“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. ”
– Joseph Stalin
Real American Patriot
16 years ago
A copied article from Fox Noise… interesting. spun & slanted heavily from the right but interesting.
Here is what is really happening:
“Today my staff and I met with representatives of the U.S. Senate campaigns to make plans for conducting this historic statewide recount,” Ritchie said. “This requires the cooperation of all parties to ensure an orderly recount process.”
The recount will be conducted in the local jurisdictions in which the ballots were cast. More than 70 counties and 30 cities have already agreed to assist by serving as Deputy Recount Officials. Details about the date, times and locations for the recount will be compiled and made available to the candidates and the public by the end of the day Wednesday, Nov. 12. The state canvassing board will approve the recount plan at their meeting on Nov 18. Deputy Recount Officials must complete the recount and submit their results to the Secretary of State by Dec. 5. The state canvassing board for the recount will meet on Dec. 16, and will aim to conclude their work by Dec. 19.
Each Deputy Recount Official will designate individuals to examine each ballot by hand to determine the voter’s intent, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 204C.22. Both candidates will have the opportunity to have an observer for each precinct who will have the right to challenge ballots if they believe that the voter’s intent is not clear. The state canvassing board will review the challenged ballots to see if the voter’s intent can be determined.
C.R.A.P. That does nothing to counter the FACT that an enormous amount of Pro-Franken votes have mysteriously appeared out of nowhere.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
kinda like gov gregoire in wshington having king county where she is from “find” bags and bags of votes. interesting.
Real American Patriot
16 years ago
I live in Minnesota. I have been following this story closely. There have been many mistakes found throughout this process so far. There is one county where the absentee ballots were counted twice.
That county is predominately Republican. That changed the number of votes Coleman had by a big number. There were many discrepancies that have been found.
The number before the official re-count begins next week has Coleman ahead by 206 votes.
After 3 million Minnesotans cast their ballots, that’s seven one-thousandths of one percent!
your enourmous amount of Pro-Franken votes story just plain does not hold water.
No matter how hard your spin C.R.A.P. there is no denying the facts.
Hundreds of new votes for Franken have mysteriously appeared.
16 years ago
I live in Minnesota also. Real American Patriot, what is your source for the absentee ballots in Coleman’s favor that were counted twice? You aren’t talking about the 32 ballots that were in one of the election official’s car, are you?
People here are talking about the new votes showing up all in Franken’s favor. Not just Republicans, even Democrats find it suspicious. Even strangers in the grocery store checkout line start talking about it!
Ballot security is another issue. And some just don’t want to be in the “fishbowl” like Florida was in 2000. I just hope that once the recount is done and a winner is declared, the NY Times will recount and verify the count here like they did in Florida. (Maybe the Strib will do that.)
At this point I just want it all to be fair and honest. And I just want it to be over! 😉
MataHarley, it works now. This thread would stop just before where the Cher video is now. All other threads opened fine.
BTW, I love Cher!
Real American Patriot
16 years ago
Mn Gramma,
I saw this report two different TV stations.. It was Anoka county (Bachmann country) ran the absentee ballots through the system twice. Both Coleman and Franken’s vote count went down. Coleman’s numbers went down further because he had more votes.
I am not talking about the Ramsey county issue of 32 ballots that were not counted the first round. Those ballots were found in an election officials car.
MnGramma: My fault about the post error which prevented you from commenting yesterday. I’m glad you were able to come back today and offer us your firsthand view.
You’ll notice that Certified Real American Patriot (aka C.R.A.P.) always has an excuse and never has a reason.
Somehow we are told to believe that there is a logical explanation as to why Frankens vote total just goes up and up and up out of proportion to all the undercounted votes for Democrats?
Not to mention the 32 ballots found in some guys car.
Actually there is a logical explanation for all this. It’s called VOTER FRAUD!
