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Today, it never shocks me whenever I see those who acquire fame, wealth, power to simply piss it away on trinkets and foibles. Mr. Phelps, the world was your oyster and you chose to become trailer park trash. I hope it was worth it.

1. Big time blackjack
2. Coming off as a putz
3. Boozing
4. Bonging
5. Coming off as a teenager with a new driver’s license and an attitude to match

Next thing you’ll know is that Cheech and Chong are his new instructors.

Drug Czar

Honestly. Who cares if Michael Phelps blazed up? It’s nobody’s damn business.

Yup, Richard. Agreed. Is it coincidental that Congress doesn’t vote to mandate drug tests for our elected officials? LOL

Who cares i smoke pot, and i am proud to say that. pot is not an enhancing drug so it should not matter at all.

His advertisers care. In this economy, this incident could give a couple of them an excuse to cut him loose for violating the morals clause. Tough lesson for being young and stupid.

It’s more a problem with his advertisers and the image they want to project.

Other than a loco Sheriff here in SC where the party took few people around here would want to trash him for it. There was a very sympathetic story today in the State paper describing how helpful he was with one of his goodwill visits to young students. I’m sure that the teacher can explain to the students who met him that Phelps was not trying to be a role model with that caught on camera behavior.

I don’t care if smokes pot, but I do care if he is doing it in such a way as to have people getting on film. Are all of our youth numb to the global world out here? Young girls taking nude pics and sending them via phones, everyone getting caught on tape or picture phone doing drugs?
There ought to be consequences, and I agree with Missy, his advertisers/employers do care and they should fire him. He is someone kids were looking up to. Now what do they have to see?
If I were caught behaving badly, I’d lose my job. As I should. But no one has to hope that their kids model themselves after me.

Three generations of my family are serious competitive swimmers. I’m really sad about this. Swimming has a well-deserved reputation as a sport very rich in what used to be called “clean cut” athletes, who are often high achievers. It’s a wonderful sport, but it has always struggled to get recognition. I think that Phelps had an obligation not only to himself but to the sport which gave him the opportunities he now has in life. Perhaps even more so, he had an obligation to the sponsors which paid him millions. The other thing which needs to be said is that this is not the first time. After the Athens Olympics, he was busted for underage drinking and a DUI. His sponsors “forgave” him then. And he turned around and screwed them again.

Anyone know whom Phelps voted for, since there was a tongue-in-cheek attempt to make this political? Just curious.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA


My niece and nephew competed throughout the Chicago area from middle school on. My niece is now a marine biologist based in NJ but divides her time between the eastern seaboard and the coast of California, pretty much living out of her suitcase. My nephew coaches a swim team evenings and week ends, both would be disappointed with this. They worked hard and sacrificed through those years for the team and took personal pride in what they were doing. I believe all of it led them to the success they now enjoy. I’m sure in Phelps case that was magnified, I hope he chooses to take a good look at the path he is now taking before he loses all that he’s worked for.

Phelps gained a contract to sell Mazda cars in China. I dont know why Chinese would be impressed by Phelps & a Mazda. This srt of sponsorship is illogical.

Phelps already has shown he drives while drunk. Now quite likely he also drives whilst stoned.

There are plenty of other gold medallists /world record holders /world champs who have been by 23 are 23 year olds who are either smarter or better people.

wickedlittledoll… a’bloody’men to that comment.

[evidently a] Time Traveller [in name only] said: Phelps already has shown he drives while drunk. Now quite likely he also drives whilst stoned.

There are plenty of other gold medallists /world record holders /world champs who have been by 23 are 23 year olds who are either smarter or better people.

woof… harsh, girl. No baby boomer are you. Otherwise you’d want to know how many baby boomer elected officials have… or still… indulge(d) in various drugs over their lifetime. And they’re in charge of your country.

Oh.. that’s RIGHT! Obama is an admitted recreational user of cocaine. No endorsements for him, right? oops…

Frankly, taking a hit off a bong seems passive compared to the historic and prevalent criminal records of both Congress members and our various and nefarious football/NBA icons.

