The United States Of Obama


Many of us have been saying the Obama presidency will be dangerous to this country, now even more proof.

First he wants to set up a permanent campaign in which they will pressure other Democrats to obey his wishes:

Organizers and even Republicans say the scope of this permanent campaign structure is unprecedented for a president. People familiar with the plan say Obama’s team would use the network in part to pressure lawmakers — particularly wavering Democrats — to help him pass complex legislation on the economy, healthcare and energy.


Though the plan still is emerging, one source with knowledge of the internal discussion said the organization could have an annual budget of $75 million in privately raised funds. Another said it would deploy hundreds of paid staff members — possibly one for every congressional district in certain politically important states and even more in larger battlegrounds such as Florida, Ohio, Colorado, Virginia and North Carolina


Concerns about Obama’s ambitions are coming from state party leaders as well as from Capitol Hill.

“The party needs to be rooted not just around one individual, but it needs to have a grass-roots base that can survive the times and even endure past whoever may be in office,” said Jerry Meek, chairman of the North Carolina Democratic Party. “Obama brings a lot to the table, but, on the other hand, state parties exist for more than serving the objectives of the president and are in the business to elect county commissioners, school board members and members of the legislature.”

Allah puts it well:

What fascinates me is his faith that his supporters, almost all of whom are Democrats, can be counted on to side with him on policy against … other Democrats. There’s no reason in principle to believe that’s true — Obamites logically should prefer his position on economic recovery to McCain’s, but to Chris Dodd’s or Barney Frank’s? — but it’s perfectly sensible if you view Obamamania as a cult of personality with The One as the object in whom all trust is reposed. (See also.) He does a superb job of cultivating it too, from using the paparazzi to enhance his status as an icon to dumping one dopey Lincoln allusion after another on a media that’s itching to make the comparison. In theory it’s a bad idea to have a party “rooted around” one individual — but The One isn’t just any individual, or so we should believe. If Lincoln told you to dial up some Blue Dog Democrat and ask him to vote for another bailout, you’d do it, wouldn’t you? Well, there you go.

This cult of personality is just downright creepy. I mean really, the guy is a naive neophyte with hardly any record of accomplishment. How in the world can anyone compare this man to Lincoln, how in the world can anyone fall for this mindnumbing cult?

Just makes me wince at the ignorance in our country.

That’s not all:

In what would be another unprecedented step, Obama’s political staff is deciding whether to create a service organization that would use the vast corps of its grass-roots campaign supporters. As described by one source knowledgeable with the discussions, this nonprofit arm would be used to help victims of natural disasters, but would do so under the Obama umbrella while continuing to build the overall network’s massive e-mail database.

So his own personal FEMA. WTF! A private organization answerable to no one. Scary.

Should we just start saying it?

The United States of Obama.

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Never, I will NEVER EVER EVER bow to that man, I’d rather rot.

They have a 42,000 man/woman force in D.C. to protect the chosen one. Evidently they think someone doesn’t love him. Actually they are showing their stupidty by looking for some organized attack. As history shows, ever president who has been murdered, (or had an attempt on their life) was murdered by a lone ‘democrat’. So they should be looking for an inside job, Maybe Peeloshi, Reid, or even Slow Joe. As someone said they keep looking at the democrat organization called the KKK. Give it up, the KKK could hold their national convention in a phone booth with room to spare. The letters KKK are just a tool to scare the weak minded democrats.

Hussein O continues to campaign, now it’s for president for life.

42,500, 58 different agencies in DC.

I have this terrible vision (ala the hostages being released during Reagan’s Inauguration) where there’s a split screen w Obama talking hopechangey on one half, Chris Matthews crying in the background, and some sort of terrible AQ bombing in real time NOT in DC.

I so hope I’m wrong.

Obama seems intent on “Transforming Government” alright. He doesn’t seem to know (or doesn’t seem to care) that there are 3-Branches of Government, not 1. Instead, Obama will appoint himself Supreme Ruler, by-pass the Legislative and Judicial branches, and consolidate power within The Executive Branch ruled of course, by him and policed by his minions. This is very alarming news, is unconstitutional, illegal and forshadows massive future scandal to come. Those “Checks and Balances” are there for a reason and it strikes at the very core of America’s existence.

Obama’s tranformation of government appears to be on the move. First the rescinding of the 22nd Amendment. Then the implementation of his street security forces. Then I’m waiting for his home-grown police to begin confiscating firearms.
The Left spoke of Bush as a dictator what do we have staring us in the face…

I agree with you 100%, Curt.

