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I love Ann Coulter! She really, really made ole Harry look peevish. Will Rogers in a dress.


WHO IS THAT IDIOT that interviewed Ann Coulter in the first video? They have to fire that guy. He keeps interrupting his guess, Ann couldn’t finish one sentence; he was speaking while she was answering his question. Boy this guy is a real peace of shit. Never saw such a repugnant interviewer in my whole life.

The second interviewer wasn’t as bad but he still stinks. What is wrong with leftist Americans, do they all hate women? Look at what they have done to Hillary, Sarah Palin and what they are doing to Ann Coulter. Leftist Americans are your worst enemies, they hate women and children and they are pro-terrorists.

You are not out of the woods with your trifecta democrats in the White House and your stupid MSM. I feel so sorry for your country. I really like Ann Coulter, she has guts. I agree with her all the way. One of my favorite quotes from her is this one: “If democrats had any brains, they would be republicans”. LOL!

Craig: It’s Matt Lauer.

No doubt he’s angry about losing his hair and having to interview a conservative babe whose hair could supply him with wigs for years.

It’s more like what is wrong with the right wing snob they are being forced to interview. Let’s see she is a hater, a nut job. She attempts to be an author but her books are nothing but spew with very few actual facts. She is always saying something off the wall so far to the right that she gets attention drawn to her spew. Ann Coulter doesn’t have guts she does nothing more than spew right wing hate.

Craig you even saying you like her tells me how far off track you are. OMG… your sinking

i was almost late for work because i had to watch her. she handed ole matt his ass several times. he is pissed because she is more man than his wuss ass self. as far as i am concerned ann coulter rocks and always will. she made him look stupid and uninformed, loved it.


OK, I’ll bite. I listened to the interview and did not hear right wing ‘hate’. Specifically, what did she said that was hateful?

Tom in CA

What is the worst thing that America has ever produced? People like Real American Hater. You cannot make them worst then him. He hates every real American patriot, he only like the evil ones like The One . Like attracts like.

Craig, they hate REAL women. Something about having more testosterone and a bigger penis than liberal “men”.

That is how the tolerant, open minded, left treats those that they think should be, but are not on their bigotted little plantation.

I actually bought an Ann Coulter book and found it to be humorous and insightful. I don’t find her outrageous or venomous. I think her language and construction is also not too bad, maybe it improved my english.

I guess those left-wing nutjobs like her interviewer? would find her outrageous and venomous because she so clearly debunks their lies and attempts to destroy freedom and integrity.

LIARS always hate those who tell the TRUTH, and COWARDS always hate the BRAVE.

A useless or evil man will always hate a good, honest and capable man because of the goodness inside him.

Once you bash Stalin, you will find yourself in a prison. Everyone will forget you existed. Anti-Communist propaganda will not be tolerated.

I love how the media is like ‘lets run this reel of Bush slip ups and misnomers’. ‘And again to day George W. Bush decided to bla bla bla’. ‘Oh praise our savior’. ‘Who is like Obama?’

To Anne: ‘Now why are you deciding to use his middle name? Its time to get serious and talk about the issues’.
Translated: We refuse to talk about the issues (even at the country’s expense) until we have someone that we voted for. Until that point, we will feel free to chop his legs out from under him, make fun of him, shine the worst light on him, and try to attach as many labels as possible until one sticks.

I for one do not like politics, but they are a necessary evil. If a nation is constantly divided against itself, it will ultimately fall. The media seeds the thoughts of the majority of Americans (in my opinion). They have a huge responsibility that they take lightly; they report based on what makes money, not what is actual truth. Like Stalin said, “Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.” Why would the media let the ‘right’ have guns when they can control them all? This was obvious with the videos above. The liberal left is in a catch 22. They want freedom and all the benefits of america, but under communism and a dictator that they agree with. Disagree with him and they would be fine to see you hang or thrown in prison. However if it is a president they disagree with, they now have the ability to abuse the first amendment and how dare anyone take that away from them.

I could go on, but I am just preaching to a choir or to people that are already brainwashed..thus a half-assed post. Sorry, this is just amazingly frustrating.

@Real American Patriot:

You’ve just described Al Franken and you voted for him.

Missy SCORES BIGTIME! Talk about hitting the nail on the head.