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We all know about John Conyers but getting to know his wife is just as unpleasant. Take a look: http://wonkette.com/388543/eighth-grader-owns-monica-conyers-in-debate

She was out there pimping the stimulus for Obama this week, heh.

Mike, you are going to have to write another thread, another one of those dem hiccups that would amount to a seizure for anyone else:

Thomas A. Daschle, nominated to be secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, did not pay more than $128,000 in taxes over three years, a revelation that poses a potential obstacle to his Senate confirmation.

The back taxes, along with $12,000 in interest and penalties, involved unreported consulting fees, questionable charitable contributions, and a car and driver provided by a private equity firm run by entrepreneur and longtime Democratic Party donor Leo J. Hindery Jr., according to a confidential draft report prepared by Senate Finance Committee staff.

A spokeswoman for Daschle confirmed last night that he recently paid back taxes in excess of $100,000. She said that Daschle, a former Senate majority leader, and his accountant discovered the error regarding the luxury car service and reported it to the committee after his vetting was completed.


Remember the talk about vetting Palin? Did they even bother with Daschle? Here’s more:


They have excuses, they’re democrats and/or they’re black. Either of these can evidently claim ignorance of the law despite they’re high priced educations. Todays favorite democrat expression, ‘I didn’t know that’.

Monica Conyers is G-H-E-T-T-O!



Double Standards.

A few things on this…
First, I loved Geraldo’s comment last night-playing the part of Devil’s Advocate. He defended Mr Conyers by saying, “Unless someone can prove a link between husband and wife, he should be treated as an innocent man.” (might have the exact wording off, but it’s real close). Now, this brings up an interesting point. Is there a financial connection between husband and wife? Pardon me for suggesting this of two, high profile, powerful politicians, but DUH! This is a freakin’ given.

Second, how’s that effort to impeach Bush (put forth by Conyers) gonna go now? Think it’ll get a lotta play? Yeah, I don’t see that distraction getting any mojo anymore. Nice job Dems, but that ship has fully sailed now.

Hope for Change

@Missy: I saw that this morning but have been wasting my time trying to educate Larry on globaloney.

We may need to start a separate version of Flopping Aces just to track Democrat tax cheats, liars and crooks. It seems like there is one of these stories about every day.

I don’t think there is one council member with clean hands. Detroit has been run by thieves and profiteers for 3 decades, add to this a Governor that has no idea which end is up, look at the sorry condition of the State. I was born and raised in Detroit and my eyes well with tears to see the shambles of a once proud City. Half of Police stations closed, add to this half the Fire Stations, not to mention 60% of public schools. Only 47% of students are LITERATE. Only 27% of students who start kindergarten in Detroit stay to graduate. The block I lived on used to have 50 houses on it, only 12 remain, and those are in shambles. Yes my friends Democraps left to rule will eventually cause ruin and devastation!

wow, this woman even has to be “right” and browbeat a child. classy! this little girl had the right idea and really told her that her behavior is unacceptable and that she had a choice not to act that way. it always seems that when the dems get the power shit rolls down hill and they get crap all over the place. how can her husband act so holier than thou when his wife is a crook? this crap always amazes me.