You know Mike, with the economy down the drain, he won’t be able to realize his socialist/Marxist agenda: welfare, Kyoto and all those others idiocies. But, he will be able to raise your taxes and get his picture taken everywhere he goes. And he will go everywhere, believe me. He is the jet set type, an American idol, a star! Of course he will travel with your tax money. And he has prove to us that he is a big spender.
The problem with this guy his is ego, it is so big that I don’t know how he will be able to pass thru de doors of the White House.
But still, you are right. You will be in big trouble, because no other countries will fear the United States anymore. They have been so jealous of your country, so envious, they will jump on the occasion to break it down and put it on her knees and they will enjoy every moments of it. God protect America, she will need all the protection you can give her. And should you be hit by a terrorist attacks, Canada will be next. Courtesy of the ignorant people who voted for THE ONE. Thanks guys!
Craig, all we have to do now is to wait what actions his administration will take. and you got no right to call him big spender, cause you’ve got no proof yet.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
mike, love ya for the chat last night, we were as calm as could be expected. i have a friend with a dem blog. he did one the other day about how we were all knuckle dragger and all and victoria jackson was a dumb shit, well he did one about the good guys winning. he was glad they won, but was disappointed that they won on obamas stardom and not on the issues. he says obama’s stand was the same as john kerry, seriously, can you believe that? he went on to say that he could not believe that we would run a has been, that we will regroup and run a betterspokesmen next time. he doesn’t seem to know what t he issues really were either, and he was disgusted that people voted for the star, not the content of the charactor of obama. well, the star works because if the charactor was to be fully exposed he would have been run out of town on a rail. obama had no issues, no stance, no substance at all. i cannot wait for him to fail, and he will, it will be a beautifull day. i told our friend my husband and i(they have been friends since grade school) would take our knuckle draggin selves back to the rock that all republicans crawled from under.
Oh come on Brandon… Obama is the biggest spender of ALL TIME. His campaign spending was just the tip of the iceberg. And in case you missed it, he promised over 4 TRILLION in new spending. His followers are expecting him to put gas in the tanks of their cars and pay off their mortgages.
Craig: “The problem with this guy his is ego, it is so big that I don’t know how he will be able to pass thru de doors of the White House.”
Absolutely right Craig. We saw glimpses of who the man really is and it’s not a pretty sight. In many ways, his ego is worse than Clinton’s and we all know what happened when Clinton took power.
At least with Clinton the scandals were mostly sex scandals (though he did have his Chinese fundraising scandal). Obama’s will likely be much, much worse.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
@Mike’s America: my friend also said obama was above a sex scandle, we will see. he will have a scandle, a big one, and then the media can’t ignore it. they will figure out they ahve been played.
16 years ago
@luva the scissors: An Obama scandal will be as wide-spread as Edwards’s love child scandal. Only a few will know, and the rest of the people will dismiss it or say “You’re lying.”
Luva: The truth about Obama will come out. All that money and all those people with shady pasts will boil over at some point.
And what Craig said about Obama’s ego will factor into it. He truly believes he can do no wrong so he won’t be bothered at all about bending the law. He’s already shown that power is the thing he cares about more than anything else.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
i know its not good to wish poeple bad things, but, well i can’t wait until he has a big scandle. then michelle can once again not be proud because we didn’t look at his greatness first and see that he canreally do no wrong. his ego is giant, his manners are crass, he acts like a spoiled silver spoon fed dip stick. when his crap breaks, it will break big time and he had better own up to what he has done.
16 years ago
“An Obama scandal will be as wide-spread as Edwards’s love child scandal. Only a few will know, and the rest of the people will dismiss it or say “You’re lying.”” (Leah)
I think they will just say that we are racists. That should do the trick. It always works and everybody will shut up.
16 years ago
Well, we have seen glimpses of “ghetto talk” and other crass behavior, flipping Hillary off, etc. So it will be only a matter of time before he does something truly distasteful and embarrassing in a way that Bush never thought about being. Perhaps certain people will be wishing for Bush’s grammatical errors again!
16 years ago
I’m wondering what disaster they are expecting and what he plans to do about it in retaliation. From what I could tell it would be nothing. Is that what Joe meant when he said we would not understand but that they would be right? The rest of the world knows we are represented by another Jimmy Carter. Not only as a wimp but as a pro palestinian. And 77% of the Jews voted for him? You know, I will never figure out people. They seem hell-bent on their own destruction.
Do you suppose the media will report the news now? Their boy is in. The democrats hold all three seats of power and 1/2 of the judicial. Who are they going to beat up on now? Surely not the boy wonder?
