I’ll give you another – one that I have maintained for some time. Obama might be clever and he might be good with a crowd and he might be clever enough to capitalize on the fact that the media will cover for him in any event — but I believe that fudnamentally, obama is a lightweight. He is out of his league and said it so eloquently before; though on a different topic, “That’s above my paygrade”. He is a superficial man. And he does not have clout with the Dems in Congress. They are using him. It isn’t the other way around.
John ryan
15 years ago
The Washington Times was founded by Rev Sun Moon he has spent over 1 billion dollars in supporting this money losing loser. It has a circulation of 1/7 of the Washington Post.
That said, Obama has had and continiues to have high approval ratings. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html
In Congress the Dem Cong approval ratings are soaring and the Republicans are dropping. http://www.gallup.com/poll/114670/Congress-Approval-Rating-Jumps.aspx
I believe that America is best governed when there are two viable political parties. However, the Republicans seem to have forgotten how to attract the center of American politics and are content to pander only to their base.
@John ryan: Thanks John Ryan. Your comment makes a transparent attempt to hijack the thread onto some discussion about the Moonies instead of keep the focus on the Loonie in the Oval Office.
Sorry, but that’s another non starter. If you don’t have anything substantive to say why say anything at all?
15 years ago
The Lightworker showed no compassion for the people of Kentucky and Oklahoma who were devastated by natural disasters. #4 sums it up pretty well.
15 years ago
“President Obama: “And we then provide, uh, the process whereby Guantanamo will be closed, uh, no later than one year from now. We will be, uh. … Is there a separate, uh, executive order, Greg, with respect to how we’re going to dispose of the detainees? Is that, uh, written?””
One would have thought he would have bothered to look into this a bit further. When he had the meeting with the 911 and Cole families, he STILL didn’t know what he was talking about. Again, Greg Craig was there to pull him through and later admitted to Debra Burlingame that Obama had the facts of the law wrong.
Worse, then Debra Burlingame had to explain to *Greg Craig* the legal facts of CIPA(?) don’t know if that’s the correct bunch of letters. It’s the law the Bush Administration tried to avoid because it allowed terrorists to see classified information while they personally defended themselves.
Numbers 1 and 4 certainly apply in this example.
15 years ago
Oops, I’m being moderated, not in the filter. Sorry
John ryan
15 years ago
OK MIke here is the same with less your source is a moonie paper http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html
In Congress the Dem Cong approval ratings are soaring and the Republicans are dropping. http://www.gallup.com/poll/114670/Congress-Approval-Rating-Jumps.aspx
I believe that America is best governed when there are two viable political parties. However, the Republicans seem to have forgotten how to attract the center of American politics and are content to pander only to their base.
The fact is that when Republicans pander to the hard right they lose power to effect change in the USA
15 years ago
Oh John, shall we poll the public on the following dem governing and campaigning style?
Firm with Murtha Ties Got Earmarks From Nearly One-Fourth of House
By Jonathan Allen and Alex Knott, CQ Staff
More than 100 House members secured earmarks in a major spending bill for clients of a single lobbying firm — The PMA Group — known for its close ties to John P. Murtha , the congressman in charge of Pentagon appropriations.
“It shows you how good they were,” said Keith Ashdown, chief investigator at the watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense. “The sheer coordination of that would take an army to finish.”
PMA’s offices have been raided, and the firm closed its political action committee last week amid reports that the FBI is investigating possibly illegal campaign contributions to Murtha and other lawmakers.
Did Mexican drug money help subsidize the Democratic Convention?
A video posted on the firm’s web-site shows Stanford, now sought by U.S. Marshals, being hugged by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and praised by former President Bill Clinton for helping to finance a convention-related forum and party put on by the National Democratic Institute.
“I believe that America is best governed when there are two viable political parties.”
The problem is that the Democrat party is NOT a viable party. They are not attracting the center either. They are only catering to the far Left of this country which comprises of 4-6% of the population.