Now, did you see the new American flag? You have to see this, lol

The Official Flag of the Obama States of America.

And what is there to be said about him wanting to amend the 22th amendement of the Constitution?

An Obama – Nation: The 22nd Amendment To the Constitution Is Meant For Mortals Only.

An Obama – Nation: The 22nd Amendment To The Constitution Is Meant For Mortals Only.


“Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification.”

N.B.: Anybody living in Arizona here? If so, congratulations for your great Victory today, you are finally going (after a wait of 61 years) to the Super Bowl.

Oh, BTW: Commenter MtnsEdge wonders if the O-flag has 57 stars… lol!

Obama’s flag pin:


Maybe the extra stars are for UK, Puerto Rico, Guam, Israel, Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo?;)

he wants to get rid of the 22 amdendment? are you fucking kidding me? who in the hell does he think he is? he is so much scraier than i gave him credit for. jesus, this is not good.

@GaffaUK: Do you have something against Midway, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Palua and the Marshall Islands?

And if the UK is a state when are you going to start paying us income taxes?

Relax on the repeal of the 22nd Amendment, group. This is the same legislation that Jose Serrano (D-NY) has introduced every new Congress, every other year, in January since 1997. It has been dead every year, and I suspect will be DOA this year. It’s not an Obama thing… it’s a Serrano thing. Heaven only knows why.

Here’s the bill history as well as this year’s version.

False panic alarm button was pushed.


“Today on CBS’s Face the Nation, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in Afghanistan, told the paparazzi-pursued correspondent Lara Logan that “the objective of this trip was to have substantive discussions with people like President Karzai or Prime Minister Maliki or President Sarkozy or others who I expect to be dealing with over the next eight to 10 years.

“And it’s important for me to have a relationship with them early, that I start listening to them now, getting a sense of what their interests and concerns are.”

The notion that Obama will be dealing with world leaders for eighjt-to-ten years, possibly up through July 2018, suggests that either (a) he believes that not only will he be elected and re-elected, but the 22nd amendment will be repealed and he will be elected for a third term, OR (b) he was speaking casually and just meant two terms.”

See the video… lol!
Obama on Experience – “Next 8 – 10 years” (???)

And what about this?

Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered


That would be the same interview where he told his listeners how “blind” the framers of the Constitution were, and how “flawed” that document was…

Oh Boy! Obama sure did understand the meaning of the first words of the Constitution: “WE THE PEOPLE”. And this is his strategy. He knows that the power is in YOUR hands, YOU the people. Why can’t conservatives understand this and do the same? Get together and get rid of this bum.

See this video:

Obama Announces Organizing for America.

And didn’t he say somewhere that he wanted to write a new Declaration of Independence? I cannot get the link to the video anymore. Anybody have heard or seen this before?

“Why can’t conservatives understand this and do the same? Get together and get rid of this bum” — Craig

It can’t happen any too soon. So, why it ain’t is a mystery to me, unless there are no more Conservative leaders left.

Maybe there is not many Conservatives left, Yonason, but there is a lot of Patriots left that wants to take their country back and defend their Constitution and they are organizing themselves on Plains Radio Network. It is becoming so huge, it is almost scary… lol. They will eventually succeed, I am certain of that. On the last Friday night show, there was more than 1/4 of millions listeners.


“And if the UK is a state when are you going to start paying us income taxes?”

No taxes without representation!

@GaffaUK: In case you haven’t noticed, we already give you people far more representation than you might otherwise observe. Especially Democrats who constantly obsess about what the rest of the world thinks.

Yes, it’s time you start paying your fair share. Doubly so since we have subsidized the costs of your defense for the past 60+ years.

Craig, can you give more info on the Plains Radio Network?

Thanks for the link: Obama calls for new US ‘declaration of independence’.

For more information on Plains Radio Networks, see new thread written by Lone_Hawk on January 19: The Greatest Show on Earth.
I’ve posted 2 comments with more information.


“It is becoming so huge, it is almost scary… lol. They will eventually succeed, I am certain of that.”

We still need leadership.

But, yes, as I posted before over Thanksgiving on another site, the few righteous can overcome the many wicked. That’s the message of Hanukkah which always comes out around Thanksgiving, and to which the Lubavitcher Rebbe referred when praising the first Americans who did just that, by surviving and thriving against all odds by being dedicated to the highest spiritual ideals that are synonymous with the America you, I and all the Right Wing posters on this site love, but which the Left hates.

