Big time kudos to the RNC. It was interesting watching this unfold today, it almost ended very badly. Steele’s an pretty effective communicator, they should try to get him as much face time as possible.
16 years ago
My wife voted for Steele during his Senate run – he’s a good man – but being a conservative in Maryland makes him a minority within a minority. I’m not a resident of this state but I’d likely vote for him just on the strength of his character if I ever get the chance.
16 years ago
For those who don’t know him yet, Michael Steele is a terrific guy, a true Conservative and a man who has earned his stripes. I was proud to vote for him as Lt. Governor — wore my Ehrlich-Steele T-shirt today in his honor — and again when he ran for Senator. I’m counting on him in a big way just as I’m sure he’s counting on us to get out the grassroots for 2010. Go Steele! Go Conservatives! Win in 2010!!
16 years ago
Chuck hates him? Cool!!
Man, Chuck fu…f…oh forget it!
Buck Ofama! This is the hope I’ve been waiting for!
How are the liberal media going to react? Well, liberal commentator Mark Shields (and conservative commentator David Brooks) both praised him on Friday’s Lehrer News Hour on PBS.
Both said that, even though Steele is, indeed, a true conservative, his election signified the GOP recognition of the fact that they need to go well beyond their base to win elections. They said that the GOP has effectively been reduced to being a “regional” political party, only a major force in the deep south and lightly populated plains states, and the “Mormon West.” They said that going back to the party’s “conservative roots,” as in going back to Reagan and Goldwater, just wasn’t going to win elections anymore and that one thing that Steele would surely do is “cool the anti-illegal immigrant rhetoric.” They said that the GOP has to become competitive in the northeast.
I personally welcome the return, if it comes, of the GOP in the time of Eisenhower, duly updated for the 21st century. The same Eisenhower that warned of the dangers of over-militarization and a GOP which favored balanced budgets over tax cuts and deficit spending.
The RNC has a lot of work to do to reconnect with the “average” American citizen. For too long, the GOP has allowed itself to be portrayed as a symbol for excessive corporate greed. When not in power, Republicans act like whiny sore losers – and I consider myself closer to a Republican than a Democrat.
Unfortunately, I don’t think the GOP can divest itself from lobbyist influence, so the MSM will always portray Republicans as greedy bastards with a penchant for war (regardless of the hawks in the Democratic party.
And until (if ever) we see meaningful campaign finance reform, the Americans must chose to be governed by special interests from the left or special interests from the right.
16 years ago
If we can’t get the RNC to move back to a true conservatism, and growing some big time gonads, I see little hope of Michael Steele making much difference, and I do admire and like this guy, and hope he can do just that.
16 years ago
I owe Mike a response on another post regarding the number of people at the inauguration. I made one but it seems to have not been received.
Michael Steele was chair of the Republicans in Prince George’s County, MD and the state party.
The party in Prince George’s is still moribund, and the state party has suffered as well. They lost the 1st Congressional District after moderate Wayne Gilcrest was defeated in the primary by a conservative candidate.
Michael Steele has taken lessons from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
In the 2002 governor race, the Ehrlich/Steele campaign fabricated an issue claiming that Michael Steele was pelted with oreo cookies at the Lt. Governor debate.
“They were thick as locusts” claimed the campaign. Even Ehrlich’s dad was hit in the head, so badly that he couldn’t talk to anyone.
Of course, there is no evidence from the tape of the debate and the building supervisor said that there weren’t any cookies on the floor (I can see someone here write, well, of course not. The democrats, who are like dogs, licked them up)
Steele has also backtracked.
(In the 2002 campaign they ran against Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. She and her cousin Caroline Kennedy are two peas from a pod, running on the coattails of their deceased fathers. I didn’t vote for Kennedy who seemed to me to have a sense of entitlement)
In the 2006 campaign, when Ehrlich ran for re-election and Steele for senator, their campaigns put up in the poorer African American sections of PG County signs that read “WE R NOT SLAVES TO THE DEMOCRATS”. They didn’t go up in the wealthier sections, nor in the hispanic areas.
