Below, receiving the country’s highest honor/medal, awarded by Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai on his last trip thru the region in December 2008.
Bush’s reception in Iraq the day before was equally respectful, pictured here with President Talebani and the honor cordon in the background. This was President Bush’s fourth trip to the fledgling Arab democracy in his two terms.
And the congratulatory handshake between President Bush and PM Maliki after the ceremonial signing of the SOFA agreement between the new Iraq government and the US. (and they said it couldn’t be done….)
President Bush and his admin have been speaking out against Darfur, labeling the action genocide. The UN – refusing to use the “g” word that requires action – continues to do nothing… something they are good at. Darfur activist, Dr. Halima Bashir, had to remain covered to maintain her identity and security during her meeting with the President at the Oval Office. She had been tortured and raped for speaking out on behalf of the other young girls who had been raped by these animals.
President Bush with Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Marc E. Olson, right, of Coal City, Ill., and Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Patrick Paul Pittman Jr., left, of Savannah, Ga., on the South Lawn of the White House. Olson and Pittman were injured when a suicide bomber attacked their entry control point in Ramadi, Iraq. The two were serving with Company A, 2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion attached with the 2nd Batallion, 9th Marines.
And perhaps one of my favorites… the type of stuff that never makes the major media news. President George W. Bush with his young guests during the Children’s Holiday Reception and Performance in the East Room of the White House December 8, 2008. The parents of these children are serving in the United States military and can not be with them for the Christmas holiday. So the President spent some time with them.
Lastly… the transfer of power then (Dec 2000)….
… and now (Dec 2009). It’s certainly a job that takes it’s toll on the Oval Office occupant.
Some really great ones that I haven’t even gone all the way thru….
President George Bush speaks with participants from the U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative during a group photo Thursday before meetings in Washington. The initiative funds programs that contribute to democratic change. The group includes participants from Yemen, Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
President Bush visiting Seoul stopping first to visit the troops at US Army Garrison Yongsan
… then greeting some of the young locals.
The South Korean war veterans staged a welcoming rally for President Bush
Another great moment I’m reminded of… when President Bush was on a motorcade in Gates Mills, OH last summer, this sign prompted him to stop, get out and spend some time with the birthday girl…. 91 year old Ruth Harris.
Bush joking with members of the Northwest Boys and Girls Club in Hartford, CT
An appreciative hug after his appearance at the Boys and Girls Club
President Bush with Israel’s PM Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas… you know, those guys whom he never spoke with, per the media etal? This at the 2007 Mideast Summit an Annapolis.
The President and the Dalai Lama check out the Capitol Rotunda. This is the first time a sitting US President met with the exiled monk in public since he fled in 1959.
President Bush at the 126th Commencement Exercises, where he was keynote speaker.
Consoling a grieving family at the Annual Peace Officers Memorial Service.
A wreath for the Reflecting Pool at Ground Zero in 2006.
And the the wreath ceremony for Shanksville, PA for Flight 93 heroes and heroines.
Touring the Yuma Sector border with Mexico
Another unheralded accomplishment is the increased relations with India… who will sorely miss the George W. Bush policies. Here he meets Indian women during his tour of an agricultural university in Hyderabad to highlight growing U.S.-India cooperation on farming issues.
Greeting midshipmen after a speech as the US Naval Academy in 2005.
President Bush visits the Boy Scouts at their jamboree at Ft. A.P. Hill, Va. During the gathering, four adult Scout leaders were electrocuted and stifling heat sickened 300 people. Bush, whose appearance was postponed twice, offered encouragement to the Scouts.
Over 75,000 Scouts came to pay honor to their fallen friends. Here, being addressed by President Bush.
Another photo with that guy we “never engaged” in one on one talks… Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas back in 2005… the year Israeli honored their agreement and withdrew the military presence and Israeli settlers from Gaza. And we all know how that went…
A moment of irony, and a harbinger of things to come. Now PEBO greets President Bush after he gave the principal speech at the opening of Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield in April 2005. Coincidently, the same place where PEBO has started his symbolic trip the the Oval Office and Inauguration Ceremonies.
And a dance with the loveliest First Lady at the Wyoming Texas Ball during the 2005 Inaugural Ceremonies.