The reason why they are winning is that Republicans ruined their brand and infuriated their base. Their base is not turning out for elections right now. As for many Conservatives, the Republicans were perceived just Democrat “lite.” They were spending like Liberals. They were becoming corrupt like typical Democrats. So, they did not vote.
The one thing about the Conservative base is that WE are the CENTER. Conservatives and many Libertarians believe in what the Founders believed. That is not radical. It is American.
The issue here is that the Left has distorted the political discourse in this country to the point that freedom, liberty, and capitalism for its citizens are outdated and perverse principles. The current politicians are so arrogant and blind with power that they ignore the citizenry. The Republicans are not doing that, sir. The Liberal Democrats are. I would say that a viable party would listen the citizens, not ignore them and ridicule them.
John Ryan #2… what is it? Are you and RAP/Sky55110 mental Siamese twins separated at the posterior?? Or do you both just have a problem with nouns and verbs that magically morph before your very eyes so they say what you want them to say?
Democrats’ average approval ratings of Congress more than doubled from January (18%) to February (43%). Independents show a smaller increase, from 17% to 29%, while Republicans are now less likely to approve of Congress than they were in January.
Allow me to help you decipher the English language. This means the both Dems and Indy’s might be nearing euphoria in pleasure with Congress. *Congress*. Not Dem or GOP Congressional members. Just CONGRESS!
The Republican responders have a declining opinion of *CONGRESS*. Small wonder… conservatives are all but non existant, and the rest are RINOs. Nothing surprising there.
The pretty pictures for you in the Gallup poll article – aka a graph – are the comparisons of the last month’s answers from Dems, Indys and Republican responders.
And here’s another light bulb for you… THAT ONE wasn’t about Dem or Republican Congressional members either, but about *Congress* as a whole.
Yet you and CRAP dearly love to flaunt your inability to comprehend simple English, and expect the rest of us not to notice your mental deficiencies.
Mike’s post here is right on. Obama threw out a figure for the stimulus, Larry Summers wrote up the outline for the stimulus which Congress bent further out of shape. Obama had little to do with it but to wander around and campaign… what he does best. He doesn’t “govern”, he campaigns for the “governing” of others.
What he excels in, apparently, is delegation… not leadership.
luva the scissors
15 years ago
#5, he doesn’t give a shit. he gets to live in the big fancy house and he gets a cool ride. he gets to play with big boy toys and woo hoo, answer to no one.
@John ryan: Your comments are totally irrelevant to the post and your effort to hijack the thread is transparent.\
You sure do drink the Obama kool Aid don’t you?
15 years ago
During the campaign Obama indicated in many interviews that one of his strengths was the ability to get people to sit down together in a room and hash out their differences.
Obviously from the process of putting together the “stimulus” bill, there must be a shortage of available rooms in DC.
15 years ago
Obama received a reputation for competency? Don’t you have to DO something to be considered competent?
I propose that Obama figured all he had to do was appoint people who knew what they were doing, and that all he had to do was what they said, then he’d just “wing it.” That clearly explains why he needs the ear monitor. It’s like a ventriloquist act.
You can not lead the nation by mere image, improvisation and parroting skills.
15 years ago
He isn’t governing, he’s still campaigning, who knows who is actually governing.
Check this out, there’s also a number of interesting links included:
Barack Obama’s campaign for the presidency was trailblazing in its ability to tap into a network of activists around the nation to help propel him to victory. His campaign does not seem to have ended. He is again reactivating this network, but this time it is not to help him get elected. Instead, he is rounding up the usual suspects to help him advance his legislative program. The never-ending campaign has already begun.
Greg Sargent reports that a private White House cocktail reception was recently hosted by Barack and Michelle Obama for leaders of major progressive groups:
[The Obamas] signaled that their groups would play a key role in driving the big progressive changes at the heart of the White House’s legislative agenda, an attendee tells me.
