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For once, you americans have a REAL president in GWB.
Not a FAKE like Obama.

GW Bush – the emptiest suit of them all … after he finally stopped talking all we could hear was one hand clapping

You know PatD, you didn’t have to listen to him. You could have turned the channel so you could hear your idol double-speaking and back tracking at his best. Then you would really see an empty suit.

We will miss George Bush. I fear his successor with his socialist and marxist ideas. The next four years will be awful and most of Obama’s syncophants will be extremely dissolusioned. No mortgages being paid, no gas in the car just empty words from an empty suit. Has anyone seen his stimulus bill. $50 million dollars to the endowment of the arts is one of them. Maybe we will get another picture of somone urinating on Jesus. Pah, foolishness. People losing jobs everywhere and the government pays $50 big ones to the arts. All the others are just as bad. He took out tax cuts for businesses that would have created more jobs because the dems didn’t want them. That’s dems for you. Everytime we have a tax cut the economy booms then the dems get in and raise taxes and we have recessions and maybe a depression. But they never learn. All they know is tax and spend. No, I take that back. They know how to grease the fists of their buddies and let the GSEs fail thereby letting the economy fail. And Shumer writing that letter saying IndyMac was failing and by jingo everyone took out their money and it did fail. He got what he wanted. To skew the election.

I have watched my last presidential address for at least four years. I refuse to give the time of day to anybody who does not put the people and the country first. Hussein may send a tingle up the leg of some but I get this cold chill of fear down my back when I think of the next four years.

PatD,,, it’s people like you filled with hate and bile that makes you unable to be reasonable that I pity.. I never agreed with everything that GWB did but at least I can respect him for his convictions and the simple fact that he respects people and our men and women in uniform.

The emptiest suit of all was Carter but now that will be taken over by Nobama and you will be sorely dissapointed in the next 4 years…
Our country is about to hit the skids hard and all the leftards will be there to pull the chain on the crapper…
Pitiful,,, really, really pitiful..

Farewell President Bush, and I know you will.

I see Pres-elect Obama went out to dinner instead of watching the speech.

I find it ironic that so many Obamafans have been speaking out for weeks with the idea that Obama deserves a chance-something few Obamafans gave President Bush. Think about that for a moment all ye who despise the W. Please, think about what you ask when you ask people to give The One a chance, and ask yourself, “Did I ever accept President Bush as the legitimate President of the United States, and how did I ‘give him a chance’?” It’s not that Pres. Obama doesn’t deserve a chance. He does. He’s gonna be President, but he does NOT deserve a free pass. The man deserves all the respect and honor given to the office, but he does not deserve unchecked obedience.

bigpapa, PatD is proof that Obama got it wrong when talking about who the bitter clingers are.


@PatD: It’s very likely that you or a member of your family are alive today who might otherwise have been killed in a terrorist attack because of this man.

And this is the thanks he gets?

Dont’ come around here lecturing us on how we need to be respectful to Obama.

PatD,,, it’s people like you filled with hate and bile that makes you unable to be reasonable that I pity..

I didn’t read any hate or bile in that comment; just someone who’s not a fan of Dubbya. But I do see a lot of hate and bile toward Obama in the other comments.

I never agreed with everything that GWB did but

Why is it that supporters constantly, constantly have to preface their praise with this disclaimer? It’s getting old and redundant, folks! We already know conservatives “didn’t agree with everything” George Bush did. Sometimes, I feel like it’s coming across as a kind of “cop out” (don’t take my comment personally, as I’m speaking to your generic rightwinger).

@Scott Malensek:

It’s not that Pres. Obama doesn’t deserve a chance. He does. He’s gonna be President, but he does NOT deserve a free pass. The man deserves all the respect and honor given to the office, but he does not deserve unchecked obedience.

Scott, a number of conservatives aren’t even going to give him that.

Great picture at the top, Mike.

I missed the speech last night.


Why is it that supporters constantly, constantly have to preface their praise with this disclaimer?

You’re a CINO retard and a hypocrite! I could swear I’ve seen you do this in the past, somewhere….I just don’t know where…It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

PatD,,, it’s people like you filled with hate and bile that makes you unable to be reasonable that I pity


I didn’t read any hate or bile in that comment; just someone who’s not a fan of Dubbya. But I do see a lot of hate and bile toward Obama in the other comments.

That’s why you’re the moonbats best friend Wordsmith. You’re always willing to cut them more slack than you are fellow conservatives.

We already set a higher standard for conservative political speech than we do for libs so frankly, I don’t see the need to raise the bar even higher for our side.

No one should take this an endorsement for over the top statements from conservatives. To repeat: we already hold our side to a higher standard.