16 years ago
Rea American Patriot #9,
I wasn’t able to find actual news report on the twice counted ballots. Just some posts on some websites. But as you describe it, the corrected error went in Franken’s favor. Probably human error and that happens. But with all the errors, wouldn’t you expect some to go in Coleman’s favor?
16 years ago
Mikes America #10,
Real American Patriot is okay. He gives me things to think about and to check up on. Thats a good thing.
I disagree that it is voter fraud. It would be ballot fraud, as the individual voters aren’t the cause of it.
Minnesota does have some really good checks and balances in the process. And it starts at the beginning. In the mid ’90s i worked for a short time in a shop in Eagan Mn, that printed the ballots for the election. Very high security. Every single piece of paper had to be accounted for. If a sheet was damaged in the printer, or misprinted or what ever, it had to be saved and counted.
The finished ballots are then sealed in packets of 100 ballots. (The packet size may vary from county to county). The number of ballots a precint recieves is tracked, unused ballots and spoiled ballots (such as a voter makes a mistake and request a new ballot), is marked, documented and sealed into an envelope and the seal signed by election judges.
The number of ballots used by voters, the spoiled ballots, and the unused ballots, all totalled up must match what was sent to that precint.
Absentee ballots and provisional ballots have more room for fraud, but als have some standard checks as well.
P.S. I have to go to work now, but can elaborate more later if anyone is interested. I really like this website and the people here. I like the fact that people here check the facts. I don’t post much but I read here everyday. As I learn more how to do the things I will likely post more. I just learned that I can click on your name and go to your website!
Thanks to all!
16 years ago
Msg I posted to Mikes America maybe stuck in spam?
As I read on another blog, Democrats steal elections because …
(1) no one will stop them, and …
(2) they need to in order to win.
After the debacle of 2000, I thought for sure something would be done, but it wasn’t. After 2004 and the shenannigans kept up, and in some cases got a lot worse, still nothing. And now, in 2008 the fruit of our inaction is Barack HUSSEIN Obama, and Old Joe Baldilocks. So, don’t anyone start talking about how we’re going to turn this around in 2012 unless you have a plan to fix what we’ve been doing wrong for a lot longer than the past 8 years.
16 years ago
It cannot be fixed because the people who are behind that are too powerful. They are the extreme leftist associations that helped Obama to become President. Acorn, Ayers and all those miserable despicable people. With the Democrat trifecta in the White House don’t count on them to fix it, they are part of it. It would take someone like Sarah to get rid of all that leftist corruption that is crumbling your country.
16 years ago
“Anyone else notice that these kinds of voter irregularities almost never favor Republicans?”
I’ve been seeing this exposed every 4 years, and no sooner than it’s exposed, then everyone goes back to sleep.
‘How Democrats
steal elections’
Veterans of hand recounts describe techniques used to change outcome
[origianlly]Posted: November 13, 2000
1:00 am Eastern
“Nolan and Haueter said Downs described three basic tactics:
* “The first rule is, you keep counting until you’re ahead. And if that doesn’t put you ahead, you recount, re-recount — you keep counting until you’re ahead. If you’re behind, then you’ve got nothing to lose.”
* Second, Nolan said, “the more times those ballots are handled, the more chance there is that chads will break loose” and hence disqualify the ballot.
* Third, he said, “the minute you’re ahead, you stop and declare yourself the victor.”
“After that, you don’t want the ballots handled any more,” Nolan said, “because some of the chads for your candidate might break loose. While you’re behind it doesn’t matter, but if you’re ahead and more break off or become disqualified for your candidate, that’s a bad thing.”
A favorite tactic, said Nolan, is to ask election officials for ballots, “allegedly so they can look at it more closely.” When operatives do, often they will bend or crinkle ballots covertly in an effort to break another chad loose and thus have the ballot thrown out. ”
Whoever was paying attention knows that is what they were doing with those ballots in Florida when Gore tried to steal the election from Bush.
16 years ago
It could have been fixed. We didn’t try hard enough. And every time we do nothing they get more control. We will only have lost when they are completely in control, and prevent us from resisting them. Till then, it’s our fault for doing nothing.
