Is it 2012 yet? :P


Congratulations to the President Elect, Senator Barack Obama. He may be the most undeserving, least vetted, least experienced presidential candidate in American history…but what should stand out is the historic moment of the United States breaking the ultimate glass ceiling, to elect the first black (biracial) American to the highest office. As much as I have deplored the crutch of racial fixation, the fact that we witnessed it happen, is something to be proud of, turning a page in our history. If there is anything positive to result from this election, it’s the potential for the country to finally move beyond race. It is, at least symbolic, if nothing else. Racism will always exist. But no one can ever again accuse America of “holding the black man down”.

John McCain gave a very gracious, a very necessary concession speech tonight. I am proud of what he said. I don’t blame him nor President Bush for losing us this election. Frankly, I believe John McCain of all our Republican candidates had the best shot at winning. The fact we lost says more about the excitement and energy that surrounded Senator Obama than the unworthiness of Senator McCain. We can whine about the media, we can complain about the lost opportunities and poor strategy of the McCain campaign, the unprecedented amount of campaign money that weighed against us…but at some point you just have to stop whining like Democrats of the last 8 years. Eat your crow, and take the lumps. It’s not the end of the world. My country may seem unrecognizable to me tonight; but the sun will come out tomorrow…someday. We still remain the greatest nation on God’s green earth. Sarah Palin’s political career is just beginning. We’ve not seen the last of her. Or Tina Fey.

I only speak for myself; but can only encourage those reading this to do as John McCain has done; do as Scott suggests; do as decent Americans do and put country first: Respect the electoral process and congratulate your political opponents on their hard-earned victory. I know our passions ran deep, and this election hurt deep. But it’s not the death of conservative ideology or the Republican Party. It wasn’t a landslide victory, and Senator McCain finished respectably. Nor did the Democrats gain their filibuster-proof majority seats.

At some point, as liberating as it is from mainstream news, the blogosphere can be a very toxic place. For all the fear we foresee in an Obama Presidency, my one hope is that we are proven wrong. That some of what we “investigated” into his past history, however legitimate, will not reflect upon his need to govern to the center and serve ALL the people of the United States. Not just blacks. Not just liberals. But serve all Americans.

Senator Obama has given lip service to promises of unity, bipartisanship, of reaching out. Let’s give him the chance to prove it, then hold him accountable to his words. Let’s not do to him what liberal Democrats have done to President Bush for 8 years.

Of course I will still fight tooth and nail against the liberal agenda and policies I feel would steer America in the wrong direction. He may be influenced by socialist ideology, but America is not a socialist nation. But tonight, this night…..we should all be proud as Americans that once every two, four years, we have the freedom to choose our elected leaders. We should feel grateful that we have a voice; and that each of our votes counts. That we are able to transition leadership, peaceably. We remain an example of representative democracy to the rest of the world.

In America, anything is possible. A man with the unlikely name of “Barack Hussein Obama” just proved it. It is sad that Barack Obama’s grandmother did not live long enough to see this day….

…and a happy climax for Chris Matthews and his “leg thrill”.

God bless America.

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“At some point, as liberating as it is from mainstream news, the blogosphere can be a very toxic place.”

The blogosphere is a tea party compared to liberal academia, and an Obama victory is not going to make progressives any more tolerant than they have been for the last few decades.

i will not hear the end of this from my dem friends. i am proud of my nation and will continue to be. this will be a very bad 4 years, and it will be a terrible election next time around also. so i guess this is my generations “where were you when kennedy was shot?”

Amen, Wordsmith.
Bitter in defeat? Yes I am. But I am going to wave Old Glory just a little bit higher.
God bless America and may God bless President Obama.
This country is going to need our own collective prayers.

Well said , Wordsmith

God bless America, let us hope for the best.

