Media Didn’t Report That Blagojevich (D) Ran A Bookie Operation In The 80’s


Like we need any more evidence that the media is in the pocket of Barack Obama. In 2004 WLS-TV, a ABC affiliate in Illinois, filed suit against Jack Ryan, a Republican running against Barack Obama, to get his divorce records unsealed which effectively ensured an Obama win:

Dealing a blow to the U.S. Senate candidacy of Republican Jack Ryan, a California judge ruled that several sealed divorce records likely to embarrass the candidate and his ex-wife should be opened to the public.

Ruling on a request brought by attorneys for the Tribune and WLS-TV, Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider acknowledged that the resulting publicity from the disclosure would be harmful to the couple’s son, a key argument Ryan had raised in seeking to keep the documents from public view.

But Schnider said he had weighed the public interest of disclosure against the private interests of the Ryans and their child. “In the end,” Schnider found, “the balance tips slightly to the public.


Ryan told a small gathering of leading Republicans that while 95 percent of the contents of the divorce file did not threaten his campaign, the remaining 5 percent could cause problems, according to sources familiar with the meeting.

Instead of placating the GOP leaders, who have expressed continued concern since his primary victory over how the divorce-file issue has dogged his candidacy, the sources said, Ryan’s comments raised new questions about the viability of his campaign.

Which is all legitimate. If someone wants to be a representative of the people then their dirty laundry needs to be aired.

But this same outfit DID NOT report on the fact that a police informant who had helped put away 24 corrupt judges, lawyers and cops told WLS-TV that Blagojevich had been a bookie in the 1980’s and paid taxes to the mob: (h/t Newsbusters)

“When I was working with government wearing wire, I reported, I observed Rod, the present governor, who was running a gambling operation out in the western suburbs. He was paying street tax to the mob out there,” said Robert Cooley, federal informant.

On a web-based interview show last week, Cooley said he reported to federal authorities nearly two decades ago that Rod Blagojevich had been operating an illegal sports gambling business.

Robert Cooley is a former Chicago police officer-turned mob lawyer-turned federal informant. During Operation Gambat in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, Cooley’s undercover work and testimony put away 24 crooked politicians, judges, lawyers and cops. Several years ago, when Mr. Blagojevich was running for re-election, Cooley provided the same information to the ABC7 I-Team. Because Cooley did not want to be identified at the time and the governor denied it, ABC7 did not report the story.

Oh, so if your a Democrat all you have to do is deny the charges and its swept under the rug? We all know the press uses anonymous informants all the time but couple that with a denial and they are suddenly not so interested in airing the dirty laundry.


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From some of the rumors of his sexual proclivities, Ryan could have run as a dem. 😉

Seriously, the MSM=DNC propaganda wing.

Ugh, this has always been a sore spot for IL Repubs. Because of this we got Alan Keyes, because of Alan Keyes, we got Obama. Had this not surfaced I believe Ryan could have beaten Obama.

I’ve listened to WLS for many years. During that time none of the hosts ever mentioned that WLS was part of the suit to bring Ryan’s divorce information public. They often had Ryan on the various programs and agreed with him that his records should be kept private, the programs I listened to anyway. I avoid the weekend liberal programming, apparently, many others do too. That channel has gone through so many lefty hosts, I don’t even bother to find out who they are, they don’t last.

When people like Robert Cooley come to the forefront it makes me nervous about how much is being swept under the rug with the rest of the mess. Probably why we need three FBI teams of between 8 and 15 investigators to scratch the surface in Chicago instead of only two to cover NY City and DC.

Curt, I ask you this.

Right before an election, someone makes the charge that a politician was involved in sports gambling 20 years ago.

Because Cooley did not want to be identified at the time and the governor denied it, ABC7 did not report the story.

It happened 20 years ago. The trail is beyond cold. There is no independent corroboration, and your source refuses to be identified.

You are the news editor. Do you go with the story?

Are you familiar with the term “yellow journalism?”

This is the same sort of thing as “reporting” that McCain fathered an illegitimate black child, 20 years ago, quoting an unnamed source.

Your guy Cooley was a “federal informant.” He said he informed the Feds, 20 years ago; they investigated, and they obviously concluded that there was no admissible evidence. No charges were filed. It’s nothing at all like the Ryan case, where there were mountains of records, from a formal legal proceeding, which did go forward.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

Whats a little more “cold” trail stories to the MSM, I mean after all Rathergate etal, were warm stories weren’t they? Selective reporting is what you have in this country.

Larry is spinning again!

