West Chester Pa – The Return of Rich Davis!!!


WELCOME BACK RICH! Saturday marked the return of our fearless leader, Rich Davis, to the Sheepdog fold. He looked fit and happy to stand once again with the Sheepdogs. The Sheepdogs were a solid wall of Red, White and Blue on the steps of the Chester County Courthouse. Despite the global cooling we are experiencing, the Sheepdogs were happy to stand at the corner and celebrate America. All photos taken by the Magnificent Neocon

Our weekly rally is not complete without moment of prayer for our nation.

A detailed look at the Coin passed from Sheepdog to Sheepdog every week. A great tradition that recognizes the innate goodness in every member of our group.

I’ve never met such consistently happy and content individuals as the Sheepdogs. Everyone needs to experience the Sheepdog joy at least once in their lives! Join us every Saturday at the corner of High and Market Streets, West Chester Pa, 10:45 till Noon. With their numbers dwindling, the director of the CCPM has taken to bribing…err….”expressing gratitude” to groups such at VFP Chapter 31. Interesting to note: the VFP core group have been MIA for the rally several weeks running.

We invite each one of you on this list to send us a donation to share with our VFP31 friends by sending a check to the address below, payable to The Chester County Peace Movement, but making sure to note “Veterans for Peace” in the memo area – we will, in turn, send them a check as a token of our sincerest thanks. No donation is too small, and we hope you will acknowledge the continuing courage of our greatest citizens by contributing to this gesture of our appreciation.

Their peace protest seems pointless – unless they want to declare ‘No War in Pak-i-stan’.

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The best ever, Skye!

You guys are doing phenomenal work … I’m awed!

You know .. I’ve sat right there (in front of the courthouse) and ate my lunch while on jury duty.

i guess they figure their work is done now that the “one” is in office. great job skye, you guys are doing good things, keep it up.

Global cooling? Not exactly. 2008 was the 8th warmest year on record, with all of the top 10 now being after 1997.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA (going to cue up Mike’s 1hr15 min all-you-wanted-to-know-about-climate-change video right now).


Global cooling? Not exactly. 2008 was the 8th warmest year on record, with all of the top 10 now being after 1997.

Define “record”. Actually, the past ten years coincides with a cyclical increase is solar activity. Since that cycle has peaked, we will likely begin to see a new cooling trend, which, of course, will also be blamed on CO2 emissions. There is a lot of science out there Larry, and a lot of it has very little to do with the truth. In the end, it is about undermining your individual freedoms and using fear to control you. Since you’ve already fallen for it, it is obviously working.

We will “likely” see a new cooling trend? Well, we’ll see it when we see it.

With regard to “science,” I think that the very best blog on climate change is:


This is a blog open to comment from all scientists, with all points of view.

With regard to undermining my “invdidual freedoms” and controlling me, this is scaremongering of its own kind. I read where the full cost of complying with Kyoto would have been about a half trillion dollars, spread over the entire economy, over a number of years, out of an annual 11 trillion GDP. The idea that this would be an economic calamity is just more scaremongering.

As I’ve explained elsewhere, I’m much more concerned about the health effects of CO2 pollution than I am with climate change. For reasons previously stated.

Worst case scenario, if we commit to actions to reduce CO2 emissions, is that we’ll save some of our domestic fossil fuels for future generations to use for petrochemicals, that we’ll improve air quality, that we’ll accelerate the creation of a new sustainable energy economy, and that we’ll be competitive with the rest of the world as the age of cheap fossil fuel energy comes to an end. All of this benefit for a 1% or so “tax” on our GDP.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA


I don’t get out of bed to discuss this issue with data less than 10,000 years. Show me that record.

With the photos and prose, I feel like I was actually at the rally. Great job Skye.

Larry: Until you watch the Great Global Warming Swindle I am just going to continue assuming that your comments are those of an ill-informed mind more apt to parrot left wing propaganda than analyze and comprehend scientific data.

In the time you have spent regurgitating the left’s talking points on this issue you could have watched the video:


I can only conclude that your failure to see both sides of this issue is a result of your comfort level with your prejudices and ignorance.

Now… back to topic…

Skye: I never found out what happened to Rich? Did he have a car accident after some lefty tampered with his brakes?

I love the contrasting photo of the pro-terrorist vigilers. What a sorry bunch they look like. Looks like they have one American flag shoved next to the wall of the building and can only get enthusiastic waving around their hippie flags.

What morons! I bet they all believe in manmande global warming too.