Fit fit
16 years ago
I think Steele should try to not let the “Oreo incident” come back, otherwise people might find out it was Bosnian snipers hurling those cookies. Cut the guy some slack, everybody in politics has a couple of missteps.
My only concern is that some lefty will misinterpret this as some sort of strategic move in the big game of political chess instead of a qualified man being elected.
16 years ago
The oreos were there that night. Not as “thick as locusts” but none should have been brought at all, no excuses for Townsend supporters that night, they behaved atrociously.
Now, what excuses does Stephanie have for the MD State Senate President calling him an Uncle Tom? How about that liberal blog, I think it may have been Firedoglake, calling him Simple Sambo and photo shopping his image as a black minstrel?
Instead of blaming Michael Steele and accusing him of another Sharpton, and Jackson you should be humbly apologizing for the sickening racial politics that have been played against Michael Steele by members of your own state party.
16 years ago
Dear Missy,
Does the atrocious behaviour of Townsend supporters allow Michael Steele and the campaign to lie?
Not according to the commandments, atleast.
And what do you call it when someone lies in a racial incident like this?
And then puts up “WE R NOT SLAVES TO THE DEMOCRATS” signs.
As for me “humbly apologizing”, have I asked you to apologise for what happened to Matthew Shepard or James Byrd?
@Fit fit: You need to be spending your time looking for that abortion comment, not making new ones. The grace period for you to complete that mission has expired.
Either make a retraction and full apology to our readers for that smear or prepare to have me dump your comments.
@StephaniePlume: You being a Maryland resident should know that P.G. county has nearly as many black voters as the District of Columbia. I don’t see how you can blame Michael Steele for them voting Democrat.
I can see you are still a “slave to the Democrats.”
Could someone please explain to me how a black person (allegedly) posting signs (allegedly) saying “WE R NOT SLAVES TO THE DEMOCRATS” is racist because I’m confused.
If a white person had posted these alleged signs even that still wouldn’t be racist.
Maybe I can get one of the featherheads here to explain it to me.
I think some of the cells in Stephanie’s battery are dry.
That came out of Schumer’s office, they got away with it too.
From My Pet Jawa:
Ethical Democrats Flashback, 09/28/05:
SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER had just finished his last sputtering of outrage at the nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court when news broke that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, which he chairs, had a small problem.
Newsday and the New York Post both reported that the DSCC was in illegal possession of the credit report for Maryland’s Republican Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele. Two of Schumer’s staffers, Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner, used Steele’s Social Security number to fraudulently get his credit history.
The DSCC expects Steele to run for the Senate seat which Democrat Paul Sarbanes will vacate with his retirement next year. Nothing frightens Democrats more than a conservative African-American and Steele demonstrated in his appearance at the 2004 GOP convention that he has charisma, warmth, and a sharp sense of policy.
Making this even more scandalous, it turns out that the DSCC had known about Barge and Weiner’s pilfering for over two months, having placed both on a paid suspension since early July, according to the Post. And yet no one gave any indication that the DSCC notified Michael Steele about the invasion of his privacy until this week. Given that federal statutes make the acquisition, distribution, acceptance, and even reading of this data without specific written authorization a federal crime, the theft should have resulted in no small amount of media attention.”
Congrats to Michael Steele from liberl land, real pieces of &@#% aren’t they?
Also for the Jawa post:
“Koz Kidz congratulates Mr Steele:
National GOP always picks up Negro house pets to show off to their friends.
Huff and Puff:
If only the GOP only knew how un-united blacks were on every issue except…civil rights. Shhhhh! Don’t tell them! Just pop some popcorn and sit back and watch at how they fail to bait us with a Tom. LMAO!”
As for me “humbly apologizing”, have I asked you to apologise for what happened to Matthew Shepard or James Byrd?
I must have missed something.
Were Shepard and Byrd involved in politics?
Talk about apples at a pear festival.
My point exactly.
Why must I speak for someone else?
