The GOP is going to be playing catch up on this issue.
I continue to get 3-4 emails per week from the same Obama web net which was so successful in raising both record amounts of money from mostly small donors and also motivating so many to work for Obama, in various capacities. Once volunteers were enlisted, they were also given detailed instructions in how to work not only for Obama, but for congress, senate, and even state offices.
Here is going to be your challenge: The greatest success that Obama had was in seizing control of the vote of the 18 to 29 year olds, who are, of course, the group which gets the largest share of its information form the new media. When the GOP grabbed the gen-Xers of the Reagan era, those voters remained loyal Republicans. The Dems were very lucky in having, in Obama, two things: firstly, a candidate who was very appealing to younger voters (particularly in contrast with Granpappy McCain) and, secondly, targeting this group with the new media.
The big advantage the Dems now have are two groups: Firstly, the current 18-29 year olds. Secondly, the exploding Latino vote, who may not be as reachable via the new media.
Without seriously improving the GOP share of the younger vote and the Latino vote, the GOP will not be competitive on a national level.
Here’s a crop from the photo Skye posted from the Seattle Hogzilla protest:
If young skateboarders can be persuaded to show up and join in a protest of liberal big spending then that’s the validation I need to see that the GOP message can resonate with the younger demographic.
And surely, this young man has a facebook page where he is posting his reflections of today’s protest for his friends to consider.
Mike, thank you for highlighting PACC, which by the way has a Facebook Page, Twitter, Ning, Youtube and Flickr accounts.
PACC (Pa Conservative Council) is a grassroot organization which has accomplished much in a very short period of time.
Under the guidance of the steering committee, which I am a co-director, PACC has encouraged its members to run for office. Three have done so and all have been endorsed by the local GOP. Through our Comments and Counter subcommittee, our membership has had published 12 letters to the editor of various local newspapers. Our membership has logged over one hundred hours of volunteer time. Myself along with my co-director, Sean Carpenter, have spoke at high School YR groups, informing them about PACC and conservatism in the real world. We are currently in the process of identifying PACC members willing to fill vacant committee seats in Chester County. We had a large response to our call for conservatives to step up for this duty and are in the process of matching addresses with vacant seats.
We have raised enough funds to incorporate and to donate to candidates that reflect conservative values.
All this, and our first official meeting was on January 10th, 2009.
We could not have done this alone, we partnered with another longstanding conservative group Chester County Action. The president of this group has been extremely supportive of our organization since its inception. She is a masterful organizer and has many ties with the local GOP.
We also have cultivated a political mentor: PA State Representative Curt Schroeder R-155.
@Skye: I hope that one of the goals of your group will be to seek out and support a conservative to run for the U.S. Senate in PA in 2010.
Fit fit
15 years ago
I think it might actually be a Blueprint for disaster for the GOP. A party that seeks only to purge all but the purists is a party seeking it’s own decline.
Awesome post! It is great to see the GOP is learning and beginning to evolve.
Not only does the GOP have an archaic campaign plan but they have a serious PR problem. It always seems the DNC makes the GOP look bad on certain issues and cannot beat the DNC to punch on them, such as GOP for big business. We know that they aren’t but that is still the perception.
I hope the GOP grows a backbone and starts blooding the nose of the DNC on some issues. The one thing I cannot stand is how the GOP laid down on some issues and did not stand up to the DNC.
The thing we need is to get our message out there better and convert some people who are going to be upset with Obama and Congress in 2010. We need something like the “Contract for America.” We need something that explains conservative values and principles in a way that more people understand. It takes common sense and some knowledge to under Conservatism. After people get it, they are hooked. We need to get the message to more than just the base. I convert people all the time. We just need more.
@Franklins Locke: Thanks Franklin. I too hope that the tendency not to answer the partisan attacks launched against us as our response will be painted as partisan is over. We’re getting tarred and feathered for being partisan no matter what we do so we might as well respond.
Even Karl Rove now admits that the strategy of appearing above it all was a mistake. And certainly our House and to a lesser degree our Senate leaders understand this.
If we won’t stand up and FIGHT for our principles what is the point of having them?
But as this post points out the message is only half the battle. We need to be just as effective in passing that message along to everyone despite the black out imposed against us by the “news” media.
Our strength lies not in some mega voice like Rush Limbaugh (though that certainly helps) but in the millions of like minded conservatives who on a daily basis are looking to communicate their conservative values to friends and family.