“It could have been fixed. We didn’t try hard enough.” (Yonason)
Like doing what? Goliath against David! Not so easy. What were your options?
16 years ago
“What were your options?” — Craig
Like actually doing something instead of sitting back. Mobilize your base, organize, get the word out. They have doen NOTHING! So of course we are loosing. But it isn’t hopeless, because Democrats still have to lie, cheat and steal covertly. EXPOSE THEM! But our “leaders” aren’t leading. If they did, this could have long ago been fixed, or at least reduced to a very managable size.
Yonason: For some stupid reason the folks on our side are too afraid to pursue these cases as the Dems have been so successful in insisting that any effort to curtail criminality is tantamount to vote suppression.
We saw that in the pre-election discussions of ACORN.
I agree that we need to fight this stuff LOUDLY and not just whisper about it.
As you say, Dems only do it because they know they can get away with it.
It’s no coincidence that these recounts always seem to faovr Democrats.
If a Republican tried this sort of thing there would be hell to pay.
16 years ago
“If a Republican tried this sort of thing there would be hell to pay.” (Mike)
Of course, because leftist Dems are violent, they are fascist. And they think that it is the Republicans that are like that… lol
Boy! The Democrats think they are open-minded; nothing is so far away from truth. Republicans are open-minded educated people and they are the only ones who have values. Democrats stink! The words “Democrat” and “liberal” does not apply to them at all. It should be change to “leftist” and “close-minded” idiots.
Real American Patriot
16 years ago
I have to agree with MNGramma here.
There is very little chance that MN is facing voter fraud in this case.
Minnesota does have some really good checks and balances in the process. You are clearly barking up the wrong tree.
Each vote will beginning next week be counted by hand. In Minnesota we do have a paper trail of all votes. (unlike many states where votes cannot be verified)
That is where I suspect more voter fraud occurs in this country. It’s to easy to hack those voting machines and there is no way to check such votes for fraud. I suspect Ohio 2004, can you say Diebold?
People here are talking about the new votes showing up all in Franken’s favor. Not just Republicans, even Democrats find it suspicious. Even strangers in the grocery store checkout line start talking about it!
And you have some nerve pointing fingers at Ohio when it is abundantly clear that the Dems in Minnesota could teach folks in Ohio lessons.
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. ”
– Joseph Stalin
A copied article from Fox Noise… interesting. spun & slanted heavily from the right but interesting.
Here is what is really happening:
“Today my staff and I met with representatives of the U.S. Senate campaigns to make plans for conducting this historic statewide recount,” Ritchie said. “This requires the cooperation of all parties to ensure an orderly recount process.”
The recount will be conducted in the local jurisdictions in which the ballots were cast. More than 70 counties and 30 cities have already agreed to assist by serving as Deputy Recount Officials. Details about the date, times and locations for the recount will be compiled and made available to the candidates and the public by the end of the day Wednesday, Nov. 12. The state canvassing board will approve the recount plan at their meeting on Nov 18. Deputy Recount Officials must complete the recount and submit their results to the Secretary of State by Dec. 5. The state canvassing board for the recount will meet on Dec. 16, and will aim to conclude their work by Dec. 19.
Each Deputy Recount Official will designate individuals to examine each ballot by hand to determine the voter’s intent, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 204C.22. Both candidates will have the opportunity to have an observer for each precinct who will have the right to challenge ballots if they believe that the voter’s intent is not clear. The state canvassing board will review the challenged ballots to see if the voter’s intent can be determined.
C.R.A.P. That does nothing to counter the FACT that an enormous amount of Pro-Franken votes have mysteriously appeared out of nowhere.
kinda like gov gregoire in wshington having king county where she is from “find” bags and bags of votes. interesting.
I live in Minnesota. I have been following this story closely. There have been many mistakes found throughout this process so far. There is one county where the absentee ballots were counted twice.