The message was that these groups would be valuable as a kind of progressive outside “echo chamber,” as the attendee puts it.
The party — which was organized by top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett — signals that the White House is moving forward with efforts to build coordination with outside progressive groups in order to drive the White House’s message and beat back its foes. As I reported recently, Jarrett is at the center of those efforts.
Included on the guest list were: Labor leaders Jimmy Hoffa and Andy Stern, MoveOn.org’s Eli Pariser, Sierra Club’s Carl Pope, Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richardson, and Joe Solomonese of the Human Rights Campaign.
He now has a vast database of “troops” that he can call into action when conditions warrant, whether it be to make calls to congressmen, stage protests, or circulate leaflets. That kind of free labor is priceless. We will see much more of it in the days to come.
Of course, such labor is never entirely free. Posters, air time, ads, leaflets — all these come with a sticker price. We are not communists, after all. This is where another — higher — layer of activists comes into play.
Andy Stern is head of the Service Employees International Union, which is clearly one of the most astute, politically active, and well-funded of all unions. Stern has operated on the local, state, and federal levels when it comes to helping the campaigns of favored politicians. His union occasionally has mishaps: there is a corruption issue with the Los Angeles chapter and there were discussions involving the selling of Obama’s Senate seat in Illinois between a representative of his union and disgraced former Governor Rod Blagojevich. But he knows the ropes, which levers to pull, and he (along with fellow labor leader Jimmy Hoffa) is sitting on a treasure chests of funds. These chests will be replenished by virtue of the “stimulus bill.”
Stern has a close associate who receives very little attention. Anna Burger may be the most influential woman in the labor movement as hailed by Gannet. But her influence extends far beyond labor. She is a sharp political operator in charge of Change To Win, a group formed by a bevy of unions to use the political system to enrich laborers. She is also, along with Stern, one of the labor leaders involved in a very influential, if furtive, group known as the Democracy Alliance. This is an activist group on steroids with liberal-minded billionaires and mere centimillionaires behind them. The group brings together donors and political activists to fulfill a range of liberal goals. We may not see them — they don’t leave many fingerprints behind — but we will see what it is they will accomplish in the days ahead. They have a track record of success.
George Soros, hedge fund billionaire, is one of the main powers that be in the Democracy Alliance. He is also the most generous funder of 527 groups in the nation. These groups include MoveOn.org, whose leader Eli Pariser was one of the people who joined the Obamas at the White House. Moveon.org was the group responsible for the General BetrayUs ads that ran during the campaign which sought to impugn the reputation of the general behind the surge in Iraq.
@Missy: Thanks for sharing that Missy. I’m not at all surprised. We knew that Obama would call in the troops at the first sign of trouble but who thought it would be in the first month?
That’s the typical assortment of left wing, borderline fringe groups that we warned time and again during the campaign would be front and center if Obama won.
Now they are and where’s the outrage from the Obamatons who swore he was some sort of transformational figure that would rise above the old poltics of special interests, big money and lobbyists?
Oh well!
15 years ago
Be on the lookout for some interesting IPs. I believe we experienced a bit of it during the auto bailout and a lot of it at numerous sites during the campaign. Now it’s officially launched.
Maybe our moderators will get the chance to ask; did you get to attend the WH coctail party or did the dirt job just get passed on down to you?
@Missy: The folks who get the job of trolling conservatives sights are hardly the kind of folks who you would expect to find at a White House party stuffing themselves with $100/pound Waygu beef.
Nope… they leave that job to the ACORN type slobs who rarely bathe and have trouble keeping their mental disorders under control in more public settings.
I’ll give you another – one that I have maintained for some time. Obama might be clever and he might be good with a crowd and he might be clever enough to capitalize on the fact that the media will cover for him in any event — but I believe that fudnamentally, obama is a lightweight. He is out of his league and said it so eloquently before; though on a different topic, “That’s above my paygrade”. He is a superficial man. And he does not have clout with the Dems in Congress. They are using him. It isn’t the other way around.