Thousands of conservative blogs, both small and large, can have the same impact or greater as a Rush Limbaugh. And together we can reach even the most mainstream media addicted Americans.
I hope so. We need to get the word out and the politicians we support need to stand up for themselves and for our principles and values.
It seems at times that the odds are stacked against it. I know they aren’t. But, it sure is hard. And, I know freedom is not easy.
I am too young to remember the Reagan Revolution which proved we can prevail and take back our nation and lead it in the right direction. I know we out number them. We just need something to be motivated about and a well disseminated message. Obama and the Congressional Democrats have helped with the motivated part. Now, hopefully, the GOP helps the mission with conservative candidates and a strong message and campaigns.
I would love to carry the message as long as there are a candidates and a message that we can believe in.
@Franklins Locke: One thing is for sure: if there was a level playing field in the national “news” media the Dems wouldn’t stand a chance. Obama would be held to the same level of scrutiny that Dems demanded of Bush for the last years and he would be out of office in 2012. He may be out anyway if enough voters wake up.
That’s exactly what we did with the Reagan Revolution and we can do it again. It would help to find a leader of Reagan’s stature but there is still time for that. Hopefully we can avoid splitting our strength as we did early in the 2008 primary process.
Really…has there ever been a level playing field in the media for any candidate. The media isn’t everything. It helps but we can still prevail. It makes us appreciate the win more when it is harder to attain.
Yes, we have time to find the person to take on Obama. The key today is to fire up our politicians and keep them fighting for our principles and values. We need to keep exposing the TRUTH and convert people, so we have an army of voters to unseat some Democrats in 2010.
We won’t split our strength if we have good candidates. That is the hard part.
Read through this a bit ago and all the comments, Mr. Lind’s column was not well taken by his fellow libs, they are finding it difficult seeing what their party has become, they ignore his warning at their peril.
@Missy: It’s no secret that Obama and the Dems are liberal elitists. As more and more voters who got suckered on “hope and change” wake up and see that they are nothing more than pawns to Pelosi and Obama we will have our chance to turn the tide.
Thoughtful post, Mike.
The GOP is going to be playing catch up on this issue.
I continue to get 3-4 emails per week from the same Obama web net which was so successful in raising both record amounts of money from mostly small donors and also motivating so many to work for Obama, in various capacities. Once volunteers were enlisted, they were also given detailed instructions in how to work not only for Obama, but for congress, senate, and even state offices.
Here is going to be your challenge: The greatest success that Obama had was in seizing control of the vote of the 18 to 29 year olds, who are, of course, the group which gets the largest share of its information form the new media. When the GOP grabbed the gen-Xers of the Reagan era, those voters remained loyal Republicans. The Dems were very lucky in having, in Obama, two things: firstly, a candidate who was very appealing to younger voters (particularly in contrast with Granpappy McCain) and, secondly, targeting this group with the new media.
The big advantage the Dems now have are two groups: Firstly, the current 18-29 year olds. Secondly, the exploding Latino vote, who may not be as reachable via the new media.
Without seriously improving the GOP share of the younger vote and the Latino vote, the GOP will not be competitive on a national level.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Here’s a crop from the photo Skye posted from the Seattle Hogzilla protest:
If young skateboarders can be persuaded to show up and join in a protest of liberal big spending then that’s the validation I need to see that the GOP message can resonate with the younger demographic.
And surely, this young man has a facebook page where he is posting his reflections of today’s protest for his friends to consider.
Mike, thank you for highlighting PACC, which by the way has a Facebook Page, Twitter, Ning, Youtube and Flickr accounts.
PACC (Pa Conservative Council) is a grassroot organization which has accomplished much in a very short period of time.
Under the guidance of the steering committee, which I am a co-director, PACC has encouraged its members to run for office. Three have done so and all have been endorsed by the local GOP. Through our Comments and Counter subcommittee, our membership has had published 12 letters to the editor of various local newspapers. Our membership has logged over one hundred hours of volunteer time. Myself along with my co-director, Sean Carpenter, have spoke at high School YR groups, informing them about PACC and conservatism in the real world. We are currently in the process of identifying PACC members willing to fill vacant committee seats in Chester County. We had a large response to our call for conservatives to step up for this duty and are in the process of matching addresses with vacant seats.