Nicely written Flop. I agree McCain gave a beautiful speech, better even than our new President?Nonetheless I will hope for the best and pray Obama stays true to his promises.
I have to say I got a little scared in his acceptance” speech when he kept on and on about
us taking care of one another. I get that on a spiritual level, a humanity level, but I couldn’t help but panic a little about his ideas about spreading the wealth. I myself have no wealth yet to speak of but I still want the opportunity to have wealth and not have to give up 75% of it when I finally get there! lol.
I think there will be change, God only knows if it will be the change we want to see happen.
I pray that racism can take a hiatus for awhile, but something keeps resonating in me when I approached a black man the other day with an Obama shirt on…..I asked “can you give me two reasons you are voting for Obama?”, he replied, ” cuz he’s black, do I need another reason?”.
So….forgive me if I’m not a little upset about this. Had he replied with two very intelligent reasons having nothing to do with the color of his skin, I would have had more faith.
I have to do what I’ve been taught my whole life “walk by faith, not by sight”.
Here we go!

If Democracy can survive this guy, then it can survive anything.

At least now we are cleansed from the sins of our past (slavery and racism). That card is now out of the deck.

Really, I don’t think the people celebrating have any idea of what’s been lost tonight–good and bad.

At least it was quick and definitive. I don’t think I could have handled a long drawn out process–as the process getting to this point has been unnecessarily long and drawn out.

And maybe for four years (or two) the whining can stop. Sick of the whining am I.

And my one prediction for 2009? The View will be cancelled!


Barack Obama the 44th president of the United states of America!!

Joe biden 44th Vice president of the United states of America!


Obama is YOUR PRESIDENT!!!!!

Obama!!!! Won!

Mcain and Sarah are LOSERS!!!!

Your kinder sentiments made me feel good, just like McCain’s concession and Obama’s triumph made me feel good.

There are enough angry people in this blog that I don’t think I’ll be back again very soon. I admit I’ve been more than a little snarky myself.

I will try to inspire the better part of myself. I wish that all of you do, too.

Be cool.

In America, anything is possible. A man with the unlikely name of “Barack Hussein Obama” just proved it. It is sad that Barack Obama’s grandmother did not live long enough to see this day

I think that she is smiling up in Heaven that her grandson won,.

the Sun will come up tomorrow and we will live ourlives, and not much will change in the grand scheme of things Yes we will pay more in taxes and a lot of harm can come to the country with his Presidency. But we lived thru Dhimmi Carter, and many other bad presidencies.

Hold your head up and ne proud of who you are. Even with the loss, we are still here and will not go away. We need to win the war of ideas.

God Bless the USA and all of you here. Even the trolls that come by also. Congratulations, just be sure that you know what you voted for, we tried to warn you.

@David101: Nice of you to make an ass of yourself. Now I know why I did not want Obama to win.


We are ALL losers tonight, you included. You are just too brainwashed and perhaps stupid to realize it. But you will. You will as you see your bills and taxes blow sky high. You will as terrorism increases world wide. You will as freedoms go away in the United States.

I always wonder why the left is not bothered by the fact the fact that when they win, our enemies celebrate.

“We still remain the greatest nation on God’s green earth.” (Wordsmith)
Not for long. Gee, you are naïve.

I did not look who wrote this thread, I knew it was you… the “good guy”.
Obama protecting Americans? I hope you are kidding? I have to stop reading your threads, they make me so mad. You deserved to lose tonight Worsmith and all the the other Wordsmith in America. Your tolerance is beyond believing! Incredible!

All right, NOW can we get rid of the trolls? Please? They’ll be nothing but headaches as we continue our intelligent discussions here for the years to come. We don’t need to deal with people who have the mental capacity of a 3-year-old child (aka David/Jasmine)

I am posting this as I feel it is pertinent to the Republican’s failure to win this the election, (and hopefully for consideration of party rebuilding for the 2010 Congressional and 2012 Presidential elections). Sara Palin was a hit with many small town folk because she represented and appealed to the values of middle-class Main Street Americans. For the Republican Party to survive, it must return to the needs of main-street. These are people that the Republicans have taken for granted. For too long now the Republican Party has not listened to average Americans. It has instead embraced the Globalist agenda of world-capitalism. While both parties have globalists in their ranks, I believe that is why the Republicans lost support amongst the middle class.