16 years ago
This is a blogger’s comment on another blog site. I thought you would like to read it:
Please join us for this historical Inaugural Celebration for President Barrack Hussein Obama. It will be a day of great events for all!
8:15 AM – Reverend Wright delivers the God Damn America sermon on the White House Lawn
8:45 AM – Billy Ayers steps on and burns the American Flag
9:30 AM – Professor Rashid Khaldi panel discussion on why Israel should be blown off the planet
10:30 AM – Khalid Al Monsour discusses financing radical Islamic Extremist Youth scholarships to Harvard
11:30 AM – Tony Rezko live via sattelite from Joliette Federal Prison “How to make a killing as a Slumlord”
12:30 PM – Lunch with distinguished Anti-America Father Pfleger saying grace
2:30 PM – Michelle Obama discusses how to buy earrings for $600 or less
3:30 PM – Senator Hillary Clinton discusses why women will never be part of politics in a sexist, Obama Presidency
4:30 PM – Senator Bill Clinton discusses why his wife would have been a better President
5:30 PM – FCC Head Kieth Olbermann discusses how to cheat America out of truth in journalism
6:30 PM – Chris Matthews discusses gays in America and how much relief it is to come out of the closet
7:30 PM – Dinner discussion – How much of a moron is Sarah Palin anyway?
8:00 PM – Muslim call to prayer
8:30 PM – Dinner and dancing with Ludacris singing about what a bitch Hillary is and how Senator McCain deserves to be paralyzed in a wheelchair.
Midnight – Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez drink champagne toast to their brother in communism Comrade Obama. Burning of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and fireworks display. Long live the US of Hussein!
It’s an Open Thread – how was YOUR day?
16 years ago
That is gold.
16 years ago
Oh man, that IS gold. But I’m wondering why Ayers gets 45 minutes to step on and burn a flag…
16 years ago
Eh, he’s getting old. Takes a little longer to destroy the greatest symbol for freedom and liberty history has ever seen.
Voters who vote for Obama, will wait for Obama’s action, they don’t care about scandal … the scandal mean nothing to them 🙂
16 years ago
the thing is as things go wrong [and they will] for the American People with the democrats in charge is how you fight. point out the blame is that the Democrats are incharge there was nothing we could you the American people voted them into power.
Lick your wonds this is going to hurt all of us but as they say get up and dust yourself off and keep fighting.
as for the press is how this happend they are trying to pull a cya don’t let them. remind people all the time of what the press hid from the people.
then remind people of why McCain really lost Ann had a great art. the list is longer but to long and the people get lost man she is smart sometimes to to repost things is what people need because things move so fast so they get overloaded.
Republicans lost this presidential election, and I don’t blame the messenger; I blame the message. How could Republicans go after B. Hussein Obama (as he is now known) on planning to bankrupt the coal companies when McCain supports the exact same cap and trade policies and earnestly believes in global warming?
How could we go after Obama for his illegal alien aunt and for supporting driver’s licenses for illegal aliens when McCain fanatically pushed amnesty along with his good friend Teddy Kennedy?
How could we go after Obama for Jeremiah Wright when McCain denounced any Republicans who did so?
How could we go after Obama for planning to hike taxes on the “rich,” when McCain was the only Republican to vote against both of Bush’s tax cuts on the grounds that they were tax cuts for the rich?
And why should Republican activists slave away working for McCain when he has personally, viciously attacked: John O’Neill and the Swift Boat Veterans, National Right to Life director Doug Johnson, evangelical pastors Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and John Hagee, various conservative talk radio hosts, the Tennessee Republican Party and on and on and on?
sometime simple is as simple does
16 years ago
I think the irony of what Mike’s point is went right over some heads.
The Washington Post and Media are laughing stocks for wondering now, after it’s all over, what Obama’s changes might be. We’ve been demanding to know that before he even got his “by hook or crook” primary nod from the DNC. We demanded to know, the media didn’t care. They didn’t think the public needed to know before voting. I suppose next week’s questions will be:
Was Obama really born in Kenya? How would that effect things now that he’s won? Can he legally take the oval office?
Did Obama sanction Acorn’s voter fraud? Did it contribute to his win?
Did Obama supporter goons use strong arm tactics to unfairly win the DNC primary and this election?
Was Obama’s 95% tax check a scheme crafted in an effort to bribe people into voting for him?
Did the Obama campaign take illegal foreign donations? Could this lead to an indictment which might prevent him from taking office?