Gayle: at Dragon Lady’s Den made a New Year’s resolution to be more respectful to Obama than the Obamatons have been to Bush. As Ken, from Liberal Lies/Conservative Truth pointed out, that won’t take much effort.

Now, if we could…just for a little while… stick to the topic.

To paraphrase Ann Coulter:

Obama should be given precisely the same respect, loyalty, and benefit-of-the-doubt that the press, the comedians, and the water-cooler wits gave to George W. Bush.

President Bush has Presence. Commanded Presence. He is a true leader. Not a “manager” or an “organizer”…

Wonder if his successor will confuse “Present” for that leadership we have securely known and trusted for the past eight years. Sadly, I don’t wonder that at all…

History will be kind to President George W. Bush. As president, he was thrust into a position that he never expected to have to manage.
The Democratic Party Left, showed it’s true colors from day one after the election of this man.
They sought to usurp the election by corrupt means.
They have manipulated the politics of that election for the past 8 years, as we have all seen.
Yet, through all the trials and tribuations George Bush has managed us as best as he could.
Bush took over a failing government and raised us up from the boot straps.
Yes, we were attacked and Bush has kept us being attacked since 9/11, unlike the previous President.
The economy was failing and Bush was able to bring us out of it. Through the manipulations of the Democrats we have now seen the destruction of our financial wealth and our government.
Through it all President George W. Bush still maintains a 34% approval rate, while both Houses of Congress follow in the single digits.
I don’t see any improvement in financial recovery, if Congress keeps throwing all these trillions of dollars out to bail out corporations.
What I do foresee, are attacks on American soil before 2009 is completed. A depression brought on by the de-evaluation of the American dollar and projects that will not improve our economy. Obama will place America and it’s people in jeapordy. It’s already happening.

GOP 2008 dead on arrival, indeed. Enjoy the wilderness boneheads.

@Wordsmith: Is the comment above enough to qualify for hate and bile?

Nah… just another happy Obama voter here to remind us all to be respectful to the Messiah!

It’s still mild, but a step up, Mike.

As for the Coulter quote, because they act as they do, we should behave in kind. Brilliant.

@Mike’s America:

You’re always willing to cut them more slack than you are fellow conservatives.

Absolute rubbish. There are a number of conservative commenters in a number of threads that I give a pass to when it comes to vitriolic hate spew. Inane comments are inane whether it comes from the left or the right.

Respect is not a given. It has to be earned.

“You’re always willing to cut them more slack than you are fellow conservatives. “

I stand by that statement.

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

If comment #16 is considered mild, I’ll take that as minimum standard for conservative retort.

@Mike’s America:

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

I only protest it at all, because you bring it up. Keep saying it, and yeah, I’ll end up protesting it too much.

“You’re always willing to cut them more slack than you are fellow conservatives. “

I stand by that statement.

So I attack conservatives way more often than I do liberals?

Maybe that’s not what you’re saying.

But yeah, ok: I don’t have a high opinion of moonbats on the left; so when conservatives start behaving like moonbats from the right, you expect me to give them a pass because they make us look good? I often hold my tongue; fall in lockstep. But on the RARE occasion that I don’t, you go all hyperbolic on me.

Oops…oh, look: I’m doing it again, I’m “protesting too much”.

I should just agree with Mike.

“I should just agree with Mike.”

That’s the wisdom that comes with age…Live it, love it learn it!

Don’t make me repeat myself: I never endorsed right wing hate and bile and I never will.

But the bar for conservative speech is already set higher than that on the left and I don’t intend to set it higher.

When it comes to improving the level of civil discourse the burden is on those who have spent 8 years spewing garbage at Bush and conservatives.

I never endorsed right wing hate and bile and I never will.

I know you don’t “endorse” it; but you seem to tolerate it; look the other way when it’s expressed here.

When it comes to improving the level of civil discourse the burden is on those who have spent 8 years spewing garbage at Bush and conservatives.

That just sounds like a platitude.

I guess I’m excused then to call Obama an Islamo-nazi lover and lament that he’ll destroy this country, that he hates this country, until lefties start improving their level of discourse.


I’m siding with Wordsmith on this one..Mike you do come across as much more abrasive than the other commentators. And I can vouch for what Wordsmith is saying about looking the other way when Conservatives make personal attacks. That fact that you guys allow a guy like Hard Right to post on here when all he is is one big personal attack…minus a brain should tell you something. Hard Right has attacked me numerous times and insulted me like the child that he is.

Go back and read some of that lunatics posts. You think Conservatives are held to a higher standard with regard to there speech….where have you been Mike? Hard Right is a perfect example. He lowers the standards for all Conservatives. If we are better than that, why give him a pass?


