controlled the House

# 2001: Bush Sworn in as President. The Senate was ballances at 50-50 with Vice President Dick Cheney as the tie breaker. Four months later, (on May 24,) Vermont Sen. Jim R Jeffords switched his affiliation from Republican to Independent. That changed the Senate to 50 Democrats, 49 Republicans and one Independent. Furthermore Jeffords todl the Democrat leadership that he would vote with them on procedural matters. He tended to vote Democrat on all policy matters. After the 2002 elections he told the GOP that he would be pleased to caucus with them, but this announcement was not taken seriously by the Republicans. Jeffords did not switch back to the Republican party.

# 2002: Republicans retained control of the House and took back control of the Senate from Democrats.

# 2006: For the first time in 12 years, Democrats took back control of both the House and the Senate from Republicans.


1999-2001 106th Congress: Clinton Presdent
Senate Republican controlled: Democrat-45 Republican-55
House of Rep Republican controlled: Democrat-211 Republican-223 Independent-1

2001 107th Congress: Bush inaugurated Jan 2001
Senate Republican controlled: Democrat-50 Republican-50
House of Rep Republican controlled: Democrat-212 Republican-221 Independent-2

2001-2003 107th Congress
Senate Democratic controlled: Democrat-50 Republican-49 Independent-1*
House of Rep Republican controlled: Democrat-212 Republican-221 Independent-2

2003-2005 108th Congress: Bush reinaugurated Jan 2001
Senate Republican controlled: Democrat-48 Republican-51 Independent-1*
House of Rep Republican controlled: Democrat-205 Republican-229 Independent-1

2005-2007 109th
Senate Republican controlled: Democrat-44 Republican-55 Independent-1*
House of Rep Republican controlled: Democrat-202 Republican-231 Independent-1 Vacant-1

2007-2009 110th Congress Control Tied,
Senate is Technically Tied: Democrat-49 Republican-49 Independent-2**
**(Democratic-voting, giving the Democrats the balance of power)
House of Rep Democratic controlled: Democrat-235 Republican-199 Vacant-1

2009-2011 111th Congress: Obama inaugurated Jan 2009
Senate Democratic controlled: Democrat-56 Republican-41 Undecided-3
House of Rep Democratic controlled: Democrat-254 Republican-174 Undecided-7