But since the argument was too difficult for the both of you, I’ll give you this:
As for me “humbling apologising”, have I asked you to apologise for Jeane Kirkpatrick’s horrific statement approving the rapes and murders of Sr. Ita Ford, Sr. Dorothy Kazel, Sr. Maura Clarke and lay missionary Jean Donovan?
@Mike’s America
@StephaniePlume: You being a Maryland resident should know that P.G. county has nearly as many black voters as the District of Columbia. I don’t see how you can blame Michael Steele for them voting Democrat.
Dear Mike,
you must have shipped out of the area before the election. All the PG County Councilpeople who were unopposed in their previous election, came out in support of Michael Steele. The County Executive, Jack Johnson did not.
@Mike’s America:
I can see you are still a “slave to the Democrats.”
Very witty, Mike. Is that the best you can come up with your God given talents?
@Aye (not Beverly) Chihuahua
Aye Chihuahua
Could someone please explain to me how a black person (allegedly) posting signs (allegedly) saying “WE R NOT SLAVES TO THE DEMOCRATS” is racist because I’m confused.
If a white person had posted these alleged signs even that still wouldn’t be racist.
Who said is was racist?
I never did.
Go back and read.
I also pointed out that it was the Steele and Ehrlich campaigns who put them up in the poorer African American section of Prince George’s County, like Bladensburg, Seat Pleasant, and Oxon hill. They did not make it to the wealthy African American sections of the county like Mitchellville and Bowie,
Ehrlich is white.
It seems all three of you agree (with me) that is was wrong of Mr. Steele to lie and later, not apologise.
Right now he is in company with Al Sharpton who never apologised for Tawna Brawley and Duke, Jesse Jackson, who never apologised for Duke and Jeane Kirkpatrick (who also lied and stated she never said that about the religious workers. And she was also assisted by the MSM who didn’t lie to point out that she lied twice).
16 years ago
Sheesh, this is like trying to not look at an accident on the DanRyan Express. We have a gaper here.
You continue to mix apples, oranges, and now pears together in your effort to make some conflated point which is lost in translation along the way.
Does the atrocious behaviour of Townsend supporters allow Michael Steele and the campaign to lie?
It’s your contention that the Steele campaign lied about something, yet you have shown not one iota of evidence to support that accusation.
Missy called you out on it, saying that Mr. Steele has been repeatedly mistreated by people in your state and said that Dims, like yourself, should be apologizing to him for that shabby, shameful, racist treatment.
Check the archives of the Baltimore Sun. They reported on what happened at the debate. Having read a great deal about this since yesterday, I don’t see the lie you are alluding to.
Then you dug down into the drawer and pulled out Byrd and Sheppard who have nothing, whatsoever, at all to do with politics, Rep or Dim, whether in MD or anywhere else.
To my knowledge Missy hasn’t murdered anyone or tied anyone behind her vehicle. Nor has she, to my knowledge, ever been a part of a group or a club or a political party who has engaged in such so, what precisely, was your point? Why would Missy have to apologize for what happened to those two people when she has no association, or anything in common, with the people who committed the acts?
Apples. Oranges.
As for the signs that were supposedly put up in those poor neighborhoods, it’s interesting to me that there are no pictures of those signs. There is also no credible evidence that the campaigns themselves paid for them. Have any proof for your accusation?
You claim that the Oreos didn’t exist because there were no pictures/video of them yet you’re trying to convince us that the signs exist even though there are no pictures/video of them.
You cannot have it both ways.
Finally, if you weren’t trying to make some sort of racial point about the signs, then why did you bring them up at all?
What was your point?
At last, the pears:
As for me “humbling apologising”, have I asked you to apologise for Jeane Kirkpatrick’s horrific statement approving the rapes and murders of Sr. Ita Ford, Sr. Dorothy Kazel, Sr. Maura Clarke and lay missionary Jean Donovan?
What the hell are ya talkin’ bout here? You’ve dredged up some story from nearly 29 years ago to make some sort of point.
I’ve read the Kirkpatrick quotes. She in no way said what you claim she said.
