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A large number of the “undecided” voters will not end up not voting. The lines will be too long for anyone not thoroughly committed to one candidate or the other…


Fit Fit: Where have you been? I thought Mata banned you. Have you been locked away in one of the new Obama indoctrination centers training the recruits to the new thought police wing of O’s internal security force?

I know when I voted, I didn’t fully understand, but after I voted, I realized that I had made a decision that didn’t support a strong America. When I voted, I realized I voted for someone who would “do it for me” where I don’t have to be responsible for myself. After I made that decision, I now know that I didn’t make a decision based on creating a strong America.

I want a candidate in office that will support me being an entrepreneur, which is what this country was founded on. This country is not about having the government being responsible for you, its about being an entrepreneur and having that self reliant spirit. And that was what this country was founded on. I don’t agree with everything McCain does, and how he campaigned, but he does know a little bit more about being an American and what it means to be an entrepreneur. And that is what this country needs right now, just a little bit more of that. So if you haven’t voted yet, vote for the candidate who will support us in being responsible for ourselves. This country does depend on it.

He’s telling people daily that things will get tough. What he means is that under the left-wing illuminati bills will double, and gas and electricity will go up. But if you wait for ten years, it will be back to affordable.

Great post Mike!

I think that early voting should be abolished in U.S. It should be aloud only for exceptional reasons, people who have to travel, or other serious reasons. On voting day, you should have more polls open so people won’t have to wait in line. Pay these people nicely to work on Election Day… but stop that stupid early voting. Abolish also that ACORN stupidity. I hope McCain and Palin will take care of that when they will be in the White House.

Obama would be a disaster in every fields of government’s decision. Just to think that he wants to let babies die alone after a mal abortion gives me shivering in my spine. Speaking of abortions, do you realize that 50 millions of abortions in the States, totalizes more deaths altogether than the soldiers who died in combat in every wars the U.S. fought for?

I hope and pray that ALL Americans will be voting today. You owe it to your country and to yourself. So what if you wait a few hours in line to vote… isn’t it worth it?


Fit fit,

The same can said for all of thoese “youth” voters ….yeah, right.

Yeah good post Mike; Really liked the second vid and the “Why I’m a Democrat” prose.

Fit fit is just desperately blurting out what his prayers are to his God Obama. – So sad…