West Chester Valentine


Okay, I know it is a day late, some of us had plans on Valentine’s Day…..:)

Valentine’s Day ~ Sheepdog Style!

Throughout 2008, the Sheepdogs have consistently held rousing rallies in West Chester with the public increasingly showing their appreciation of our positive message. Our support of America does not end with the conclusion of the rally, as many Sheepdogs worked for and achieved remarkable goals in 2008. We can look back on our triumphs with pride and look forward to our future success.

The genesis of this video occurred a few weeks ago when a student approached  Dee, one of our brilliant Sheepdogs, with a question as to why the Sheepdogs were so angry? Dee was quick to point out that we are the happy warriors, and to go look for the anger on the other side, cause it ain’t here. (paraphrased that last bit). After hearing this story from Dee, I’ve been kicking around ideas on how I could best project the joy and fellowship that occurs at each and every rally.

My hope with this video is to capture the essence of our joy and success in 2008 and  to communicate  it to the viewers. The Sheepdogs have made huge strides in turning the tide of public opinion in West Chester for 2008. This video is a celebration of all we have accomplished, and all we are yet to accomplish.

As we head into dark times with this new administration, we all can look to this video for encouragement and inspiration.

One rally at a time.

One smile at a time.

One accomplishment at a time will bring us success!

Music by Jordin Sparks: One Step At A Time

Video by Skye

Photos by The Usual Suspects

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Good job on the video, skye. Yup….nothing but angry sheepdogs there…

Ha, it gets better – the director of the CCPM all but admits her peace protest is at its heart is a political machine:

Don’t forget it. That’s one reason why, when some of you have questioned, “Do we even need peace vigils any more?” and cite that some peace groups are staying home now from vigils, I answer, without fail, “Of course, we need peace vigils. We don’t have peace yet, Now, DO WE?” No, we don’t. And we need peace vigils more than ever before, folks – that’s the paradox of the Obama election. Along with the financial disaster, it’s bringing hatred out of the woodwork – be prepared.–KP


If Karen would give it a rest, there’d be peace.

Ask her if she’ll now be protesting against the Obama Administration for perpetuating the war in Afghanistan and agitating al Qaeda in Pakistan; then ask her why rendition will continue, why Guantanamo isn’t closed down and detainees held without trial (with Obama’s EO putting a stop to that); why his EO on Ensuring Lawful Interrogations says much the same thing as the 2007 Bush EO it revokes.

Skye – this video is the next best thing to actually being at a Sheepdog rally!

Thank YOU for using your talents and skills to help spread the word about what we are doing here in West Chester, PA.

Our public show of support for our troops and their noble mission is gaining notoriety everyday.

Our troops (and their families) sacrifice so much for us and all they ask in return is to be appreciated and supported.

More and more of our troops are finding out that they have patriots like us behind them.

And it’s bloggers like you and Flopping Aces and Mike’s America and Atlas Shrugs and Michelle Malkin that are providing the kind of publicity that it takes for them to know who we are.


That is an awesome video Skye, job well done!

@Rich Davis: Rich: Don’t thank us. We’re just passing along the inspiration that you and countless more like you across the nation create every day by your actions in support of our troops and our nation.

As much as any of us may get discouraged by recent political events we can take heart knowing there are still millions of true patriots across this country that are ready to stand up on a street corner for what’s right.

With that kind of power we can never lose.

Mike – I hear ya. There’s a silent majority of patriots that feel good when they see people who are willing to get off the couch and go outside and stand up for what is good and right about our country.

Sadly we are ignored or misrepresented by the Main Stream Media. They labeled us as “Pro-War Protestors” and the peaceniks played the victim card and protrayed us as “bullies”…

I believe with all my heart that the biggest thing that turned that around was because of brave hard-working bloggers like Skye. She got our story out there, with pictures and videos. The local papers here could see and hear exactly what was going on….

We were doing our part and our best to represent a side of America that had been unheard of for decades, but if a tree falls in the forest, will anybody know? It’s the same with our rallies, without Skye’s constant coverage and reports on her blog, we would still be in the shadows. But bloggers are the ones that got us in the light.

Will I be able to meet you any of you “Flopping Aces” at CPAC? I know Skye is going and being around all those great patriots for THREE DAYS is the next best thing to heaven.

Have a great President’s Day – I wrote a post about my favorite President at our blog, I’d love it if you checked it out. Thanks! http://www.americansheepdogs.com

Well, Ms. Skye… I was off the blog but for the AM hours yesterday, so it was a delight to see this post and your video this AM.

It’s a tribute that is VERY well done, girl. I agree with Mike’s A here. No thanks need be given to us, the readers. It is all of you who are to be commended with your weekly dedication. And especially to you, Skye, who keeps us up on their activities.