You’re going to have to give us some sort of credible source material for your foolishness.
I’m seriously beginning to think your head is full of snakes.
I’m holding my opinion of Micheal Steele at this point I’m not sure where he wants to take the Republican Party. As a Democrat, I’m not too concerned but as a political junkie, it will be interesting to see if he can change the dynamics of the Party. Everyone laughed at Howard Dean when he took control of the DNC and went to a 50 state strategy. It will be interesting to see if Steele will do the same for the RNC.
I’m not one of those that believe the GOP is dead – just a bit confused and static. It happens. A lot of black Civil Rights leaders got stuck on becoming the next Dr. King. Many Dems sought to be the next JFK. I think the GOP is stuck on finding another Reagan.
Times are changing and the GOP has to respond. This might be the first step towards that.
Fit fit
16 years ago
I’m a little disappointed at the tepid repsonse, not from the media, but from those on the right. Yes, some people are excited, but I’m not seeing much enthusiasm so far.
I think that’s because MS doesn’t represent much change in ideology. You guys are going to have to determine how much power he has in controlling the GOP strategy. If he has to play to the hard-right, then there really isn’t much to get excited about.
And as for not knowing what Michael Steele will do, I can only say that I hope he does what he has already done. He has been a very public face for the GOP and conservatism for years. His appearances on so many talk shows was a welcome change from the old white man face of the party we have had for years.
He’s clearly a bright, witty man with ideas and passion. And he doesn’t sprinkle his speech with “uuhs” like one in particular on your side who seems to be afraid to say what he really thinks.
As for your comment about us being “stuck” on finding another Reagan: Of course we’d like to find someone as charismatic and conservative as Reagan. Someone who expresses his own personal beliefs and not just the talking points he thinks will make him popular.
I can tell you from my face to face meeting with the top early contenders for the GOP nomination that the biggest concern running through my mind was: are they just saying what they think I want to hear. In some cases the answer was yes.
Michael Steele strikes me as the honest type of leader we need in the GOP. The fact that he is black is an afterthought.
I don’t make much of his skin color either. I think it is a way to make the GOP more contemporary but for that to really hold, the GOP would need more people of color in elected office. I do think he’s a smart guy and from his speech he is very aware of the problems with the GOP.
As for finding another Reagan, that would be nice – it would be nice to have another Dr. King but it aint gonna happen.
“I can tell you from my face to face meeting with the top early contenders for the GOP nomination that the biggest concern running through my mind was: are they just saying what they think I want to hear. In some cases the answer was yes.”
They’re politicians. And after 8 years of Bush, clearly you guys are in no position to judge someone’s speaking ability. The question I have is this:
Will the GOP accept individuals with different perspective on issues like stem cell research, climate change, workers rights, financial and environmental regulations. Those are issues where there is actually room to make compromises. If everything is a litmus test for conservatism, then I don’t believe Michael Steele will have much luck at all in expanding the Party.
Will the GOP accept individuals with different perspective on issues like stem cell research, climate change, workers rights, financial and environmental regulations. Those are issues where there is actually room to make compromises. If everything is a litmus test for conservatism, then I don’t believe Michael Steele will have much luck at all in expanding the Party.
You mean, will we compromise on those issues with liberals and give them what they want and get nothing in return?
No… that’s not our definition of bi-partisanship, even if it may be yours.
And I don’t think it is too much to ask for a politician to tell me what HE believes. Bush did and I accpted his honesty even when I disagreed with him.
And anytime you want to compare Bush and “Uhhh”bama off telepromper just let me know.
You mean, will we compromise on those issues with liberals and give them what they want and get nothing in return?
See, this is what I’m talking about. Neither one of us have present our thoughts on these issues but already your assumption is that my willingness to listen to other idea hinges on me convincing you that you are wrong and I’m right.