Larry, seriously.. anyone can point to many many many sources that side with their point of view, use science appropriately, and support the earths change in temperature (up or down), while attributing it all to CO2 output, solar activity, or hell just the fact the earth goes through periods of warming and cooling. If I look at cause and effect, I go with solar activity producing more noticeable change in the climate/earth conditions than CO2 output. Our viewing-window of man made environmentally effecting practices is very small. We already know that our earth has gone through several very hot time periods and several very cold time periods. I live in colorado and there are fossils of palm tree leaves all over the place. There was vast farming in greenland over 100 years ago.. wow, the climate changed.. Why is it that ‘global warming’ has been politically/terminology corrected, to global climate change? Maybe its because enough people fell off the bandwagon, the park owners decided to rename the ride.

I hate that the left has identified themselves with this craze. It just adds another divisive issue (that is still largely unknown) to the political/economic model, when it should still be a scientific one. The models we have from the early 70’s to now, are a main basis for what people attribute to global warming. I am not going to use the term global cooling, but I am going to say that 2007 was supposed to be the hottest year since 1998, it wasn’t close.. in 2008

“…there is word that all four major global temperature tracking outlets have released data showing that temperatures have dropped significantly over the last year. California meteorologist Anthony Watts says the amount of cooling ranges from 65-hundredths of a degree Centigrade to 75-hundreds of a degree.

That is said to be a value large enough to erase nearly all the global warming recorded over the past 100 years. It is reportedly the single fastest temperature change ever recorded — up or down.”

When Gore said, “The debate in the scientific community is over.” was it over because he said? Or because there are enough people out there willing to hear that statement and believe it? Maybe the lemmings aren’t on the right, they are on the left. If anything, going /against/ global warming made you look like an idiot in the public education system for several years. Things may be different now, but not much. Science was known for many years to be a huge part of the Church, now it has gone away and seems to have become its own. Global warming isn’t a religion and those that oppose it aren’t heretics (boston globe http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2008/01/06/br_r_r_where_did_global_warming_go/ ).

Anyway, way off subject. Great gathering! Wish I lived close enough.

The best climate reporting is on


For example read “Philadelphia’s Climate in the Early Days”

You really should take a longer term view than 20 years.

Emmanuel Goldberg: You were there in spirit, my friend!

Mike: On Dec 23, Rich slipped on a patch of ice, shattering ribs and puncturing a lung which subsequently collapsed.

He was in intensive care for a week before being discharged to a general medical floor for a few days of recovery. When the Sheepdogs were notified of the accident, many took time to visit him in intensive care and shared updates with the group, we maintained the rally in West Chester and created a “Rich Recovery Fund”. The generosity and support displayed by the Sheepdogs reveals all is not lost in this dark age of obama.

This past Saturday, Rich returned to the rally to lead the Sheepdogs in our weekly celebration of America.

As for THOSE PEOPLE on the opposite corner – it is going to be interesting to see how they maintain their ‘anti-war’ stance when obama is bombing Pakistan and America is struck again by terrorists. Their ranks are thin, and what you see are the grizzled leftovers. The American flag for once is NOT stored in the public trash bin. I’ve weeks worth of photos of where the peace protesters secured an American Flag in a trash bin. Did I tell you they all voted and campaigned for obama? The short guy holding the peace flag with the blue background, we’ve nicknamed him “Bitesize” and he really gets his rocks off waving that flag. He took part in the winter soldier ‘hearing’ in Detroit in 1971. It was from these statements that Kerry famously called our soldiers ‘baby killers’.

I’m sure some have wondered of my dogged determination in capturing this rally in photos and video. The reason is simple – the peace protesters and liberals that compose the CCPM (Chester County peace Movement) are at their core pathological liars. Recently, a letter to the editor was printed in the Daily Local News ( A small local West Chester newspaper) in which a representative of the Chester County Democrats accused the Sheepdogs of threatening to push her in the street filled with oncoming motorists. I’ve video and/or photos of every rally, I know this woman and her statement is a complete fabrication – I’ve the evidence.

Fabricated statements – this is how they play. Since day one, I’ve been discrediting their movement with the documented truth. Fortunately, I’ve been able to recruit two other talented photographers, NeoCon and Sean Carpenter, to help cover this rally when I am not able to attend. Hello, I do have a life!

We will continue our proud tradition of celebrating America indefinitely.

From Ms. Skye:

As for THOSE PEOPLE on the opposite corner – it is going to be interesting to see how they maintain their ‘anti-war’ stance when obama is bombing Pakistan and America is struck again by terrorists.

