I will miss President Bush as well. A great president by which history will record his grand service and successes.
16 years ago
hahaha…. I am going to have to go to ESPN to see this! Great.
16 years ago
The difference between Bush and Obama is that Bush is a real person while Obama is a robot.
I will also miss this great President.
16 years ago
Somebody said ”W” was stupid. I think even if he is, stupid people have a right to be president some day too. Antways, Cheney was mostly the president, so they can not blame ”W” for everything.
Get outta here! Who on God’s green earth would ever dare say such a thing?! The same intellectual heavyweights who called Reagan “stupid”? Palin, “stupid”?
I think even if he is, stupid people have a right to be president some day too.
You planning on running for higher office, someday? 😉
Antways, Cheney was mostly the president, so they can not blame ”W” for everything.
Yeah, and we all know who was really in charge of Darth Cheney: Halliburton!!!!!
President Bush is clearly wearing a red tie; not a blue one.
16 years ago
Yea, right. Ronald Reagan was just “good”.
Still waiting for the President that has the rocks to say “Ya know that war against Muslim extremists? What if we win it…?”
from Silicon Valley
16 years ago
I will miss Geo. W. also. In spite of what anyone has ever said, generally the bleeding left, I have stood by him and slept @ night knowing he was @ the switch.
16 years ago
Man, I’m gonna miss W. I don’t think we’ll ever see another one like him in our lifetime. Maybe he could take over at the United Nations and lick that organisation into shape?
16 years ago
I will miss W as well. What a good man. My daughter met him at Army-Navy. It was the best moment of her life. God bless him.
16 years ago
jesus christ. you people are sick and misguided. this asshole has come closer to ruining this great country than any enemy of ours even came close to doing. awful assholes.
16 years ago
@MIKE: @MIKE: I think your view is sad. If you could put down your world of warcraft addiction and go outside for once, you would see that this country needs someone like Mr. Bush. This man has done a superb job with a terible hand that was dealt to us. Please rethink your views and your beleifs.
16 years ago
That’s your opinion and it’s just that, an opinion. Before you denigrate any people in here that you don’t even know, I would suggest some soul searching. Your tone sucks and it’s my opinion that what you have to say isn’t much worth considering.
16 years ago
Missys right even if she is a woman.
16 years ago
‘He was great president’ is that based on the picture above and not on 8 yr of crap? what a retard!
The 8 years of crap came from people like you. Eight long years of retards thinking they knew what they were talking about. They didn’t and it doesn’t look like they will be absorbing any beams of brilliance anytime soon.
Thank you Derrick, I think.
16 years ago
@Missy: your tone sucks, missy. and i’m not the war criminal who is responsible for killing thousands of people around the world… most importantly our own troops. or the jackass who fucked up recovery efforts after katrina because it only affected mostly poor people and black people. or the moron who helped his billionaire oil buddies score record profits while eldery, sick, and poor had to decide between heating their homes OR buying food. or any one of the filthy retards who voted for him either time.
missy, go back to your boxed wine and cool ranch doritos for the evening and spare me your bullshit. when you get your head out of your ass kindly slip it through a noose for me.
“the war criminal who is responsible for killing thousands of people around the world… most importantly our own troops.”
Osama bin Laden and his jihadis did that right?
As for “the jackass who fucked up recovery efforts after katrina because it only affected mostly poor people and black people” that would be governor Nagin right? The black folks in Mississippi who were also poor seemed to be able to get out of Katrina’s way and rebuild afterwards with FEMA’s help just fine.
Funny how you libs tell us we need to unite behind Obama and put the bitterness of the election behind us but you can’t seem to put your hatred for President Bush behind you.
Get some professional help for your mental disorder. You’ve been crying on our sleeves for far too long.
I think I know why our President is so vilified. He is just way too normal for the Washington educated.
I will miss President Bush as well. A great president by which history will record his grand service and successes.
hahaha…. I am going to have to go to ESPN to see this! Great.
The difference between Bush and Obama is that Bush is a real person while Obama is a robot.
I will also miss this great President.