So you managed to collect a handful of examples of Bush misspeaking AFTER EIGHT YEARS… Well, I only found these from the past year of Obama…. At this rate he’ll outdo Bush in that dept. by the 4th of July.
mikeA: Will the same “news” media types who cooed about the first black president have the same affection for this good man?
mikeA: The Republican Party picked its first black chairman on Friday as it elected former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Steele to rebuild the party after a string of devastating defeats.
mike A: His appearances on so many talk shows was a welcome change from the old white man face of the party we have had for years.
mikeA: Michael Steele strikes me as the honest type of leader we need in the GOP. The fact that he is black is an afterthought.
Besides being “a welcome change from the old white man face of the party we have had for years” what else does Chairman Steele represent as to returning the party to true Republican ideals?
Big time kudos to the RNC. It was interesting watching this unfold today, it almost ended very badly. Steele’s an pretty effective communicator, they should try to get him as much face time as possible.
My wife voted for Steele during his Senate run – he’s a good man – but being a conservative in Maryland makes him a minority within a minority. I’m not a resident of this state but I’d likely vote for him just on the strength of his character if I ever get the chance.
For those who don’t know him yet, Michael Steele is a terrific guy, a true Conservative and a man who has earned his stripes. I was proud to vote for him as Lt. Governor — wore my Ehrlich-Steele T-shirt today in his honor — and again when he ran for Senator. I’m counting on him in a big way just as I’m sure he’s counting on us to get out the grassroots for 2010. Go Steele! Go Conservatives! Win in 2010!!
Chuck hates him? Cool!!
Man, Chuck fu…f…oh forget it!
Buck Ofama! This is the hope I’ve been waiting for!
How are the liberal media going to react? Well, liberal commentator Mark Shields (and conservative commentator David Brooks) both praised him on Friday’s Lehrer News Hour on PBS.
Both said that, even though Steele is, indeed, a true conservative, his election signified the GOP recognition of the fact that they need to go well beyond their base to win elections. They said that the GOP has effectively been reduced to being a “regional” political party, only a major force in the deep south and lightly populated plains states, and the “Mormon West.” They said that going back to the party’s “conservative roots,” as in going back to Reagan and Goldwater, just wasn’t going to win elections anymore and that one thing that Steele would surely do is “cool the anti-illegal immigrant rhetoric.” They said that the GOP has to become competitive in the northeast.
I personally welcome the return, if it comes, of the GOP in the time of Eisenhower, duly updated for the 21st century. The same Eisenhower that warned of the dangers of over-militarization and a GOP which favored balanced budgets over tax cuts and deficit spending.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA
The RNC has a lot of work to do to reconnect with the “average” American citizen. For too long, the GOP has allowed itself to be portrayed as a symbol for excessive corporate greed. When not in power, Republicans act like whiny sore losers – and I consider myself closer to a Republican than a Democrat.
Unfortunately, I don’t think the GOP can divest itself from lobbyist influence, so the MSM will always portray Republicans as greedy bastards with a penchant for war (regardless of the hawks in the Democratic party.
And until (if ever) we see meaningful campaign finance reform, the Americans must chose to be governed by special interests from the left or special interests from the right.
If we can’t get the RNC to move back to a true conservatism, and growing some big time gonads, I see little hope of Michael Steele making much difference, and I do admire and like this guy, and hope he can do just that.
I owe Mike a response on another post regarding the number of people at the inauguration. I made one but it seems to have not been received.
Michael Steele was chair of the Republicans in Prince George’s County, MD and the state party.
The party in Prince George’s is still moribund, and the state party has suffered as well. They lost the 1st Congressional District after moderate Wayne Gilcrest was defeated in the primary by a conservative candidate.
Michael Steele has taken lessons from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
In the 2002 governor race, the Ehrlich/Steele campaign fabricated an issue claiming that Michael Steele was pelted with oreo cookies at the Lt. Governor debate.
“They were thick as locusts” claimed the campaign. Even Ehrlich’s dad was hit in the head, so badly that he couldn’t talk to anyone.
Of course, there is no evidence from the tape of the debate and the building supervisor said that there weren’t any cookies on the floor (I can see someone here write, well, of course not. The democrats, who are like dogs, licked them up)
Steele has also backtracked.