Yes, moving factories overseas has been great for corporate profits and the stock market, but the loss of these jobs has hurt the middle class badly. Nor were they replaced with the promised “high-tech” jobs. While it is true that both parties have supported this, it is the Republican Party leaders who have mostly spoke-out in favor of globalization, and thus the Republicans became the party whom the people who had lost their jobs, and small business men (who can not compete with cheap foreign labor,) logically, thereby associate with as being most deserving to receive their ire and blame. The Washington support of Illegal immigration, voiced quite stubbornly by Bush and McCain, also convinced the small town voters that the Republicans were not listening to their cries. The bank bail-out and it’s affect on Wall street (plus their effects on the average voter’s retirement accounts, home values, and the Federal deficit) were the final straws that broke the middle-class American’s back. Both parties are guilty, but it is the Republicans whom small town America blames the most, because they have generally supported the GOP, only to be abandoned in favor of the policy desires of Wall Street and big corporations.

If the Republicans want to win back the support they have lost, they have to start to listen to the middle class, or they will have learned nothing about this election. It is time to invest in Main Street, support local manufacturing and the small towns which have always been the Republican’s base. Small town America works best when the money circulates around town. This circulation causes small towns to prosper and grow. When the jobs, people and the money leave town, so does the good they did. Eventually the towns begin to die, and the out-of-work move to the cities to find jobs. As these metropolises grow, they tend to turn the people towards the Democratic party because the voters believe that the Democrats will help them in their squalor. The Republicans need to take action to help put American workers back to work. A service economy does not build wealth because it doesn’t create things of value. We need an investment in productivity and policies that will rebuild Main Street and small town America.

Tonight was no doubt sad but tonight is the beginning of something new for the Republican party which I will be officially switching my party status over too tomorrow. So, for now, let us be sad and then let us unite to win 2012.

“Let’s not do to him what liberal Democrats have done to President Bush for 8 years.”

Why not Wordsmith?

It worked didn’t it?

Dems demonized Republicans, Conservatives, President Bush, Sarah Palin and John McCain and as you can see they are STILL at it.

I never thought a campaign of hate would succeed but it has. Only too late did I realize what a powerful motivator such emotions are.

So then, let it be said that these are the rules which Democrats have written for how to win campaigns.

I do not intend to go to the vile lengths that the hatemongers did to acquire power. But neither do I intend to once again support a candidate or party that insists there is some moral high ground in losing as a result of fighting with one hand tied behind our backs.

Near total opposition to Obama and the Democrat majority. Intense burning criticism of their every failure, every misstep, is the order of the day.

This isn’t hate, but a burning righteous fire which will sweep away the lies of Obama and the liars in the Democrat Party as they are exposed.

Now is not the time for accommodation or appeasement. Now is the time to steel our souls to the battle that must be fought again and WON!

@Mike’s America: I do not think that we should lie down and take it. I think we should fight for what we believe in. But to use the vitriol and bile spewed out by the Left is not the way to go. We need to fight against that and fight with ideas. Which most of the Republicans have mangled and lost their way. We need to get the Republicans back on track and fight the MSM and their propaganda machine..

Do not get me wrong when I congratulate Obama. I will always respect the office of the President of the United States of America. But I will be damned if I do not fight against what he is for. I do not want our country to become a Eurabian State. But I do not wish death ot ill will towards rthe Left. I want to defeat them, but defeat them in the realm of ideas. Not demean or wish them harm. I do not want the Right (conservatives) to become what we have detested for the last 8 years. We are better than that. We have lost and we need to find better candidates that can project the message of conservatism better and to change the mind of the sheeple.

“I want to defeat them, but defeat them in the realm of ideas. ” (Stick)

Good luck! Leftists are allergic to realm of ideas. They only want a goverment to take care of them in every fields of their life.

No, this will not work with them, they are idiots, they don’t understand reality. If this is your only suggestion, can I tell you that you will lose one more time. You annot find somebody with a knife with words ans ideas. Get real! You have to fight them on same level they fight, with equal arms, otherwise, you lose.

No you repubs still don’t get it!!

America has changed.