After a private fundraiser in Arkansas last Tuesday evening, the presidential motorcade was speeding down North University Avenue in Little Rock when President Bush decided to make a pit stop.
After his limousine swerved to a stop, Bush hopped out to greet several dozen screaming girls attending a neighborhood water-slide party for Mabry Meadors, who was celebrating her seventh birthday.
After posing for quick photos with the birthday girl and her friends, Bush was back in the limo and headed for the airport.
The whole thing happened too fast for winded reporters to get interviews. But the birthday girl’s father, Mark Meadors, later told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that “it was a pretty neat deal.”
“She was somewhat speechless,” Meadors said. “He said hello.”
Isn’t it great that the most powerful man in the world, with all that is on his mind, that he can take the time to stop for a child’s birthday party or to sit for a moment with an elderly woman also celebrating a birthday?
This is just another mark of the man that I am going to miss.
I am truly appalled that theses photographs have not seen the light of day until now. There is no frakkin way people could continue hating this man after seeing so many decencies and kindnesses extended to ordinary people by the most powerful man on the planet.
It has been a truly dispicable bunch of journalists and reporters to have ignored all of this for so very long.
16 years ago
@Indigo Red: We have no journalists anymore , and Tuesday will be a very sad day. To bury these photos while promoting someone like Hussein is a crime. I hope the damage coming to America in the next four years is not irreparable.
16 years ago
The look on President Bush’s face in the moments after being told of the 9/11 attack can also describe how I feel about him leaving office. I am extremely sad, mad, and afraid for our Country.
What a man.
What a hero!
Thank you, Mr President!
*Adding more to what you pointed out Mike, in one photo taken during those moments in that classroom, a small plaque is shown behind the President’s head. On it, written in chalk, are the words, “Reading makes a Country great!” I see such selflessness and wisdom in that.
16 years ago
Indigo Red
I am truly appalled that theses photographs have not seen the light of day until now. There is no frakkin way people could continue hating this man after seeing so many decencies and kindnesses extended to ordinary people by the most powerful man on the planet.
It has been a truly dispicable bunch of journalists and reporters to have ignored all of this for so very long.
I am not a supporter of President George W. Bush but I’ve seen a number of these photos before.
Read more and read widely.
Nice try at a stealth slap. However the story of the Mission Accomplished sign is less sinister than the media likes to portray. Another “depends on what the meaning of “is”… is” moment.
The banner and wording were at the request of the crew of the USS Abraham Lincoln, which was completing a record long deployment… 290 days longer than any nuke powered carrier in history. With a history of long deployments as a Navy wife under my belt, I can tell you than an extra 8-9 months away – on top of the usual 4-6 month deployment – is no small accomplishment and hardship on crew and families. Hats off to them.
Cmdr. Conrad Chun, a Navy spokesman, defended the president’s assertion.
“The banner was a Navy idea, the ship’s idea,” Chun said.
“The banner signified the successful completion of the ship’s deployment,” he said, noting the Abraham Lincoln was deployed 290 days, longer than any other nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in history.
At the time of the event, Democrats worried President Bush would use his speech and the dramatic landing for political gain.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan told CNN that in preparing for the speech, Navy officials on the carrier told Bush aides they wanted a “Mission Accomplished” banner, and the White House agreed to create it.
“We took care of the production of it,” McClellan said. “We have people to do those things. But the Navy actually put it up.”
The banner has been used by critics of the Bush administration as evidence of bravado and an unclear sense of how dangerous the postwar conflict in Iraq would be.
The cropped photo you supplied is commonly used to emphasize the CIC and the sign, instead of it’s purpose to honor the crewmen who had most certainly had their “mission accomplished”. Cute media trick to deliberately cut them… the honorees… for propaganda purposes.
In Bush’s interview, he stated that was not the message he wanted to send to the public. He had been warning it would be a long war against the global Islamic jihad movements. This confused the message the WH wanted to send to the nation.
Or could it be that the media deliberately confused the message to the nation by not explaining who’s idea the banner and wording was… and why… clearly at the beginning.
I am not a supporter of President George W. Bush but I’ve seen a number of these photos before.
Read more and read widely.
Gee… would never have guessed you weren’t a supporter… LOL Obviously all of these photos have made it to some media or another, or they would not be available here and now.