(In the 2002 campaign they ran against Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. She and her cousin Caroline Kennedy are two peas from a pod, running on the coattails of their deceased fathers. I didn’t vote for Kennedy who seemed to me to have a sense of entitlement)
In the 2006 campaign, when Ehrlich ran for re-election and Steele for senator, their campaigns put up in the poorer African American sections of PG County signs that read “WE R NOT SLAVES TO THE DEMOCRATS”. They didn’t go up in the wealthier sections, nor in the hispanic areas.
I think Steele should try to not let the “Oreo incident” come back, otherwise people might find out it was Bosnian snipers hurling those cookies. Cut the guy some slack, everybody in politics has a couple of missteps.
Happy to see Steele as the chairman of the RNC!
My only concern is that some lefty will misinterpret this as some sort of strategic move in the big game of political chess instead of a qualified man being elected.
The oreos were there that night. Not as “thick as locusts” but none should have been brought at all, no excuses for Townsend supporters that night, they behaved atrociously.
Now, what excuses does Stephanie have for the MD State Senate President calling him an Uncle Tom? How about that liberal blog, I think it may have been Firedoglake, calling him Simple Sambo and photo shopping his image as a black minstrel?
Instead of blaming Michael Steele and accusing him of another Sharpton, and Jackson you should be humbly apologizing for the sickening racial politics that have been played against Michael Steele by members of your own state party.
Dear Missy,
Does the atrocious behaviour of Townsend supporters allow Michael Steele and the campaign to lie?
Not according to the commandments, atleast.
And what do you call it when someone lies in a racial incident like this?
And then puts up “WE R NOT SLAVES TO THE DEMOCRATS” signs.
As for me “humbly apologizing”, have I asked you to apologise for what happened to Matthew Shepard or James Byrd?
I must have missed something.
Were Shepard and Byrd involved in politics?
Talk about apples at a pear festival.
Refresh my memory Missy.
Wasn’t Michael Steele the victim of an invasion of privacy when Dim Party operatives illegally obtained his credit report?
I seem to recall something about that.
I do remember this:
@Fit fit: You need to be spending your time looking for that abortion comment, not making new ones. The grace period for you to complete that mission has expired.
Either make a retraction and full apology to our readers for that smear or prepare to have me dump your comments.
@StephaniePlume: You being a Maryland resident should know that P.G. county has nearly as many black voters as the District of Columbia. I don’t see how you can blame Michael Steele for them voting Democrat.
I can see you are still a “slave to the Democrats.”
Could someone please explain to me how a black person (allegedly) posting signs (allegedly) saying “WE R NOT SLAVES TO THE DEMOCRATS” is racist because I’m confused.
If a white person had posted these alleged signs even that still wouldn’t be racist.
Maybe I can get one of the featherheads here to explain it to me.
@Aye Chihuahua:
I think some of the cells in Stephanie’s battery are dry.
That came out of Schumer’s office, they got away with it too.
From My Pet Jawa:
Ethical Democrats Flashback, 09/28/05:
SENATOR CHUCK SCHUMER had just finished his last sputtering of outrage at the nomination of John Roberts to the Supreme Court when news broke that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, which he chairs, had a small problem.
Newsday and the New York Post both reported that the DSCC was in illegal possession of the credit report for Maryland’s Republican Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele. Two of Schumer’s staffers, Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner, used Steele’s Social Security number to fraudulently get his credit history.
The DSCC expects Steele to run for the Senate seat which Democrat Paul Sarbanes will vacate with his retirement next year. Nothing frightens Democrats more than a conservative African-American and Steele demonstrated in his appearance at the 2004 GOP convention that he has charisma, warmth, and a sharp sense of policy.
Making this even more scandalous, it turns out that the DSCC had known about Barge and Weiner’s pilfering for over two months, having placed both on a paid suspension since early July, according to the Post. And yet no one gave any indication that the DSCC notified Michael Steele about the invasion of his privacy until this week. Given that federal statutes make the acquisition, distribution, acceptance, and even reading of this data without specific written authorization a federal crime, the theft should have resulted in no small amount of media attention.”
