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Dems don’t care, they are in avote buying mode.

New fall hit TV show — “Are you smarter than an Obama voter”

“Obama may also be counting on the economy to recover anyway, as recessions typically do, just in time for the 2010 election.” See, this is what’s frustrating. The moochers in Washington are convinced that no matter how stupid they are about the economy, somehow the producers in fly-over country will manage to keep the wheels turning. So, no, they either never read “Atlas Shrugged” or consider it a fairy tale. And, no, apparently they believe the fairy tale that FDR saved the country from recession by doing what they want to do now. Except, most responsible historians and economists concede that the New Deal EXTENDED and DEEPENED the Great Depression by years. And, as we know, the moochers don’t think FDR was aggressive enough!

isn’t absolutlyamazing the numbers that are flying around on this stimulus? i am not sure i can comprehend how large the numbers are. i find it irresponsible of the house and senate and obama to be behind this thing. but they are the ones that gave us the freddie and fannie mess so they don’t really care. so what happens when the 2 jobs the dog park in ghetto chula vista that the stimulus creates when the park is finished? do those 2 people go back on unemployment, do they work their union job again? this whole thing is a mess, but the dems will ruin us and they will fucking own it because they won. didn’t they ever have their momma’s tell them to be careful what you wish for, we know obama’s mom didn’t tell him as she was to busy screwing indonesians to raise her son, but they wished for this, they own it.

Yup, Luva…. the only thing we *do* know about the numbers are that the face value is BIG and the actual repercussions over long term are BIGGER!

But until we see a real bill that is reconciled to both House/Senate, we know nothing. Or, as I like to call it, the “Schultzie” disclosure. But then, you have to be a Hogan’s Heros fan to figure that out.

watching the ones show on tv now. he says he doesn’t like critism from our side because of our debt. uh, he really like to hear himself speak doesn’t he. he is a retard.

I do not understand why people are having problem realizing the urgency to get this bill approved. The number of unemployed people (11.6 million) and the unemployment rate (7.6 percent) rose in January. Over the past 12 months, the number of unemployed persons has increased by 4.1 million. The Department of Labor reported today that nonfarm payroll employment fell sharply in January (-598,000) and the unemployment rate rose from 7.2 to 7.6 percent. Payroll employment has declined by 3.6 million since the start of the recession in December 2007, …. most of this mess happening only in past three months! And some wonder Obama is pushing so hard for a stimulus package. Is the Herbert Hoover approach, do nothing, all we need, leading us to a twelve year depression ??

Suggestions4obama… most internet reports I can see, and searching your beltway IP, suggest are you are not officially affiliated with Obama. Then again, hiding true affiliation on the internet isn’t rocket science.

Yet you come here with some bizarre comments and naive questions.

Since I dug you out of the spam filter, perhaps you should introduce yourself to us and tell us just what you are about. Because frankly, I’m not sure what the unemployment stats has to do with this monstrosity that Congress and Obama are trying to pass off as a government cure.

We’ve pretty much stated why we have opposition here multiple times. See the archives. So instead of us pleading our case one more time for your entry… as a member of the Obama grassroots group or not… why don’t you explain just why you think this Congressional/Obama spending spree is the answer to unemployment?

And don’t forget to let us know the breakdown…

1: how much government bureaucracy increase this is (i.e. government jobs)

2: how many jobs are pemanent

3: how many jobs are temporary (i.e. infrastructure construction, creating new energy facilities as opposed to permanent employees to man that facility, etc)

4: when you think these jobs are going to show up in the private sector

5: when you think the temporary jobs are going to exit the private sector

6: the cost of creating the temporary jobs to the taxpayers

Then maybe you can ‘splain away all the additional pork included as “stimulus” and job creation as well, eh?

And if you have answers to this question, you must have access to the latest 600-700 pages of BS the Senate’s come up with. Because no one else has.

@Suggestions4Obama.com: not sure who or what you are , but this is the wrong answer. if we ran our budgets the way the government does we would all be homeless eating out of garbage cans. and when we would panhandle we would be told that it is our own fault that we got into this mes and to dig ourselves out. this is a mess that is twenty years in the making, there is no easy fix, this “stimulus” will make it worse in the long run and my preschoolers kids will still be paying for this.

Suggestions4Obama, while there is urgency, the urgency has to include making sure that we as a society are doing what is best, what is most likely to solve the problems, and not just doing something for the sake of looking like we are doing something.

In spite of Obama’s assertions that this is a unique situation, historically, we have been down this path far enough to know what DOESN’T work, and that would be “spending like drunken sailors.” FDR tried it starting in 1933 and it is a historical fact that all of his spending and redistribution programs did practically nothing to bring down unemployment.

Obama asserts that if “we” (where “we” = the federal government) don’t do what he suggests, crisis will turn into catastrophe. Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office (which if anything is slanted towards the Democrat side) says that the long term effects of the stimulus will be worse than doing nothing.

