Congratulations and good luck, President Obama!

When I look at this photo, I can’t help but think of a new meaning for the phrase, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty,……..”:

Liberals can take that to mean one way; I’ll take it to mean another. 😉
God Bless America!
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Look at those smiles.
George knows what happens next.
Obie has no clue.
Check out the White House website.
Well that didn’t take long.
I am not at all happy with this.
“Expand hate crime statutes”? Why not just punish the crime rather than thoughts that motivate?
CJ expresses the problem with this, very well.
Senator Kennedy collapsed during lunch at the Capital.
He was taken away by ambulance.
I wish him well.
Wow… so it is done and it begins anew.
Well, it seems that Senator Byrd, the Kleagle from WV was also ill during lunch.
The inauguration was TODAY?!? I watched the replay of the Florida-Oklahoma National Championship football game on cable. That was MUCH MORE interesting.
Interesting that security is so tight that the stands at the parade are nearly empty. When I was there 8 years ago, they were packed by the time the President made it to his viewing stand.
He’s still campaigning. At least he didn’t change the seal yet.
Aye (#1) – Heh. Look at those smiles. George knows what happens next.
Yes, GWB and Laura heading home to the Promised Land, Texas.
Excuse me, but did you not put “Good Luck, President Obama” in bold size 5 font in your original post ??
Well, guess what, Word da Man. Wishing him luck means you hope he manages to achieve all that he wants to accomplish. So if your wish for “good luck” comes true, you’ll get your “expanded hate crime” along with a host of other “good luck” achievements you didn’t bargain for.
Now you’ll know why I do not wish Obama luck. I wish our nation good luck, and will work to block bad policies Obama tries to implement for his own personal “success”, but are detrimental to this nation’s health.
Maybe Wordsmith was being sarcastic. What he really meant was GOOD LUCK considering how hamstrung Obama will be by the idiots and hatemongers in his own party who attended his swearing in ceremony at the Capitol and yet behaved like such total asswipes by booing President Bush when he walked onto the platform.
These people are so soaked in hate they can’t even be half way gracious on a day when they are supposed to be happy.
What happens when the three day drinking binge they have been on wears off and they realize once and for all that Obama lied to them about getting out of Iraq in 16 months and a host of other broken promises?
Obama will need more than luck. But since he’s surrounded by secularists who place man above God he won’t be able to resort to the almighty.
He’s on his own!
Good luck indeed.
W looks so relieved there, the rest is well deserved but I will miss him.
I’m sure he was relieved to not be responsible for cleaning up the mess he has left behind. It’s a good day for our country and now I wait to rejoice in the impeachment of my governor (although I didn’t vote for him).
Over the coming weeks I’m sure we’ll debate the steps the Obama administration is taking. But if the response to Rick Warren tells us anything, it says that Liberals will push back if we feel he is going down the wrong path… unlike conservatives that allowed Bush to do as he pleased, Obama will not have the luxury with us.
Do tell us James what “mess” he’s leaving behind.
Do tell us in your estimation what you blame on President Bush.
Also, please tell us why the stock market tanked today in the worst Inaugural Day performance since the assassination of JFK.
We’ve been hearing since Nov that everything was going to be lollipops and unicorns once Obie got in office.
Perhaps you can shed some light on what is going on.
Oh, and you might want to be cautious about that whole “impeach the governor” thing because the TelePromTer Jesus is closely tied to him.
Something tells me that Blago will not be all by himself when the ship goes down.
James: Have you learned NOTHING from the gracious example that President and Mrs. Bush set by their conduct and demeanor in office?
Next time you complain about how someone on the right disprespects Obama just remember that you reap what you sow.
I agree with wordsmith on the good luck, and we covered this a while ago too. I tend to want him to be successful because the opposite is unsuccessful. Obama has lots of problems to need luck on… the War on Terror, Iraq, Afghanistan, dealing with our economic situation and so on. Even if I probably disagree with Obama’s general themes of governance (more vs less), he is our new President and my hope he is filled with luck and some of it rubs off on the government.
Good Luck Mr. President!
blast, there is a huge difference between Obama *personal* success, and success for the nation. If he were to implement all he desires in social welfare, affirmative action, energy and schooling, Obama is *successful* in fulfilling his campaign promises. But the nation loses.
Two different critters, guy. It’s about leadership of a nation and it’s health and prosperity for the future. Not “success” on a campaign shopping list. So it’s not so easy as to say the “opposite is unsuccessful”. And I’m sure, if an ultra conservative were elected who was about to implement everything you opposed for the good of the nation, you’d get the idea.
Personally, I’m pulling for the team.
The coach? Not so much.
Remember the 2001 inauguration!
Screw them.
You mean the inauguration where President Bush’s limousine was pelted with eggs?
The inauguration where President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush had to cancel the traditional walk down Pennsylvania Avenue because of the danger of riots?
You mean the inauguration where thousands of protesters lined the streets with their vile, hand-written messages, and blocked the route bringing the parade to a halt?
Is that the one that you mean?
Yeah, I remember.
Actually if we ever have a conservative elected… be sure to let me know since we have not had one in ages.
@Aye Chihuahua
Yep. That’s the one.
Not one peep of an argument there from me, blast….
I was there in 2001 and remember that very well.
Nice post. But looking at the comments – I thought you guys were going to wait until the day after before the renewal of attacks. Shame the spirit of bipartisanship gets soaked by sour grapes. But still – because some moonbats act like idiots on Bush’s inauguration then that makes it okay I guess.
To what comment do you refer, Gaffa?
