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Aw, such a good guy! At least some people are willing to give him the recognition he so deserves. An interesting tidbit though…Bush is better dressed to attend a basketball game than the new president and his staff are while in the Oval Office. Hmmm!!!

How long before the country misses him? I’d say up until the next attack. 7 years without is a long time.

What attack? Didn’t Obama declare the WOT over? Muslims are our friends now. Didn’t he say so? Of course he didn’t say who won. /s

Now he is insisting the military commanders in Guantanamo break the law and obey his EC to delay all trials for 120 days not congress’s law signed by Bush. What a guy.. Outrage from congress. Crickets chirping. Remember all the hoo ha from congress about Bush overstepping his bounds when he didn’t. Well, here is a guy who is and nobody complains.

I hope someone selects a really smart dog for the Chairman. A brain is badly needed in the white house.

GWB and his wife always honored the Office of the President. After the politicking was over, he could still hand over the White House to his duly elected successor graciously. I wonder if our current prez will be able to do the same when it’s his turn.

Heck, I miss Bush.

Meanwhile, Obama’s constantly trying to lower expectations in order to keep his own approval ratings high – so that people don’t end up blaming him for running this country into the ground. If I know one thing for sure, it’s that none of us will rally behind our current president.

Oh, man, I wish I could have been there…guess I’ll have to move to Texas, or at least stick with Flopping Aces for now!

Mike, you may have seen this already–just found out last night the George W. Bush archives site is available now, hallelujah!

@SoCal Chris: You mean this?


Aye found it.

Actually Mike, I think it might be even better than what I had found originally.

Try this one on for size.


@Mike’s America:
Yes, I think Aye pretty much has the same thing, but this is what I had:


I like anything I can get!!

p.s.: I wasn’t trying to be elusive with the website…probably paranoid that if I posted it, it would disappear again!

@SoCal Chris:
@Aye Chihuahua:

You guys were holding out on me! See what happens when you waste too much time trying to make bl ass t see sense?

Yes, this is the ticket… everyone adjust your bookmarks and favorites:


I put it in my favorites, that site is like going through a comfort food cookbook, nice.

Aww shucks, I miss him already!

Any news on when he’ll get the Nobel Peace Prize, collect his award for excellence in fiscal management and be presented with the warrant for war crimes?

Moby sighting Aisle 13.

Moby, Aisle 13.

@EyeRoller: Idiot! If you can’t even stop hating the man after he leaves office don’t bother showing up here later telling us we need to show Obama more respect.

@EyeRoller: The only problem is that you are an idiot and your comment is absurd and it would only be a waste of time to even entertain your idiocy further.

Grow up.

Mike, here’s another one you are most certainly going to do a little dance upon seeing:


All I have to say is…WOO HOO!!!!!!!! 🙂

@SoCal Chris:

SoCal Chris, did you happen to note they gave this link at the library site?


They have two categories coming soon, “Setting the Record Straight” WOO HOO!!! and a blog.


I saw that, Missy!! Isn’t it great?!? 🙂 I’m ready to see the record getting set straight!!

Also, I signed up for updates, and plan to sign up to volunteer, and donate! WOO HOO again!

Btw, I thought what you said earlier was very well said about seeing the site feels like going through a comfort food cookbook…it’s just what the docta ordered!

I tried to add this to my last comment, but it got stuck in lala land…

Missy, I thought what you said earlier about seeing the site feeling like looking through a good comfort food cookbook was very apropos! Just what the docta ordered!

This is well known that cash makes people free. But how to act when one doesn’t have money? The only one way is to receive the loan and auto loan.

very interesting for this time of campaigning to change the DEMOCRAT PARTY from top to bottom
corruption and hate driven toward the people. and against the foundation of the cherish freedom of AMERICA,
they want to be DICTATOR to control the NATION with his army of GOVERNMENT UNIONS employees, assigned to different agencies, including food control, which is leading to the destruction OF AMERICA as
she was before, the LAND of creativity,
now becoming the LAND of taking for not giving noting to be a member of the NATION, while still able to vote and collect money for voting for those corrupt elected in SEATS OF POWER HAVING FAILED THE AMERICAN, telling them to vote or else you loose,
sad reality