The unbelievable increase in debt will simply wipe out the credit markets. The federal government won’t have any borrowing power — they can print money, but the money will be worthless. Think “hyperinflation”. And that in turn will stifle investment and consumption. You can’t get much more screwed than that.

On the other hand, if the federal government makes it clear that they WON’T intervene in markets, that they will stabilize the rules and the budget processes, and if Obama stops yapping about crisis, the everyday people who make economic decisions every day will be able to determine what is best for them and act accordingly. You know, kinda like “freedom”.

One important thing to remember as far as the employment numbers that Obama has been throwing around is this:

10% x 4-million jobs = 400,000 new jobs in the federal government.

That’s 400,000 new bureaucrats.

What will they do? Why does the already bloated federal bureaucracy need 400,000 more? What value does a single federal employee add? Better tax collections? More assistant-deputy-secretary-in-charge-of-wastebaskets? The federal bureaucracy is inherently unwieldy and inefficient, and adding more people will only make it more so. Inefficiency in finance simply means that more of your tax dollars get wasted. Remember, the Senate can’t even keep their lunchroom operating in the black — what makes you think they’re ready for central planning what was the economy of the largest free market in history?

Another thing is this. We have already seen how the government did with the bank bailouts. They spent half of the 700-BILLION without any real accountability — no clear understanding of where the money has gone — and no real good answers on what they accomplished by throwing all that money around. It’s just gone, POOF! We really want to do that again? Fool me once, shame on you … fool me twice, shame on me!

BTW… hint INRE suggestions4Obama… can you say feminist law professors?

This bill is not meant to stimulate the economy. It is meant to
further build and strengthen the dem machine.
After the FDR economic boondoggle, like what they are trying to
do now, the dems controlled Congress for 50 years!
They are trying to ensure that no more “aberrations” like the one
in 1994 happen again.

Well, since we’re on the subject, following is the text of the emails I just finished sending to every Democrat Senator who has a web email form:

Dear Senator,

Once again, I beseech you to vote “No” on the Economic Stimulus package and on any other spending bills that are presented in the Senate.

I understand that the President has demanded this legislation from the Congress, but I must remind you that you are not vassals to the President, nor are we his personal serfs, peasants or proletariat. You are representatives of the electorate. You are answerable to us, as is the President. You work for us, we do not work for you. Condemning our economy, our well being and the prosperity of our children with this legislation against our will is both unwise and abusive.

It would be a great service to the President if someone would sit down with him and get him to actually understand our Constitution and history. After being reared and influenced during his formative years by anti-Americans, socialists and crackpot communists, he has little to no understanding of this great nation. From his recent comments, it is obvious that he is in greater agreement with Iran than with the American people. It is not our policies of the past, our Constitution, that has failed, but the constant corruption with socialist policies since the Great Depression.

Every piece of redistributive legislation will do more damage to our economy. The President and Speaker of the House will respond by saying that it wasn’t enough, and demand more. The resulting dwindling spiral will do considerable damage, and may, as is intended cause our descent into socialism.

If this legislation is passed despite the vigorous objections of the American people, I guarantee increasing protest from actual taxpayers.

In all current elections, Republicans are ahead in the polls. That is no coincidence.

Please remember that President Obama spent twice as much on his campaign as Senator McCain. The media was staunchly behind Obama, completely failing to perform any vetting, while vilifying all conservative and Republican candidates. Yet, the margin of his majority was very slim. This is not indicative of a mandate, but of a deception practiced upon the American people.

Those who were deceived are catching on as evidenced by the President’s plummeting approval ratings.

Redistribution of wealth by the government always results in damaging the economy and eventually the taxpayers, stop producing rather that have the fruits of their labor confiscated against their will. In fact, the pilgrims spent the first winter abiding by the socialist principle, from each according to his ability and to each according to his need. 40% of them died the first year. The following year, they switched to a free market principle, and lo and behold, those who produced the most willingly shared with their less able neighbors. But, when the government confiscates it, robbing them, they simply stop producing and everyone starves.

We are not happy. We are very distressed. Many are only just now discovering the magnitude of President Obama’s opposition to the founding principles of our nation, to free markets and individual liberty and responsibility.

This tax abuse is far more egregious than any imposed by King George in the 1770’s. Please do not forget the Boston Tea Party or the Declaration of Independence. It only required 30% of the American colonists to successfully prosecute a revolution for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We will not willingly forfeit those principles for those of socialism.

Please do not assume that the American electorate is so dispirited, despite the President’s sincerest efforts to demoralize us, as to quietly succumb to these abuses. This legislation must be defeated and I can guarantee the near impossibility of anyone voting in its favor succeeding in any future campaigns.

Please vote “No” on the economic stimulus tomorrow.

