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So, the Bush Administration is putting the proposal forward, but you’re connecting it to the “age of Obama”? That’s…um…interesting. Does this mean that Bush appointees at the EPA are defecting in advance of the inauguration, or that Obama–in a masterstroke of political cunning–planted sleepers in the EPA to kick in after the election?

Tying this to Obama is stretching things just a wee bit…

This is a plan by the bureacurats at EPA.

They have been planning this for years before Bush came to office.

I know. I was there.

Guess who gets to decide whether to implement it or not?

Need a hint? He has a funny name and doesn’t look like the Presidents on the dollar bills.

It’s going to be an interesting four years.

Don’t they know that Pigs don’t pay taxes…

Want to start a major war, start starving American children to satisfy your ego which was wounded when science determined there is no such thing as ‘human’ caused Global warming. The idiots proposing this should remember, ‘your names are a matter of public record’. I think Americans will adopt the line from an old movie, ‘it does no good to kill the person who wronged you (the dead don’t feel the pain), but if you kill everyone the person who wronged you loves, then they feel the pain and get the point’. I have no plans to become a killer, (I still think the left wing liberals are comically crazy, and all of them will end up in a mental facility), but if I ever do I will follow that line of reason.

It will be called the Rosie O’Donell tax…

Breaking news: OJ Simpson just had his arse handed to him…finally some justice.

Only 15 years. May be paroled in 6. 🙁

I guess OJ does have something to do with pollution and animal emissions.

Despite being a murderer he has continued to pollute the civillian populace. If you are familliar with the wounds inflicted upon Nicole and Goldman you would call him an animal.

Hard Right, Judge Napolitano said on Fox News that he thought the likelihood of him getting paroled in 6 years is very unlikely, so that’s a good thing. I don’t see him being able to be a model prisoner for very long before he pops again.

Sorry, Mike, for temporarily derailing your thread…now back to the regular programming!

(A comment about Judge Napolitano is awaiting moderation, Mike, so sorry about the derail a second time!)

Oh what the heck SoCal…. But just in case folks want to talk about that I’ll put up a post on it.

Does anyone else see the corner obama has painted himself into? He says high gas prices etc. is good. But he is saying he wants to fix the economy. The thing is, his policies will do no such thing. Even IF he manages to rescue the economy, it will implode after he kills the coal industry, further crushes the oil companies, and raises tax on the “wealthy”.

Who let the hogs out?

Seriously, I have a solution. Lets take all the flatulent farm fauna from the outdoors and put them in special barns. These barns would capture all that natural gas (Methane) and convert it to energy that the farmers can sell to their local energy company. We would reduce animal pollutants that contribute to the greenhouse gases, create a renewable energy source, put more money in the pockets of the farmers, create jobs, and reduce the cost of energy.

Wade: I’ll go along with that as long as we can lock Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd and Harry Reid in those barns too. Those four have done more to contribute to global warming than any farm animals.

I’ll go along with that as long as we can lock Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd and Harry Reid in those barns too. Those four have done more to contribute to global warming than any farm animals.

Isn’t that the truth. There are enough left wingers, politicians, liberals, and global alarmists to provide FREE energy for eons.

Hey kids, just read this one after posting on following the money & carbon credits in the Global Warming Thread (

2008 Coolest Year of the 21st Century Thus Far

So it led me to an epiphany for an Al Gore-like commodity trading scheme for this. Wadda’ ya’ think about…:

Methane Credits?

Works just like Carbon Offsets. – People who think their $h!7 doesn’t stink apply for methane credits, we approve them and attach a finance fee for handling the accreditations and transfers which gets passed (excuse the pun) on to the polluters. Then they get around the EPA fines. If we were running the trading scam, like Gore we could “fart around” in methane-powered vehicles all we wanted around the world, since it was our idea in the first place.

Under this new program, of course other forms of goods that lead to methane production would also have to be fined; paper mills, bean crops and by-products, fried foods, vegetables, compost heaps, and Congress every time they fart with a filibuster, rather than doing the people’s work. You could fine states that have areas where vegetation decay creates methane. Why gaseous vegetarians alone could bring in enough money for each of us to buy spreads like Gore’s house.

There’s no limit on how far you could take this. “No farting” areas in restaurants and public buildings, Like smoking areas, businesses could be forced to have “Farting Areas” so as not to offend others, and communities could institute fines for passing gas in public.