I’ve reviewed the post and the comments.
To what attacks are you referring?
Oh really? Interesting, since O’Bama talked shit about Bush in his very own inauguration speech. O’Bama’s going classy right off the bat! A sign of the Hope and Change to come.
This is going to be a long, painful four years. I pledge to support the DemocRats exactly as much they’ve supported Bush the past eight years. Which is to say…none.
Thank You, President George W. Bush, Thank you for keeping us safe. Thank you for being a wonderful and caring person. Thank you for staying strong. Thank you. Thank you a million times, Thank you. You will be remember as a Great President.
Let me see if I got this straight…
You libs demand that we conservatives give Obama all the respect in the world while for 8 years and still going you libs refused to give George W. Bush any respect whatsoever.
Give us some good, solid, logical reasons, if you can, WHY we should give Obama the respect that you refused to ever give George W. Bush
This was a very gracious post, Wordsmith. Thank you.
Gaffa: You must be confused. We’re merely responding to the nasty partisan insults and attacks flung at Bush by the Obama, his Chief of Staff, his official WH web page and those attending the Inauguration.
Perhaps you expected us to just sit here and smile at that crap like President Bush?
Well, obviously his example of grace and dignity was lost on Obama.
No honeymoon. Start impeachment proceedings pronto!
From the Canadian Free Press comes the truth & consequences of the new BOPAC Administration:
Inauguration of Ignorance, a Festival of Fraud and a Reception of Racism
The Bread and Circuses Presidency
By Daniel Greenfield Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Call it the Bread and Circuses Presidency, or better yet the Bailouts and Reality TV Presidency. Forget expecting results or ethics from the occupant of the White House. Just join an organization or a cause and stick your hand out for your share of of misappropriated taxpayer money, and get ready to vote online for which puppy the Obamas should adopt.
… iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, panem et circenses.
(Juvenal, Satire 10.77–81)
… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses
So America continues the transition from a citizenry to a people, that waits for government handouts and the comforts of a monarchy as spectacle, broadcast simultaneously on all channels. While Obama preps a cabinet slate, half of whom belong in jail, the media continues applauding loudly to drown out any criticism. And the public watches with glazed eyes.
The millions who will trudge to watch this “historic” triumph of style over substance, dishonest criminality over ethics, and anti-americanism over American, will get exactly what they expect. A $150,000,000 coronation for the Prince of Chicago, a lavish subversion of American democracy splashed across every television and website.
When Rome moved from Republic to Empire, the corrupt decadent Emperors understood what the mob wanted. As Obama’s backers work to make America a post-Democratic post-Republic ogilarchy, they’re doing it with Bread and Circuses.
The ObamaGirl Revolution (TM) will be brought to you by Pepsi (TM) and Jones Soda (TM). Now stay tuned for a news report on a letter by Obama’s flacks supposedly written to his children, yet broadcast to all of America. Feel free to buy some Frito chips, the official chip of the Obama inauguration. And now breaking news, a special interview with the Obama’s new dog. Switch to another channel to see all the movie stars getting their moment too. Welcome to the Fall of the Republic, brought to you by Pepsi.
Never mind that a Muslim Brotherhood proxy will be delivering a prayer at Obama’s inaguration, which means that Al Queda and Hamas will have a place of honor at the event. Keep your eyes on the celebrities and the concerts.
The War on Terror conducted officially by the American government is over, and this time instead of four planes, America itself has been hijacked. The lead hijacker, the 21st hijacker, will shortly place his hand on a Bible, and swear to defend a country he was not born in and overtly despises. And he will try to keep a straight face while doing it, and perhaps show enough restraint not to scratch himself with his middle finger or grab his crotch during the ceremony.
After the last month of outreach, there will no doubt be conservatives that will report approvingly on this. Though what exactly they will be conserving besides their own mainstream relevance, New York Times and Washington Post columns is unclear. When the mob gets big enough, many feel compelled to march with the mob. That is their choice and a matter for their own consciences…Continue Reading
I wonder if the Media understands that they are also making fools of themselves by humping BOPAC?
“While Obama preps a cabinet slate, half of whom belong in jail, the media continues applauding loudly to drown out any criticism”
You guys in the Media need to come clean about Obama’s lack of eligibility, corruption, Larry Sinclair, Rezko, Ayers, Socialism, Anti-Semitism, Berg v Obama, Lightfoot v Bowen, etc. No wonder all your viewers and readers leaving you!
Oh, Mata…they’re “just words” 😉 …..which happen tobe in bold size 5 font. 😀
Well….that’s the Mata-way of looking at it. But “wishing him luck” can have other meanings. And I mean it in the spirit I intended, which has nothing to do with wishing him success in carrying out policies which I oppose.
@Mike’s America:
That’s a great guess, Mike. But no, I was sincere. For the sake of our country, I wish them well. It has nothing to do with betrayal of my own political ideology that differs from his. Scott often talks of “patriotism over partisanship”. If we can never get behind our president on anything because of the barrier of the “R” or the “D”, why should we ever expect anything other than a divided country? Why on earth would we ever expect Democrats to acknowledge anything good about President Bush or to “wish him luck”?
In the same spirit that I “wish him well”, I think Bush does too, and Reagan would as well. In the spirit that Mata takes it, no, of course they don’t and wouldn’t.
@james manning:
Yeah, ’cause no conservatives ever raised a ruckus about Bush’s brand of immigration reform, Harriet Mier, Ramos and Compean, spending, or Dubai Ports. Nope. Never happened.
I agree with blast, agreeing with wordsmith.
I appreciate that, Cary.