Did these factors, combined with the DNCs failure to properly vet or reign in the Obama campaign aid him “stealing” this election?
Were voters duped?
Just like Freddy Mae and Freddie Mac was an orchestrated crisis by the DNC, it appears the media used orchestrated obliviousness to put his past in Tupperware so they could come back later and revisit and maybe sell more papers, magazines, and draw more viewers. With all the skeletons in Barry’s closets it was probably intentional so they could make bank on him for years to come.
Makes ya’ want to strangle a few news-anchors and commentators don’t it?
And next month, Michelle’s “whitey tape” is released.
Mark my words—–the media created and promoted this “teflon President”. After the “shine” wears off and all of the promises that Obama made to his lemmings fall short or are not realized, even the media will turn on him. For all you folks that voted for Obama because you bought into his rhetoric of hope and change—-I can only wish you good luck in electing a President with the least experience in the history of this nation. (I really do hope he learns quickly how to protect and defend all of us)
He ran on a platform to change the country and its politics. Now he must begin to spell out exactly how.”
I too found this quote in the early morning Mike, and was just as flabbergasted that Dan Balz had the nerve to say what the mainstream media refused to ask after twenty months; HOW? The problem was, no one cared “how” this nation would be governed. Hope and Change certainly was enough for 52% of the electorate and a media that ignored substance and embraced the rhetorical tide of “change”. The only “change” will be coming from the middle class’s pocket books——and that will be in wheelbarrows.
Steve Rowland
16 years ago
Thanks for the link. Ann is always spot on. NO wonder the liberals hate her!
Mikes America:
Ann’s column in Exactly how I felt yesterday when I did my post. Maybe you can understand a little now just where I stand on these issues since you were quite curious. Anyeay, we are A;; on the same page, I think….
The media cares less what they have brought down on this Country. There are scandals about Obama out there that they just ignored. The only way for his scandals to come to light will be by people like Flopping aces. Fasten your seat belts were in for a very rough ride. The sick felling in your stomach wont go away anytime soon, as a matter of fact it will intensify. The left will now own the legislature and executive, and the judicial arms of Government. There is not much we can do about it for two years, and I bet not even then. You allow the snake to run free, and it will bite and bite hard.
16 years ago
When the earth does not erupt with milk and honey and piles of riches, it will be blamed on all the damage Bush has done. If Michigan’s left policies of the last several years serve as any kind of barometer, the blame game should start promptly in January and last at least 4 years.
I wonder how much the faithful can take, what with their grocery cart not filling itself and all …. will we see protests and heinous depictions of our leader and all that?
Jan: Are you planning to spend the next four years blaming eveything that goes wrong in this country on Sarah Palin? That would be typical of you loons. You never accept responsibility for ANYTHING.
And Brandon from Indonesia said this: “Voters who vote for Obama, will wait for Obama’s action, they don’t care about scandal … the scandal mean nothing to them.”
You got that right Brandon. The law is only supposed to apply to Republicans. Democrats can lie, cheat and steal once in office and no one cares.
P.S. Have you visited the Madrassa in Indonesia where Obama attended as a young boy? Or maybe you attended there yourself?
16 years ago
DOW dow another 193 points at 11:00 A.M. on 11/06/08 as folks with brains get their money out and bury it in the back yard. Got a dollar in the oil/gas/COAL market you will better off investing in used McCain signs. You can at least use them to heat your home, if you don’t get fined for the smoke coming out the chimney.
Liberals were worried about the cost of Sarah Palins wardrobe. I wonder how much it cost the taxpayers to have ‘Omar the tent maker’ to make designer clothes for Michelle O.
16 years ago
They are showing several hundred people who will lose their jobs when Hussein O comes to town. Wasn’t Hussein part of the congress that went to war because GWB fired a few of the Clinton appointed lawyers (who like most democrats weren’t doing their job) at the justice department? Will Hussein O stand up and demand everyone keep their job? Na, in congress he was just displaying his BDS.
Scrapiron: Politics in appointments is once again O.K. Different rules for Democrats don’t you know? And Obama will have to make sure he owns the U.S. attorneys nationwide. Too many of his friends have been shoving illegal money into his campaign and will need protection.
And I see the Dow Jones index is continuing to crater:
Dow now down 359 at 12:37 but the real stats would be a comparison between the numbers in Jan 2007, when the democrats took control of congress after promising to ‘change’ the direction of the country, and todays numbers.
Hitler brought change to Germany in the 30’s.
Castro brought change to Cuba in 1959.