“But Schnider said he had weighed the public interest of disclosure against the private interests of the Ryans and their child. “In the end,” Schnider found, “the balance tips slightly to the public.”

Hey, ““the balance tips slightly to the public.” No kidding! And what about more than 20 cases in Court because the public wants Obama to produce his birth certificate to prove he is eligible to POTUS? Isn’t that of public interest too? But, it was denied. Hum? Makes you wonder…

You remember in September when McCain was ahead by 9 points in the polls because of his pick of Sarah Palin? And then the “economic crisis” appeared MIRACULOUSLY? You remember I said I did not beleive it? That is was all orchestrated by Paulson and Bernanke who are both in the tank for Obama? Well, it seems that I could have been right. Will they investigate it or just drop it because of their partisanship? Isn’t that also of public interest? Here is some info on this:

Fraudulent ‘Credit Crisis’ Paves Way for Economic Disaster
December 16, 2008


“Doing the kind of investigative reporting we should expect from the major media, a financial research and consulting firm has released a major analysis of the “credit crisis” that concludes that the claims made by Treasury Department Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke to justify a socialist takeover of the financial industry were demonstrably false.”

“… Using charts and graphs of data from the Federal Reserve and other agencies, the Celent study says that statements from Paulson and Bernanke about a “credit crisis” affecting businesses, real estate, banks, and state and local governments were just not true.”

“Paulson had claimed that, by mid-September, when he persuaded President Bush to go public with demands for Congress to approve a $700-billion bailout plan, the financial system had “seized up,” credit markets had “froze,” and interbank lending had been “substantially reduced.”

But none of this was true. “The freezing of the credit markets that Secretary Paulson cites is not visible” in the data, the Celent report shows.”

Paulson also made the claim that blue chip industrial companies could not issue longer-term commercial paper. But this claim “finds no support” in the data, the report says.

Bernanke had claimed that businesses were “confronting diminished access to credit” when in fact “the opposite” was true, the study demonstrates.

Read the rest of the article:

Will they investigate Blagovitch association with Auchi? Is this of public interest?

Here is a series of photos of Nadhmi Auchi with Blagojevich and Emil Jones in 2004.

And will they also investigate the association of Obama with Aiham Alsammarae? Is this of public interest?

This article was written by Evelyn Pringle, an investigative journalist focused on exposing corruption in government and corporate America:

“Three days after the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Aiham Alsammarae, the former electricity minister convicted of corruption in Iraq, put up $2.7 million in property to help raise $8.5 million to free Tony Rezko from jail in Chicago, the Times reported that Alsammarae had contributed six times to Obama’s presidential campaign.”
Read the rest:

To answer your question bluntly… and en toto… Craig. No, no one will investigate any of Obama’s associations. The media won’t dig into it. The Dem controlled Congress will not call hearings. And if they do, it will be to investigate Bush.

When Obama’s approval ratings start falling… which will be after the first year or so of his admin, that’s when the media may lose their glow and start being less tolerant of secrecy. Not before.

Mata, I don’t care what the MSM does, but I am investigating now. The Internet is all we have. So later people will be able to see that it was all over the Internet and NOT in the MSM.

Here is another proof:

Obama’s Saddam Connection?
When I first saw the names Barack Obama, Tony Rezko and Nadhmi Auchi a week ago in some random newspaper report, I was sure that some reporter would extrapolate these connections further to include the name“Saddam Hussein”. Well, I guess I expected too much from the American press, and it fell to The Times (UK) to spell out the obvious.

The Times has, however, discovered state documents in Illinois recording that Fintrade Services, a Panamanian company, lent money to Mr Obama’s fundraiser in May 2005.

Fintrade’s directors include Ibtisam Auchi, the name of Mr Auchi’s wife. Mr Auchi’s spokespeople declined to respond to a question about whether he was linked to this business. But according to this Middle Eastern business site that had profiled Auchi’s General Mediterranean Holding Company, Nadhmi Auchi himself is directly associated with Fintrade Services of Panama! That means that there’s a direct money trail between Barack Obama and Nadhmi Auchi! This is huge!

Craig, I love Nibras. Talisman Gate is one of my standard op-ed bookmarks that I peruse with regularity. This is one that rings a bell from a ways back. And when I checked your link, it is one of his pieces from last February.

Again, it is a story that will get no legs. Pressuring stuff like this at this point in time will do nothing more than damage conservatives. As you can see, those like Larry think FA is nothing more than some vast right wing conspiracy site. Nothing could be further from the truth.