Just as in Israel where Jews returning to our homeland began making it thrive, with G-d’s help, attracted many Arabs from surrounding countires. These Arabs then pretended they were the rightful heirs of what they hadn’t created, but coveted. The same as the Left, who contribute nothing and only cause harm, pretend they are the rightful rulers of a land they haven’t made great. Hopefully we don’t have much longer to go before the evil all around is cut off, and then decent folks can proceed with productive and fulfilling lives.

Then, we will have our “revenge.”
And, no, Chabad isn’t advocating “turn the other cheek” only not being distracted from our main goal. We have nothing against the properly equipped military units taking out anyone having anything to do with that and other attacks. But we all must STILL do good, even while fighting the necessary physical battles.

How in the world can anyone compare this man to Lincoln, how in the world can anyone fall for this mindnumbing cult?

People are hungry for someone to call on them to be better than they are, for their own good and for the good of the nation. They are hungry for a leader who appeals to their hopes, rather than playing to their fears. America was attacked, and the Commander in Chief told Americans to enjoy their tax cuts and go out and shop and leave the sacrifice to their professional soldiers.

George W Bush may have been many good things, but an inspiring leader was not one of those good things. You can blame the people for not supporting the President, or you can blame the President for not winning the support of the people. It depends on one’s point of view. Great leaders in history, however, have won the support of the governed, rather than whining about not having this support.

Barack Obama is, as proven by the very things Curt is complaining about, an inspiring leader — at least, to date, which is all that can be expected, at this point.

Obama has an 83% approval rating for the way he’s done his job since the election:

And, yet, because Obama has been so successful, to date, as a leader, people here are complaining:

Once again, substitute “Barack Obama” for Marion Paroo.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

O’Bunko is NO leader. If you are inspired by his insipid ersatz “leadership,” you are truly desperate, and/or profoundly naive at best.
Yeah, he may not be able to do something, but he can inspire others to do it? I don’t think so.

You cannot point to a single accomplishment of his that has any value, nor has he ever led anyone anywhere worth going. Voting “present” and claiming other peoples work as his own isn’t what honest people deem productive. Nor is helping ACORN to achieve their “goals” by contributing to the destruction of America’s economy. His election, based on misconceptions fostered by the MSM, is NOT evidence of leadership, anymore than opinion polls that will change the moment people come out of their hopey-changey coma. So, all your blathering about ZEROBumpkin’s alleged ability to lead is purely wishful thinking.

Hitler, Stalin, PolPot, Castro, Che, MaO, etc., etc., were all acknowledged “leaders” at one point (and heros of the Left, to boot), not to mention being far better “leaders” than O’Bummer will ever be. But that’s the perennial problem with the Left, isn’t it, that it always opts for form over substance, and in the end everyone pays, including those who supported the tricksters at the outset of their ascendency on the hopes of fools.


Obama’s Pro-Communist Counsel


Former FBI Director: 9/11 Hijacker’s Phone Played “Integral Role” in Cole Investigation
“…substitute “Barack Obama” for Marion Paroo”

Huh? The Librarian? Don’t you mean Harold Hill, the con man? And, no one will convince me that O’Bozo would even come close to changing for the better. Real con men seldom ever do. (Marjo Gortner appears to have been one, though I really don’t know enough about the man to know if it was sincere, or just a different scam.)


Larry, maybe you should take a look at this:
Alert: Constitutional Crisis Looming

The Plea

“Obama has refused to submit certified copies of any of his original long form ‘vault’ birth certificates in Hawaii to any public officer or to any Petitioner. Relevant records in Kenya have also been officially restricted. Not only is this suspicious, it is a heck of a big measure to go to in order to keep this information secret. Barack Obama has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on lawyers to prevent American citizens from attaining answers to these questions. There is absolutely no legitimate reason that this information should be kept from us. Thirty-three democracies descended into tyranny during the 20th century by failing to uphold constitutional protections. Over the last few weeks, close to one hundred thousand letters have been recieved by the Supreme Court pleading to get to the bottom of this crisis.

The biggest question is why, if a Hawaii birth certificate exists as his campaign has stated, Obama hasn’t simply ordered it made available to settle the rumors.

We have classified this story as an “immediate threat” and will continue to report on it until the issue has been settled.”


“Thirty-three democracies descended into tyranny during the 20th century by failing to uphold constitutional protections.”

Yeah, but what are the odds of it happening THIS time, too? (For that one needs to know how many survived failure to uphold constitutional protections. Of course we cannot count the EU which is in the process of undermining all the individual countries’ constitutions in favor of a centralized tyranny, because their descent isn’t complete, …yet; and same for any other country in the process of dissolving it’s democracy, because who knows, they might survive it.)