Dimmy Carter brought change to Iran/Islam in 1979.
Chavez brought change to Venezuela that has put thousands in the grave.
Democrats brought change to America in Jan 2007.
Just how much more change in this direction can we stand? Down is a direction, isn’t it?
16 years ago
[EDITOR: Jan’s off topic slam against Sarah Palin has been deleted by the post monitor!
I learned more about John McCain and Barack Obama watching a two hour, election-eve special on PBS, than I did in hundreds of hours of reading news stories and op-eds and viewing 3 complete Presidential debates:
As a Democrat who contributed financially to, worked for, and who voted for Barack Obama, I’d like to offer my take on the man.
Obama’s ambition is to be recognized as the greatest President in American history. He has plotted and managed his career with even greater foresight and skill than did Bill Clinton. He has greater assets than Clinton and none of the weaknesses. The fact that no one was able to dig up any sexual dirt on him virtually qualifies him for sainthood, given his obvious unlimited opportunities. He has ideals and he has friends, but he’s been willing to sacrifice both ideals and friendship to the imperatives of his one true loyalty, which is his own place in future history.
On the PBS/Frontline program, one of the most revealing segments was that of his Harvard Law School career, particularly that of his election to and tenure as President of the Harvard Law Review. Disappointing many of his supporters, he only named a single African-American to a masthead position on the Law Review, while naming 3 conservatives, one of whom later became a Bush White House lawyer.
(Scroll down to and read the comments of Bradford Berenson — said Bush White House lawyer)
Obama’s positions, whether on people or issues, have been both calculated and changeable. The strongest constant is the furtherance of his objective to succeed at the very highest level. This is not a person seeking to impose a Euro-socialist agenda. He’s been a Chicago liberal because its been expedient to be a Chicago liberal. It’s got him to where he is today. But he’s not about to sacrifice his opportunity to achieve historical greatness in the furtherance of social idealism or environmental idealism. And he’s a tough as nails SOB who will defend America, because this is also what is required for him to achieve the historical greatness he seeks.
He is a very smart, very shrewd, very dedicated, very pragmatic individual. I understand entirely why he may be antithetical to those who value people guided by unyielding “core beliefs” in ideals such as religion or economic doctrine or social doctrine or environmental doctrine.
I think that we have had Presidents guided by such principles. George W Bush was/is one of these Presidents. Ronald Reagan was another. Jimmie Carter was yet another.
Obama is more of the “cloth” of Clinton and Nixon, but he possesses greater skills, insight, political intelligence, and he fortunately appears to be without the fatal flaws of character.
The politics of his Presidency are likely to evolve away from the politics of what brought him to the Presidency.
He is certain to surprise.
Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach
Moody Deep Thinker
16 years ago
Saying that Obama is “without the fatal flaws of character” completely overlooks one serious problem. We don’t have any examples of his character. We have his recent behavior, none of which validates his character. We have associations, and those he has not disavowed do not speak to his character. We know more of a chronology of his life than we do of content of his life. What we have here is a sterile Manchurian Candidate with no information about him. Congratulations America, you have just bought your first sterile wrapped, consumer ready president. I for one am stepping away from the area when that package gets unwrapped and examined.
This man, well he looks to me like we found the Pandora’s box of political questions. Everybody I have ever met or heard of that had a mysterious background turned out bad for me to have encountered. Tell me folks, if your child brought home a kid his age and this kid just appeared in the neighborhood and is unwilling to discuss his past or is vague about it, you gonna let your kid go somewhere with him?
16 years ago
Obama makes first Cabinet selection:
White House Chief of Staff: Benjamin M. Emanuel
Who else might he pick?:
Secretary of Agriculture: Woody Harrelson
Secretary of the Interior: Louis Farrakhan
Secretary of Commerce: Bill Clinton
Department of Justice Attorney General: Hillary Clinton
Secretary of Defense: Rashid Khaldi
Secretary of Labor: Obama Girl (Shh! Don’t tell Michelle Obama)
Secretary of Education: Billy Ayers
Secretary of State: Colen Powell (get’s his pay-off.)
Secretary of Energy: Al Gore
Secretary of Transportation: Oprah (Maybe she’ll buy us all cars.)