So personally, I deal with the issues at hand. What you bring up is vetting that is election fodder… not POTUS leadership fodder.

Obama is elected, he will get no further vetting now, save on his Presidential performance. Time with either prove he is what he campaigned on, or he is a self-centered politician who does what is politically expedient… in which case the nation will benefit from him campaigning… and winning… on lies.

At this point, I care only for the outcome for our nation. So I will wait for post inauguration to see what Obama, his cabinet and the almost supermajority Dem controlled Congress do.

But chasing Obama’s past and links – save those that may arise from formal and criminal investigations – is a dead end at this point. True or not, it will not be believed, or accepted. Instead, it will further taint opinions… like Larry… who believe exposure of Obama, his associations, and his policy leanings are nothing more than vindictive “character assassination”. I already see who Obama is. Obviously it will take time, and actions that affect the Obama faithful’s back yard for them to see the same.

It is time for Obama to rise to his campaign image, or fall on his performance. And for that, time must pass.

Are you familiar with the term “yellow journalism?”

This is the same sort of thing as “reporting” that McCain fathered an illegitimate black child, 20 years ago, quoting an unnamed source.

Then why did a “respectable” paper like the New York Times publish the story Larry? Short answer: they have no jounalistic values when it comes to promoting their own interest or agenda.

Before this Blago scandal is over, I guarantee the leftard media, (including the Times), will have turned Blago into a saint, and praise Obama for supporting the asshole. Yellow journalism? Not even close.

You better sharpen up your typing skills Larry. Obama’s ties to the corrupted Chicago political machine are going to keep you busy right up to his impeachment.

History will provide us with the two biggest jokes pulled on the American public in the last decade——Barack Obama and Albert Gore.

And now, this one. Might not be true but who knows? We are so much in the dark with this unknown President, that we have to look at it in every possible angles. Everything concerning Obama is very strange and suspect.

CIA Coverup of Obama?
Dec 17th, 2008


“If you have read his memoirs, Obama spoke about his mother Stanley Anne Dunham and mentioned that in Indonesia, she worked with the Ford Foundation. Another interesting thing is that Stanley Anne Dunham’s social security number, 535-40-8522 has no “death certificate”. In fact it is presently being used under the name Kelly Dunham.”

“… Now, some will say that that was 63 years ago. However, the Ford foundation was built upon anti-semitism and recruited its first members with anti-semitic values, and that continued until today. In 1945, the CIA was created by absorbing thousands of Nazi war criminals. In the 70’s the Ford Foundation aligned itself with the CIA to train the NYPD.”

“… So, many feel that a person, like Stanley Anne Dunham, Barack Obama’s mother, was/is a CIA operative, hence this may be why Obama is an apparently “indestructible Teflon” man.

You remember in September when McCain was ahead by 9 points in the polls because of his pick of Sarah Palin?

Obama was ahead of McCain by 6-8 points all summer, right up to the GOP convention. then he got a bounce (wasn’t 9 points, but it put him in the lead) from the convention and from Palin. But Palin lost all of her “luster” with everyone except for the GOP base. She lost all credibility with the independents who were going back and forth.

Obama ended up winning by the same margin that he’d been polling all summer. The idea that McCain would have won, absent the Lehman Brothers failure and subsequent financial failures, is highly doubtful.

I must say, the breadth of conspiracy theories now be posited is both breathtaking and entertaining.

I don’t agree with the conclusions, but I’m impressed by the thought process.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

Larry, one more time you are wrong. McCain was up 9 points in the polls in the Rasmussen report after McCain picked Sarah Palin. I will try to find the link and post it here when I find it. McCain went down only after the orchestrated “financial crisis” was miraculously announced. And because ignorant Americans thought that Dems were better at economics than GOP… lol. Ignorant Americans even thought that Republicans were controlling Congress… lol

If it wouldn’t have been for Sarah, McCain would have lost in a landslide, everyone except you know this. Your Sarah/bashing only shows us how biase you are.

Here it is Larry: A 10 points lead:

USA Today/Gallup, Sept.5-7, 2008

“The gap between registered voters and likely voters has once again enlarged in the McCain-Palin ticket’s favor in this poll. While the Republican ticket leads by 50% to 46% among registered voters, that lead stretches to a 54% to 44% lead among those Gallup sees as most likely to actually turn out and vote.”

