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FINALLY! We are standing up and being heard. (Of course, you will not see this clip in the MS) The citizenry is waking up and we are MAD!

It is about time. I have been wondering what it would take for everyone, not just us, but EVERYONE to wake up. I guess asking everyone to bailout the irresponsible of our society with our tax dollars did it.

Now, it is time to tell the ones who are waking up what else the government is doing to us. This bailout is only the tip of iceberg.


I know and worked with Rick down at the Chgo Board of Trade…He is a good guy and speaks his mind. My son just called me from the trading floor down there and said that Rick might lose his job over this….Please, everyone go to CNBC and give a compliment to Rick for speaking up…we need voices like his!!!

Rick is AWESOME. Big fan for a long time. Usually the Pump Monkeys on CNBC talk over him.

What’s being proposed it’s actually a step down from what McCain had promised. His proposal during the campaign was to have the government flat out buy everyone’s mortgages and then adjust them.

Thus why we weren’t all that thrilled with McCain either, Fit…. Too bad there was no GOP Presidential candidate worth carrying the water for.

Palin/Santelli ’12!!!
Or visa versa, who cares?

Yeah Mata, I didn’t see any posts decrying his plan. I think we have a case of “It’s bad if a Republican does it, but it’s an outrage if it’s a Democrat.”