We have raised enough funds to incorporate and to donate to candidates that reflect conservative values.
All this, and our first official meeting was on January 10th, 2009.
We could not have done this alone, we partnered with another longstanding conservative group Chester County Action. The president of this group has been extremely supportive of our organization since its inception. She is a masterful organizer and has many ties with the local GOP.
We also have cultivated a political mentor: PA State Representative Curt Schroeder R-155.
Tweets by PaConservative
We have just begun to fight…
@Skye: I hope that one of the goals of your group will be to seek out and support a conservative to run for the U.S. Senate in PA in 2010.
I think it might actually be a Blueprint for disaster for the GOP. A party that seeks only to purge all but the purists is a party seeking it’s own decline.
Awesome post! It is great to see the GOP is learning and beginning to evolve.
Not only does the GOP have an archaic campaign plan but they have a serious PR problem. It always seems the DNC makes the GOP look bad on certain issues and cannot beat the DNC to punch on them, such as GOP for big business. We know that they aren’t but that is still the perception.
I hope the GOP grows a backbone and starts blooding the nose of the DNC on some issues. The one thing I cannot stand is how the GOP laid down on some issues and did not stand up to the DNC.
The thing we need is to get our message out there better and convert some people who are going to be upset with Obama and Congress in 2010. We need something like the “Contract for America.” We need something that explains conservative values and principles in a way that more people understand. It takes common sense and some knowledge to under Conservatism. After people get it, they are hooked. We need to get the message to more than just the base. I convert people all the time. We just need more.
@Franklins Locke: Thanks Franklin. I too hope that the tendency not to answer the partisan attacks launched against us as our response will be painted as partisan is over. We’re getting tarred and feathered for being partisan no matter what we do so we might as well respond.
Even Karl Rove now admits that the strategy of appearing above it all was a mistake. And certainly our House and to a lesser degree our Senate leaders understand this.
If we won’t stand up and FIGHT for our principles what is the point of having them?
But as this post points out the message is only half the battle. We need to be just as effective in passing that message along to everyone despite the black out imposed against us by the “news” media.
Our strength lies not in some mega voice like Rush Limbaugh (though that certainly helps) but in the millions of like minded conservatives who on a daily basis are looking to communicate their conservative values to friends and family.
Blogs such as yours help to do that:
Thousands of conservative blogs, both small and large, can have the same impact or greater as a Rush Limbaugh. And together we can reach even the most mainstream media addicted Americans.
Thanks for the compliment.
I hope so. We need to get the word out and the politicians we support need to stand up for themselves and for our principles and values.
It seems at times that the odds are stacked against it. I know they aren’t. But, it sure is hard. And, I know freedom is not easy.
I am too young to remember the Reagan Revolution which proved we can prevail and take back our nation and lead it in the right direction. I know we out number them. We just need something to be motivated about and a well disseminated message. Obama and the Congressional Democrats have helped with the motivated part. Now, hopefully, the GOP helps the mission with conservative candidates and a strong message and campaigns.
I would love to carry the message as long as there are a candidates and a message that we can believe in.
@Franklins Locke: One thing is for sure: if there was a level playing field in the national “news” media the Dems wouldn’t stand a chance. Obama would be held to the same level of scrutiny that Dems demanded of Bush for the last years and he would be out of office in 2012. He may be out anyway if enough voters wake up.
That’s exactly what we did with the Reagan Revolution and we can do it again. It would help to find a leader of Reagan’s stature but there is still time for that. Hopefully we can avoid splitting our strength as we did early in the 2008 primary process.
Really…has there ever been a level playing field in the media for any candidate. The media isn’t everything. It helps but we can still prevail. It makes us appreciate the win more when it is harder to attain.
Yes, we have time to find the person to take on Obama. The key today is to fire up our politicians and keep them fighting for our principles and values. We need to keep exposing the TRUTH and convert people, so we have an army of voters to unseat some Democrats in 2010.
We won’t split our strength if we have good candidates. That is the hard part.
Mike and Franklin,
Read through this a bit ago and all the comments, Mr. Lind’s column was not well taken by his fellow libs, they are finding it difficult seeing what their party has become, they ignore his warning at their peril.
@Missy: It’s no secret that Obama and the Dems are liberal elitists. As more and more voters who got suckered on “hope and change” wake up and see that they are nothing more than pawns to Pelosi and Obama we will have our chance to turn the tide.