The Washington Times was founded by Rev Sun Moon he has spent over 1 billion dollars in supporting this money losing loser. It has a circulation of 1/7 of the Washington Post.
That said, Obama has had and continiues to have high approval ratings. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html
In Congress the Dem Cong approval ratings are soaring and the Republicans are dropping. http://www.gallup.com/poll/114670/Congress-Approval-Rating-Jumps.aspx
I believe that America is best governed when there are two viable political parties. However, the Republicans seem to have forgotten how to attract the center of American politics and are content to pander only to their base.
@John ryan: Thanks John Ryan. Your comment makes a transparent attempt to hijack the thread onto some discussion about the Moonies instead of keep the focus on the Loonie in the Oval Office.
Sorry, but that’s another non starter. If you don’t have anything substantive to say why say anything at all?
The Lightworker showed no compassion for the people of Kentucky and Oklahoma who were devastated by natural disasters. #4 sums it up pretty well.
“President Obama: “And we then provide, uh, the process whereby Guantanamo will be closed, uh, no later than one year from now. We will be, uh. … Is there a separate, uh, executive order, Greg, with respect to how we’re going to dispose of the detainees? Is that, uh, written?””
One would have thought he would have bothered to look into this a bit further. When he had the meeting with the 911 and Cole families, he STILL didn’t know what he was talking about. Again, Greg Craig was there to pull him through and later admitted to Debra Burlingame that Obama had the facts of the law wrong.
Worse, then Debra Burlingame had to explain to *Greg Craig* the legal facts of CIPA(?) don’t know if that’s the correct bunch of letters. It’s the law the Bush Administration tried to avoid because it allowed terrorists to see classified information while they personally defended themselves.
Numbers 1 and 4 certainly apply in this example.
Oops, I’m being moderated, not in the filter. Sorry
OK MIke here is the same with less your source is a moonie paper http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html
In Congress the Dem Cong approval ratings are soaring and the Republicans are dropping. http://www.gallup.com/poll/114670/Congress-Approval-Rating-Jumps.aspx
I believe that America is best governed when there are two viable political parties. However, the Republicans seem to have forgotten how to attract the center of American politics and are content to pander only to their base.
The fact is that when Republicans pander to the hard right they lose power to effect change in the USA
Oh John, shall we poll the public on the following dem governing and campaigning style?
Firm with Murtha Ties Got Earmarks From Nearly One-Fourth of House
By Jonathan Allen and Alex Knott, CQ Staff
More than 100 House members secured earmarks in a major spending bill for clients of a single lobbying firm — The PMA Group — known for its close ties to John P. Murtha , the congressman in charge of Pentagon appropriations.
“It shows you how good they were,” said Keith Ashdown, chief investigator at the watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense. “The sheer coordination of that would take an army to finish.”
PMA’s offices have been raided, and the firm closed its political action committee last week amid reports that the FBI is investigating possibly illegal campaign contributions to Murtha and other lawmakers.
Did Mexican drug money help subsidize the Democratic Convention?
A video posted on the firm’s web-site shows Stanford, now sought by U.S. Marshals, being hugged by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and praised by former President Bill Clinton for helping to finance a convention-related forum and party put on by the National Democratic Institute.
For your viewing pleasure:
Now I’m really in the filter. P&T.
@ John Ryan
You are absolutely right when you said,
“I believe that America is best governed when there are two viable political parties.”
The problem is that the Democrat party is NOT a viable party. They are not attracting the center either. They are only catering to the far Left of this country which comprises of 4-6% of the population.
The reason why they are winning is that Republicans ruined their brand and infuriated their base. Their base is not turning out for elections right now. As for many Conservatives, the Republicans were perceived just Democrat “lite.” They were spending like Liberals. They were becoming corrupt like typical Democrats. So, they did not vote.
The one thing about the Conservative base is that WE are the CENTER. Conservatives and many Libertarians believe in what the Founders believed. That is not radical. It is American.