However since you are clueless to the story behind the Mission Accomplished sign, Stephanie, I suggest you take your own advice before admonishing others.
What’s your point, Plume? THe crew was going to make the banner, but the White House agreed to create it for them. Do you think this was one of those important issues in the morning intel briefing? Do you think they got the Naval request, asked Bush for permission to create the sign for them?
It was going to be awkward in a media consumed with BDS no matter how it came down. If the WH rightly points out that the crew wanted it, they are viewed as passing the buck to avoid criticism. Notice that Bush does not do that in his position of CIC. And yet you fault him for that.
If they refused to provide the sign, the crew may have made it themselves. And it would also be bizarre for the WH to tell the crew they could *not* create that sign. Then the CIC would have taken heat for that, as it related to their own mission being completed, and accomplished.
Well, I guess in this case, the White House and President Bush must take the fall for not clarifying the message.
And guess what… Bush is graciously taking that on as his onus. However, when you get right down to it, it’s absurd. You, Stephanie, may accuse me of being a liar and a thief. I do not correct you. So it’s my fault that the world perceives me as a liar and a thief when it’s you who leveled the false accusations… and you are considered blameless?
Interesting concept for life you have there.
16 years ago
Obviously you have never been on an aircraft carrier in person, Stephanie. Otherwise you’d know that when you have the banner across the bridge, and the gathering on the bow, there are few places where you will NOT have the bridge out of view. Unless, of course, you have the CIC dais at the bow, and facing the bridge. Unlikely positioning at best. Perhaps you’d suggest he should have been on the runway?
This, of course, completely negates your “if one stands with someone else’s property as though it is theres” comment.
And technically, as the CIC, the entire ship is under his ultimate command. There is no part of that vessel that is not “his” in that aspect.
You’re being petty on this issue, ya know. If you do not wish to remember the Bush years in images as a tribute, then remember what your mother [should have] taught you… if you have nothing nice to say, keep your trap shut. This is not a political issue to debate with this Thankathon. And obviously you have not read Mike A’s thread rules.
Thank you for all of these pictures – I am so sad at the way Laura and the president have been treated, but so proud of the way they have handled the bashing. They are gracious and wondeful people. I would be proud to call them my friends. I wish them a long and happy life in the company of people who appreciate them.
WOW how come I missed this wonderfull post, for the FORMER PRESIDENT BUSH,,
SINCE HE WAS IN POWER, and again still today, they think it will help OBAMA ‘S PRESTIGE,
BY BASHING BUSH, but they are now concluding logicly that nothing wil help to raise another’s prestige
SO find yourself lucky twice to have had the former president BUSH
I have always like the response:-
“When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible.”
In addition to the 12 photos, plus a couple of YouTubes I posted Jan 13th honoring our Commander in Chief’s moments relationship with our service members, I’d like to a few more…
Below, receiving the country’s highest honor/medal, awarded by Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai on his last trip thru the region in December 2008.
Bush’s reception in Iraq the day before was equally respectful, pictured here with President Talebani and the honor cordon in the background. This was President Bush’s fourth trip to the fledgling Arab democracy in his two terms.
And the congratulatory handshake between President Bush and PM Maliki after the ceremonial signing of the SOFA agreement between the new Iraq government and the US. (and they said it couldn’t be done….)
President Bush and his admin have been speaking out against Darfur, labeling the action genocide. The UN – refusing to use the “g” word that requires action – continues to do nothing… something they are good at. Darfur activist, Dr. Halima Bashir, had to remain covered to maintain her identity and security during her meeting with the President at the Oval Office. She had been tortured and raped for speaking out on behalf of the other young girls who had been raped by these animals.
President Bush with Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Marc E. Olson, right, of Coal City, Ill., and Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Patrick Paul Pittman Jr., left, of Savannah, Ga., on the South Lawn of the White House. Olson and Pittman were injured when a suicide bomber attacked their entry control point in Ramadi, Iraq. The two were serving with Company A, 2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion attached with the 2nd Batallion, 9th Marines.
And perhaps one of my favorites… the type of stuff that never makes the major media news. President George W. Bush with his young guests during the Children’s Holiday Reception and Performance in the East Room of the White House December 8, 2008. The parents of these children are serving in the United States military and can not be with them for the Christmas holiday. So the President spent some time with them.
