HuffPo Anti-Republican Reporter FINALLY “Gets It” re Iraq


Yeah, it only took six years of war, tens of thousands of lives, $450-500billion, and a complete handover of power in Congress and the White House before it could happen…

I’m an independent reporter in Iraq, on assignment for a U.S. magazine (as well as a blogger). I’ve just come off a three-week civilian tour of Anbar Province, living with sheiks and Iraqi civilians, trying to get a feel for the people that will be taking power as the U.S. pulls out (see article). I just read your piece about Sheik Aifan Sadun, the “Teflon Don” of Fallujah. I’ve researched similar figures, in Haditha, Bagdadi, Hit and Al Qaim, and I saw many of the same things you did. But I’ve come to very different conclusions. That, I believe, is because you had a pre-existing agenda you were determined to conform evidence to (i.e., war is bad, the U.S. is waging a war, so whatever it’s doing in Anbar is bad); and because you’re a coward.

…but it’s happened. They’re FINALLY starting to get it. They’re finally starting to realize that the debate over whether or not to invade Iraq has been over for more than half a decade. They’re finally starting to realize that writing anti-war rants A) Does not help bring success (opposing success does not help bring success; it helps block it), and B) is not always (see also linked article claiming cowardice), but all to often a case of cowardice and/or denial of reality.

Yes, now that their political party can be held to account for success/failure in Iraq…now Democrats and liberals finally want it. They didn’t want success for our nation, for Iraqis, for regional peace, for world peace, for any-ole-American-President, but they do want it now, and they’re letting their voices be heard.

My message to you all is simple:
WELCOME to the United States

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“Does not help bring success (opposing success does not help bring success; it helps block it)”

Look for this to be thrown in your face due to the republican across the board no vote for the reparations bill.

We’ll have to wait for the nation to be on fire before we get our moment on that.

The Iraq War vote was far more bi-partisane than was the Stimulus package vote

See here for more, where I totaled it up.

Searching For Bi-Partisanship: Compare, Iraq War Vote, Obama’s 2009 (non)Stimulus Bill

What reparations bill?

Look for this to be thrown in your face due to the republican across the board no vote for the reparations bill.

Reparations Bill is what I have chosen to call the “stimulus” bill… its payback to all the poor and mistreated.
My observation wasn’t an attack, just the first thing I thought off when I read that line.

Reparations is a good name … Much more accurate than stimulus.

Everybody knows it just pays off every Democrat constituency and then makes the ignorant Obama-Oprah voters feel good aboput them selves.

The economy will still take it in the shorts.


Poor and mistreated huh? Are you talking about the poor and mistreated people who were on welfare all their lives for generations and given free money? Or maybe the poor and mistreated people who loaded their cadillacs with groceries bought with food stamp money? Or maybe the poor and mistreated people who didn’t want an education and made sure no one else got one either and still do? Or maybe the poor and mistreated people who jumped to the head of the line because of their color at universities? Or maybe the poor and mistreated people with their hands constantly out?
Or were you perhaps talking about the fact that these poor and mistreated people could not be fired no matter how lazy and shiftless they were, indeed if they even showed up for work? Or maybe the poor and mistreated people who were given houses they couldn’t pay for the mortgages thereby bringing down our economy and are still receiving these houses or have their principal reduced to help them? Or maybe the people now sitting around not working because they say since Obama is president they are now in the catbird seat and they don’t have to work or follow orders?

I’ll say one thing for you, fellow. You picked the correct screen name for yourself. Reparations, hell. They have been receiving reparations for decades already. The problem is that whatever they are given, it is never enough.

LOL, Barbara, maybe you don’t know (I guess I don’t vist FA enough anymore for you to know that I’m on your side… thank you for the verbal beating though, I quite enjoyed it 🙂
Pass the iodine….

Another thing, Buffoons get a bad rap

Good grief…It took him this long! I know Liberal are dense but come on…

So…how long will it take for them to realize that cutting taxes creates jobs and raising them doesn’t.

it takes them this long because they have their heads firmly placed in their asses and they have to really work hard to actually pull them out. we know what the real score is, we are smart enought to know that for every success in iraq there could be a setback, but we are bringing freedom in. each and everyone of our soldiers are there because they volunteered, they were not drafted, the iraqi forces are there because they volunteered and wanted a better life for their fellow countrymen. the reason libs are scared is because they really don’t have the balls to put themselves in front of a bullet, or fight with your fists for a cause you really believe in.

Reparations Bill is what I have chosen to call the “stimulus” bill

Just wait until the Black community finds out that their “Reparations Bill” has been hijacked by the entire Democratic Party. The White Man and White Woman (Reid and Pelosi) are living off the backs of the Black community again. Meet the new Plantation operators.

Neo I pray soon they understand that , really I do…



I spoke the truth about my family. Can’t handle the truth?

tisk tisk fit fit

I apologize (to Flopping Aces crew and readers) if I hit a nerve with my Reparations comment


It wasn’t your comment that got Fit into trouble.

Apparently he thinks he can dash in here and race-bait by using the “N” word.

He apparently thought his behavior would be accepted and overlooked.

Fit has been here long enough to know better.

I was commenting on BarbaraS post, which sounds awfully familar to me, only usually accompanied with the “N word”.

@Fit fit:

If you’re hanging out with folks who routinely use that word, then you should choose more carefully who you spend time with.

If you wish to use that word, I’m sure you can find a place on the Net that will be more accepting.

This isn’t it.

You don’t choose your family.

@Fit fit:

If their behavior is that repulsive to you then don’t hang with them.


fit may be exposing something very revealing here himself and those that side with his ideologies: of course he could choose to /not/ be influenced by those around him…

anyone get where this is going?

Another HuffPo winter soldier.

“Reparations” bill? ….I didn’t see anything in there about Obama finally passing out those long ago promised mule and 40 acre parcel as stimulus packages.

I can’t imagine how Chicago could possibly fit any more jackasses in that city than they already have.