I want to thank him for the sense of security I felt with our country in his hands. I always felt he would try to do what’s right for us — not just what’s popular or politically expedient or self-serving.
I also liked that he never wasted time trying to charm those people or countries who are incurably hostile to us, but reached out and made new friends for us, supporting fledgling democracies around the world, and helping friendly nations and true allies where he could.
You might remember when he first took office, on the heels of the Clinton administration, the Clinton people stole and broke computers and office equipment, left trash everywhere, pulled phone cords from walls, wiped hard drives, and did no orientation for their incoming counterparts.
Contrast that to President Bush’s approach to the transition. I think he’s single handedly restored dignity to the Office of the President, and set some pretty high goal posts for the incoming president and his administration as well.
I want to repeat what you said here because it is so often ignored or lied about:
I also liked that he never wasted time trying to charm those people or countries who are incurably hostile to us, but reached out and made new friends for us, supporting fledgling democracies around the world, and helping friendly nations and true allies where he could.
And I too have noticed how much dignity and respect Bush has imbued the transition process. We won’t be seeing any stories in the “news” media about missing “O”‘s on the White House keyboards as we did “W”‘s 8 years ago.
There won’t be any furniture missing from the residence either.
16 years ago
First my thanks to whoever thought of this. Second Mata H did a great job in her remarks as did everyone else.I would add this.By showing that America will not be attacked with impunity,that the rewards of being Americas enemy were death, and destruction-He changed the way our enemies view us. After 9/11 throughout the Arab nations, the public opinion polls showed 1/they hated America, and thought attacking us was a good idea 2/ 95% saw Osama as the wave of the future 3/90% thought war with the Western powers inevitable and Islam wins.A recent poll found those numbers reversed.
The large majority now feel the jihad was a mistake, that Al Q has brought misery to the Arab world, and that terror is hurting Arabs more than it helps them.Arabs, like most people want to be on the winning side. We are now viewed as a winner.
I want to thank him for the sense of security I felt with our country in his hands. I always felt he would try to do what’s right for us — not just what’s popular or politically expedient or self-serving.
I also liked that he never wasted time trying to charm those people or countries who are incurably hostile to us, but reached out and made new friends for us, supporting fledgling democracies around the world, and helping friendly nations and true allies where he could.
You might remember when he first took office, on the heels of the Clinton administration, the Clinton people stole and broke computers and office equipment, left trash everywhere, pulled phone cords from walls, wiped hard drives, and did no orientation for their incoming counterparts.
(Don’t remember? See: http://articles.latimes.com/2002/jun/12/nation/na-clinton12)
Contrast that to President Bush’s approach to the transition. I think he’s single handedly restored dignity to the Office of the President, and set some pretty high goal posts for the incoming president and his administration as well.
@starboardhelm: excellent comment Starboardhelm.
I want to repeat what you said here because it is so often ignored or lied about:
And I too have noticed how much dignity and respect Bush has imbued the transition process. We won’t be seeing any stories in the “news” media about missing “O”‘s on the White House keyboards as we did “W”‘s 8 years ago.
There won’t be any furniture missing from the residence either.
First my thanks to whoever thought of this. Second Mata H did a great job in her remarks as did everyone else.I would add this.By showing that America will not be attacked with impunity,that the rewards of being Americas enemy were death, and destruction-He changed the way our enemies view us. After 9/11 throughout the Arab nations, the public opinion polls showed 1/they hated America, and thought attacking us was a good idea 2/ 95% saw Osama as the wave of the future 3/90% thought war with the Western powers inevitable and Islam wins.A recent poll found those numbers reversed.
The large majority now feel the jihad was a mistake, that Al Q has brought misery to the Arab world, and that terror is hurting Arabs more than it helps them.Arabs, like most people want to be on the winning side. We are now viewed as a winner.