‘It’s my job to make this Presidency work’
Sooooo, what’s he gonna report then? Will it be nothing but rah rah rah? When things go wrong…what’s he gonna rant about? Has he gone from Hardball to snugglebuggle kissyface?
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
I really have nothing to add to this story, but I hope that new nickname of “snugglebuggle kissyface” sticks.
Man….I just watched it again. Look carefully at Matthews’ face. He knows. It’s day2, and he already knows. It was a myth. All those promises, all those false hopes of a united United States…just political propaganda; spin. Matthews knows. He’s in denial, but he knows. The bucket of cold water has already hit him.
Obomunism needs plenty of media masquerading as real reporters — Lessons learned from the Soviets and NAZIs
Chris Matthews is a joke. It is not his job to make this presidency work. His job is to report the news. Nothing more and nothing less. He did his part in making this presidency a fact. Now is the time to start reporting the news as it is and not as the media wants it to be. I predict there will be a lot of excuses made by the media in the future about their role in this travesty.
He should quit MSNBC and put is application in as Chief Propagandist, then.
I was watching this – how is it a journalist’s job to make sure Obama does well? Does that mean if Obama gets into a little or not so little scandal, it’s the media’s job to COVER IT UP? That’s what it sounds like. Wow.
I have no beef with Chris Matthews – he often entertains me. But why is it his job to help Obama, but not to help Bush? wtf?
p.s. Found this thru Twitter
Tweets by RizzoTees
This comment from Chris makes me ask what does someone like Matthews really see his job to be? If it were simply reporting or analyzing the news, the comment of supporting the presidency would seem to run counter to that – I’m going to make the leap that he knows his job isn’t reporting.
What’s left then? He’s either a cheerleader or a die hard fan. I’m trying hard not to call him a propogandist, but I can’t come up with any reason why that’s not accurate, either. G’Obama, beat McCain til he wants his mama – G’Obama! Ugh.
How can you heartless conservatives ask him to forget that famous tingle up his leg?
Does this really surprise you?
The MSM has a vested interest in keeping Obama popular wth the masses. After all, if he was exposed as the sham he is, that would invalidate the MSM’s behavior of the past 2 years.
Get ready for maximum “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” from these folks. In fact, Mathews and his ilk will continue sing Hosanna’s…
Matthews just called himself a tool. Wow.
I wonder why he didn’t recognize his job when he was reporting about President Bush
and the Republicans in congress? Maybe there is selective amnesia or has the
“re-education” force been paying our Mr. Matthews a visit?
That tingling up his leg was his journalistic backbone crumbling.
Is that a cabinet post?
What’s the job title? Ministry that makes it work?
So that’s what are the liberal illuminati are going to do now, coddle Obama and all his people. I guess the left are really going to stick together in thing. I am really not on the right or left but i would like some honest journalism. But i have no clue where to get that. It’s doesn’t look like i am getting it here.
I sincerely hope we take the MSM to task each and every time they fail to “make that Presidency work.” And also the take them to task for their enthusiastic brownosing of B. Husseim Obama during the campaign.
LMAO! Wow! Now this is interesting.
You guys are critisizing Chris Mathews for possibly being pro-Obama and not being fair.
But, I bet every single one of you wacth “fixed new” with hacks like, Sean Hannity and Bill Oriealy and listen to right-wing-nut-cases like Rush Limbugh.
Who is as conservative and right-wing as it gets.
Now you say you want fairness in our media, right?
And that includes Cable T.V news shows, Newspapers, websites, local T.V channels and the over mainstreme media, Right?
So if that’s the case, why is every single post I read on this website a negative post about Obama?
You say you don’t like it when you see the mainstrem media being partison but, yet you have a partison website.
In my opinion, you should pratice what you preach.
If you want media outlets websites, news papers, magizines ect, to be fair.
Then you should have a fair website.
Lead by example is what I say.
You want people like Chris Mathews to report “FAIR” news?
Then you should have a website that also reports “FAIR” news.
Seems to me like the word “fair” to you people means “anti Obama”.
But what ever.
President-elect Barack Obama! 08-16!
Vice president-elect Joe Biden 08-16!
“David 101” I see you still haven’t received the Rodney King “let’s all get along” talking points from Obama’s high command and are still stuck on the troll bitch points from Monday.
“fixed new?” “partison?”
It’s a good thing there is no literacy test for voting “David 101.”
And why don’t you just be honest: You will be first in line cheering on Obama and the Dems as they try to reinsitute a “fairness doctrine” that shuts down talk radio while leaving you loons in total control of MSNBCCBSABCPBSNEWYORKTIMESNEWSWEEKTIMEWASHINGTONPOST……
People, people – haven’t you heard?
“Media bias” may have just saved the country!
Chris Matthews is just doing his patriotic duty, I guess.
Wow. Just wow.
O.k., one more thing…I think Matthews is on valium or something. He was slurring his words there at the end. Drugs can’t cover up all those lies though, eh, Chris Matthews?
If it is his job as a journalist to make a Presidency work, how isn’t it my job as a disgruntled consumer of his journalism to burn his fucking building down? Just asking a logical question here.
“How can you heartless conservatives ask him to forget that famous tingle up his leg?”
I’m not asking him to forget it.
I just wish he weren’t shopping for kneepads. 😀
David101, you’re a buffoon.
Look up “journalist” in the dictionary.
Now go look up “commentator”.
See the diff? (BTW, Chris Matthews isn’t a “journalist”.)
Maybe you can answer this: Why is it now suddenly Chris Matthews’ “job” to make sure that the O’Bama presidency is successful? Did he not have that obligation to Pres. Bush?
Hint: The answer is that it isn’t his “job” to make either president “successful”. His job is to the report the news.
Seems like David101 never passed Logic 101
“How can you heartless conservatives ask him to forget that famous tingle up his leg?” (pst314)
Lol… Mayby Mathews is gay and he as a crush on Obama. Did you ever thought of that?
DAVID 101,
Why are you here? The leftist blogs must be quite boring these days. What are they saying now? Are they still celebrating? And if so, why don’t you join them?
i just watched this again, and…well, my Friday is made. Snugglebugglekissyface Matthews is wrestling with the great catch 22: Support vs Oppose. Does he do his job as a journalist-a check and balance to power, or does he try to support his mancrush President?
All over the media world, on leftist blogs, on political comedy bits, and wherever you find post-election political discussion…there is this great catch 22: support blindly, or demand accountability by saying, “Ok, I hoped, and now I wanna see the change.” Those who spent the last 10 years opposing blindly for opposition’s sake, now see that there’s no one to oppose, to hold accountable, to check and balance except for the people they backed. Holding them accountable is like holding one’s self accountable. It’s gonna be hard to go from opposition to support-especially if your job (like Snugglebugglekissyface Matthews’ job) is to be a check and balance to power.
Damn, 7:59am, and I’ve already gotta make more popcorn
Chris Matthews and Journalist do not belong in the same sentence!! They have lost all credibility and any sliver of integrity they had left!!
Matthews; What a Putz. Here all this time the media has been saying. “Oh no we’re not biased.” And just like that he blows their cover.
@Carol: Oh, they belong in the same sentence, all right…only when there is “is not a” in between them. 🙂
Come to think of it, “wishes he was a” works just as well, lol.
C’mon, we all know what he really means. “It’s my job to stick my head farther up the Messiah’s backside and make sure we all worship him.” Not being able to determine motive, my arse. Seriously, who was the idiot who told this bozo that he can do this job? It’s like telling David101 that his arguments are valid.
Hey…my previous comment is stuck in moderation…