Hell as far as I’m concerned, she’s not welcome here either.
alan walter
15 years ago
If a photo surfaced of a similarly clad Muslim woman holding up a sign welcoming Hillary, you’d use it to prove that Obama’s administration is in league with terrorists, and knuckle-draggers like chandler would applaud you as they breathed through their mouths.
A couple of contributors to this site seem intelligent and thoughtful, but most appear to be rabid hate merchants who would be at home in a 1930s Munich beer hall. Just substitute Jew for Muslim and you can envision chandler, clad in his sweaty brown shirt, ready to straighten his arm high above his head in homage to a shrill little man with a bad moustache. You can be that shrill little man, Mike. Do you still send hate mail to Dr. Z, Mike, that he can read on his blackberry while he waits in the west wing to advise President Obama? What happened there, Mike? Did Dr. Z drink the liberal koolaid?
15 years ago
Some people spend a lot of time in thought and still prove themselves idiots. alan is president of the club. The Obama’s administration is in league with terrorists, what’s new about that?
And perhaps you are not aware that our esteemed Wordsmith, who also contributes here, has meet Dr. Jasser in person and also highly supports his activities.
Your comment about the Jews is proof that YOU are the brownshirt here.
I have posted before on my own visit to the first German Concentration Camp at Dachau near Munich:
Let’s not forget that it was the peaceniks and appeasers (which I sense you belong to) that looked the other way when the Holocaust was being visited on the world.
Crawl back under your rock you petty little hatemonger.
15 years ago
The MSM told voters that everyone would once again love the United States if only she ditched the evil Bush and elected the saintly Hussein! How can this story then exist? Obviously it must be conservative propaganda.
Hard Right
15 years ago
Hey alan, if you want to talk whose beliefs are closer to the fascists, then one has to look no further than you leftist views.
You are guilty of projection, denial, and bigotry.
Anti-psych meds would wonders for you.
We’ve now got 50 million Pashtuns controlling West Pakistan, Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari (Bhutto’s widower) now viewed as a US puppet by an increasingly angry Pakistani populace, the Pakistani A-bombeister (Khan) released from house arrest, and sharia law officially introduced into a Pakistani province:
Meanwhile, virtually all of the high value Al Queda captured or killed to date have been the products of CIA actions, and not from US military actions.
Total budget for all intelligence agencies put together was $80 billion per year — a fraction of the total for the Iraq War. I conclude that we should have invested much more heavily in intelligence and treated global terrorism as a problem for the global police/intelligence agencies and not a problem to be solved by the US army.
Alan unfortunately went off on a name-calling rant, but I think that there is some truth in what he first wrote:
If a photo surfaced of a similarly clad Muslim woman holding up a sign welcoming Hillary, you’d use it to prove that Obama’s administration is in league with terrorists
There are lots of people in the USA who would hold up much more vituperative protest signs for American politicians belonging to the “wrong” party. What on earth does a picture like that prove? Does the woman represent 90% of the country or 10%? What has happened to the favorability rating of the USA in Muslim countries since the Obama inauguration? Has it gone up or has it gone down? It should be pretty easy to research this. Actual data would be worthy of discussion. A picture like that is entirely meaningless.
Is it really worth the time of anyone to read personal insults such as those appearing in several of the above posts? Why not just stick with the issues? It just comes across as a bunch of testosterone that might much better to put to a different use.
Just another empty promise. I can take this. Come on, give this guy a chance.
15 years ago
They just not that into you…
Let me see Indonesia has a population of 237 million…do you expect that a small demonstration proves anything of value? I no doubt a lot of people have the same opinion of the US (and the West) now as they did with Bush as it will take time for ‘some’ views to change. And besides in a lot islamic countries no doubt liberal and democratic views are polar opposite to they believe in. I mean they (along with the Conservative Right) didn’t even like Beatles back in the sixties – burning their records etc;)
Besides when did Obama promise that everyone in all parts of the world are going to agree with him?!
@GaffaUK: “Besides when did Obama promise that everyone in all parts of the world are going to agree with him?!” You mean the guy who promised “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal” can’t make everyone in the world love us?
I’m disappointed.
What’s the good of worshipping a Messiah if he can’t deliver?
alan walter
15 years ago
Larry, I agree my name-calling was perhaps ill-advised. However, chandler and his enablers should not be given credence. Anyone that stereotypes people, particularly on the basis of their ethnic, religious or racial identification, should be called to task.
Mike, My Dr. Z is your Dr. Zbignew, whom, I believe, you once looked up to when he was your instructor. What do you think of him now in his role as adviser to President Barack Hussein Obama?
Mike, are all people with whom you disagree whackos?
We’ve now got 50 million Pashtuns controlling West Pakistan, Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari (Bhutto’s widower) now viewed as a US puppet by an increasingly angry Pakistani populace, the Pakistani A-bombeister (Khan) released from house arrest, and sharia law officially introduced into a Pakistani province:
US foreign policy is looking more and more like an Obamateur hour.
American officials have privately backed Pakistan’s “Sharia law for peace” deal with Taliban militants in the Swat Valley despite publicly criticising it as a “negative development”.
The deal, under which Sharia law will be introduced in the Malakhand and Kohistan districts of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province if Taliban militants end their armed campaign in the Swat Valley, has been met with alarm by Nato chiefs and British and American officials.