Health & Human Services Secretary: Reverend Wright
Treasury Secretary: (Same Idiot) Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary: Bernadine Dohrn
Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary: Samuel L. Jackson (He can at least play the part of a veteran)
Department of Housing & Urban Development Secretary: Tony Rezko
Other appointments
Supreme Court: Bill Clinton (That should keep him busy)
United Nations Ambassador Khalid Al Monsour
Press Secretary: Chris Matthews (Keith Olbermann Assistant Press Secretary)
You know Mike, with the economy down the drain, he won’t be able to realize his socialist/Marxist agenda: welfare, Kyoto and all those others idiocies. But, he will be able to raise your taxes and get his picture taken everywhere he goes. And he will go everywhere, believe me. He is the jet set type, an American idol, a star! Of course he will travel with your tax money. And he has prove to us that he is a big spender.
The problem with this guy his is ego, it is so big that I don’t know how he will be able to pass thru de doors of the White House.
But still, you are right. You will be in big trouble, because no other countries will fear the United States anymore. They have been so jealous of your country, so envious, they will jump on the occasion to break it down and put it on her knees and they will enjoy every moments of it. God protect America, she will need all the protection you can give her. And should you be hit by a terrorist attacks, Canada will be next. Courtesy of the ignorant people who voted for THE ONE. Thanks guys!
Craig, all we have to do now is to wait what actions his administration will take. and you got no right to call him big spender, cause you’ve got no proof yet.
mike, love ya for the chat last night, we were as calm as could be expected. i have a friend with a dem blog. he did one the other day about how we were all knuckle dragger and all and victoria jackson was a dumb shit, well he did one about the good guys winning. he was glad they won, but was disappointed that they won on obamas stardom and not on the issues. he says obama’s stand was the same as john kerry, seriously, can you believe that? he went on to say that he could not believe that we would run a has been, that we will regroup and run a betterspokesmen next time. he doesn’t seem to know what t he issues really were either, and he was disgusted that people voted for the star, not the content of the charactor of obama. well, the star works because if the charactor was to be fully exposed he would have been run out of town on a rail. obama had no issues, no stance, no substance at all. i cannot wait for him to fail, and he will, it will be a beautifull day. i told our friend my husband and i(they have been friends since grade school) would take our knuckle draggin selves back to the rock that all republicans crawled from under.
Oh come on Brandon… Obama is the biggest spender of ALL TIME. His campaign spending was just the tip of the iceberg. And in case you missed it, he promised over 4 TRILLION in new spending. His followers are expecting him to put gas in the tanks of their cars and pay off their mortgages.
Craig: “The problem with this guy his is ego, it is so big that I don’t know how he will be able to pass thru de doors of the White House.”
Absolutely right Craig. We saw glimpses of who the man really is and it’s not a pretty sight. In many ways, his ego is worse than Clinton’s and we all know what happened when Clinton took power.
At least with Clinton the scandals were mostly sex scandals (though he did have his Chinese fundraising scandal). Obama’s will likely be much, much worse.
@Mike’s America: my friend also said obama was above a sex scandle, we will see. he will have a scandle, a big one, and then the media can’t ignore it. they will figure out they ahve been played.
@luva the scissors: An Obama scandal will be as wide-spread as Edwards’s love child scandal. Only a few will know, and the rest of the people will dismiss it or say “You’re lying.”
Luva: The truth about Obama will come out. All that money and all those people with shady pasts will boil over at some point.
And what Craig said about Obama’s ego will factor into it. He truly believes he can do no wrong so he won’t be bothered at all about bending the law. He’s already shown that power is the thing he cares about more than anything else.
i know its not good to wish poeple bad things, but, well i can’t wait until he has a big scandle. then michelle can once again not be proud because we didn’t look at his greatness first and see that he canreally do no wrong. his ego is giant, his manners are crass, he acts like a spoiled silver spoon fed dip stick. when his crap breaks, it will break big time and he had better own up to what he has done.
“An Obama scandal will be as wide-spread as Edwards’s love child scandal. Only a few will know, and the rest of the people will dismiss it or say “You’re lying.”” (Leah)
I think they will just say that we are racists. That should do the trick. It always works and everybody will shut up.
Well, we have seen glimpses of “ghetto talk” and other crass behavior, flipping Hillary off, etc. So it will be only a matter of time before he does something truly distasteful and embarrassing in a way that Bush never thought about being. Perhaps certain people will be wishing for Bush’s grammatical errors again!
I’m wondering what disaster they are expecting and what he plans to do about it in retaliation. From what I could tell it would be nothing. Is that what Joe meant when he said we would not understand but that they would be right? The rest of the world knows we are represented by another Jimmy Carter. Not only as a wimp but as a pro palestinian. And 77% of the Jews voted for him? You know, I will never figure out people. They seem hell-bent on their own destruction.
