The Secrecy Of Obama’s Transition Team


Uh, can you say creepy?

Lost amid all of the jubilation of the Obama victory was the announcement by the Obama transition team that it had set up a separate transition program beyond the one that is paid for by the American taxpayer. Called the “Obama/Biden Transition Project,” it is a 501(c)4 tax-exempt organization, with no limits on the contributions it can receive and no requirements to divulge the names of individuals or organizations that give it money.

Traditionally, the victorious campaign has set up inaugural funds, as well as funds to deal with legal costs and other expenses to close down the campaign. Others have set up quasi-corporate offices to deal with transition issues, such as in 2000, when, with the election in doubt, the Bush-Cheney team set up a private transition office in McLean, Virginia, covering the costs from campaign contributions and other fundraising. Ultimately, the federal government, headed by the Government Services Administration, covers the cost of the transition staff, providing it with office space and all equipment.

No one is certain that any political organization has ever set up a tax-exempt entity that would be shrouded in such secrecy, particularly when the Obama claimed he would be more transparent about the way things were done.

“To my knowledge, it’s never been done, and people should be asking why the Obama people chose to do it this way,” says a longtime Washington Republican, who has been involved in transitions for the Reagan and Bush campaign teams.

According to an Obama campaign staffer who is being retained for the transition and inauguration planning, the “project” is intended not only to identify personnel for the Obama Administration, but to then send those project employees who know all of the senior staff in the various Cabinet departments and federal agencies out into the corporate and lobbying community to leverage those contacts.

“It’s taking the old ‘K Street Project’ that Republicans had and doing it twice as fast and on steroids,” explains the aide. “So, if you have a Project aide working on Commerce Department transition, that Project aide will be more likely to get a senior lobbying job because of all those connections at Commerce. That former Project aide will also be able raise more money for Democrats in this town and help others with jobs and such.”

As well, the nonprofit may also serve as a haven for Obama supporters and campaign loyalists who for one reason or another can’t be employed by the Administration or in the federal government. “There are some people who have been with us from the beginning who are clearly political liabilities or who won’t be able to qualify for a job, say, because they can’t get a security clearance,” says another aide, who was unaware of the unique Obama transition project’s tax status.

Regardless of the purpose, Obama campaign officials say there is no intention of shutting down the 501(c) 4 Project after the transition is over.

Now which one of the Obama associates couldn’t get a security clearance? Any guesses?

And I have to second Mike and Scott here, it’s amazing how the MSM is now doing the job they were supposed to do over the last year and half.

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Gosh, this sounds odd to me….

According to an Obama campaign staffer who is being retained for the transition and inauguration planning, the “project” is intended not only to identify personnel for the Obama Administration, but to then send those project employees who know all of the senior staff in the various Cabinet departments and federal agencies out into the corporate and lobbying community to leverage those contacts.

“It’s taking the old ‘K Street Project’ that Republicans had and doing it twice as fast and on steroids,” explains the aide. “So, if you have a Project aide working on Commerce Department transition, that Project aide will be more likely to get a senior lobbying job because of all those connections at Commerce. That former Project aide will also be able raise more money for Democrats in this town and help others with jobs and such.”

It’s like I heard something against just this sorta thing…sometime, someplace, from someone. Hmmmm, makes ya wonder

“Change means a tax code that doesn’t reward the lobbyists who wrote it, but the American workers and small businesses who deserve it. ”
-Senator Barack Obama Democratic Nomination Acceptance speech 08/28/08

So ends the anti-K Street lobbying bit. Did it even take 24hrs?

And I have to second Mike and Scott here, it’s amazing how the MSM is now doing the job they were supposed to do over the last year and half.

I said the same thing on Wednesday.

So why create a non-profit organization for this?

Get used to it folks, they’ve got the non-profit racketeering dodge/scam down pat. Way I figure it, Obama still has a lot of campaign donation money left over that he would otherwise have to give back. Trouble is how do you return money to foreign and illegal parties without raising eyebrows at the FEC? With a 501, he can launder what’s left of the money and keep building funds by transferring money from one 501 to another until it comes time for re-election, while continuing to accrue even more funds for next time. Look at all the money funneled by himself, Ayers, and Acorn. He should have a couple thousand 501 dodges in place come 3 1/2 years from now. And you’ll probably find their names carefully packed into future DNC legislation earmarks to draw money directly from our taxes for his use. Mark my words, he’ll have a cool 2 billion or more to draw from by next election cycle.

campaign donation money left over

Did he pay off Hillarys running debt which is usually customary among a party with a victory?

Or is he going to cheap out?

Obama gave her the finger, remember Custer? He played her and Bill. “Dat cracker beoitch ain’t gonna’ get nuttin’ from Obama, believe dat chet. (Michelle click-click-clicks her fingers while giving chicken-head motions)”

Haha, Rocky… In 4 years we all know Hillary is going to want to run again, but with Obama as the incumbent she cant. I bet you she pulls out all the bullshit he pulled this election (bet she’s got paper trails. BLACKMAIL) then to get him to step down.

One thing recent history has taught us… DON”T cross the Clintons.

@Fit fit: Fit Fit Where on any of those pages does itsay who is part of this. there is no list of people in the organization. And I agree it isprobably a way to funnel in the donations to keep them for the re-election adn to pay off al his buddies in Chicago that backed him from the beginning.

And I guess the no lobbyists thing was just a campaign ploy. Man the public got suckered by this empty suit. But we knew all along who he was and in a few months we will be saying “told you so”

“told you so”

Sounds to me more like “we warned you”


I can never figure out when you guys are lying and when you’re just ignorant…

We will keep this transition process transparent, so that you will know which officials are being selected to serve in this administration and lead the country for the next four years.

The site has only been up and running for three days. Check back in two weeks.

@Fit fit: Soerry Fit Fit I am at work and did not see that on the front page.

Is this the 501(c) 4 Project??? Just wondering.

My bad it is on the bottom. trying to do 3 things atthe same time.

Sorry I saw it on the bottom Doing to many things once.

We will keep this transition process transparent, so that you will know which officials are being selected to serve in this administration and lead the country for the next four years.

What we won’t tell you is how much the people doing the selecting are being paid or who is paying them.

Why? Because we are the change we’ve been waiting for.