Jen dashes in from the fever swamp to demonstrate the tolerance, acceptance, and open-mindedness of the left.
What perfect timing she has ladies and gentlemen.
Stay classy Jen.
Stay classy.
16 years ago
Good on ya’, Ace! A fine tribute to an even finer lady.
Jen, if you’d taken time to do some basic research (Google IS your friend) you would have found that Randy Bean, her friend of many years, jointly owns a line of credit with Dr. Rice, but does not live with her, and indeed, loudly claimed to be straight after the Glenn Kessler book came out. The joint account was a result of Bean’s huge medical bills, which were relieved by Rice coming to the rescue on Bean’s house with Rice’s friend, Coit Blacker, the third party in the line of credit. Bean came out with this after Mike Rogers and others in the gay community tried to run with this dog.
None of this means that Rice is not gay, just that Bean is not her partner. Rice, it has been reported, will fully address whether or not she is gay in her memoirs. Now stop being sophmoric.
I’m glad to see her go, but I’m as equally unhappy to know who’s going to replace her.
Fit fit
16 years ago
She was an adequately competent Secretary of State. She got stabbed in the back a few times by her boss, but I guess that goes with the job. I hope she finds something interesting to do in her next job.
16 years ago
Condi is a lady, was and always will be, even when I didn’t agree with her. She has served the President and Nation well.
One of the great faults of Bush’s first term is that he never set up a national security structure that worked. A lot of people blamed Rice for this, but in fact, as Brent Scowcroft makes clear in his remarks about the first years of Bush the Younger, the National Security Advisor system has to have a President who is going to force it to work. Bush didn’t. He let chaos reign, and as Fit fit makes clear, Rice got the shaft a few times by Bush. She did about as well as she could in that rather toxic environment, imho.
Jen dashes in from the fever swamp to demonstrate the tolerance, acceptance, and open-mindedness of the left.
What perfect timing she has ladies and gentlemen.
Stay classy Jen.
Stay classy.
Good on ya’, Ace! A fine tribute to an even finer lady.
Jen, if you’d taken time to do some basic research (Google IS your friend) you would have found that Randy Bean, her friend of many years, jointly owns a line of credit with Dr. Rice, but does not live with her, and indeed, loudly claimed to be straight after the Glenn Kessler book came out. The joint account was a result of Bean’s huge medical bills, which were relieved by Rice coming to the rescue on Bean’s house with Rice’s friend, Coit Blacker, the third party in the line of credit. Bean came out with this after Mike Rogers and others in the gay community tried to run with this dog.
None of this means that Rice is not gay, just that Bean is not her partner. Rice, it has been reported, will fully address whether or not she is gay in her memoirs. Now stop being sophmoric.
Sorry, but I think she sucked.
I’m glad to see her go, but I’m as equally unhappy to know who’s going to replace her.
She was an adequately competent Secretary of State. She got stabbed in the back a few times by her boss, but I guess that goes with the job. I hope she finds something interesting to do in her next job.
Condi is a lady, was and always will be, even when I didn’t agree with her. She has served the President and Nation well.
Oop….double click. But I stand by the comments.
It’s worth saying twice Mega.
One of the great faults of Bush’s first term is that he never set up a national security structure that worked. A lot of people blamed Rice for this, but in fact, as Brent Scowcroft makes clear in his remarks about the first years of Bush the Younger, the National Security Advisor system has to have a President who is going to force it to work. Bush didn’t. He let chaos reign, and as Fit fit makes clear, Rice got the shaft a few times by Bush. She did about as well as she could in that rather toxic environment, imho.