The “anti-war”… LOL Evidently putting nouns and verbs together is not their forte if they hung their “hope” on our current President during the campaign,

So don’t forget to remind them of Obama’s campaign promises that he is living up to thus far…. the plans for the Afghanistan “surge” – conveniently called an “escalation” instead – that will meet with no dissention in Congress. This despite the fact Afghanistan should be a NATO/int’l community footprint, and not a US led action.

Also, keep in your Saturday jacket pocket the data ammo that Biden has already told the faithful to expect more Afghanistan casualties with the 30K troop “escalation”. ( the UK version of the same story here.) Would make a great sandwich sign, that headline… yes?

Biden on Afghanistan: Expect “uptick” In U.S. Casualties

Oh yes… don’t forget to remind them that Osama Bin Laden isn’t *in* Afghanistan…. Nor did the Taliban attack us on 911.

In the meantime, President Karzai isn’t too happy with Obama as CIC, asking him to halt the civilian casualties via airstrikes. Apparently, Obama is a student of the Clintonian bomb-’em-from-the-air-and-keep-US-casualties-low-for-poll-numbers school.

President Hamid Karzai said airstrikes cannot win the fight against terrorism.

“Our demand is that there will be no civilian casualties in Afghanistan. We cannot win the fight against terrorism with airstrikes,” Karzai said. “This is my first demand of the new president of the United States — to put an end to civilian casualties.”

Yup… sometimes you have to put boots on the ground. However, in the case of Afghanistan, Mr. “I’m a citizen of the world” should be demanding the other NATO countries step up to the plate, instead of volunteering our guys to serve under NATO command.

Or else just take control back from NATO, and do it right… and that doesn’t depend primarily upon the more risk adverse predator drones and airstrikes.

Doesn’t matter. Don’t think the folks “across the street” will like any of this from the chosen one….

Skye, great to hear that the Sheepdog family is all together again!!!

@Skye: “Mike: On Dec 23, Rich slipped on a patch of ice, shattering ribs and puncturing a lung which subsequently collapsed. “

You sure he wasn’t pushed?

All kidding aside I am glad to hear he has made a full recovery. You have such a wonderful team of patriots there in West Chester and remain a beacon of possiblity for all of us who would like to get more involved in countering the degenerate defeatist and unpatriotic (yes I said it and meant it) attitudes of the left.

Thanks to everyone for your prayers and concern. It’s been 5 1/2 weeks since I slipped on ice. I am happy to report I am healing very nicely. Only waiting for the open chest wound to completely heal (where they inserted a suction tube).

Thanks to my fellow Sheepdogs for keeping my spot warm on the corner while I was recouping. Seeing the photos and coverage of the rallies really boosted my spirits.

Being able to come to the rally last weekend was the best medicine for me. All my friends and fellow patriots came out to meet me and give me hugs – that felt so good.

Thanks always to my dear friend Skye who is so committed to exposing the truth about the real agenda of the “so-called” peaceniks… She is a true hero, a one-woman dynamo.

The peaceniks will say and do anything to keep people like me and all of us from publically disagreeing with them. The peaceniks are fanatics who do not tolerate “seeing” points of view that they don’t agree with. Thank God Skye came along to blog about what was going on in West Chester, PA.

For 5 years, those of us who didn’t agree with their public displays of their opinion, stood by quietly and tolerated them. But when we came out and joined them with an opposing position, they threw a temper-tantrum and tried to intimidate us from our freedom of speech, first by jostling me and blocking my signs, cussing – several of them told me, “We thought we could intimidate you into not wanting to come back”….

Anyway, the leftists peaceniks continue to politicize the war and blame America. They lie about our movement and they lie about our country – the peaceniks only end up prolonging the war and causing more Americans to be killed.

People ask me to define “Victory” and I like to say, “When the moderate Muslims start turning in the terrorists, the jihadists, amongst themselves, in their neighborhoods, work places, schools, families, mosques, etc… THEN we will have achieved Victory.” Right now, sadly, too many moderate Muslims are “afraid” to turn in those who they might suspect of being in a sleeper cell (or even a freelance Jihadist) because of retaliation. The radical, violent Muslims have them scared to say anything. Let’s pray that this changes soon.

Thanks again to Mike’s America and everyone at Flopping Aces, for all your support and fantastic coverage for our West Chester Victory Rallies. We are Sheepdogs!!

To the Troops!
To America!
To Victory!