@timebug: That’s certainly an interesting way of looking at it….

Here’s another one:

“Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks. There are things I would do differently if given the chance. Yet I’ve always acted with the best interests of our country in mind. I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right.”

The way my partisan brain reads this, is as a response to all those charges of “Bush lied”, “Bush is evil”, “the war was all about making his greedy oil friends rich”, “the war was about avenging daddy Bush’s assassination attempt”, “Bush doesn’t care about black people”, “Bush hates the environment”, “Bush doesn’t care about the troops”, “Bush endorses torture”, “Bush thinks the Constitution is ‘just a piece of paper'”, “Bush is taking away our civil rights and freedoms”, and all the other countless over-the-top smears vocalized from high atop the media mountaintop by the BDSers who always attacked his motives with as much vigor as they attacked the policies themselves.

So i guess you bring us full circle. Bush starts us off with his request that he be graded on his intentions, then you respond to his request arguing he’s countering ‘the BDSers’, who question his intentions.

It’s unlikely your interpretation is acurrate. Most polls find 70% of Americans think he’s a poor president, yet 80% (FOX poll) find him a good man. Bush is most likely speaking to that 80%.

He’s not going to waste his time with a small minority that will never turn around.

In the same fashion, a failed student won’t ask a tyrant of a teacher for a ‘D’, whereas, the student will ask the teacher if he’s benevolent at heart.

“I missed the speech last night.” (Wordsmith)

You can view it here:

Full President George W. Bush Farewell Speech – Part 1


Most polls find 70% of Americans think he’s a poor president, yet 80% (FOX poll) find him a good man. Bush is most likely speaking to that 80%.

He’s not going to waste his time with a small minority that will never turn around.

Why speak to those who already know he’s a good man? And your last sentence contradicts the sizable majority you just cited in the first sentence I quote.

Thanks for the link, Craig. I’ll watch it later tonight…..after BSG.

I just put the disclaimer in so none of the libtards think I drink the kool-aid like they do.

I’m grown up enough to disagree with the man and still respect much of what GWB has done for us..


I completely understand. No need to explain. It was just something that I just realize I see quit often; almost like a safeguard disclaimer in case Bush’s legacy does go down in history as one of the worst presidencies ever (something I don’t believe). And I think it’s not just as a buffer against libtard criticism, but conservative criticism as well who see Bush as having done great harm to the Republican Party and conservatism.

Ron: I am not the arbiter of conservative speech. There are only so many hours in a day and I’d rather spend them countering the nonsense and garbage that is being tossed by the libtards. And as you can see there is no shortage of that here.

Wordsmith picks and chooses his battles too. He’s often been just as silent when libtards spew their poison as I may have been when the opposite is true.

However, YOU are free to step up and counter whatever misstatements you find others making.

Just as long as you respect the decisions which I make regarding my own exercise of free speech.

Also, I hope you will agree that civility is not a one way street.

mike a: I hope you will agree that civility is not a one way street.

Yeah… you are a one way street and delete comments that touch a nerve huh. I know the other FA folks see what you are doing. Although you might have the “power” do delete my comments, I still can make them. Block me if you want.

For the record, my deleted comment said that I agreed with Mata, Curt, Wordsmith and Scott’s approach to having civil discord.

blASSt: Your transparent, and LAME attempt to split me away from my F.A. brothers and sisters is a failed policy.

Your claim that you agreed with Mata, Curt, Wordsmith and Scott is just another lie. Don’t you know we keep records of ALL comments? Even the deleted ones?

Besides, I’m sure that my other contributors, let alone the wider FA readership, would agree that you are hardly a model of civility.

As in the example of how you attempted to distort and hijack the discussion of deficits, you’re a petty little cyber bully who provokes a negative reaction only to point fingers at others and scream about THEIR conduct.

Crawl back under your rock.


I shudder to imagine how BHO would have responded to an attach on the USA such as GWB faced on 9/11/01.

Saddam would be exterminating more Kurds.

Muslim infighting would be the news of the day as OBL and the Taliban claim power over secular Muslim countries.

Ahmadinnerjacket and Saddam would be nuking each other.

The rest of the world would be political chaos as Political Islam (the only kind, unfortunately) would be imposing their own 7th century law on Western Europe.


Didn’t you post that response yesterday?

I was thinking that I had read it yesterday.

Aye:the ass blast has been waging a petty mean little campaign to derail the topics here onto some personal vendetta he has.

I’ve decided that allowing him to continue doing so is a waste of my time and a distraction for the readers, so catch his replies on the quick as they won’t be posted for long.

Now, back to the topic please!