Thank you for your service to our great nation.

Best regards,

So where do you guys sit with the Economic Stimulus package having clauses to buy only american?

Gaffa, I think when govt money is being used to build govt things, then buy American is ok-even mandated as it’s money for the US. Let’s not dance around the idea that somehow socialist countries don’t do the same thing-use their own matls when poss. I’d feel the same about UK or France or whoever if their govt gave a trillion to build new stuff in France, UK, etc,. then yeah…it should be from their country. I still support free trade, but part of free trade means that a buyer chooses to use vendor A over vendor B, then it’s the buyer’s choice, and in this case the buyer is the govt.

It’s not the buyer’s choice if the buyer’s hands are tied and doesn’t that violate world trade agreements? And beside isn’t protectism going to make matters worse as this causes international trade wars which only damages economies?

The buy-American clauses will do the same damage to the US and world economies that similar policies did in the 30’s. Yeah, let’s have a trade war, drive global demand for everything down by artificially raising prices through tariffs and trade quotas. Yeah, that’ll work.

That “buy American” provision was for iron and steel and has already been changed in the Senate version. Don’t know what will happen after the House and Senate meet on the final bill. From this article, it doesn’t sound as though members in the House will be too happy about changing it. If it finds its way into the final bill, Canada already threatened last week to look at the oil and gas contracts again. Flashback to the Obama/Goolsbee fiasco last year when Obama mentioned reworking NAFTA.

‘Buy American’ provision watered down in economic stimulus bill
5 days ago

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate has defanged the “Buy American” provision contained in a huge economic recovery bill, watering down the controversial measure that threatened to ignite a cross-border trade war just two weeks before President Barack Obama’s visit to Canada.

The multi-billion-dollar economic stimulus package now includes a requirement that international trade agreements must not be violated as a result of the “Buy American” provision.

The softening of “Buy American” came late Wednesday night, just 24 hours after Obama warned senators about the dangers of protectionism in the face of a global economic meltdown.

Canada, the European Union and several prominent U.S. corporations had complained bitterly about the provision, saying it risked violating world trade agreements and could spark a litany of global trade skirmishes.


Just saw where some of the recipients of TARP funds have been giving and continue to give millions to
Congress. Funny, that would be called a kickback for us average Joes.

Karl Rove may warn the Reps that if the economy improves later this year, the Reps will
lose out on any credit for the “recovery”.
True, but if it doesn’t and they voted for it they would get the blame too. It’s a gamble
either way.

H.R. You know the rules by now… Repbublicans are blamed no matter what when things go wrong and get none of the credit when they go right.

Did Bush get ANY credit for the relative prosperity of 7 out of 8 years in office? NO… But he sure as heck took the blame for the credit mess.

Did Democrats bear any blame for the housing mess? No…..

If the economy rebounds the “news” media will say it was all due to Obama’s economic policy. If the economy continues to sag, they’ll blame it on Republicans in congress even though they were nearly shut out of the bill writing process.

Like ethics and morals, accountability is a one way street with difference driving rules for Democrats.

To Michael Moon, regarding your questions about

“That’s 400,000 new bureaucrats.
What will they do? Why does the already bloated federal bureaucracy need 400,000 more? What value does a single federal employee add?”

The answer is something you most certainly already know. It’s 400,000 Democratic votes, especially when facing an opposition candidate wanting to reduce the size of (and waste in) government.

The (public) teachers’ union NEA is a perfect example. They always raise a stink whenever anyone talks about public school reform. My wife is a public school teacher, and as soon as any reform is hinted at, the union circulates rumors that pensions are going to be eliminated. EVERY potential change to the public school system is automatically equated with a loss of pension. The fear of losing any “government” money keeps these people voting Democratic.

The way the Left keeps people subservient is disgusting. Ruin industry, then coax people into believing they can’t do any better than a job that the government “gives” them.

It’s amazing that those of us opposed to an omnipresent, omnipowerful government have been able to survive (and even thrive) in such an environment. The debt of the “stimulus” package is designed to keep the private from succeeding.


Well, some of those 400,000 new bureaucrats will be employed in the new healthcare reform plan that has been hidden in the Stimulus Plan.

Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan


Just How Low Have Democrats Sunk – Is Killing Seniors Now Not Beyond Limits?


Check this out. It might as well be entitled “How the crisis that defeated McCain was engineered”…


>>Just How Low Have Democrats Sunk – Is Killing Seniors Now Not Beyond Limits?>>

You know…it might not be so bad if the Congress didn’t have their own health plan that doesn’t have the same limitations as the rest of us…

I can think of some seniors we could afford to lose sooner rather than later…

@ Mike

‘You know the rules by now… Repbublicans are blamed no matter what when things go wrong and get none of the credit when they go right.’

And I’m sure the reverse is true with right wing media, commentators etc etc.