It is no longer a center-right Country.

Although I will tell ya this!

Trust me when I say, it is less likely that Obama will go far left.

There is a reason why so many republicans voted for him.

He is more Center-right when it comes to governing.

I seriously dought Barack Obama will go far left.

If he does, you can hold me and the rest of my party accountable for it!!

Just as we held YOUR party accountable for Bush.

But, really, I dought he will go far left!!!!

And that is coming from a liberal.

Hopefully that will make yall feel better. If not, O….well.

President Elect-Barack Obama! 08-16!

” All it did was tear this country apart. “

Did the Dems tactics tear the country apart? If you look at the election results it appears instead to have created an immense majority for them which leaves us marginalized since we were unable or unwilling to counter their propaganda effectively.

“Dems demonized Republicans, Conservatives, President Bush, Sarah Palin and John McCain and as you can see they are STILL at it. So what’s the answer, Mike? Become what you’ve hated?”

I think I made it perfectly clear that I did NOT think we should stoop to the vile tactics the Dems do. But neither do I think we should fight with one hand tied behind our backs. While I disagree with the tactics, the overall strategy worked and worked very well.

And I could not disagree more that it was somehow wrong to bring up Ayers. We should have brought up ALL these associations, including Rev. Wright, much sooner. the mistake was waiting until Obama had totally inoculated himself against these character questions.

Who was it that said the Ayers/socialist linkages was not a good idea? Mostly Obama voters… The same folks who said Sarah Palin was a bad choice for V.P. I’m sure you will understand why I prefer NOT to take advice from people and want me to lose.

P.S. For the record, I never thought we should encourage people to call Obama a Muslim even if under Shariah Law he was born one.

I support Obama, but God only know … he will lose the election … it is my prediction

There will be at least two years to decide whom we as Republicans will ask to take the helm and future leadership of this party. Before you decide how you will vote/support financially etc., consider the congressional landscape.

There are no GOP members of the House from the North Eastern section of the country.

The GOP is shrinking into a party of Extremists from only a small part of the country, the South East. We encourage anti-intellectualism at our party’s peril. We alienate the urban areas at our party’s peril. We call those on the coasts Elitists and damn ourselves to irrelevance in future governance of this country.

Check the map. 1/3 of this country’s population lives in PA and points north. Every one of those states went even bluer over the last four years.

I have not been shy in expressing this opinion on this blog in the past. But now look around you and realize that it is not one guy pounding away at his key board in Florida. Check the map. Compare it to HW Bush’s map. Compare it to Reagan’s map. If we continue to shrink into a smaller and smaller area of the country we will surrender to the Democratic Party forever.

Palin 2012? Clinton will win.

Jindal or Crist or more likely – Mitt 2012? A much more likely road to victory.

Though my saying so probably won’t help your image in this place, you have class, Wordsmith.
I hope your style of conservative Republicanism wins out, in the end…

McCain gave a really good concession speech. I hope that more of the folks who voted for him (&/or Sarah) really hear what he was saying, as you have.

Patrick over at Sane Political Discourse has a similar sounding post: (, and I was good enough to “insult” him with the same kinda kudos.

Those who don’t agree will prolly enjoy Atlas Shrugs: ( Personally, I think it’s plum sad to see any American reacting that way…

(Yes, I know I probably double-posted each of the links. Wasn’t sure how it worked, & wanted to give ’em every chance to show up. And this way, at least I’ll know for next time, should there be one…)

sounds great! how far have you bent over?can you still stand up?
Yea ACORN and how many stuffed ballets?
NO he aint my President I will not bow down.
Loved his goons standing with sticks in PA [think about what he said about his national force then think about the brown shirts I seam to remember screwy loiue saying the same thing in D.C. in 2006 on the mall]
but hell yea why not all just get along right?
Glad to see you still have faith in those silly democrats who have controle of all three branches of goverment and they of course would never shut down the internet like [google in china] yea you are right like that poor ABC reporter who got arrested in Aug in Denver Yea nothing to worry about?
And of course lets just depend on those 41 Senators to protect talk Radio? Yea makes me feel better already.
Yea Graham and McCain who couldn’t even say his middle name without calling it rasist to say? Yea I feel better already.
For those of you who think well we will just go Sat. well wonder if they will go after that too,[remeber the NRA add] and the Cap and Trade thing? Yea I feel better.