Lastly… the transfer of power then (Dec 2000)….
… and now (Dec 2009). It’s certainly a job that takes it’s toll on the Oval Office occupant.
Nice lineup Mata. I had not seen those.
Some really great ones that I haven’t even gone all the way thru….
President George Bush speaks with participants from the U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative during a group photo Thursday before meetings in Washington. The initiative funds programs that contribute to democratic change. The group includes participants from Yemen, Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
President Bush visiting Seoul stopping first to visit the troops at US Army Garrison Yongsan
… then greeting some of the young locals.
The South Korean war veterans staged a welcoming rally for President Bush
Another great moment I’m reminded of… when President Bush was on a motorcade in Gates Mills, OH last summer, this sign prompted him to stop, get out and spend some time with the birthday girl…. 91 year old Ruth Harris.
Some photos from Sept 2006 when my sons and I met, and shook hands with, President Bush.
It was truly a unique, memorable experience.
We were fortunate enough to meet, and make pictures with, Karl Rove as well.
My 10 year old has framed photos of him with the President as well as with the limousine (his idea) one the wall of his room.
(I don’t post photos of my children on the Internet for obvious reasons.)
As I said to him that day when I looked him in the eye and shook his hand:
“Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you.”
Thank you for sharing those Aye. My one regret about the Bush years is that I didn’t get the opportunity to meet him.
How can someone not like this President? He is such a cordial and caring person.
Bush joking with members of the Northwest Boys and Girls Club in Hartford, CT
An appreciative hug after his appearance at the Boys and Girls Club
President Bush with Israel’s PM Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas… you know, those guys whom he never spoke with, per the media etal? This at the 2007 Mideast Summit an Annapolis.
The President and the Dalai Lama check out the Capitol Rotunda. This is the first time a sitting US President met with the exiled monk in public since he fled in 1959.
President Bush at the 126th Commencement Exercises, where he was keynote speaker.
Consoling a grieving family at the Annual Peace Officers Memorial Service.
A wreath for the Reflecting Pool at Ground Zero in 2006.
And the the wreath ceremony for Shanksville, PA for Flight 93 heroes and heroines.
Touring the Yuma Sector border with Mexico
Another unheralded accomplishment is the increased relations with India… who will sorely miss the George W. Bush policies. Here he meets Indian women during his tour of an agricultural university in Hyderabad to highlight growing U.S.-India cooperation on farming issues.
Greeting midshipmen after a speech as the US Naval Academy in 2005.
President Bush visits the Boy Scouts at their jamboree at Ft. A.P. Hill, Va. During the gathering, four adult Scout leaders were electrocuted and stifling heat sickened 300 people. Bush, whose appearance was postponed twice, offered encouragement to the Scouts.
Over 75,000 Scouts came to pay honor to their fallen friends. Here, being addressed by President Bush.
Another photo with that guy we “never engaged” in one on one talks… Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas back in 2005… the year Israeli honored their agreement and withdrew the military presence and Israeli settlers from Gaza. And we all know how that went…
A moment of irony, and a harbinger of things to come. Now PEBO greets President Bush after he gave the principal speech at the opening of Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield in April 2005. Coincidently, the same place where PEBO has started his symbolic trip the the Oval Office and Inauguration Ceremonies.
And a dance with the loveliest First Lady at the Wyoming Texas Ball during the 2005 Inaugural Ceremonies.
Another group of my favorites:
Isn’t it great that the most powerful man in the world, with all that is on his mind, that he can take the time to stop for a child’s birthday party or to sit for a moment with an elderly woman also celebrating a birthday?
This is just another mark of the man that I am going to miss.
We’ll all miss him before long…
Until the interview last week:
I am truly appalled that theses photographs have not seen the light of day until now. There is no frakkin way people could continue hating this man after seeing so many decencies and kindnesses extended to ordinary people by the most powerful man on the planet.
It has been a truly dispicable bunch of journalists and reporters to have ignored all of this for so very long.
@Indigo Red: We have no journalists anymore , and Tuesday will be a very sad day. To bury these photos while promoting someone like Hussein is a crime. I hope the damage coming to America in the next four years is not irreparable.
The look on President Bush’s face in the moments after being told of the 9/11 attack can also describe how I feel about him leaving office. I am extremely sad, mad, and afraid for our Country.