Somebody said ”W” was stupid. I think even if he is, stupid people have a right to be president some day too. Antways, Cheney was mostly the president, so they can not blame ”W” for everything.
Nice portrait! Wonder if Obama will be as gracious to President Bush as he was to the Clinton’s when their WH potrait is unveiled.
“Antways” VeinRed, that’s quite the “pot/kettle” post you got going there.
I love Bush. He is the best president I have ever seen. Reagan was good but Bush is amazing.
That sure is one nyookular kick!
Someone needs to photoshop that football.
Get outta here! Who on God’s green earth would ever dare say such a thing?! The same intellectual heavyweights who called Reagan “stupid”? Palin, “stupid”?
You planning on running for higher office, someday? 😉
Yeah, and we all know who was really in charge of Darth Cheney: Halliburton!!!!!
The painter got it wrong.
President Bush is clearly wearing a red tie; not a blue one.
Yea, right. Ronald Reagan was just “good”.
Still waiting for the President that has the rocks to say “Ya know that war against Muslim extremists? What if we win it…?”
I will miss Geo. W. also. In spite of what anyone has ever said, generally the bleeding left, I have stood by him and slept @ night knowing he was @ the switch.
Man, I’m gonna miss W. I don’t think we’ll ever see another one like him in our lifetime. Maybe he could take over at the United Nations and lick that organisation into shape?
I will miss W as well. What a good man. My daughter met him at Army-Navy. It was the best moment of her life. God bless him.
jesus christ. you people are sick and misguided. this asshole has come closer to ruining this great country than any enemy of ours even came close to doing. awful assholes.
@MIKE: @MIKE: I think your view is sad. If you could put down your world of warcraft addiction and go outside for once, you would see that this country needs someone like Mr. Bush. This man has done a superb job with a terible hand that was dealt to us. Please rethink your views and your beleifs.
That’s your opinion and it’s just that, an opinion. Before you denigrate any people in here that you don’t even know, I would suggest some soul searching. Your tone sucks and it’s my opinion that what you have to say isn’t much worth considering.
Missys right even if she is a woman.
‘He was great president’ is that based on the picture above and not on 8 yr of crap? what a retard!
The 8 years of crap came from people like you. Eight long years of retards thinking they knew what they were talking about. They didn’t and it doesn’t look like they will be absorbing any beams of brilliance anytime soon.
Thank you Derrick, I think.
@Missy: your tone sucks, missy. and i’m not the war criminal who is responsible for killing thousands of people around the world… most importantly our own troops. or the jackass who fucked up recovery efforts after katrina because it only affected mostly poor people and black people. or the moron who helped his billionaire oil buddies score record profits while eldery, sick, and poor had to decide between heating their homes OR buying food. or any one of the filthy retards who voted for him either time.
missy, go back to your boxed wine and cool ranch doritos for the evening and spare me your bullshit. when you get your head out of your ass kindly slip it through a noose for me.
Im confused Mike:
“the war criminal who is responsible for killing thousands of people around the world… most importantly our own troops.”
Osama bin Laden and his jihadis did that right?
As for “the jackass who fucked up recovery efforts after katrina because it only affected mostly poor people and black people” that would be governor Nagin right? The black folks in Mississippi who were also poor seemed to be able to get out of Katrina’s way and rebuild afterwards with FEMA’s help just fine.
Funny how you libs tell us we need to unite behind Obama and put the bitterness of the election behind us but you can’t seem to put your hatred for President Bush behind you.
Get some professional help for your mental disorder. You’ve been crying on our sleeves for far too long.
Just in case you missed it the first time:
“it’s my opinion that what you have to say isn’t much worth considering”
You proved me right, but, I’m going to change my opinion of you slightly, “what you have to say is not at all worth considering.”
Mike’s America is also right, get some professional help, MIKE.
Yeah Derrick, Sick and tired of these trolls coming through OUR forums and tying to talk down to US! He should quit being a homo and get a job.
I am loving it. The libtards are going nuts over the scandals and their drive-bys on this site prove it.
Their misery is delicious.
@Hard Right: Wait Hard Right. What scandals?
Oh I live in Miss. and it ain’t fixed yet.