So Larry, you find all this entertaining? Well read this one… it is revealing and instructive:

Obama’s Legal Left Brain Trust

By John Perazzo | Thursday, December 18, 2008


“Six months ago, Eric Holder, now president-elect Barack Obama’s Attorney General-designate, spoke at a convention of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACS). Predicting an Obama victory in the November election, Holder told his audience that the U.S. would soon be “run by progressives.”

“… With this new administration that will be taking its place in January of 2009…we are going to be looking for people who share our values,” he elaborated. A “substantial number of those people” with their hands on the levers of power, added Holder, were likely to be ACS members. Indeed, Holder was himself a member of the ACS Board of Advisors.”

“… The aims of ACS’s “Democracy and Voting” (D&V) working group are broadly consistent with those of ACORN, the pro-Obama organization whose infamous voter-registration efforts on behalf of Democrats in recent election cycles have been marred by massive levels of fraud”

Larry, if not for the crisis that hit who knows how it would have turned out. It certainly didn’t help the GOP that the media covered for obama every step of the way.

Hard Right, wait till you see my post which is stuck in spam… it is really something.

Mata, you are correct. People like Larry are so desperate to believe that obama is a messiah, that they find ways to explain away blatant proof that he is nothing of the sort.

Part of a corrupt political machine? Associate of and beholden to terrorists and America haters? 20 years in a racist church? Why, it’s just proof he’s out for himself and simply used them as a stepping stone to power. In fact, him being out for only himself is a good thing! He’ll be so concerned about being great, he will be! Any claims to the contrary are just smears.

Larry mode off/ Yes, it will take time and maybe not even then.

Craig, INRE #5… as you asked me my opinion on another thread.

First of all, Kincaid states that the Celent report does not say the crisis is manufactured out of thin air… or “not true”, as you interpreted What it says is that Bernanke and Paulson’s assertations that credit freeze (not necessarily at the consumer levels, but intra-industry and commercial) is either not substantiated, or flatly contradicted. Celent suggest the possibility that the Bush admin was prematurely “stampeded into approving unprecedented socialist measures for the economy that were not justified by the evidence.”

I certainly believe that the panic and fear, demanding *immediate action* that Congress posed to the press was a crock of manure. I do not, however, believe like you that this is manufactured and non-existent. The realities dictate that the boil was about to break, and if the credit hadn’t frozen sooner… it certainly would later out of necessity.

What is not “manufactured” is the hyperinflation of housing prices, driven by multiple reasons over the past 15 years. What is not manufactured is the increasing amount of foreclosures on homes by unqualified buyers… with overiflated mortgages that couldn’t be replaced for the same value. Those elements alone meant that investment banks and asset portfolios all thru Wall Street were fraught with bad promissory notes. When the industry is overleveraged, and holding bad paper, the piper is going to be paid somehow. And that will manifest itself in no more credit at some point.

And indeed, the Celent report – per Kincaid himself – concurs with that:

The study says that, “A clear and cogent analysis of the credit crisis has not been presented by policymakers, despite the fact that unprecedented levels of public funds are being deployed.” As a result, the “massive injection of funds could well exacerbate the problem rather than help.”

The report says the money supply “has recently increased at a pace never seen before in US history” and could signal a pending bout of hyperinflation. It says the increase is “a staggering 74% in only 84 days” and explains, “Previously, this kind of jump would be seen over the course of a decade or more.”

It then concludes by suggesting that the real danger to the U.S. is not a great depression like that of 1929 but a hyperinflationary period comparable to the Weimar Republic in 1922.

When I look at Bernanke, tanking the interest rates in the past couple of days down below 1%, I can see where they are coming from. All has been knee jerk reactions in order to prevent what they believed was coming sooner rather than later. And what you have to take into consideration is that this has been happening all over the globe, (some nations going thru it before us) and not just the US.

I have been opposed to the bailouts’ course of action, as Congress and the Treasury Secy has dictated, from the start. It’s not that nothing should be done. But at the pace it was, and the amounts injected, combined with chicken little rush to action, I felt it was dangerously foolhardy.

But the economic fragility is far from an imaginary, manufactured crisis merely to push the US economy into socialism. Even I have to label that a conspiracy on the level of 911 “truthers”.

I know this will not change the election right now. But Fitzerald is trying hard to get all the facts related together to indict Obama. And Larry doesn’t seem to believe anything he reads. He only believes what comes out of the LIAR’s mouth Obama. So I am giving some facts here that many people do no know about. They will be less surprise when all this comes out in the open.