Do you suppose the media will report the news now? Their boy is in. The democrats hold all three seats of power and 1/2 of the judicial. Who are they going to beat up on now? Surely not the boy wonder?
This is a blogger’s comment on another blog site. I thought you would like to read it:
Please join us for this historical Inaugural Celebration for President Barrack Hussein Obama. It will be a day of great events for all!
8:15 AM – Reverend Wright delivers the God Damn America sermon on the White House Lawn
8:45 AM – Billy Ayers steps on and burns the American Flag
9:30 AM – Professor Rashid Khaldi panel discussion on why Israel should be blown off the planet
10:30 AM – Khalid Al Monsour discusses financing radical Islamic Extremist Youth scholarships to Harvard
11:30 AM – Tony Rezko live via sattelite from Joliette Federal Prison “How to make a killing as a Slumlord”
12:30 PM – Lunch with distinguished Anti-America Father Pfleger saying grace
2:30 PM – Michelle Obama discusses how to buy earrings for $600 or less
3:30 PM – Senator Hillary Clinton discusses why women will never be part of politics in a sexist, Obama Presidency
4:30 PM – Senator Bill Clinton discusses why his wife would have been a better President
5:30 PM – FCC Head Kieth Olbermann discusses how to cheat America out of truth in journalism
6:30 PM – Chris Matthews discusses gays in America and how much relief it is to come out of the closet
7:30 PM – Dinner discussion – How much of a moron is Sarah Palin anyway?
8:00 PM – Muslim call to prayer
8:30 PM – Dinner and dancing with Ludacris singing about what a bitch Hillary is and how Senator McCain deserves to be paralyzed in a wheelchair.
Midnight – Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez drink champagne toast to their brother in communism Comrade Obama. Burning of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and fireworks display. Long live the US of Hussein!
It’s an Open Thread – how was YOUR day?
That is gold.
Oh man, that IS gold. But I’m wondering why Ayers gets 45 minutes to step on and burn a flag…
Eh, he’s getting old. Takes a little longer to destroy the greatest symbol for freedom and liberty history has ever seen.
Voters who vote for Obama, will wait for Obama’s action, they don’t care about scandal … the scandal mean nothing to them 🙂
the thing is as things go wrong [and they will] for the American People with the democrats in charge is how you fight. point out the blame is that the Democrats are incharge there was nothing we could you the American people voted them into power.
Lick your wonds this is going to hurt all of us but as they say get up and dust yourself off and keep fighting.
as for the press is how this happend they are trying to pull a cya don’t let them. remind people all the time of what the press hid from the people.
then remind people of why McCain really lost Ann had a great art. the list is longer but to long and the people get lost man she is smart sometimes to to repost things is what people need because things move so fast so they get overloaded.
Republicans lost this presidential election, and I don’t blame the messenger; I blame the message. How could Republicans go after B. Hussein Obama (as he is now known) on planning to bankrupt the coal companies when McCain supports the exact same cap and trade policies and earnestly believes in global warming?
How could we go after Obama for his illegal alien aunt and for supporting driver’s licenses for illegal aliens when McCain fanatically pushed amnesty along with his good friend Teddy Kennedy?
How could we go after Obama for Jeremiah Wright when McCain denounced any Republicans who did so?
How could we go after Obama for planning to hike taxes on the “rich,” when McCain was the only Republican to vote against both of Bush’s tax cuts on the grounds that they were tax cuts for the rich?
And why should Republican activists slave away working for McCain when he has personally, viciously attacked: John O’Neill and the Swift Boat Veterans, National Right to Life director Doug Johnson, evangelical pastors Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and John Hagee, various conservative talk radio hosts, the Tennessee Republican Party and on and on and on?
sometime simple is as simple does
I think the irony of what Mike’s point is went right over some heads.
The Washington Post and Media are laughing stocks for wondering now, after it’s all over, what Obama’s changes might be. We’ve been demanding to know that before he even got his “by hook or crook” primary nod from the DNC. We demanded to know, the media didn’t care. They didn’t think the public needed to know before voting. I suppose next week’s questions will be:
Was Obama really born in Kenya? How would that effect things now that he’s won? Can he legally take the oval office?
Did Obama sanction Acorn’s voter fraud? Did it contribute to his win?
Did Obama supporter goons use strong arm tactics to unfairly win the DNC primary and this election?
Was Obama’s 95% tax check a scheme crafted in an effort to bribe people into voting for him?
Did the Obama campaign take illegal foreign donations? Could this lead to an indictment which might prevent him from taking office?