That county is predominately Republican. That changed the number of votes Coleman had by a big number. There were many discrepancies that have been found.
The number before the official re-count begins next week has Coleman ahead by 206 votes.
After 3 million Minnesotans cast their ballots, that’s seven one-thousandths of one percent!
your enourmous amount of Pro-Franken votes story just plain does not hold water.
FYI – Powerline’s John Hinderaker will be on Hannity and Colmes tonight to discuss the Minnesota Senate race…
No matter how hard your spin C.R.A.P. there is no denying the facts.
Hundreds of new votes for Franken have mysteriously appeared.
I live in Minnesota also. Real American Patriot, what is your source for the absentee ballots in Coleman’s favor that were counted twice? You aren’t talking about the 32 ballots that were in one of the election official’s car, are you?
People here are talking about the new votes showing up all in Franken’s favor. Not just Republicans, even Democrats find it suspicious. Even strangers in the grocery store checkout line start talking about it!
Ballot security is another issue. And some just don’t want to be in the “fishbowl” like Florida was in 2000. I just hope that once the recount is done and a winner is declared, the NY Times will recount and verify the count here like they did in Florida. (Maybe the Strib will do that.)
At this point I just want it all to be fair and honest. And I just want it to be over! 😉
MataHarley, it works now. This thread would stop just before where the Cher video is now. All other threads opened fine.
BTW, I love Cher!
Mn Gramma,
I saw this report two different TV stations.. It was Anoka county (Bachmann country) ran the absentee ballots through the system twice. Both Coleman and Franken’s vote count went down. Coleman’s numbers went down further because he had more votes.
I am not talking about the Ramsey county issue of 32 ballots that were not counted the first round. Those ballots were found in an election officials car.
MnGramma: My fault about the post error which prevented you from commenting yesterday. I’m glad you were able to come back today and offer us your firsthand view.
You’ll notice that Certified Real American Patriot (aka C.R.A.P.) always has an excuse and never has a reason.
Somehow we are told to believe that there is a logical explanation as to why Frankens vote total just goes up and up and up out of proportion to all the undercounted votes for Democrats?
Not to mention the 32 ballots found in some guys car.
Actually there is a logical explanation for all this. It’s called VOTER FRAUD!
Rea American Patriot #9,
I wasn’t able to find actual news report on the twice counted ballots. Just some posts on some websites. But as you describe it, the corrected error went in Franken’s favor. Probably human error and that happens. But with all the errors, wouldn’t you expect some to go in Coleman’s favor?
Mikes America #10,
Real American Patriot is okay. He gives me things to think about and to check up on. Thats a good thing.
I disagree that it is voter fraud. It would be ballot fraud, as the individual voters aren’t the cause of it.
Minnesota does have some really good checks and balances in the process. And it starts at the beginning. In the mid ’90s i worked for a short time in a shop in Eagan Mn, that printed the ballots for the election. Very high security. Every single piece of paper had to be accounted for. If a sheet was damaged in the printer, or misprinted or what ever, it had to be saved and counted.
The finished ballots are then sealed in packets of 100 ballots. (The packet size may vary from county to county). The number of ballots a precint recieves is tracked, unused ballots and spoiled ballots (such as a voter makes a mistake and request a new ballot), is marked, documented and sealed into an envelope and the seal signed by election judges.
The number of ballots used by voters, the spoiled ballots, and the unused ballots, all totalled up must match what was sent to that precint.
Absentee ballots and provisional ballots have more room for fraud, but als have some standard checks as well.
P.S. I have to go to work now, but can elaborate more later if anyone is interested. I really like this website and the people here. I like the fact that people here check the facts. I don’t post much but I read here everyday. As I learn more how to do the things I will likely post more. I just learned that I can click on your name and go to your website!
Thanks to all!
Msg I posted to Mikes America maybe stuck in spam?
Want to take another relatively rare opportunity to agree.