In my post # 14, everything that Eric Holder said is now real today in:
“Obama’s Legal Left Brain Trust”

Here are the things that are already accomplished:

“A number of major ACS figures already have secured positions in the forthcoming Obama administration. Executive Director Lisa Brown, for instance, will be Obama’s White House Staff Secretary. In the 1990s, Brown served as an Attorney Advisor in the Clinton Justice Department and as Counsel to Vice President Al Gore.

ACS Board of Directors member Goodwin Liu, who also sits on the Board of the ACLU’s Northern California chapter, is a member of the Obama-Biden transition team.

Joining Liu on the transition team is another ACS Board of Directors member, Dawn Johnsen, who spent five years in the Clinton Justice Department, five years as Legal Director of the abortion-rights group NARAL, and one year as a Staff Counsel Fellow for the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project.

Former ACS staffer Melody Barnes will direct the Obama administration’s Domestic Policy Council. Barnes previously served as Executive Vice President for Policy at the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress (a think tank dominated by Hillary Clinton and former Bill Clinton chief of staff John Podesta), and as Chief Counsel to Senator Ted Kennedy on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Former ACS Board member Ronald Klain will be chief of staff to Vice President Joe Biden. In 1993, Klain directed the judicial selection process that resulted in the confirmation of the Supreme Court’s most radical justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the high court. The following year, Klain became chief of staff and Counselor to Attorney General Janet Reno, and in 1995 he became Assistant to President Bill Clinton and chief of staff to Vice President Al Gore.

Current ACS Board of Directors member Teresa Wynn Roseborough is believed to be in the running for the post of Solicitor General in the Obama administration.

ACS’s Board of Directors also includes a large roster of additional leftist luminaries who may be in line for roles in the Obama administration. Among these are: (Go and see the list)

Mata, What I wanted to prove is that this crisis was miraculously presented when McCain took the lead in polls. It would have eventually crash, but it hadn’t yet crashed then. They use this timing only to advantage Obama’s win.

Celent clearly said:
“But none of this was true. “The freezing of the credit markets that Secretary Paulson cites is not visible” in the data, the Celent report shows.”

Paulson also made the claim that blue chip industrial companies could not issue longer-term commercial paper. But this claim “finds no support” in the data, the report says.

Bernanke had claimed that businesses were “confronting diminished access to credit” when in fact “the opposite” was true, the study demonstrates.”

Mata, I have another post stuck in spam that I wrote a few minutes ago, just before my #20 comment.

Craig #20… Fitz is not trying to indict Obama, but Blago. In fact, if anything, Fitz is keeping a 10 foot pole between Obama and this case.

And I fail to see the point of Eric Holden’s prediction that an Obama admin would be filled with progressives. But of course it would be, and is. I see them as progressives. Larry will see them as moderates. That’s because he views it from the far left, and I view it as a conservative. Holden’s comments from the past will not change the mind of those like Larry.

INRE #21 and suggesting that Bernanke and Paulson acted in order to benefit Obama’s election. I still disagree. Prior to this we had Fannie/Freddie in trouble, AIG, and… dang, can’t remember which investment bank. Bear Stearns? So many…

You have to remember Paulson and Bernanke’s personal background. They had these events, envisioned the writing on the wall and panicked.

Were their reactions premature, stupid, dangerous and over reaching? Yes. But done because of election poll numbers? Sorry. Too far out there for me to follow.

I truely believe the crisis was perfectly orchestraded before the election. Bernanke and Paulson are in the tank for Obama. That was no coincidence. Oh, no! They couldn’t stop the Palin’s effect so they tried the “crisis” and it worked. Perfect timing!

I think Fitz is trying to indict Obama. He is going back an forth to see Resko these days and is trying to make the link between Rezko, Obama, Blago and Blago’s wife on the crooked deal of Obama’s house. It is all over the net. Obama will not get away with all his corruption. No way! Resko apparently is singning right now and Obama is sweating… lol

Read this link:

And this from another article:
“U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald

Since arresting Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has renewed interest in convicted fundraiser Tony Rezko’s part in the purchase of Barack Obama’s Chicago mansion, according to a former real estate analyst who says he was interviewed by the federal prosecutor in the past 10 days.

Kenneth J. Conner told WND he was interviewed by investigators from Fitzgerald’s office regarding the purchase of the Obama mansion and the adjacent vacant lot that Rezko’s wife, Rita, purchased simultaneously. As WND reported last week, Connor filed a civil complaint in October with the Illinois Circuit Court in Cook County alleging he was fired by Mutual Bank of Harvey, Ill., because he objected to land appraisals submitted on behalf of the Rezkos and the Obamas, with the complicity of the bank.