Congrats to Michael Steele from liberl land, real pieces of &@#% aren’t they?
Also for the Jawa post:
“Koz Kidz congratulates Mr Steele:
National GOP always picks up Negro house pets to show off to their friends.
Huff and Puff:
If only the GOP only knew how un-united blacks were on every issue except…civil rights. Shhhhh! Don’t tell them! Just pop some popcorn and sit back and watch at how they fail to bait us with a Tom. LMAO!”
@Aye Chihuahua (not Beverly Hills)
My point exactly.
Why must I speak for someone else?
But since the argument was too difficult for the both of you, I’ll give you this:
As for me “humbling apologising”, have I asked you to apologise for Jeane Kirkpatrick’s horrific statement approving the rapes and murders of Sr. Ita Ford, Sr. Dorothy Kazel, Sr. Maura Clarke and lay missionary Jean Donovan?
@Mike’s America
Dear Mike,
you must have shipped out of the area before the election. All the PG County Councilpeople who were unopposed in their previous election, came out in support of Michael Steele. The County Executive, Jack Johnson did not.
@Mike’s America:
Very witty, Mike. Is that the best you can come up with your God given talents?
@Aye (not Beverly) Chihuahua
Who said is was racist?
I never did.
Go back and read.
I also pointed out that it was the Steele and Ehrlich campaigns who put them up in the poorer African American section of Prince George’s County, like Bladensburg, Seat Pleasant, and Oxon hill. They did not make it to the wealthy African American sections of the county like Mitchellville and Bowie,
Ehrlich is white.
It seems all three of you agree (with me) that is was wrong of Mr. Steele to lie and later, not apologise.
Right now he is in company with Al Sharpton who never apologised for Tawna Brawley and Duke, Jesse Jackson, who never apologised for Duke and Jeane Kirkpatrick (who also lied and stated she never said that about the religious workers. And she was also assisted by the MSM who didn’t lie to point out that she lied twice).
Sheesh, this is like trying to not look at an accident on the DanRyan Express. We have a gaper here.
Missy, Thank you.
Stef is back.
Ms. Featherhead,
You continue to mix apples, oranges, and now pears together in your effort to make some conflated point which is lost in translation along the way.
It’s your contention that the Steele campaign lied about something, yet you have shown not one iota of evidence to support that accusation.
Missy called you out on it, saying that Mr. Steele has been repeatedly mistreated by people in your state and said that Dims, like yourself, should be apologizing to him for that shabby, shameful, racist treatment.
Check the archives of the Baltimore Sun. They reported on what happened at the debate. Having read a great deal about this since yesterday, I don’t see the lie you are alluding to.
Then you dug down into the drawer and pulled out Byrd and Sheppard who have nothing, whatsoever, at all to do with politics, Rep or Dim, whether in MD or anywhere else.
To my knowledge Missy hasn’t murdered anyone or tied anyone behind her vehicle. Nor has she, to my knowledge, ever been a part of a group or a club or a political party who has engaged in such so, what precisely, was your point? Why would Missy have to apologize for what happened to those two people when she has no association, or anything in common, with the people who committed the acts?
Apples. Oranges.
As for the signs that were supposedly put up in those poor neighborhoods, it’s interesting to me that there are no pictures of those signs. There is also no credible evidence that the campaigns themselves paid for them. Have any proof for your accusation?
You claim that the Oreos didn’t exist because there were no pictures/video of them yet you’re trying to convince us that the signs exist even though there are no pictures/video of them.
You cannot have it both ways.
Finally, if you weren’t trying to make some sort of racial point about the signs, then why did you bring them up at all?
What was your point?
At last, the pears:
What the hell are ya talkin’ bout here? You’ve dredged up some story from nearly 29 years ago to make some sort of point.
I’ve read the Kirkpatrick quotes. She in no way said what you claim she said.
