Our Dangerous Media [Reader Post]


What would happen if America won a war and no one reported it? Is it still news? What if a credible argument were made pretty much demolishing Darwin’s theory of evolution? If no media outlet conveyed this information to the American public, does that mean its not a valid argument? Does that mean its not news?

The liberal media would have you believe so. For decades, the old media, consisting of the big three networks and the newspapers of most major cities have had a stranglehold on what information gets disseminated to the public at large. The media elite have decided which issues qualify as news. Not surprisingly, the majority of the information that makes it to the airwaves or in print is overwhelmingly one-sided, reflecting a world-view steeped in progressive values and blatantly hostile to traditional values.

The old media elite, comprised of less than 1% of our population, has set the agenda and defined the issues in America for decades. More importantly, the old media has had the ability to relegate any facts that didn’t conform to their version of reality to the ash heap. If it doesn’t make the news, its not news.

By any measure, America and our allies have won the war in Iraq. Our mission has been accomplished. This is news, even though the media has failed to report it. Iraq’s economy is on track, thanks to much improved security and increased production of oil. Iraq’s fledgling parliament is operating. In other words, we won. The Iraqi people have won. Against tremendous odds.

Because American victory and military success don’t fit the media’s liberal version of America, most Americans remain unaware of the tremendous accomplishments that have been brought about, thanks to president Bush and our brave fighting men. Instead, their focus emcompasses only the price we paid, not the victory we achieved.

Ignoring inconvenient news and embarrassing facts is a tried and true tactic of the liberal media. A prime example is conservative author, Thomas Sowell. Sowell has written dozens of books dealing with race, culture, economics and other issues vital to America. More importantly, his facts have never been rebutted. Knowing there is no chance of disputing Sowell’s studies and conclusions, the media elite have chosen to ignore him. He is simply not a part of their carefully fashioned reality.

That is the fate of any author or pundit who dares to swim against the progressive tide. Can you spell censorship?

Ann Coulter is another example. In her book Godless, Ann makes a credible argument that the theory of Darwinian evolution is a bogus science. The media responded to this serious challenge to one of its core tenets by simply ignoring it, focusing instead on Ann’s cutting observation of four housewives from Jersey who lost their husbands in the 9/11 attack.

From their lofty position of moral self-righteousness, the media roundly condemned Coulter for her lack of sensitivity and empathy. Totally ignored in the ensuing media frenzy, was any mention, much less rebuttal, to Ann’s extremely credible argument demolishing Darwinism.

A majority of Americans are now somewhat aware of media bias. Increasingly, when reading a news story, Americans have the ability to recognize the obvious slant. This is all well and good. What is not well and good, is the fact that many of us are not made aware of all the news out there that is ignored. Credible, relevant facts that are simply not reported.

How many of you are aware that at the recent UN gathering on global warming, 650 renown scientists made a credible challenge to the UN’s conclusion that man-made global warming is a crisis situation requiring trillions of our tax dollars to remedy?

Once again, a credible challenge to a core tenet of progressivism was ignored rather than rebutted. This is media malfeasance.

Every American is entitled to enough information to make informed decisions. Instead, our media gives us only the information that fits the liberal template. This is manipulation of the worst sort. No matter how flat the pancake, there are always two sides. Our media has only been reporting one side, and then declaring grandly that the issue is settled.

The lack of reporting both sides of a story is having a pernicious effect on America, breeding anti-Americanism, victimology, feelings over facts and form over substance. The traditional values which made our country great, are being cast aside, along with Christianity, capitalism, families and other factors which have served to unite and define us as a nation.

The media would have us believe that inclusiveness, multiculturalism, equality and the environment are the most important issues facing our country today. And millions of Americans blindly accept their version of reality as truth. What they fail to report is the fact that each and every one of those policies has been an expensive, catastrophic failure, breeding social pathologies, hate and divisiveness. But, hey, its that thought that counts, right?

Just because the media says something is so, doesn’t make it so. And ignoring relevant facts doesn’t make them less relevant. All it means is that millions of Americans are still willing to let someone else do their thinking for them.

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Thanks Nancy for this post. Thomas Sowell is one of the most distinguished and thoughtful intellectuals writing today. And as you mention, one of the most overlooked. His Economics 101 and Cosmic Justice are two of my favorite non-fiction books. Sometimes I feel as if the world has turned upside down and/or I’m living in a parallel universe.

And thanks to Flopping Aces for a great web site. Keep up the good work.

The consequences of media malfeasance are profound.

Everyone remember the video with interviews of Obama voters?

These folks were all getting their news from mainstream news sources and seemed to know every smear directed at Sarah Palin but didn’t have a clue who Bill Ayers is.

The “news” media regarded every slimeball rumor about Sarah Palin as a credible news story that had to be reported yet couldn’t bother to inform the public about the very real association between Obama and Ayers.

Hopefully the MSM is going down the toilet. I canceled all newspapers and magazines years ago but the other day I canceled cable tv. I wish more people would do this and send a message to MSM although I doubt they will listen. They haven”t so far. But bankruptcy is in their future unless the government bails them out. We could say this would be interfering with freedom of the press and government should stay out of it.

“That is the fate of any author or pundit who dares to swim against the progressive tide. Can you spell censorship?” (Nancy Morgan)

Great article Nancy! Yes, censorship but most of all “brainwashing” of the population. MSM will go down, no doubt. Now the real Medias are on Internet. “Plain radio” is one of them. Their listeners are from all orientation: republicans, democrats, independents. Their goal is to find the truth. They get together and pay for lawyers and private detectives to get the truth out. They do the jobs that the leftist liberal journalists no longer do. They are “Party Free”; they are on the side of the Republic and the respect of the Constitution. We need more of them. This is the new Revolution… the change we can believe in!

While I agree 100% that the mainstream media controls many parts of the debate and is worthy of criticism for doing so, with the Iraq War being a classic example, I think you might have jumped the shark by including attacks on Darwin’s theory. The sources for those attacks come from a few places such as the Discovery Institute and Coulter simply regurgitates the most ridiculous ‘science’ of the anti-Darwinites.

In the culture wars it’s religion and conservatism that are under attack. The Discovery Institute and its acolytes and supporters have a very negative effect on their own side of the debate because they force undecided people to throw the Christian values baby out with the belief in God bathwater.

Barbara, the newspapers will for sure go under unless the government bails them out.

But the lib media will never make the connection between their radical views and the fact that their stock is worth the price of soiled toilet paper.

We need a pool to predict the date the pop media declares an amazing Obama victory in Iraq.

LOL. I think the media will wait for the next Obama scandal and then declare an Obama victory in Iraq to deflect attention. I give them 5 days.
They’re already saying Obama’s strategy was ‘implemented’. ie: troop drawdown. Aargh

“What if a credible argument were made pretty much demolishing Darwin’s theory of evolution?”

Yeah we’re still waiting for that one. I mean claiming that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old, that some deity happened to create the universe in 6 days, that woman came from Adam is so much more credible. And Palin wants to teach this trollop to kids. lol. Who’s fooling who?


“Palin has not pushed for teaching creationism in Alaska’s schools. She has said that students should be allowed to “debate both sides” of the evolution question, but she also said creationism “doesn’t have to be part of the curriculum.”


When one can’t get the facts straight, why pay any attention to their opinion?