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That’s still a lot of Village idiots in one place.
I wonder if the crime rates dropped in DC proper for a few hours.

That’s an incredible sat image of so many people viewable from space!! WOW

I don’t care how many it was. They ignored the purpose of his speech: a call for unity/an end to partisanship, and they booed like it was Saddam instead of a President.

It’ll be interesting to see what the actual cost is in the end.

The crime rate should have dropped with all the added security there meant to secure a couple million more people that showed up.

Thank you media, thanks for all the hype for your guy. Because of all the exaggerated numbers they used because they didn’t want to miss a chance to elevate Obama, we pay for 20,000 additional security forces and everything related to their services and who knows what else.

I agree with you Scott… they look like ants too.

The local media out here in Colorado were using the sat image to say, “pictures don’t lie; it confirms the Obama inauguration drew more people than expected.” Putting a more accurate, low crowd estimate would somehow lessen the “historical impact” and make Obama just another politican.

DR: The folks who have actually done the photo analysis reveal that the figure is a million or less. Interesting that many of the news organizations which reported higher figures all just piggybacked on earlier reports and did not do their own analysis.

Even the Metro stats which were supposed to help quantify the crowd have now dropped to “Nearly 874,000 people had ridden the rails of Washington’s transit system as of 5 p.m. Tuesday.” Even if we are supposed to believe that every single person riding DC Metro on Tuesday was doing so to attend the Inaugural, the number comes no where close to one million. And despite the best efforts to bus in the faithful there is no way they could bus in that number even if they used all the school buses flooded in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

HMMM. Less than a million people but there was 130 million pounds of trash hauled off when it was over. What does that tell you about the left and their commitment to the environment.

it looks like a bunch of swarming bees, or ants. kinda creepy if you ask me, the libs are pests anyway so the picture is fitting. how could they leave behind that amount of trash? that is rude and disrespectful, i don’t care where you are, if at a friends house or something like this. pick up after yourself. leaving all of this behind is like taking a crap in your own front yard, terrible.

Before we get too smug, consider that Inauguration Day here in the capital was bitter cold. I expect that kept lots of people indoors.

Didn’t look that cold to me Raymond. Nice sunny day by all accounts with temps in the 30’s.

Try again.

Didn’t look that cold to me Raymond. Nice sunny day by all accounts with temps in the 30’s.

The temp for the inaugural was 28 (at 11:52), and keeping in mind that people had to cue up for hours before the event, it was as low as 19 degrees at 7am, although it reached a high of 30 (a round up from 29.4 I suppose – at 12:52), it was overcast and had chilly wind of 13 MPH gusting to 23.


Now if you can come up with a source from the Capital near the mall that is higher, be my guest.

30’s or 30.

That’s a nit pick.


Who cares how cold it was? The morons in the news (biased) media are the story here! Yes it was cold. And yes a lot of people showed up for the coronation in spite of the cold. And yes the news media has inflated the numbers to reflect approximately the size of theirs and Obama’s egos. And yes, they left the whole DC area trashed, those supposed environmentally friendly democrats.

Trish: The tactics which you picked up on are a regular feature here as the apologists and enablers of the left will glom onto any minor point in an effort to distract people from the central message and derail the comment stream into a petty little squabble.

Are we to believe that a million more showed up for the Inauguration but stayed in their hotel rooms that morning because it was cold? It’s beside the point.

I have noticed you have forgotten to tell how a million people converged on washington without one arrest..
But I shouldn’t be surprised Mike.. you always tell your stories with a one sided slant.

C.R.A.P. You mean 800,000 without one arrest.

And are you sure about that?

Have a news link you would like to add? Let’s hope your source is more reliable than the crowd counts.

Mike should check the local media.

as for Trisha:

And yes, they left the whole DC area trashed,

You obviously don’t live in the DC area.
Trash cans were removed for “security” reason.
As a regular July 4th Mall attendee, the trash from the inauguration was in line with the 4th.

Steph, a Maryland resident.

Stephanie: You obviously didn’t read my bio. I lived on Capitol Hill and worked at the EPA office blocks from the Mall for years. My time in residence gave me a daily view of the goings on at the National Mall. Did YOU, from your perch somewhere out in Maryland have a daily view of the Mall? Personally, I have attended numerous 4th of July, Inaugurals and witnessed various protests on the mall involving crowds in the hundreds of thousands. It’s just possible I have a better perspective than someone who lives where? in Maryland?

And you obviously don’t read the news media as there were multiple reports showing how flawed the District’s count was. You may wish to examine some of the links in this post and issue a retraction of your clearly ignorant statement.

I’m not sure how long you have been a DC area resident but you may also be aware that it isn’t the distrcit’s business to issue “official” crowd counts. That job has traditionally fallen to the National Park Service who stopped doing it after you left wing loons tried to inflate the figures from the Million Man March which also fell far short of predicitions.

It’s also noteworthy to point out that the DC Mayor was among those hyping crowd predictions as high as 4 million. Of course the higher the crowd the more money he would get from the Federal government to help with the event. Is it any surprise he’s trying to inflate that number???

Did you ever stop to think about that Stephanie? No.

It’s clear that initial reports in the media, including the one you cite, were WRONG. And all you have to do is look at the picture Stephanie.

Kool Aid Obama Kooks may lie but photographs do not!


How many ZERO arrests stories do you need Links to?? here are just a few





other post on here complain about the trash…

As Stephanie so CLEARLY POINTED OUT.. Trash cans were removed for “security” reason.

hard to throw stuff away then isn’t it?

@Real American Patriot:

Trash cans were removed for “security” reason.

hard to throw stuff away then isn’t it?

If there was an absence of trash cans then they should have done the decent thing and simply carry the trash away with them.

Did they not have pockets?

However, I am not quite so gullible as to believe that all of the trash cans were removed prior to the Immaculate Inauguration of TelePromTer Jesus.

In either case, I would have filled my pockets or perhaps brought a plastic bag with me rather than do what this bunch did. Of course, I always practice personal responsibility and have taught my children to do the same.

As to the extraneous issue of the lack of arrests, that just goes to show that the loyal opposition on our side can behave appropriately in public or protest as necessary without ending up in a jail cell.

Too bad your side is unable to do the same.

Aye: Not all trash receptacles were removed. But so many Obamatons were just too lazy to carry their trash to an area set up for disposal that the scene on the mall looked like Beirut after a bomb goes off.

Thank goodness the dreaded porta potty shortage didn’t materialize or we might have had a worse mess to clean up.

From the Washington Post:

Washington trash trucks hauled away at least 130 tons of garbage after the inauguration of President Obama, with more to go. National Park Service workers picked up almost 100 tons on the Mall and near the White House.

“More than any Fourth of July, more than any event we’ve seen,” Park Service spokesman William Line said.

The detritus included handwarmer packets, bottles, food, newspapers, blankets, gloves, coolers and a table or two, in addition to items bought from street vendors.

“They left behind Obama hats, Obama bags, Obama socks,” said Mafara Hobson, spokeswoman for Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D). “People left behind a lot of trash.

But of course it’s not the fault of the celebratory Obamatons. They had more important matters on their minds like showing grace and respect for the outgoing President who had bent over backwards to do the same to them:


Just what do you expect from people who go to an event with a sign like that? Nothing but trash!

Dear Mike,
I”ll “respond” at a later date (more important things-family, life, work, etc), but I’ll leave this response in your style:

“Gee, Mike ought to be required to take his Midol before he responds.”

“You could have save some the trouble and just paraphrase Dan Aykroyd:
‘Stephanie, you ignorant slut.'”

Stephanie: The later seems to fit you perfectly.