Did these factors, combined with the DNCs failure to properly vet or reign in the Obama campaign aid him “stealing” this election?
Were voters duped?
Just like Freddy Mae and Freddie Mac was an orchestrated crisis by the DNC, it appears the media used orchestrated obliviousness to put his past in Tupperware so they could come back later and revisit and maybe sell more papers, magazines, and draw more viewers. With all the skeletons in Barry’s closets it was probably intentional so they could make bank on him for years to come.
Makes ya’ want to strangle a few news-anchors and commentators don’t it?
And next month, Michelle’s “whitey tape” is released.
Mark my words—–the media created and promoted this “teflon President”. After the “shine” wears off and all of the promises that Obama made to his lemmings fall short or are not realized, even the media will turn on him. For all you folks that voted for Obama because you bought into his rhetoric of hope and change—-I can only wish you good luck in electing a President with the least experience in the history of this nation. (I really do hope he learns quickly how to protect and defend all of us)
I too found this quote in the early morning Mike, and was just as flabbergasted that Dan Balz had the nerve to say what the mainstream media refused to ask after twenty months; HOW? The problem was, no one cared “how” this nation would be governed. Hope and Change certainly was enough for 52% of the electorate and a media that ignored substance and embraced the rhetorical tide of “change”. The only “change” will be coming from the middle class’s pocket books——and that will be in wheelbarrows.
Thanks for the link. Ann is always spot on. NO wonder the liberals hate her!
Mikes America:
Ann’s column in Exactly how I felt yesterday when I did my post. Maybe you can understand a little now just where I stand on these issues since you were quite curious. Anyeay, we are A;; on the same page, I think….
We would have been in such trouble:
The media cares less what they have brought down on this Country. There are scandals about Obama out there that they just ignored. The only way for his scandals to come to light will be by people like Flopping aces. Fasten your seat belts were in for a very rough ride. The sick felling in your stomach wont go away anytime soon, as a matter of fact it will intensify. The left will now own the legislature and executive, and the judicial arms of Government. There is not much we can do about it for two years, and I bet not even then. You allow the snake to run free, and it will bite and bite hard.
When the earth does not erupt with milk and honey and piles of riches, it will be blamed on all the damage Bush has done. If Michigan’s left policies of the last several years serve as any kind of barometer, the blame game should start promptly in January and last at least 4 years.
I wonder how much the faithful can take, what with their grocery cart not filling itself and all …. will we see protests and heinous depictions of our leader and all that?
Jan: Are you planning to spend the next four years blaming eveything that goes wrong in this country on Sarah Palin? That would be typical of you loons. You never accept responsibility for ANYTHING.
And Brandon from Indonesia said this: “Voters who vote for Obama, will wait for Obama’s action, they don’t care about scandal … the scandal mean nothing to them.”
You got that right Brandon. The law is only supposed to apply to Republicans. Democrats can lie, cheat and steal once in office and no one cares.
P.S. Have you visited the Madrassa in Indonesia where Obama attended as a young boy? Or maybe you attended there yourself?
DOW dow another 193 points at 11:00 A.M. on 11/06/08 as folks with brains get their money out and bury it in the back yard. Got a dollar in the oil/gas/COAL market you will better off investing in used McCain signs. You can at least use them to heat your home, if you don’t get fined for the smoke coming out the chimney.
Liberals were worried about the cost of Sarah Palins wardrobe. I wonder how much it cost the taxpayers to have ‘Omar the tent maker’ to make designer clothes for Michelle O.
They are showing several hundred people who will lose their jobs when Hussein O comes to town. Wasn’t Hussein part of the congress that went to war because GWB fired a few of the Clinton appointed lawyers (who like most democrats weren’t doing their job) at the justice department? Will Hussein O stand up and demand everyone keep their job? Na, in congress he was just displaying his BDS.
Scrapiron: Politics in appointments is once again O.K. Different rules for Democrats don’t you know? And Obama will have to make sure he owns the U.S. attorneys nationwide. Too many of his friends have been shoving illegal money into his campaign and will need protection.
And I see the Dow Jones index is continuing to crater:
Dow now down 359 at 12:37 but the real stats would be a comparison between the numbers in Jan 2007, when the democrats took control of congress after promising to ‘change’ the direction of the country, and todays numbers.
Hitler brought change to Germany in the 30’s.
Castro brought change to Cuba in 1959.
Dimmy Carter brought change to Iran/Islam in 1979.
Chavez brought change to Venezuela that has put thousands in the grave.