You just might be right BUT for me I aint as nice he aint MY president just like the left told us every day Bush was not their President.


I think it will be interesting to see if the Republicans decide Palin is the face of the future or if they will realize she is the apotheosis of the past. It could be a rather nasty fight between the rank and file social conservatives (who may have found a champion) and the intellectual elite fiscal conservatives (who would rather go with someone who actually has a chance of winning).

@David101: Huh He ran on a Far Left agenda. He will go far to the Left with Reid and Pelosi running CONgress.

@Fit fit: Waht areyou talking about. If it wasnot for Palin McCain would have had no chance at all. It gavemore conservatives a reason to voted for McCain, if she was not on the ticket, he would have gotten trounced by a lot more than he did.

I could careless whatthe pointy headedweasles in Washington think. they do not think for me. You can have Peggy Noonan and the rest of her ilk for all I am concerned. She does not hold my values or shape my values.

@Craig: So weshould become a Banana Republic. Have the Military take over???? We are a nation that fights over ideas and we do not have armed conflicts every time there is an election. If you do not win the minds and hearts of the people, how are you going to rule. This is a war of ideas and the Left won this time because of the MSM propaganda, a bad candidate and President Bush’s failure to defend himself.

David, Fit Fit, obama will be a one term president unless he has all his programs start after his term is up. Even then will be a one termer. The left will run wild as they have no self control-which you both demonstrate-America will realize what they have done and boot carter on steroids and PCP from office. Gloat now, it won’t last.

Wordsmith, you are exactly the type of clueless Conservative that cost us the election. You just don’t get it, yet get angry at those of us who do. You say you want to win on ideas, but the “unbiased media” won’t allow those ideas to see the light of day. obama is NOT my president, I do not have to respect him. BTW, just because Catherine feels the way she does, doesn’t make her like a lib. Take your own advice about not “demonizing” or being “classy” you hypocrite.

Actually, Hard Right, it may be people like you that cost McCain the election. America is still a “center right” country but more and more it recoils at the more extreme elements of the consevative movement.

Hard Right –

YOU are the type of knuckle dragging Conservative that cost us the election. If you are that upset jump off a bridge or something.

It simply is not as dark a day as many painting it. Frankly I believe that the reason that the Republican Party Brand is in the toilet is because of the intolerant extremists in the party. Bush and Rove drove that for years and the Palin pick (as I have opined ad nauseum) was validation that the angry right did not value the other 65% of the country. Until that changes you will continue to be frustrated because you will continue to be marginalized.

Get used to it or get with it dude.

We are not clueless, but we are actually standing by our conservative convictions. Vitriol and bile spouted bythe left was detested by us over the last 8 years, so we should become what we detest.
Isn’t that what got the Republicans in trouble in 2006, the Right did not show because they became drunken sailors on power and spending money.

I for one am not going go have the Obama Derangement Syndrome. It is over and Obama won, now it is time to retool and get back to basics and have real conservative candidates. If you look Conservatism did not loose, Republicans did. Prop 8 probably passes, 4 tax measures were defeated in Colorado, and a lot of other conservative ballot measures won. It was the Republicans that lost,not Conservatism, there is a difference.

Cent, you and word are why we lost. You think moving to the center will win. Guess what geniuses? It didn’t work. Neither of you are smart enough to see that. Please leave the party. You serve no purpose other than to hinder it.
The fact is people with the guts to fight, like me are the future of the party. Extremist? LOL. Yes, how dare I insist on fighting obama at every step and protect my country. I’m supposed to just bend over like you two. Yeah, that’s worked so well for the GOP. Take your eletitest attitude to the dem party where it belongs.

To those trying to minimize what obama will do to the country, that’s called denial. Medved was right-some damage will be permanent. I understand that. you don’t or can’t.