Lighten up… never heard of anyone become a mass murderer while buzzed on pot. Worst case scenario? Rob the local 7/11 for a stash of Cheetos Crunchy at “finger point” in a jacket.

Make that others who have been all those things by 23 or who are still 23.

As larry W would know, swim champs used to be much younger -even down to 14 years old.

23 is quite old in swimming.

Why is it that because the dude can swim like a torpedo, he becomes the moral compass by which we guide our lives? He’s a record-shattering gold medalist, not a Buddhist monk, here people!

I have a photo of myself with my best friend, a fellow actor, holding handmade pipes up to our mouths. It’s clear we’re not smoking tobacco.

We’ve agreed not to publish the photo on the internet, where anyone could see it. He feels it could hurt his acting career if his image were tarnished. Normally, he doesn’t let anyone near him with a camera when he’s doing this, but he has a great deal of trust in me and only I possess the single copy. Personally, I think being “bad” does nothing but generate publicity for actors who need a boost – look at Hugh Grant a few years ago.

The adults in my immediate family (mom, sister, brother) all know that I very occasionally partake in 420 activities – but I am ADAMANT that they do not share this information with my minor teenage nephews. They think I’m the coolest guy in the world, and I wouldn’t want them emulating such behavior so young, while their bodies, minds, habits, ect… are still developing (once they’re adults, it’s not my business) It’s not that it’s more or less harmful than tobacco or alcohol, it’s also illegal (quite another debate).

And that’s what it comes down to. When Phelps became an Olympic Champion, his medals came with a price. That price is that millions of young people would look up to him and want to be just like him. He may not have bargained that, but success and responsibility come hand in hand. Phelps, like my friend and I’s, private activities are nobody’s business, but allowing someone to use a camera while doing so, is simply asking for trouble. I always say that you can’t have privacy in public. Call me a social liberal who advocates discretion.

Mataharley –

I dont care what he does . I just pointed out that it is a weird endorsement deal.

I find it difficult to see him fitting in his long frame into a Maz!

BTW his daily caloric intake is over 6 times the average Chinese person . Imagine what he eats after bonging!

Imagine what he eats after bonging!

LOL! Good one, Traveller…


Yeah, that reminds me of when my friend and I made “special” brownies. When we got hungry, all we had were the brownies…. horrible, vicious cycle!

@I’ll keep my name off this one! You’ll know who I am!:

Well said. My nephew is Ethan Hawke’s brother-in-law. Wonder if you know each other in this huge, small world.

Mike, here comes another on almost like the other ones. She’ll be too important, a must have to advance policy, we’ve heard it all before, know the song by heart. Will Obama be able to find a clean replacement for his Union payback? or take them out from behind the curtain and throw them under the bus?

“A seemingly innocuous letter sent to the Clerk of the House of Representatives last Thursday by President Obama’s Secretary of Labor nominee Hilda Solis raises serious and troubling legal questions about her nomination and apparent violation of House ethics rules. Not only was she involved with a private organization that was lobbying her fellow legislators on a bill that she has cosponsored, but she apparently kept her involvement secret and failed to reveal a clear conflict of interest.

Solis was a co-sponsor in 2007 of the so-called “Employee Free Choice Act,” the card check legislation that would effectively eliminate the secret ballot and destroy the ability of employees to make an anonymous decision (without fear of retribution) on whether they want to join a union. She was also a co-sponsor of the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act, legislation that would force states to allow public safety officers to form unions. At the same time, however, Solis was a board member of a pro-union organization, American Rights at Work, that has been lobbying Congress on both of these bills. According to a letter filed by Solis with the House Clerk on January 29, 2009, she was not just a director of the ARW, along with fellow travelers like David Bonior, Julian Bond, and John Sweeney, she was actually the treasurer. In other words, she is the official legally charged with the fiduciary duty of approving and signing off on all spending by the organization. And
to make matters worse, she did not reveal to her colleagues in the House of Representatives that membership on her financial disclosure forms, which may constitute a separate ethical violation.”


Behold Marijuana, the drug of Olympic champions.

There can be no better proof of the wicked dangers of this evil drug ;-D