Schnider said he had weighed the public interest of disclosure against the private interests of the Ryans and their child. “In the end,” Schnider found, “the balance tips slightly to the public.

I do agree with Craig’s outrage that it was in the public interest to force the revelation of an opponent’s records, when the courts appear to have no concern for quid pro quo of BHO’s record even when faced with numerous cases demanding the courts do so. I would certainly agree that whether Barry fulfilled the Constitutional requirements to even run for president similarly, “tips the balance to the side of the public”.

Nevertheless, I have to concede and agree that I think Mata is correct. If something was going to happen, it had to happen some time ago. It does appear at this time the courts, like so many others, will also allow Obama a full pass on this. I don’t like it, you don’t like it, but in hindsight there are no other viable courses of actions that could stop it at this point other than maybe a full-scale, “Million Conservative March” and protest on the Supreme Court steps over the holidays. That is unlikely to happen as protesting is not a standard method Republicans use to make themselves hears. And with all the “global warming” it’s literally going to be a cold day in Hell, Washington when Obama takes office. Repubs are not willing to give up their holiday celebrations with loved one and therefore not so likely as moonbats are to form protests. Especially of that magnitude. And if they wait until after New Years, the streets of Washington will be crowded enough with Obama supporters getting in early for his inauguration. Can you even imagine how ugly it would get if both factions clashed?

As for Fitz, going after Obama, it could have happened had not Obama played the good ol’boys game and appointed him for an encore appearance in his administration. I sincerely doubt he will attempt to indict his own boss and I think, once again that was a strategic move on Obama’s part to neutralize the competition. The only hope for a possible Obama indictment, would necessarily require a non-partisan special investigator. Obama and the DNC will do everything in their power to block anything like that from happening. Do you think Pelosi or Reid would push for any investigations? Hardly likely. So yeah Craig, as you constantly say, we’re rather screwed at this point. So best to save our energies and redirect it to battles we have a chance of winning.

What’s gone on so far has made less of a “splash” as Whitewater, the activities involving the Mina Airport, and the death of Vince Foster did with the Clintons. For the Republicans to actually put some legs on something they can run with, it’s going to have to be tangible, undeniable, & monumentally devastating to Obama and his administration’s credibility.

I also agree that there are signs that the housing crisis may have been an orchestrated crisis going as far back as the Carter administration, as something intended to eventually fail, being slowly bumped and pushed towards the edge of the cliff through Democrat backed legislation chipping and whittling away at it’s supporting structure and as fostered by institutional denial by the likes of Barney Frank. Yet, it’s nigh unto impossible to point out specifically where it was strategically planned to fail at the point when McCain took a lead in the polls. Nor is there anything solid to link the two, no matter how much it undermined John’s campaign. Other of course than the Media’s successful efforts to forgive any DNC involvement and force the burden of guilt firmly on the backs of the Republicans for any and all problems with the economy.

“Yet, it’s nigh unto impossible to point out specifically where it was strategically planned to fail at the point when McCain took a lead in the polls. Nor is there anything solid to link the two, no matter how much it undermined John’s campaign.” (Rocky_B)

Good post Rocky. But between you and me, they could have waited after November 4th to come out whit the “financial crisis”… there was no rush as the Celent reports so obviously pointed it out.

“As for Fitz, going after Obama, it could have happened had not Obama played the good ol’boys game and appointed him for an encore appearance in his administration. I sincerely doubt he will attempt to indict his own boss and I think, once again that was a strategic move on Obama’s part to neutralize the competition.” (Rocky_B)

Sure that was a manipulation from Obama. But Fitz has nothing to lose if he indicts Obama. Whoever will replace Obama, will for sure take Fitz in his team. He will have no choice because Fitz will be seen as the perfect guy to stop corruption in government.

Craig: But between you and me, they could have waited after November 4th to come out whit the “financial crisis”… there was no rush as the Celent reports so obviously pointed it out.

Not if they wanted to do something about it before the end of Bush’s term, Craig. Remember that Congress has to be involved, and after Nov, there’s not much time before they take off for the holidays and unavailable but by special session.

Waiting for Congress to act is only slightly faster than waiting for the judicial system to perform.

Well Mata, wanting to do it with Bush didn’t make it very different than it would have been with socialist Obama… lol. It is the only time that Bush decieved me with the way he let the Congress take action on this matter.

“… there’s not much time before they take off for the holidays” (Mata)

You mean that Congress do not give a damn about serious problems if they occur around holidays? They would not do overtime? So much for the Congress. Do they have a union or what?… lol