Democrats brought change to America in Jan 2007.
Just how much more change in this direction can we stand? Down is a direction, isn’t it?
[EDITOR: Jan’s off topic slam against Sarah Palin has been deleted by the post monitor!
Give your cut and paste brain a rest Jan.]
Who is Obama?
I learned more about John McCain and Barack Obama watching a two hour, election-eve special on PBS, than I did in hundreds of hours of reading news stories and op-eds and viewing 3 complete Presidential debates:
As a Democrat who contributed financially to, worked for, and who voted for Barack Obama, I’d like to offer my take on the man.
Obama’s ambition is to be recognized as the greatest President in American history. He has plotted and managed his career with even greater foresight and skill than did Bill Clinton. He has greater assets than Clinton and none of the weaknesses. The fact that no one was able to dig up any sexual dirt on him virtually qualifies him for sainthood, given his obvious unlimited opportunities. He has ideals and he has friends, but he’s been willing to sacrifice both ideals and friendship to the imperatives of his one true loyalty, which is his own place in future history.
On the PBS/Frontline program, one of the most revealing segments was that of his Harvard Law School career, particularly that of his election to and tenure as President of the Harvard Law Review. Disappointing many of his supporters, he only named a single African-American to a masthead position on the Law Review, while naming 3 conservatives, one of whom later became a Bush White House lawyer.
(Scroll down to and read the comments of Bradford Berenson — said Bush White House lawyer)
Obama’s positions, whether on people or issues, have been both calculated and changeable. The strongest constant is the furtherance of his objective to succeed at the very highest level. This is not a person seeking to impose a Euro-socialist agenda. He’s been a Chicago liberal because its been expedient to be a Chicago liberal. It’s got him to where he is today. But he’s not about to sacrifice his opportunity to achieve historical greatness in the furtherance of social idealism or environmental idealism. And he’s a tough as nails SOB who will defend America, because this is also what is required for him to achieve the historical greatness he seeks.
He is a very smart, very shrewd, very dedicated, very pragmatic individual. I understand entirely why he may be antithetical to those who value people guided by unyielding “core beliefs” in ideals such as religion or economic doctrine or social doctrine or environmental doctrine.
I think that we have had Presidents guided by such principles. George W Bush was/is one of these Presidents. Ronald Reagan was another. Jimmie Carter was yet another.
Obama is more of the “cloth” of Clinton and Nixon, but he possesses greater skills, insight, political intelligence, and he fortunately appears to be without the fatal flaws of character.
The politics of his Presidency are likely to evolve away from the politics of what brought him to the Presidency.
He is certain to surprise.
Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach
Saying that Obama is “without the fatal flaws of character” completely overlooks one serious problem. We don’t have any examples of his character. We have his recent behavior, none of which validates his character. We have associations, and those he has not disavowed do not speak to his character. We know more of a chronology of his life than we do of content of his life. What we have here is a sterile Manchurian Candidate with no information about him. Congratulations America, you have just bought your first sterile wrapped, consumer ready president. I for one am stepping away from the area when that package gets unwrapped and examined.
This man, well he looks to me like we found the Pandora’s box of political questions. Everybody I have ever met or heard of that had a mysterious background turned out bad for me to have encountered. Tell me folks, if your child brought home a kid his age and this kid just appeared in the neighborhood and is unwilling to discuss his past or is vague about it, you gonna let your kid go somewhere with him?
Obama makes first Cabinet selection:
White House Chief of Staff: Benjamin M. Emanuel
Who else might he pick?:
Secretary of Agriculture: Woody Harrelson
Secretary of the Interior: Louis Farrakhan
Secretary of Commerce: Bill Clinton
Department of Justice Attorney General: Hillary Clinton
Secretary of Defense: Rashid Khaldi
Secretary of Labor: Obama Girl (Shh! Don’t tell Michelle Obama)
Secretary of Education: Billy Ayers
Secretary of State: Colen Powell (get’s his pay-off.)
Secretary of Energy: Al Gore
Secretary of Transportation: Oprah (Maybe she’ll buy us all cars.)
Health & Human Services Secretary: Reverend Wright
Treasury Secretary: (Same Idiot) Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary: Bernadine Dohrn
Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary: Samuel L. Jackson (He can at least play the part of a veteran)
Department of Housing & Urban Development Secretary: Tony Rezko
Other appointments
Supreme Court: Bill Clinton (That should keep him busy)
United Nations Ambassador Khalid Al Monsour
Press Secretary: Chris Matthews (Keith Olbermann Assistant Press Secretary)