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Let me see if I got this straight…

You libs demand that we conservatives give Obama all the respect in the world while for 8 years and still going you libs refused to give George W. Bush any respect whatsoever.

Give us some good, solid, logical reasons, if you can, WHY we should give Obama the respect that you refused to ever give George W. Bush.

You expected class from the slime of the world?

Is my TV screwed up or has Michelle O had enough fat sliced off her ass to feed a good sized African village for a year. Maybe they refined the fat into fuel for the buses that made the trip to D.C. I’ll know tomorrow when they make the return trip. If I smell something worse than a dead skunk coming from I-81 i’ll know where they got their fuel.

No respect for any democrat ever again.

Did old Ted make the trip to hell to be welcomed by his brothers yet?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Seriously! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Name calling just won’t cut it anymore. Libs? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Conservative? Bwahahahahahahahahaha. 11 trillion in debt? Conservative!?! *blows milk through his nose* Bwahahahahahahahahahaha. Welcome to a world where whiners are irrelevant.

Scrapiron: “Did old Ted make the trip to hell to be welcomed by his brothers yet?”

Holy shit! you are totally out of line and disgusting. His brothers were murdered, have you no shame?

Obama has no class at all and Rahmbo is about the same. What can we expect from a former director of Fannie or Freddie????
No class at all, these half-assed wingnut crooks will be america’s shame.


Dammit! None of these links are working anymore. Anyone know where I can find the info?

I agree entirely that partisan, campaign-style, trash the opposition party rhetoric has no place on official government websites. I left a comment on the site, stating that, as an Obama supporter, I was very disappointed in the partisan cheap shots and that these were not helpful to the President’s stated goals.

I’m very confident that these will be changed, in the coming days. I’m certain that they were the result of a very young webmaster group, which has not yet transitioned successfully from the campaign mode to the governance mode.

Let’s revisit this web site after a short time and see whether or not they’ve got their act together.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

WAAAAAAA! they booed the unelected fraud!

Once the three day stupor from all the partying wears off the Obamanics have to return to reality and face what exactly they elected. Cold showers anyone?

Cleanup on aisle 3.

Cleanup on aisle 3 please.

Moby sighting aisle 8.

Moby sighting aisle 8.

This has Rahmbo’s fingerprints all over it and to borrow a favorite term from a FA poster, “the buck stops here” and where? That big desk in the Oval Office. Obama knew what he was getting when he brought R Emanuel into the WH as his COS. Welcome to Chicago boys and girls.

WH Chief of Staff:


I’ll be generous when saying he has enough class to fill up a thimble.


I had saved that photo off of Reuters (or was it the NYTimes?) yesterday and was thinking of doing a “caption this” post.

Good idea, sorry if I messed things up. Hard to believe he had no idea there would be photographers in the crowd and an image like that wouldn’t make it around the world, new definition of stupid, Rahm Emanuel.

@openid.aol.com/runnswim: Larry, thanks for doing that. I don’t think Obama himself “gets it” though; that his rhetoric of “inclusion” and “coming together” and putting the politics of divisiveness behind us doesn’t jive well whenever he brings up the last 8 years himself; when he lies about the economy as “the worst one since the Great Depression”. I suppose he has to build himself up by tearing “others” down and overexaggerate. By feeding into the hysteria and the hyperbole regarding the Bush years he’ll be the knight in shining armor when things inevitably improve….unless of course he carries out his own spending spree. And of course, he can’t blame yesterday’s stock market drop on Bush.

@Missy: Lol….you didn’t mess things up. It’s a good find; I didn’t realize others would pick up on it.

A lot of good photos get missed. Others take on a life and get circulated around once it gains enough exposure.


The word “partisan” refers to political parties. Disapproval of the Bush Adminstration transcends the 35% of Americans who consider themselves aligned with the Democratic Party.

Larry: Wordsmith has a more respectful, gracious and non partisan demeanor than your man B. Hussein Obama.

And as Wordsmith and this post points out the kind of divisive, bitter partisan rhetoric you complained about is being directed from the top down.

What will it matter IF these statements disappear from their web site if the man himself keeps repeating them?

As for the Bush WH web site it is likely to be restored by the National Archives at some point. Though the links we have probably wont’ work.

There is no detectable web presence for the office of the former president. Guess they will need more time for that.

P.S. Nit Wit: You always have an excuse and never have a reason. I suggest you acquaint yourself with the provisions of the Hatch Act, though I don’t expect you will be required by law as I was to observe them.

@Mike’s America:

Will they be able to scrub and change the site? Doesn’t everything have to be preserved?

With all the screaming and investigations about WH records, shouldn’t the incoming administration have thought to provide a way for the public to access the information before clicking that mouse?


Expect the web site to be moved to a server managed by the National Archives in association with President Bush’s Presidential Library.

Not sure when that might happen, but all links to the old site will likely not work.

Obama and his ilk are the slimiest of the slime lords. They have crawled out of the swamps of academics and brought their poo-stained friends with them, and all their degrees and so-called accomplishments and blandishments and hob-nobbing elitism. They have put a permanent stain on the white house and this country, one that will not be forgotten for a very long time. Let every man, women and child remember this day when thousands of racists and illegal aliens and self-hating liberals swarmed washington and cheered for this no-luck drooling bozo as he gracelessly cast out the true paragon of manhood and perhaps the gretest individual to occupy the oval office, George W. Bush. We can take back this country if we just remember every word President Bush spoke to us and how he inspired us to be great and all the great things hes done. Obama’s a nothing, a nobody, a midget, and he will never measure up.