This appears to be a rather blatant case of vote tampering on the part of Democratic partisans.
– Larry W/HB
Careful Larry… agreeing with conservatives can be habit forming.
MNGramma: Don’t be shy about commenting as often as you like. I only bite liberals so you don’t need to worry.
We have know about how they steal elections in detail, and for a VERY LONG TIME!
As I read on another blog, Democrats steal elections because …
(1) no one will stop them, and …
(2) they need to in order to win.
After the debacle of 2000, I thought for sure something would be done, but it wasn’t. After 2004 and the shenannigans kept up, and in some cases got a lot worse, still nothing. And now, in 2008 the fruit of our inaction is Barack HUSSEIN Obama, and Old Joe Baldilocks. So, don’t anyone start talking about how we’re going to turn this around in 2012 unless you have a plan to fix what we’ve been doing wrong for a lot longer than the past 8 years.
It cannot be fixed because the people who are behind that are too powerful. They are the extreme leftist associations that helped Obama to become President. Acorn, Ayers and all those miserable despicable people. With the Democrat trifecta in the White House don’t count on them to fix it, they are part of it. It would take someone like Sarah to get rid of all that leftist corruption that is crumbling your country.
“Anyone else notice that these kinds of voter irregularities almost never favor Republicans?”
I’ve been seeing this exposed every 4 years, and no sooner than it’s exposed, then everyone goes back to sleep.
Whoever was paying attention knows that is what they were doing with those ballots in Florida when Gore tried to steal the election from Bush.
It could have been fixed. We didn’t try hard enough. And every time we do nothing they get more control. We will only have lost when they are completely in control, and prevent us from resisting them. Till then, it’s our fault for doing nothing.
If all the coincidences favor one side over the other, that’s a sure sign of fraud.
“It could have been fixed. We didn’t try hard enough.” (Yonason)
Like doing what? Goliath against David! Not so easy. What were your options?
“What were your options?” — Craig
Like actually doing something instead of sitting back. Mobilize your base, organize, get the word out. They have doen NOTHING! So of course we are loosing. But it isn’t hopeless, because Democrats still have to lie, cheat and steal covertly. EXPOSE THEM! But our “leaders” aren’t leading. If they did, this could have long ago been fixed, or at least reduced to a very managable size.
Yonason: For some stupid reason the folks on our side are too afraid to pursue these cases as the Dems have been so successful in insisting that any effort to curtail criminality is tantamount to vote suppression.
We saw that in the pre-election discussions of ACORN.
I agree that we need to fight this stuff LOUDLY and not just whisper about it.
As you say, Dems only do it because they know they can get away with it.
It’s no coincidence that these recounts always seem to faovr Democrats.
If a Republican tried this sort of thing there would be hell to pay.
“If a Republican tried this sort of thing there would be hell to pay.” (Mike)
Of course, because leftist Dems are violent, they are fascist. And they think that it is the Republicans that are like that… lol
Boy! The Democrats think they are open-minded; nothing is so far away from truth. Republicans are open-minded educated people and they are the only ones who have values. Democrats stink! The words “Democrat” and “liberal” does not apply to them at all. It should be change to “leftist” and “close-minded” idiots.
I have to agree with MNGramma here.
There is very little chance that MN is facing voter fraud in this case.
Minnesota does have some really good checks and balances in the process. You are clearly barking up the wrong tree.
Each vote will beginning next week be counted by hand. In Minnesota we do have a paper trail of all votes. (unlike many states where votes cannot be verified)
That is where I suspect more voter fraud occurs in this country. It’s to easy to hack those voting machines and there is no way to check such votes for fraud. I suspect Ohio 2004, can you say Diebold?
I’m glad you agree with MNGramma who said:
And you have some nerve pointing fingers at Ohio when it is abundantly clear that the Dems in Minnesota could teach folks in Ohio lessons.
Can you say hypocrite?
Were do the conservatives stand with regard to the Ted Stevens election?
– Larry W/HB