Theft By Government [Reader Post]


Question: How does con man Bernie Madoff differ from the state of California?

Answer: Bernie’s victims surrendered their life savings voluntarily – in California, the victim’s money was taken under threat of force by the IRS.

As pundits, politicians and the media focus America’s wrath on Bernie Madoff for conning willing dupes out of over $50 million bucks, the same scam carried out by elected government officials in both Kansas and California goes virtually unnoticed.

California, home to 37 million people and a $1.8 trillion economy, recently informed taxpayers that the state will be unable to issue taxpayers their tax refunds. An IOU will take its place. Translation: Anyone who overpaid their 2008 taxes will not receive their money back from the state until, well, until the state figures out how to find more of other people’s money to redistribute. Hey, isn’t that what Madoff is accused of?

Likewise, the taxpayers of Kansas are plumb out of luck, as political battles are forcing the state to withhold the refunding of taxpayer’s money.”We are out of cash, in essence,” state budget director Duane Goossen said last week.

If an individual fails to return investor’s cash, its called fraud. If a private business defaults on its obligations, it is forced into bankruptcy. If a government entity runs out of cash, its called business as usual.

Business as usual also requires quick action to find and/or manufacture a scapegoat to deflect blame and focus attention away from the problem.

Third world countries, decadent dictators and savvy politicians have long known that a common enemy is a powerful and unifying tool, especially when it comes to providing a scapegoat for their own failed policies. As long as Iran, Korea, Cuba, etc. are able to focus the blame for their failure on a common enemy, say the rich, decadent United States, they themselves remain immune from both the blame and the consequences of their failed policies.

So it is with the the United States. In our case, the common enemy chosen to deflect blame and attention from failed policies and economic collapse is capitalism. ‘It’s capitalism that’s to blame’, politicians claim. ‘It’s unfettered free markets’, the media echo. ‘And, by the way, we’ll fix it for you,’ the Obama administration promises, as they rush to make an example of Bernie Madoff.

In the supreme irony, capitalism is the very engine of wealth that allowed state and federal government to spend virtually unlimited amounts of our money on whatever pet projects they deemed necessary or politically profitable. Now that the money has been spent and the coffers are bare, capitalism has been chosen as the ‘common enemy’ and assigned the blame that rightfully belongs to profligate politicians and reality-challenged bureaucrats. (And to be fair, the Americans who trusted them.)

As millions of Americans, myself included, are being forced to economize, cut back and re-adjust priorities and expectations, our elected officials remain immune. In California, despite a $42 billion deficit, the legislature continues to impose costly regulations and mandates.

The federal government continues to approve trillions of our dollars to ‘invest’ and ‘stimulate’ (code words for welfare and taxes) , while continuing to pass legislation that enables key democratic allies to gain power and legislation that actually imposes higher costs of doing business on all Americans. But hey, the unions are ecstatic, the trial lawyers are happy and the environmentalists are placated.

Its ‘we the people’ that pay the tab for government. Its capitalism and the free market system that enables us to do so. Yet, so far, Americans seem willing to let government kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

By demonizing and undermining capitalism in favor of the totally discredited, tried and failed system of socialism, Americans are being forced to buy into yet another unrealistic version of utopia that common sense and history tells us will fail, big time. And, once again, we will be left to pay the very real costs of the decisions being made daily by our elected officials.

Just as Ronald Reagan looked at the Soviet Union and plainly saw that their system could not support itself and was bound to collapse, so too, do I look at the new path America is on. I wonder how so many Americans have been fooled into not challenging, and actually made complicit, in the assisted suicide of capitalism. And of our great country.

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I think that you mean BILLION up there in your third paragraph, rather than MILLION. Other than that, sing it, sister!

Excellent post!

But I think you can even take that one step higher…. Isn’t this the same scheme that the Federal Government has been doing with Social Security? Not only robbing Peter to pay Paul, but leaving nothing but IOU’s in it’s stead?


You mean I can’t count on Social Security to support me in my sunset years?

That’s OK.

Obie is giving me sunshine, unicorns, and piles and piles of Skittles so it’s all good.

PS – My mortgage is getting paid off next week too.

Good posting —

“Mankind will in time discover that unbridled majorities are as tyrannical and cruel as unlimited despots.” – John Adams

O’Dumbo found himself another stupid criminal in Ks so he is putting the governor who broke the state in charge of looking out for your health care. We’re not only screwed, we’re dead.

Looks like the Lame Stream Media gals are giving the ‘chosen one’ a few BJ’s a day, and in public to. What’s that book, “a slobbering love affair”?

Let’s another another “oh really?” to Nancy’s stellar post…. how about the fact that last year, only 26 of California’s 126 State Representatives and Senators voluntarily refused the 2.75% payraise for the 2008 fiscal year. These elected representatives should have been able to see this coming a mile away, since they’ve been in dire straits for some time, and Arnie was talking about the tin cup visit for bailout money last year. But that didn’t stop them from taking the money and running.

You can find a list of who refused in a link thru this Nov 20th SacBee State Worker article,

California legislators used to be the highest paid state elected officials in the nation, but were surpassed by a hefty pay hike the PA legislators gave themselves in 2006. They (California) made about $116K annually thru 2008. Haven’t seen if they jumped on the “audacity wagon” and gave themselves a pay hike this year.

Arnie surpassed New York’s governor for the highest paid in 2007. Spitzer was making $179K in 2007. The latest I see, from California Job Source, Arnie’s up to $212, 179 thru 2009. That’s a $5679 increase from his 2007-08 salary.

As I said, Kalifornia has always looked best in my rear view mirror.

California’s officials had to see this coming! Check out the graphs on the Legislative Analyst’s Office (a self-proclaimed nonpartisan organization). Pay special attention to the “State Spending” graph near the middle of the page:

The rapid real estate explosion had leveled off by 2004, and the bubble was leaking swiftly by 2006, giving California budget makers plenty of time to cut budgets. Instead, they ramped up their budgets, and now are dealing with this fiasco.

Let’s see now, the nation’s real estate and banking bubbles have deflated, so we should have trimmed spending, right? That’s what responsible government would do, right? But, no, our President and Congress think we should SPEND our way out of our current mess!

Any guesses how the nation will fare? When it’s time to face our deficits head on, or when other countries decide we’re too much of a risk, what will we do?

I’ve already apologized to my children for the irresponsible decisions their President and Congress have made in their behalf.

Jeff V

I left California after 33 years. You all have no idea of what’s going on there. The final straw was when my tax dollars were used to teach 7th graders how to ‘fist’, under the guise of teaching tolerance of homosexuality.
I couldn’t do anything politically because the Dems have had a stranglehold on the levers of power for over 45 years. So I left, along with lots of others. The only increase in poopulation in Calif. now is from immigrants. Very sad but a perfect example of what liberal policies result in. I’m just hoping its not too late for America

Let’s have an immediate 20% across the board pay cut for all people employed by the state

Aye: You mean I can’t count on Social Security to support me in my sunset years?

Obie is giving me sunshine, unicorns, and piles and piles of Skittles so it’s all good.

Of course not, put you money into 401K’s and pension funds. Oh wait, more unicorns.