What a man.
What a hero!
Thank you, Mr President!
*Adding more to what you pointed out Mike, in one photo taken during those moments in that classroom, a small plaque is shown behind the President’s head. On it, written in chalk, are the words, “Reading makes a Country great!” I see such selflessness and wisdom in that.
I am not a supporter of President George W. Bush but I’ve seen a number of these photos before.
Read more and read widely.
Nice try at a stealth slap. However the story of the Mission Accomplished sign is less sinister than the media likes to portray. Another “depends on what the meaning of “is”… is” moment.
The banner and wording were at the request of the crew of the USS Abraham Lincoln, which was completing a record long deployment… 290 days longer than any nuke powered carrier in history. With a history of long deployments as a Navy wife under my belt, I can tell you than an extra 8-9 months away – on top of the usual 4-6 month deployment – is no small accomplishment and hardship on crew and families. Hats off to them.
The cropped photo you supplied is commonly used to emphasize the CIC and the sign, instead of it’s purpose to honor the crewmen who had most certainly had their “mission accomplished”. Cute media trick to deliberately cut them… the honorees… for propaganda purposes.
In Bush’s interview, he stated that was not the message he wanted to send to the public. He had been warning it would be a long war against the global Islamic jihad movements. This confused the message the WH wanted to send to the nation.
Or could it be that the media deliberately confused the message to the nation by not explaining who’s idea the banner and wording was… and why… clearly at the beginning.
Gee… would never have guessed you weren’t a supporter… LOL Obviously all of these photos have made it to some media or another, or they would not be available here and now.
However since you are clueless to the story behind the Mission Accomplished sign, Stephanie, I suggest you take your own advice before admonishing others.
What’s your point, Plume? THe crew was going to make the banner, but the White House agreed to create it for them. Do you think this was one of those important issues in the morning intel briefing? Do you think they got the Naval request, asked Bush for permission to create the sign for them?
It was going to be awkward in a media consumed with BDS no matter how it came down. If the WH rightly points out that the crew wanted it, they are viewed as passing the buck to avoid criticism. Notice that Bush does not do that in his position of CIC. And yet you fault him for that.
If they refused to provide the sign, the crew may have made it themselves. And it would also be bizarre for the WH to tell the crew they could *not* create that sign. Then the CIC would have taken heat for that, as it related to their own mission being completed, and accomplished.
And guess what… Bush is graciously taking that on as his onus. However, when you get right down to it, it’s absurd. You, Stephanie, may accuse me of being a liar and a thief. I do not correct you. So it’s my fault that the world perceives me as a liar and a thief when it’s you who leveled the false accusations… and you are considered blameless?
Interesting concept for life you have there.
oops… I see Mike’s caught up with violators (INRE Stephanie) of the Thankathon rules! LOL
Obviously you have never been on an aircraft carrier in person, Stephanie. Otherwise you’d know that when you have the banner across the bridge, and the gathering on the bow, there are few places where you will NOT have the bridge out of view. Unless, of course, you have the CIC dais at the bow, and facing the bridge. Unlikely positioning at best. Perhaps you’d suggest he should have been on the runway?
This, of course, completely negates your “if one stands with someone else’s property as though it is theres” comment.
And technically, as the CIC, the entire ship is under his ultimate command. There is no part of that vessel that is not “his” in that aspect.
You’re being petty on this issue, ya know. If you do not wish to remember the Bush years in images as a tribute, then remember what your mother [should have] taught you… if you have nothing nice to say, keep your trap shut. This is not a political issue to debate with this Thankathon. And obviously you have not read Mike A’s thread rules.
Thank you for all of these pictures – I am so sad at the way Laura and the president have been treated, but so proud of the way they have handled the bashing. They are gracious and wondeful people. I would be proud to call them my friends. I wish them a long and happy life in the company of people who appreciate them.
WOW how come I missed this wonderfull post, for the FORMER PRESIDENT BUSH,,
SINCE HE WAS IN POWER, and again still today, they think it will help OBAMA ‘S PRESTIGE,
BY BASHING BUSH, but they are now concluding logicly that nothing wil help to raise another’s prestige
SO find yourself lucky twice to have had the former president BUSH