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Good note for him to leave on!

I made a comment under the post about Bush re: Ramos and Compean.
I stand corrected.

Pardon me, but IT’S ABOUT F-ING TIME…..

Better late than never, I suppose.

Thank You President Bush.

It showed at Foxnews that it may be as long as 2 months before they’re released.
That kinda sucks.

Thank goodness.

God Bless you Mr. Bush.

Sure wish he had actually pardoned them, rather than commute the sentences, but we’ll take what we can get, eh?

Thank you, President Bush.

they should have been given a medal for what they did. as someone else siad, better late than never.

Scooter Libby should have received a full pardon too. He never should have been prosecuted as there was no crime committed that should have been investigated.

But that’s not Bush’s way of doing things. He respects the judicial process too much to overturn the verdicts with a full pardon.

Also, Bill Clinton went on a pardon spree at the end of this two terms with 140, some of which were very questionable. Bush has almost pardoned more Thanksgiving turkey’s than he has people.

You would think the media might point that out?

I couldn’t imagine his leaving office without attending to this and I did expect it would come at the last minute while all the attention is on That One. Fine with me but I do wish he had granted a full pardon. I mentioned elsewhere today that they should never have been tried for anything and should have been given metals of honor. I don’t get why they are still in until March??? They are not safe even now in prison. Bless everyone who wrote, faxed and emailed for these brave men.

Two police get put in jail for doing their jobs and Bush does not pardon them… sad.