The issue here is that the Left has distorted the political discourse in this country to the point that freedom, liberty, and capitalism for its citizens are outdated and perverse principles. The current politicians are so arrogant and blind with power that they ignore the citizenry. The Republicans are not doing that, sir. The Liberal Democrats are. I would say that a viable party would listen the citizens, not ignore them and ridicule them.
John Ryan #2… what is it? Are you and RAP/Sky55110 mental Siamese twins separated at the posterior?? Or do you both just have a problem with nouns and verbs that magically morph before your very eyes so they say what you want them to say?
As I pointed out to CRAP in my comment on another thread on this Gallup poll, the poll responders were not asked about Congressional party members, but Congress as a whole.
Allow me to help you decipher the English language. This means the both Dems and Indy’s might be nearing euphoria in pleasure with Congress. *Congress*. Not Dem or GOP Congressional members. Just CONGRESS!
The Republican responders have a declining opinion of *CONGRESS*. Small wonder… conservatives are all but non existant, and the rest are RINOs. Nothing surprising there.
The pretty pictures for you in the Gallup poll article – aka a graph – are the comparisons of the last month’s answers from Dems, Indys and Republican responders.
And here’s another light bulb for you… THAT ONE wasn’t about Dem or Republican Congressional members either, but about *Congress* as a whole.
Yet you and CRAP dearly love to flaunt your inability to comprehend simple English, and expect the rest of us not to notice your mental deficiencies.
Mike’s post here is right on. Obama threw out a figure for the stimulus, Larry Summers wrote up the outline for the stimulus which Congress bent further out of shape. Obama had little to do with it but to wander around and campaign… what he does best. He doesn’t “govern”, he campaigns for the “governing” of others.
What he excels in, apparently, is delegation… not leadership.
#5, he doesn’t give a shit. he gets to live in the big fancy house and he gets a cool ride. he gets to play with big boy toys and woo hoo, answer to no one.
Sniff. Sniff.
What is that???
Is that burnt hair I smell?
Yeah…that’s burnt hair.
@John ryan: Your comments are totally irrelevant to the post and your effort to hijack the thread is transparent.\
You sure do drink the Obama kool Aid don’t you?
During the campaign Obama indicated in many interviews that one of his strengths was the ability to get people to sit down together in a room and hash out their differences.
Obviously from the process of putting together the “stimulus” bill, there must be a shortage of available rooms in DC.
Obama received a reputation for competency? Don’t you have to DO something to be considered competent?
I propose that Obama figured all he had to do was appoint people who knew what they were doing, and that all he had to do was what they said, then he’d just “wing it.” That clearly explains why he needs the ear monitor. It’s like a ventriloquist act.
You can not lead the nation by mere image, improvisation and parroting skills.
He isn’t governing, he’s still campaigning, who knows who is actually governing.
Check this out, there’s also a number of interesting links included:
@Missy: Thanks for sharing that Missy. I’m not at all surprised. We knew that Obama would call in the troops at the first sign of trouble but who thought it would be in the first month?
That’s the typical assortment of left wing, borderline fringe groups that we warned time and again during the campaign would be front and center if Obama won.
Now they are and where’s the outrage from the Obamatons who swore he was some sort of transformational figure that would rise above the old poltics of special interests, big money and lobbyists?
Oh well!
Be on the lookout for some interesting IPs. I believe we experienced a bit of it during the auto bailout and a lot of it at numerous sites during the campaign. Now it’s officially launched.
Maybe our moderators will get the chance to ask; did you get to attend the WH coctail party or did the dirt job just get passed on down to you?
@Missy: The folks who get the job of trolling conservatives sights are hardly the kind of folks who you would expect to find at a White House party stuffing themselves with $100/pound Waygu beef.
Nope… they leave that job to the ACORN type slobs who rarely bathe and have trouble keeping their mental disorders under control in more public settings.