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you have to admit that is one hell of a plane. i wonder if obama will appreciate it. i saw a special on the history channel about the plane and how it is cared for and the staff, they all said bush was pleasant and gracious. betcha michelle will be a bitchy tirant to the staff. can’t help it, obama is arrogant and she is angry. bush was always smiling and his wife was always cheerful and proper. you cannot beat them as a first family, they have class and grace.

I love this you put up and I will always remember president bush and how he treated my son who was is commander-in-chief and he was my nephews to. I fear for our country now because mr obama was one who wanted to make sure our troops lost in iraq by pulling the funding from them. Also, when obama puts the clintonists back in office i know what happened to our country and that is why we had 911. GOD BLESS GEORGE W BUSH AND LADY LAURA. President had intergrity, honor and courage to go after the enemy overseas and also he endured the terrible treatment here at home. We salute president bush for a job well done.

There’s also a companion show called “Aboard Marine One” that comes on right after this one.

President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush have class.The presidents and first ladies before and after them…not so much.

@thebronze: Good programs, both of them. Really brings to light some of the risks President Bush took in order to spend Thanksgiving with the troops in Baghdad.

What a wonderful video. And song. God bless this wonderful and gracious man, I miss him. We’re in for at least 4 years of arrogance from this bunch and it’s already wearing very thin on me.

Reporters have said that the Obama campaign plane “smelled bad” inside. I expect Air Force One to suffer the same fate.