You’re going to have to give us some sort of credible source material for your foolishness.
I’m seriously beginning to think your head is full of snakes.
I’m holding my opinion of Micheal Steele at this point I’m not sure where he wants to take the Republican Party. As a Democrat, I’m not too concerned but as a political junkie, it will be interesting to see if he can change the dynamics of the Party. Everyone laughed at Howard Dean when he took control of the DNC and went to a 50 state strategy. It will be interesting to see if Steele will do the same for the RNC.
I’m not one of those that believe the GOP is dead – just a bit confused and static. It happens. A lot of black Civil Rights leaders got stuck on becoming the next Dr. King. Many Dems sought to be the next JFK. I think the GOP is stuck on finding another Reagan.
Times are changing and the GOP has to respond. This might be the first step towards that.
I’m a little disappointed at the tepid repsonse, not from the media, but from those on the right. Yes, some people are excited, but I’m not seeing much enthusiasm so far.
@ Fit Fit,
I think that’s because MS doesn’t represent much change in ideology. You guys are going to have to determine how much power he has in controlling the GOP strategy. If he has to play to the hard-right, then there really isn’t much to get excited about.
@james manning: James, Nit Wit is one of us guys.
And as for not knowing what Michael Steele will do, I can only say that I hope he does what he has already done. He has been a very public face for the GOP and conservatism for years. His appearances on so many talk shows was a welcome change from the old white man face of the party we have had for years.
He’s clearly a bright, witty man with ideas and passion. And he doesn’t sprinkle his speech with “uuhs” like one in particular on your side who seems to be afraid to say what he really thinks.
As for your comment about us being “stuck” on finding another Reagan: Of course we’d like to find someone as charismatic and conservative as Reagan. Someone who expresses his own personal beliefs and not just the talking points he thinks will make him popular.
I can tell you from my face to face meeting with the top early contenders for the GOP nomination that the biggest concern running through my mind was: are they just saying what they think I want to hear. In some cases the answer was yes.
Michael Steele strikes me as the honest type of leader we need in the GOP. The fact that he is black is an afterthought.
@ Mike,
I don’t make much of his skin color either. I think it is a way to make the GOP more contemporary but for that to really hold, the GOP would need more people of color in elected office. I do think he’s a smart guy and from his speech he is very aware of the problems with the GOP.
As for finding another Reagan, that would be nice – it would be nice to have another Dr. King but it aint gonna happen.
“I can tell you from my face to face meeting with the top early contenders for the GOP nomination that the biggest concern running through my mind was: are they just saying what they think I want to hear. In some cases the answer was yes.”
They’re politicians. And after 8 years of Bush, clearly you guys are in no position to judge someone’s speaking ability. The question I have is this:
Will the GOP accept individuals with different perspective on issues like stem cell research, climate change, workers rights, financial and environmental regulations. Those are issues where there is actually room to make compromises. If everything is a litmus test for conservatism, then I don’t believe Michael Steele will have much luck at all in expanding the Party.
@james manning:
You mean, will we compromise on those issues with liberals and give them what they want and get nothing in return?
No… that’s not our definition of bi-partisanship, even if it may be yours.
And I don’t think it is too much to ask for a politician to tell me what HE believes. Bush did and I accpted his honesty even when I disagreed with him.
And anytime you want to compare Bush and “Uhhh”bama off telepromper just let me know.
I’ll take you up on that one Mike:
the guy was an idiot.
You mean, will we compromise on those issues with liberals and give them what they want and get nothing in return?
See, this is what I’m talking about. Neither one of us have present our thoughts on these issues but already your assumption is that my willingness to listen to other idea hinges on me convincing you that you are wrong and I’m right.
@james manning:
So you managed to collect a handful of examples of Bush misspeaking AFTER EIGHT YEARS… Well, I only found these from the past year of Obama…. At this rate he’ll outdo Bush in that dept. by the 4th of July.
Besides being “a welcome change from the old white man face of the party we have had for years” what else does Chairman Steele represent as to returning the party to true Republican ideals?