Rush Limbaugh Meets With Obama?


First there was this tidbit on Rush Limbaugh:

Speculation swirled all over the EIB: Obama asked for ideas to save the economy, Rush had some good ones on Monday, and Tuesday he’s mysteriously in Washington… coincidence?

And now it’s confirmed. Well sortof.

Obama Dines With Conservative Opinion Leaders

It’s true.

He motorcaded to a house in Maryland this evening, and if the press pool report is accurate, he is breaking bread with William Kristol and David Brooks. (If Brooks and Kristol seem to be unusually briefed about Obama’s thinking, you’ll know why.)

CBS News’s Dan Raviv tells the pool that the house, on Grafton Street in Chevy Chase, belongs to George Will. (Unless he’s moved.)

Nothing about Rush, and I do find it hard to believe but if it’s true I can’t see much will come out of it. I mean if the one really believes he can get Rush or any true conservative to not criticize his policy decisions he is for a rude awakening. If he really listens to them then some good may come out of it but I highly doubt it.

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Kristol, Brooks and Will are our “Conservative Opinion Leaders”? Ugh.

I don’t know why Rush would bother going. And I don’t know why Obama would bother meeting with them. It’s not like he needs their support or anything. He has the entire nation bamboozled and the entire mass media and every single major medium of information distribution on his side. I’m not sure why this meeting is even necessary.

Mike Gallagher went too, deducing from what he cryptically said on his radio show.

Say it ain’t so Rush….say it ain’t so!!!!

If this is true, then he’s a fool.

Sure, and next you’ll be telling us the fat fool is sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom again! That’s if he wants to sleeping with Oprah.

The Democrats are very big with “talking with the enemy” this political season. Little will come from this of course.

No, Rush was not at the dinner with Obie.

Per Rush’s website he went to the Medal of Freedom presentation at the White House and had dinner with GWB, Rumsfeld and others. They wished Rush a Happy Birthday at the same time.

Rush attends a Medal of Freedom ceremony at the White House. During the ceremony President George W. Bush presented the Medal of Freedom to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, former Australian Prime Minister John Howard and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.

Looks like Obama’s “pallin’ around” with questionable characters again.