I could careless whatthe pointy headedweasles in Washington think. they do not think for me. You can have Peggy Noonan and the rest of her ilk for all I am concerned. She does not hold my values or shape my values.

You guys are so good at proving my point sometimes…

I believe BO will (1) overextend by far to the left, creating a backlash (there is no historical reason based on his history to imagine he will suddenly try bi-partisanship and reach across the aisle), and (2) race tension will become much greater in America as blacks will take BO’s election as a signal that they are free to seek retribution against whites for all their perceived grievances. (I live in a large city (appx 300,000) in the South that suffered white on black racism in the past, but which is now controlled by the majority black population; from day one until the present the black government leaders, almost without exception, have used their power in a discriminatory fashion as if to exact revenge upon whites for the wrongs they (or more likely their fathers) suffered in the past). I believe the next 4 years will be dark. I hope I am wrong, and that BO shocks me and ends up being the greatest President ever. But I at this time have no rational basis for such a hope; my only hope is in God, and perhaps He has allowed the results for this purpose–so we may learn that we reap what we sow and have put our trust in vain and empty hopes and promises.

Sure Hard. The reason McCain lost was because he stayed in the middle. You are clearly insane my friend.

A Mac that had a moderate VP choice would have won. Ridge on the ticket would have won in Indiana and PA without question. Which Red would have flipped to Obama because of Ridge?

none dude

What is Lieberman had been chosen? We would have won NH at least and probably more.

Mac tried to placate many like you and THAT is why he lost.

Centfla: I seem to recall you strongly supported the candidate who got us into this mess in the first place. So, forgive me if I ignore your advice that we go further down the road of compromise and accommodation with our political enemies.

If we had followed your line of thinking after losing to Carter in 1976 we never would have nominated Reagan.

Conservativism wins every time it is tried.

It’s about time we try it again.

And as for Wordsmith: I don’t think we are that far apart on the matter under discussion. If I haven’t made it clear that I don’t advocate a campaign of lies and smears would you like me TO SHOUT IT OUT SEVERAL MORE TIMES??????

Again, I will be so very criticial of every wrongheaded move Obama/Reid/Pelosi make. My criticism will be harsh, scathing and relentless. I will fight these bastards every step of the way.

My goal is not to tear the country apart but to tear away the curtains that conceal the truth about who and what these people are.

I realize that living where you do surrounded by brainwashed lefties it’s often easier to avoid conflict and choose less aggressive tactics. But based on my experience that is a mistake.

The lesson from 2008 is that we need to fight HARDER, and make our voices LOUDER, not softer!

So it is McCain’s fault that he lost? I guess I can accept that, but you absolutely must understand that the Palin choice and his sharp jerk to the right has something to do with his loss.

@CentFla: HUH. Without Palin, McCain would have lost by much more. He has stuck his finger in the eyes of Conservatives for a long time and without them aRepublican has no chance of winning.

@Mike’s America: I think we are closer too.


So it is McCain’s fault that he lost? I guess I can accept that, but you absolutely must understand that the Palin choice and his sharp jerk to the right has something to do with his loss.

When did he have a sharp turn to the right??? I must have missed it.

So you would have voted for whom Stix?

McCain Snowe is a winning ticket. McCain Ridge would have won PA, OH and other states. How can you not see that?

You may have voted for someone else, but most of the country is in the middle. And what you do not understand is that if you want the GOP to win more seats in both houses and another Presidential election is that you must appeal to the broad middle of the American voters. There simply are not enough voters that feel like you and HR amd MA.

You must support a larger tent or you need to follow Bob Barr into the same part of the electorate as Ron Paul and Ralp Nader.


So it is McCain’s fault that he lost? I guess I can accept that, but you absolutely must understand that the Palin choice and his sharp jerk to the right has something to do with his loss.

When did he have a sharp turn to the right??? I must have missed it.

Yes, I know you did. But you hated Mac last year because of his stance on the Bush tax cuts, campaign finance, and immigration. He changed all of those positions and hired the Bush campaign team and listened to them when he picked Palin. Those were not suttle moves stix.

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