Nato fears the deal would create a new “safe haven” for extremists, said a spokesman on Tuesday night, while a statement from Britain’s High Commission in Islamabad said: “Previous peace deals have not provided a comprehensive and long-term solution to Swat’s problems. We need to be confident that they will end violence, not create space for further violence.”
PUMAs. :p
Hell as far as I’m concerned, she’s not welcome here either.
If a photo surfaced of a similarly clad Muslim woman holding up a sign welcoming Hillary, you’d use it to prove that Obama’s administration is in league with terrorists, and knuckle-draggers like chandler would applaud you as they breathed through their mouths.
A couple of contributors to this site seem intelligent and thoughtful, but most appear to be rabid hate merchants who would be at home in a 1930s Munich beer hall. Just substitute Jew for Muslim and you can envision chandler, clad in his sweaty brown shirt, ready to straighten his arm high above his head in homage to a shrill little man with a bad moustache. You can be that shrill little man, Mike. Do you still send hate mail to Dr. Z, Mike, that he can read on his blackberry while he waits in the west wing to advise President Obama? What happened there, Mike? Did Dr. Z drink the liberal koolaid?
Some people spend a lot of time in thought and still prove themselves idiots. alan is president of the club. The Obama’s administration is in league with terrorists, what’s new about that?
@alan walter:
Shiny new penny losing it’s luster? Let’s re-direct your frustration where I doubt it will do any good:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone Numbers
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
Comments: 202-456-6213
@alan walter:
Alan I am not sure what you are talking about. If you are talking about Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser you might not be aware that I have been singing his praises for years:
And perhaps you are not aware that our esteemed Wordsmith, who also contributes here, has meet Dr. Jasser in person and also highly supports his activities.
Your comment about the Jews is proof that YOU are the brownshirt here.
I have posted before on my own visit to the first German Concentration Camp at Dachau near Munich:
Let’s not forget that it was the peaceniks and appeasers (which I sense you belong to) that looked the other way when the Holocaust was being visited on the world.
Crawl back under your rock you petty little hatemonger.
The MSM told voters that everyone would once again love the United States if only she ditched the evil Bush and elected the saintly Hussein! How can this story then exist? Obviously it must be conservative propaganda.
Hey alan, if you want to talk whose beliefs are closer to the fascists, then one has to look no further than you leftist views.
You are guilty of projection, denial, and bigotry.
Anti-psych meds would wonders for you.
We’ve now got 50 million Pashtuns controlling West Pakistan, Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari (Bhutto’s widower) now viewed as a US puppet by an increasingly angry Pakistani populace, the Pakistani A-bombeister (Khan) released from house arrest, and sharia law officially introduced into a Pakistani province:
Meanwhile, virtually all of the high value Al Queda captured or killed to date have been the products of CIA actions, and not from US military actions.
Total budget for all intelligence agencies put together was $80 billion per year — a fraction of the total for the Iraq War. I conclude that we should have invested much more heavily in intelligence and treated global terrorism as a problem for the global police/intelligence agencies and not a problem to be solved by the US army.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA
Alan unfortunately went off on a name-calling rant, but I think that there is some truth in what he first wrote:
There are lots of people in the USA who would hold up much more vituperative protest signs for American politicians belonging to the “wrong” party. What on earth does a picture like that prove? Does the woman represent 90% of the country or 10%? What has happened to the favorability rating of the USA in Muslim countries since the Obama inauguration? Has it gone up or has it gone down? It should be pretty easy to research this. Actual data would be worthy of discussion. A picture like that is entirely meaningless.
Is it really worth the time of anyone to read personal insults such as those appearing in several of the above posts? Why not just stick with the issues? It just comes across as a bunch of testosterone that might much better to put to a different use.
– Larry Weisenthal/HB
@openid.aol.com/runnswim: Larry, are you on a personal mission to destroy what LITTLE credibility you have left?
Identifying with whacko Alan is not going to do your tattered reputation any good at all.
As I said on another thread, better open a window… Your CO2 levels are rising dangerously high.
Just another empty promise. I can take this. Come on, give this guy a chance.
They just not that into you…
Let me see Indonesia has a population of 237 million…do you expect that a small demonstration proves anything of value? I no doubt a lot of people have the same opinion of the US (and the West) now as they did with Bush as it will take time for ‘some’ views to change. And besides in a lot islamic countries no doubt liberal and democratic views are polar opposite to they believe in. I mean they (along with the Conservative Right) didn’t even like Beatles back in the sixties – burning their records etc;)
Besides when did Obama promise that everyone in all parts of the world are going to agree with him?!
@GaffaUK: “Besides when did Obama promise that everyone in all parts of the world are going to agree with him?!” You mean the guy who promised “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal” can’t make everyone in the world love us?
I’m disappointed.
What’s the good of worshipping a Messiah if he can’t deliver?
Larry, I agree my name-calling was perhaps ill-advised. However, chandler and his enablers should not be given credence. Anyone that stereotypes people, particularly on the basis of their ethnic, religious or racial identification, should be called to task.
Mike, My Dr. Z is your Dr. Zbignew, whom, I believe, you once looked up to when he was your instructor. What do you think of him now in his role as adviser to President Barack Hussein Obama?
Mike, are all people with whom you disagree whackos?
@alan walter: “Mike, are all people with whom you disagree whackos?”
No, but you certainly are. Anyone who spews forth such a disjointed bile laden rant such as the above qualifies for being both a whacko and and idiot.
US foreign policy is looking more and more like an Obamateur hour.
From The Telegraph: