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Those poor, despondent Iranians – they don’t have an authentic Israeli flag to step on (another side-effect of our foreign policy I guess…Those poor poor wretches)!

With demand for such flags going through the roof, and supply obviously dwindling – I smell business opportunity! So whose coming with me to Tehran with a suitcase full of Magen Davids?

video not available….

Oh really…. i didn’t know obama was in power YET!! get a life Curt

C.R.A.P. Are you predicting the Iranians will change their tune once the “O” takes the oath?

I just listened to an interesting call in on NPR’s “Talk of the Nation.” Just prior to the inauguration parade.

It was a guy calling from Iran. He said he was both elated and depressed. Elated, because of what he saw happening in America. Depressed, because there is no chance that what he just witnessed in America will happen in Iran anytime soon.

I think that African American kids might decide that there is a greater cool in emulating Obama than in emulating dead end gangstas And that Islamic Middle Eastern kids will think there is a greater future in listening to Obama than in listening to Bin Laden.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

And that Islamic Middle Eastern kids will think there is a greater future in listening to Obama than in listening to Bin Laden.

Already happening… that not listening to Bin Laden bit… in greater numbers. And has nothing to do with Obama. Elaborated more fully on a similar statement you made on another thread.

No, Mike I don’t…I do think this post is total BS though

@Real American Patriot:

Well, there you go.

That’s why you don’t get paid to think.